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Belichick calls out Welker for hit on Talib


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Pretty strong words from Bill on the Welker hit.


"I was asked about the hit on Talib, and I feel badly for Aqib," Belichick said. "The way that play turned out -- I went back and watched it, which I didn't have a chance to yesterday.

"It was a deliberate play by the receiver to take out Aqib. No attempt to get open. I'll let the league handle the discipline on that play, whatever they decide. It's one of the worst plays I've seen. That's all I'll say about that."


Who knew Welker's biggest post-season play would be a dirty hit? Beats dropping passes I guess... lol.

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Yep, Belichick is right.


However, what Belichick chooses to ignore is that Edelman lowered his shoulder on DRC but DRC did not have nearly the same momentum that Talib did. So DRC was shaken up. Then Talib was going full speed and Welker's center of gravity is lower too when you watch the hit.


On Mike & Mike this morning, Tim Hasselback was on the show and he said that BOTH teams run pick plays and pick the defending CB while a pass is thrown and get away with it. The point is, the flag should have been thrown on Welker's play. However, if teams are going to play man coverage, pick plays are the ONLY way to combat it for the offense. So, don't expect either the Patriots or Broncos teams to stop doing it any time.


Patriots tried to take out their best CB and failed. Welker, on behalf of the Broncos, did take out the Patriots' best CB. Payback is a *****. Those were my exact feelings when those plays happened in back-to-back series.


Sometimes, when Rodney Harrison used to take shots at Colts after the whistle and got away with it, I would think that the Colts should retaliate in kind. But Dungy was too nice to retaliate in kind. The kind who does retaliate is Jeff Fisher and his team (and probably some other coaches like Pete Carroll etc.), who took Rodney Harrison out for the season in that last 2006 season regular season game. That played a big part in Peyton winning his first AFCCG at the RCA dome. Sometimes, when you get back what you dish, you don't like the results. You asked for it, you got it, TOYOTA!!! :)

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Yep, Belichick is right.


However, what Belichick chooses to ignore is that Edelman lowered his shoulder on DRC but DRC did not have nearly the same momentum that Talib did. So DRC was shaken up. Then Talib was going full speed and Welker's center of gravity is lower too when you watch the hit.


On Mike & Mike this morning, Tim Hasselback was on the show and he said that BOTH teams run pick plays and pick the defending CB while a pass is thrown and get away with it. The point is, the flag should have been thrown on Welker's play. However, if teams are going to play man coverage, pick plays are the ONLY way to combat it for the offense. So, don't expect either the Patriots or Broncos teams to stop doing it any time.


Patriots tried to take out their best CB and failed. Welker, on behalf of the Broncos, did take out the Patriots' best CB. Payback is a *****. Those were my exact feelings when those plays happened in back-to-back series.


Sometimes, when Rodney Harrison used to take shots at Colts after the whistle and got away with it, I would think that the Colts should retaliate in kind. But Dungy was too nice to retaliate in kind. The kind who does retaliate is Jeff Fisher and his team (and probably some other coaches like Pete Carroll etc.), who took Rodney Harrison out for the season in that last 2006 season regular season game. That played a big part in Peyton winning his first AFCCG at the RCA dome. Sometimes, when you get back what you dish, you don't like the results.

I really don't think either play was designed "to take" out anyone. Both were pick plays but Welker's was a worse hit and should have penalized for PI.

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Was the play illegal and should have been flagged for offensive pass interference?  Yes.  Was the hit dirty?  Not even close.  Both teams run numerous pick plays that are technically against the rules but for some reason never get called.  To call that hit dirty and intentionally trying to hurt Talib is just asinine.

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I think the reason why BB was frustrated was the fact Welker did not make an attempt to got out for a route . . . bottom line the grass was green behind Talib and had Welker been running a route, like to get open what WR are supposed to do, he runs behind Talib and he is wide wide open . . .  but he knew he was not the WR on the play and job was to pick and take out Talib . . .


picks plays normally happen at the LOS or shortly there after when both WR and DB are just getting started and only taking a few steps and as such are not running fast at full speed and any collision are not that bad, are hand checks, and most critically both see each other and can brace for the contact . . .


what happen with that play was it was a pick play where both players are running at full speed . . . Talib did not see Welker and therefore could not brace for the contact, but Welker could see him all the way for at least 7 steps and did nothing but run straight . . .


. . . we all know about the theory behind the hit on the defenseless WR, which is based on the principle that a WR can not brace for the contact and thus any impact can have more damage then its impact . . . ever step in a 2 inch hole and not expect it? . . . the pain/damage to your back is a heck of lot more than a 2 in step, but its the fact that you are not expecting it and thus more damage occurs, and the same with a  WR that gets blindsided . . . the same is true for the new illegal Hines Ward block where the WR is blocking back towards the LOS . . . in that case the defender do not have a change to brace themselves . . .


although the hit was parallel to the LOS and not back too, but actually a touch, it does take away the fact that Talib did not see him coming . . . it was a design pick play, it ended up at full speed, and welker did nothing to get out of the way after seeing Talib on Thomas and running at least 7 steps . . .  


it welker was truly trying to run a run, he goes one step down field and runs right by Talib (who is following Thomas) and all Welker has is green green grass . . . but he did not . . . and that is the point . . .


as for Edelman, it is totally different, Collie had caught the ball and Edelman was standing still when DRC was coming towards him . . .yes he lowered his shoulder, but he was standing still, DRC saw him as he approached, and Collie had just caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . . .  big difference . . .


if we all can take a step back and appreciate all of the recent rules about avoiding injury of trying to protect and unsuspecting playing from a contact by an opponent . .  . one can understand the frustrating when one sees a multi-100 catch WR forbear from wide open grass to impose a pick play at top speed and where the same see the DB not away of what is coming . . . one can understand where BB is coming from . . .

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I think the reason why BB was frustrated was the fact Welker did not make an attempt to got out for a route . . . bottom line the grass was green behind Talib and had Welker been running a route, like to get open what WR are supposed to do, he runs behind Talib and he is wide wide open . . . but he knew he was not the WR on the play and job was to pick and take out Talib . . .

picks plays normally happen at the LOS or shortly there after when both WR and DB are just getting started and only taking a few steps and as such are not running fast at full speed and any collision are not that bad, are hand checks, and most critically both see each other and can brace for the contact . . .

what happen with that play was it was a pick play where both players are running at full speed . . . Talib did not see Welker and therefore could not brace for the contact, but Welker could see him all the way for at least 7 steps and did nothing but run straight . . .

. . . we all know about the theory behind the hit on the defenseless WR, which is based on the principle that a WR can not brace for the contact and thus any impact can have more damage then its impact . . . ever step in a 2 inch hole and not expect it? . . . the pain/damage to your back is a heck of lot more than a 2 in step, but its the fact that you are not expecting it and thus more damage occurs, and the same with a WR that gets blindsided . . . the same is true for the new illegal Hines Ward block where the WR is blocking back towards the LOS . . . in that case the defender do not have a change to brace themselves . . .

although the hit was parallel to the LOS and not back too, but actually a touch, it does take away the fact that Talib did not see him coming . . . it was a design pick play, it ended up at full speed, and welker did nothing to get out of the way after seeing Talib on Thomas and running at least 7 steps . . .

it welker was truly trying to run a run, he goes one step down field and runs right by Talib (who is following Thomas) and all Welker has is green green grass . . . but he did not . . . and that is the point . . .

as for Edelman, it is totally different, Collie had caught the ball and Edelman was standing still when DRC was coming towards him . . .yes he lowered his shoulder, but he was standing still, DRC saw him as he approached, and Collie had just caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . . . big difference . . .

if we all can take a step back and appreciate all of the recent rules about avoiding injury of trying to protect and unsuspecting playing from a contact by an opponent . . . one can understand the frustrating when one sees a multi-100 catch WR forbear from wide open grass to impose a pick play at top speed and where the same see the DB not away of what is coming . . . one can understand where BB is coming from . . .

all i hear is excuses for Bill being a hypocrite

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Patriots tried to take out their best CB and failed. Welker, on behalf of the Broncos, did take out the Patriots' best CB. Payback is a *****. Those were my exact feelings when those plays happened in back-to-back series.



sorry you are incorrect . . . Edelman was standing still and DRC was coming towards him and Collie had caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . .. . yes Edelman did lower his shoulder, but it has as much to do with protecting himself (lest he gets hit hard) and it is did with any potential targeting . . . it is kind of tough to target another when you are flat footed . . .


but it is a complete different situation when and expecting DB gets hit (and thus can not brace for the hit) at full speed from a WR who has seen him for at least 7 steps, is running at full speed himself and instead of running up field one year where there is green grass, he runs straight into Talib's path . . . big difference . . .


it would be one thing if welker was a rookie looking back at the QB then towards talib then contact, but for one of the most prolific WR of the last five-seven seasons turns out of his initial route and runs a full seven steps at full speed  . . . it tough to label it as happenstance . . .

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I think the reason why BB was frustrated was the fact Welker did not make an attempt to got out for a route . . . bottom line the grass was green behind Talib and had Welker been running a route, like to get open what WR are supposed to do, he runs behind Talib and he is wide wide open . . .  but he knew he was not the WR on the play and job was to pick and take out Talib . . .


picks plays normally happen at the LOS or shortly there after when both WR and DB are just getting started and only taking a few steps and as such are not running fast at full speed and any collision are not that bad, are hand checks, and most critically both see each other and can brace for the contact . . .


what happen with that play was it was a pick play where both players are running at full speed . . . Talib did not see Welker and therefore could not brace for the contact, but Welker could see him all the way for at least 7 steps and did nothing but run straight . . .


. . . we all know about the theory behind the hit on the defenseless WR, which is based on the principle that a WR can not brace for the contact and thus any impact can have more damage then its impact . . . ever step in a 2 inch hole and not expect it? . . . the pain/damage to your back is a heck of lot more than a 2 in step, but its the fact that you are not expecting it and thus more damage occurs, and the same with a  WR that gets blindsided . . . the same is true for the new illegal Hines Ward block where the WR is blocking back towards the LOS . . . in that case the defender do not have a change to brace themselves . . .


although the hit was parallel to the LOS and not back too, but actually a touch, it does take away the fact that Talib did not see him coming . . . it was a design pick play, it ended up at full speed, and welker did nothing to get out of the way after seeing Talib on Thomas and running at least 7 steps . . .  


it welker was truly trying to run a run, he goes one step down field and runs right by Talib (who is following Thomas) and all Welker has is green green grass . . . but he did not . . . and that is the point . . .


as for Edelman, it is totally different, Collie had caught the ball and Edelman was standing still when DRC was coming towards him . . .yes he lowered his shoulder, but he was standing still, DRC saw him as he approached, and Collie had just caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . . .  big difference . . .


if we all can take a step back and appreciate all of the recent rules about avoiding injury of trying to protect and unsuspecting playing from a contact by an opponent . .  . one can understand the frustrating when one sees a multi-100 catch WR forbear from wide open grass to impose a pick play at top speed and where the same see the DB not away of what is coming . . . one can understand where BB is coming from . . .


so you think Welker was intentionally trying to injure Talib?

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For a coach that is know to do whatever it takes to win legal or illegal, to complain about a play that he comes out on the short end is the most pathetic cry baby statement of the decade. Your team sucked yesterday BB, deal with it. Talib's injury had zero to do with the fact that tommy boy cosistently over threw OPEN receivers, had nothing to do with the fact that you only scored 3 points in the first half and had norhing to do with the fact that your team has to have home feild advantage to win ASG. You sucked yesterday. Point blank period!

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I think the reason why BB was frustrated was the fact Welker did not make an attempt to got out for a route . . . bottom line the grass was green behind Talib and had Welker been running a route, like to get open what WR are supposed to do, he runs behind Talib and he is wide wide open . . .  but he knew he was not the WR on the play and job was to pick and take out Talib . . .


picks plays normally happen at the LOS or shortly there after when both WR and DB are just getting started and only taking a few steps and as such are not running fast at full speed and any collision are not that bad, are hand checks, and most critically both see each other and can brace for the contact . . .


what happen with that play was it was a pick play where both players are running at full speed . . . Talib did not see Welker and therefore could not brace for the contact, but Welker could see him all the way for at least 7 steps and did nothing but run straight . . .


. . . we all know about the theory behind the hit on the defenseless WR, which is based on the principle that a WR can not brace for the contact and thus any impact can have more damage then its impact . . . ever step in a 2 inch hole and not expect it? . . . the pain/damage to your back is a heck of lot more than a 2 in step, but its the fact that you are not expecting it and thus more damage occurs, and the same with a  WR that gets blindsided . . . the same is true for the new illegal Hines Ward block where the WR is blocking back towards the LOS . . . in that case the defender do not have a change to brace themselves . . .


although the hit was parallel to the LOS and not back too, but actually a touch, it does take away the fact that Talib did not see him coming . . . it was a design pick play, it ended up at full speed, and welker did nothing to get out of the way after seeing Talib on Thomas and running at least 7 steps . . .  


it welker was truly trying to run a run, he goes one step down field and runs right by Talib (who is following Thomas) and all Welker has is green green grass . . . but he did not . . . and that is the point . . .


as for Edelman, it is totally different, Collie had caught the ball and Edelman was standing still when DRC was coming towards him . . .yes he lowered his shoulder, but he was standing still, DRC saw him as he approached, and Collie had just caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . . .  big difference . . .


if we all can take a step back and appreciate all of the recent rules about avoiding injury of trying to protect and unsuspecting playing from a contact by an opponent . .  . one can understand the frustrating when one sees a multi-100 catch WR forbear from wide open grass to impose a pick play at top speed and where the same see the DB not away of what is coming . . . one can understand where BB is coming from . . .


It was dirty I will not deny that but I have seen plenty of plays where Pats WRs did the same thing just as blatantly that just fortunately didn't involvee injury that I can't even take BB seriously in his complaints.

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If I choose to believe that Welker had motivations to intentionally injure Talib, 90% of those motivations could also be applied to Edelman trying to injure Rogers-Cromartie.  The plays weren't identical, but the spirit behind the plays were.  Does this help explain my opinion?

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sorry you are incorrect . . . Edelman was standing still and DRC was coming towards him and Collie had caught the ball and taken at least 5-7 steps . .. . yes Edelman did lower his shoulder, but it has as much to do with protecting himself (lest he gets hit hard) and it is did with any potential targeting . . . it is kind of tough to target another when you are flat footed . . .


but it is a complete different situation when and expecting DB gets hit (and thus can not brace for the hit) at full speed from a WR who has seen him for at least 7 steps, is running at full speed himself and instead of running up field one year where there is green grass, he runs straight into Talib's path . . . big difference . . .


it would be one thing if welker was a rookie looking back at the QB then towards talib then contact, but for one of the most prolific WR of the last five-seven seasons turns out of his initial route and runs a full seven steps at full speed  . . . it tough to label it as happenstance . . .



If it was just a pick play then Bill would have not said boo as the Pats run picks all the time as do most teams in the league. There was intent to injure. Big difference.

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Bill is the king of running pick plays underneath. He has been for a long time


are you serious? . . . I think its the colts/broncos and manning that have patented that  . . . but regardless my point still stands it was collision at full speed in which one player saw the contact coming, the other did not and former did nothing to avoid the collision . . . similarly my other point stands and that is "pick" plays do not occurred at full speed  . . . after the play has started and players are ramped up to full speed no is expecting contact . . . you as a WR need to get out of the way and run to green grass . . .


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