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"How The Other Half Lives": My Experience in Foxboro


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not saying its right, but if you want to have a good time as an away fan in the Northeast (in all sports) you dont wear opposing colors (especially if you're up in the bleachers).  Especially as a rival.  Thats just asking to get hassled and confronted


Boston, NY and Philly fans are notorious for making an opposing fan's life hell.  Especially in a playoff atmosphere and when alcohol is involved.


In those 3 cities, wearing opposing colors is incredibly antagonistic.  And by doing so you are painting a giant bullseye on yourself.  You're best bet if you do want to wear an opponent's jersey is to shell out more money and get close to the field.


Whether you consider this "classless" or a home field advantage, its the way it is.


Again, not justifying the behavior.  Anything beyond heckling is garbage.

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How is calling me immature not a personal shot?


But honestly, your post "essay" did not bother me that much. My responses were to another poster who was climbing on your post as evidence that Pats fans are somehow not as classy as Colts fans. But then in fairness the poster clarified and somewhat retracted. I don't doubt your experience or that Pats fans can be boorish but you had some statements in there that were touting the Colts fanbase over the Pats fanbase that will draw the ire of your rival especially when the Pats did just beat the Colts in a playoff game. Your post screams of sour grapes given the timing and all, just being honest which I think you can gather from many of the responses but overall the discussion has been good about how to handle yourself at stadiums. As I have said repeatedly, you mix alcohol with a violent sport and you get lousy behavior regardless of the city. I am sorry your experience was so lousy but where you sat probably had as much to do with it as anything.

No worries man. For the record, though, I never "called you immature".

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I will say this though, online I have felt there are more Pats fans then less who seem complimentary of Luck and our new era. Not all but more then expected and more then in the Manning days. I have a few buddies in NE too who really seem to like Andrew.



this! i have friends who are pats fans... and even after yesterdays game, they would say something along the lines of "man i hate peyton, but andrew luck is way too hard to dislike"

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this! i have friends who are pats fans... and even after yesterdays game, they would say something along the lines of "man i hate peyton, but andrew luck is way too hard to dislike"

Very true. Pats fans like Luck. I like him a lot. He most resembles a young Brady IMO in terms of his leadership and clutcheness. Hard not to like that. A couple of our radio personalities were saying yesterday how Luck had so little talent on that team after Reggie went down and were amazed that the Colts got to the divisional round. Not a knock on your team as you are still rebuilding but it was a def. shout out to Luck and how much you have won since he came aboard amid a complete rebuilt and the pressure of filling Peyton's shoes.

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Please take note of ALL the New England states not just Massachusetts. It's the safest most moral region of the country in a landslide. You are about three times more likely to deal with the unsavory criminal element in Indiana than New England.



Incarceration rate by state[edit]

A map of US states, according to number of incarcerated individuals per population of 100,000 in 2008.[1]


Rank Jurisdiction Prisoners per
100,000 population — United States 506[2] 1 Louisiana 1619[3] 2 Alabama 735 3 Oklahoma 661 4 Texas 639 5 Mississippi 634 6 Arizona 567 7 Florida 557 8 Georgia 540 9 South Carolina 519 10 Arkansas 511 11 Missouri 509 12 Kentucky 492 13 Virginia 489 14 Michigan 488 15 Nevada 486 16 Idaho 474 17 California 467 18 Colorado 467 19 Delaware 463 20 Ohio 449 21 Indiana 442 22 Tennessee 436 23 Alaska 430 24 South Dakota 412 25 Connecticut 407 26 Maryland 403 27 Pennsylvania 393 28 Wyoming 387 29 Wisconsin 374 30 Oregon 371 31 Montana 368 32 North Carolina 368 33 Illinois 351 34 Hawaii 332 35 West Virginia 331 36 New Mexico 316 37 New York 307 38 Kansas 303 39 New Jersey 298 40 Iowa 291 41 Washington 272 42 Vermont 260 43 Nebraska 247 44 Rhode Island 240 45 Utah 232 46 North Dakota 225 47 New Hampshire 220 48 Massachusetts 218 49 Minnesota 179 50 Maine 151

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And that sentiment as just as narrow. If that's the only experience they've had, why would they think it's different?


Because they should have what we in the real world call "perspective."


 To use a small sample of drunken fans from the cheap nose bleed seats at Gilette for an 8pm playoff game on a Saturday that just encourages more consumption of alcohol before and during the game as a representation of an entire region that is made up of millions and millions of people just shows a lack of perspective.  It also hints at an ulterior motive, which in this case is to paint NE fans as the worst in the league.. which also just shows their ignorance.  


I have not, nor have any of my family or friends, been rude or obnoxious towards opposing fans.  We have tailgated and invited rival fans to drink beer and eat food with us.  Sure, there is some friendly ribbing and jabs, but its all done in jest and never in a way that is meant to make someone feel uncomfortable.



Here is a breakdown that should give some perspective:

1) You went to a PLAYOFF game on the road at a rival teams stadium

2) You bought tickets in the nose bleeds, which are generally the cheaper tickets and attract more trouble makers, because security will only go into the stands if there is a fight breaking out.. they have a much higher presence in the lower sections.

3) It was a Saturday game at 8:15pm, so people had been drinking all day long in the parking lott and didn't have to wake up and go to work the next day... this just encourages more excessive drinking

4) You were wearing your Colts gear


Sure, it sounds like you ran into some real * bags.... I live here, I run into * bags all the time that are horribly rude , etc... but they do not represent the entire demographic...  New England is one of the most educated regions in the United States and the cost of living here is way up there.. but its still a city, and in cities you get the lower class as well and everything in between. 

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I go to Boston regularly, and the reidents are great. Only one unpleasant experience was in a vitually empty bar one afternoon midweek, when the barman (who was orininally from Ireland) was very friendly and chatty until he found out I was a Colts fan. He then became all fiesty and proclaimed his hatred of Manning, and then ignored me and wouldn't serve me. I clearly left pretty promptly. It did not deter me from returning to this great city. *s everywhere....

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I go to Boston regularly, and the reidents are great. Only one unpleasant experience was in a vitually empty bar one afternoon midweek, when the barman (who was orininally from Ireland) was very friendly and chatty until he found out I was a Colts fan. He then became all fiesty and proclaimed his hatred of Manning, and then ignored me and wouldn't serve me. I clearly left pretty promptly. It did not deter me from returning to this great city. *s everywhere....


What do you expect. He was raised with a soccer mentality:-)



I actually had a similar experience. I was in Virginia Beach one Sunday and the Patriots were playing the Steelers. I head to the bar across from the hotel to watch the game and just my luck it's a Steelers bar. The Steelers fans were great the bar keep not so much. I gave him a $20 for my first beer and he gives me change for a $5 and swears he doesn't even have a $20 in his register as he just opened and was doing his bank right now. I'm anal about keeping my money in order and carry a clip. I had nothing but $20's. Out came the card and tab. I just stayed the whole game buying myself and others beers and finger food.and stiffed him on his tip. I'm ordinarily a very, very good tipper. The Patriots killed in that game.

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I am so sorry to hear about that experience.. stuff like that is ruining the live sports experience everywhere, not to mention the stabbings and shootings and theft from cars parked in the lots! UGH!


I went to the Miracle In Motorcity game last year in my Colts shirt and we had the best time with the fans around us, especially the guy in front who was hilarious and told us the history of Ford Field and about the crazy guy who sings after TD's. I couldn't stop screaming and cheering after the Colts stunned the Lions fans into silence by winning in the last seconds, but not one person was rude or threatening to me or my brother. People stopped us to chat about what a great game it was. I was utterly surprised. I am a huge fan of my home state, Michigan, but I was very concerned going into Detroit with a Colts shirt on. I was so pleased to find I was wrong. I wish this is how it could be for viewing any sports anywhere. 


I hope your story serves to remind home team fans to be respectful. It wouldn't be any fun if there were no other teams and no other fans.. what would competition be then? 


I wish you the best as you embark on your future military service. Thank you for serving. God Bless you. 

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Because they should have what we in the real world call "perspective."


 To use a small sample of drunken fans from the cheap nose bleed seats at Gilette for an 8pm playoff game on a Saturday that just encourages more consumption of alcohol before and during the game as a representation of an entire region that is made up of millions and millions of people just shows a lack of perspective.  It also hints at an ulterior motive, which in this case is to paint NE fans as the worst in the league.. which also just shows their ignorance.  


I have not, nor have any of my family or friends, been rude or obnoxious towards opposing fans.  We have tailgated and invited rival fans to drink beer and eat food with us.  Sure, there is some friendly ribbing and jabs, but its all done in jest and never in a way that is meant to make someone feel uncomfortable.



Here is a breakdown that should give some perspective:

1) You went to a PLAYOFF game on the road at a rival teams stadium

2) You bought tickets in the nose bleeds, which are generally the cheaper tickets and attract more trouble makers, because security will only go into the stands if there is a fight breaking out.. they have a much higher presence in the lower sections.

3) It was a Saturday game at 8:15pm, so people had been drinking all day long in the parking lott and didn't have to wake up and go to work the next day... this just encourages more excessive drinking

4) You were wearing your Colts gear


Sure, it sounds like you ran into some real * bags.... I live here, I run into * bags all the time that are horribly rude , etc... but they do not represent the entire demographic...  New England is one of the most educated regions in the United States and the cost of living here is way up there.. but its still a city, and in cities you get the lower class as well and everything in between. 

Perhaps you should read this thread before you jump in.  


1- Because I in fact stated that i was sideline in section 127.  

2- I also said that it reflects poorly on the NFL that fans would be discouraged to wear the gear they bought.

3- I also made sure to note my positive experience with the fans

4- Real world perspective is based off people's experiences, so if they have a negative experience in the real world, then that's what all their preconceptions will lean towards in the future, its human nature.

5- At no point in any of my posts did i elude to Patriots fans being the scum of the earth and ours superior, i simply noted my experience this past weekend like the OP asked

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When (not if) I eventually get to see the Colts on the road (and I don't mean at Wembley), I'll be wearing my Cots jersey no matter where the venue. Being an ex-soccer fan, the hostility and violence is 100 x times worse than any NFL game will ever be, so I'll take my chances. And my knuckledusters. One of the many reasons why soccer has dropped way below Grid Iron in BHC's list of top past-times. Oops, sorry, I slipped into SW1 mode there.....

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Because they should have what we in the real world call "perspective."


 To use a small sample of drunken fans from the cheap nose bleed seats at Gilette for an 8pm playoff game on a Saturday that just encourages more consumption of alcohol before and during the game as a representation of an entire region that is made up of millions and millions of people just shows a lack of perspective.  It also hints at an ulterior motive, which in this case is to paint NE fans as the worst in the league.. which also just shows their ignorance.  


I have not, nor have any of my family or friends, been rude or obnoxious towards opposing fans.  We have tailgated and invited rival fans to drink beer and eat food with us.  Sure, there is some friendly ribbing and jabs, but its all done in jest and never in a way that is meant to make someone feel uncomfortable.



Here is a breakdown that should give some perspective:

1) You went to a PLAYOFF game on the road at a rival teams stadium

2) You bought tickets in the nose bleeds, which are generally the cheaper tickets and attract more trouble makers, because security will only go into the stands if there is a fight breaking out.. they have a much higher presence in the lower sections.

3) It was a Saturday game at 8:15pm, so people had been drinking all day long in the parking lott and didn't have to wake up and go to work the next day... this just encourages more excessive drinking

4) You were wearing your Colts gear


Sure, it sounds like you ran into some real * bags.... I live here, I run into * bags all the time that are horribly rude , etc... but they do not represent the entire demographic...  New England is one of the most educated regions in the United States and the cost of living here is way up there.. but its still a city, and in cities you get the lower class as well and everything in between. 

Nah, as I've said multiple times on this thread (including my initial post) was that I know that my experience didn't reflect all Patriot fans.


To call me "ignorant", even though I initially stated my understanding that those clowns did not reflect ALL Patriots fans just shows that you did not read my entire post. I appreciate the response though, and on the slim chance that I'll ever return to Gillette, you sound like the kind of guy I'd buy a beer for.

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Ive been to 5 different cities to watch colts play away games. All have been great experiences except Gillette stadium. Ive been to 3 Colts /Patriots games there and I wont be going back. I see alot of posters saying thats not the case but from my experiences it absolutley is. That place is the toiletbowl of the nfl as far as im concerned. Ive sat in several great spots there and drunken fans have taunted my friends n my family so bad its ridiculous. The last time we went they started taunting my wife. After the 3rd time they threw beer on her I took matters into my own hands. Thats all I will say about that. We had to leave quickly to keep from getting into any trouble but no one assaults my wife who wasnt saying a word, just trying to watch a football game. We now travel to tenn and and jacksonville every season. Fans there are way more respectful. Gillette stadium ...not so much.

Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the oss we can only hold our heads up and smile.

Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.

I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.

Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.

At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.

Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.

I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.

Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?

Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the loss we can only hold our heads up and smile.

Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.

I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.

Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.

At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.

Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.

I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.

Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?

Hello everyone-- first let me say that we had a fantastic season. We reclaimed the division and witnessed the second greatest comeback in playoff history! Our future is bright, and after the sting of the loss we can only hold our heads up and smile.

Living in New York state and being an avid Colts fan, I was able to make it to the game with my parents. It was a 5 and a half hour car ride, but with the Colts being so close, it had to happen. I am in the process of joining the military, and don't know how many more opportunities I will have to go to games with my family.

I had been to 2 games prior to last night (the Buffalo game last season and the Denver game this season) so I wasn't new to a "live game" experience. I knew that going to Foxboro for a playoff game would be rough, especially with the rivalry between our ball clubs, but I didn't imagine how bad it could (and would) be.

Our seats were up in the nosebleeds, but I was just happy to be there in the flesh. When we first arrived at the stadium, there were playful little jibes here and there from Patriot fans but they were friendly for the most part. However, the people around me and my parents were absolutely brutal. Stumbling around drunk before the opening kickoff, scream obscenities, spilling beer on my arm (I was seated at the base of a staircase and at the end of the row), shouting in my ear, throwing cups.... it was horrendous. There were some older men (in their 50s-- I'm in my 20s) a few rows below us who only saw Vinny kicking extra points after our TDs-- every other play the rest of the game they only screamed at us even though we had our mouths shut the entire time. I know my place-- I keep my mouth shut when in the belly of the beast as I was.

At halftime, my dad and I went to the men's room. Outside you could hear screaming and jeering-- when we got inside a guy in a Peyton jersey was being accosted while trying to use the facilities. When I got a chance to do my business, I was challenged to a fight by a guy I said nothing to. Boy oh boy.

Let me interject by saying that I understand that trash talk and banter are 100% a part of sports, and arguably even add to the fun of being a fan. However, what Patriot fans do is horrendous. Never have I seen somebody blacked out drunk at the Luke, let alone heckle opposing fans with obscenities and threats. Last year at the Bills game, my dad was wearing his Stevie Johnson jersey and was left right alone. The people in front of us (Colts fans) picked on him here and there but laughed about it and even high fived him a bunch of times, including when the Bills scored. Dad said that he was amazed at how docile us Colts fans were.

I apologize for the essay, but I just wanted to share my experience, and thank Colts fans for being such a classy bunch. You are all like my extended family when I make it to home games at the Luke. As a fanbase, we can definitely attest to being a much classier bunch than Patriot fans. Let me also say that I know that the fans around us don't represent the entire Patriot fanbase (there are some posters on here who carry themselves maturely), but man would I be embarrassed if I saw Colts fans treating an opposing fan that way, especially if those fans kept quiet the entire game.

Has anyone else had similar rough experiences at Gillette or other stadiums?

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Ive been to 5 different cities to watch colts play away games. All have been great experiences except Gillette stadium. Ive been to 3 Colts /Patriots games there and I wont be going back. I see alot of posters saying thats not the case but from my experiences it absolutley is. That place is the toiletbowl of the nfl as far as im concerned. Ive sat in several great spots there and drunken fans have taunted my friends n my family so bad its ridiculous. The last time we went they started taunting my wife. After the 3rd time they threw beer on her I took matters into my own hands. Thats all I will say about that. We had to leave quickly to keep from getting into any trouble but no one assaults my wife who wasnt saying a word, just trying to watch a football game. We now travel to tenn and and jacksonville every season. Fans there are way more respectful. Gillette stadium ...not so much.

Wow, that is horrendous. I'm glad you were able to make it out unharmed after all that!


I knew that my one experience at Gillette could not be a fluke; I understand where I sat could be raucous (nosebleeds) but to hear you say that three different occasions at Gillette yielded similar results has me convinced. Another thing that makes me chuckle about the location of my seats is that I was in the nosebleeds at the Luke for the Broncos game, and not once did a Broncos fan get beer thrown at them or threatened with violence. Different strokes for different folks I guess!


I know what you mean about respectful Jags and Titans fans-- there were one of each that I ran into while at Gillette and they both went out of their way to give me a high five on the way out of the stadium (we were on our way down the ramps out of the building after the game ended). Call it a little AFC South solidarity haha

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People are basically the same in every part of this great country. People are no more moral or friendly in Indiana than in New England and visa versa.

Completely and totally false. I have live in the east, west, north and south. If you think that the people in the northeast are as friendly as the people in the midwest, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The people in the east, especially northern Virginia through north of Boston, are no where near as friendly, in general, as the people in the midwest and south. Sorry to break that news to you, but it is the truth. Are there jerks in the midwest and south, yes, but again not to the extent that there are in the east.

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Ive been to 5 different cities to watch colts play away games. All have been great experiences except Gillette stadium. Ive been to 3 Colts /Patriots games there and I wont be going back. I see alot of posters saying thats not the case but from my experiences it absolutley is. That place is the toiletbowl of the nfl as far as im concerned. Ive sat in several great spots there and drunken fans have taunted my friends n my family so bad its ridiculous. The last time we went they started taunting my wife. After the 3rd time they threw beer on her I took matters into my own hands. Thats all I will say about that. We had to leave quickly to keep from getting into any trouble but no one assaults my wife who wasnt saying a word, just trying to watch a football game. We now travel to tenn and and jacksonville every season. Fans there are way more respectful. Gillette stadium ...not so much.

Sorry, calling nonsense on this entire post. Security at Gillette deals with these kinds of situations quickly and efficiently. This is just a lame attempt yo smear Gillette.

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So I guess that I should gauge all Colt fans based on the ones that booed a little girl dressed in a Patriots jersey at Indy.

I have it on good authority, that the little girl in question, kicks puppies for fun. That's why she was booed.

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