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Brady = MJ according to Skip Bayless

Shane Bond

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Sure but he wasn't comparing the games. Certainly there is comparison between the performance of professional athletes among sports. That has existed as long as sports have been around. He was comparing personalities, competitiveness, the way the two approach the game, etc. He wasn't saying the NBA and NFL are the same, he was comparing two great champions of the modern era at their respective crafts.

How can you compare a leader's competitiveness without taking into account the different dimensions [mainly how rules are interpreted & enforced] inherent in each sport? Anointing Champions of different eras from different sports on equal footing is a very dangerous precedent & slippery slope bordering on unethical evaluation & analysis to me. JMO. 


Yes, I understand that a variety of sports pundits do this, but I detest it because it disrespects the era that athlete played ball in & the rules that existed on the books at that specific time. 


Again, l just want to be clear: My grievance is not with you amfootball, but the absolute stupidity of Skip Bayless to make this lame comparison with a straight face. 

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If you forced me to encapsulate my biggest complaint here, it is simply this: Football & basketball are not on a level playing field primarily because of the different rules different sports superstars must rise above to thrive & flourish as leaders.


Success & how it is achieved is seldom an identical path in either sport. That's the key here. One that Skip seems to be  glossing over. 

I hear you. And I know you are not taking issue with Brady but the two sport comparison and that is what I am defending here not Brady or Jordan necessarily or even if the comparison is a good one. But Bayless is making a bold, out-of-the box comparison. I mean how many articles have been written on Brady being like Montana? Do we really need another one of those? I know I don't. So he took the one player that he admires more than anyone which is MJ and said Brady  reminds him of him in terms of clutchness, competitiveness, etc. and used this season by Brady as his proof points. I actually thought it was well done and well researched as that is not an easy comparison and he used some great humor as well calling Brady the "Uggs lover" which was awesome. It is an opinion piece in the end and you can dislike his opinion but the comparison is not bunk just because both play two different sports.


I will give you another example and I am sure you will appreciate this as you understand the hatred of the Red Sox and Yankees. Often, here in Boston, we hear Brady and Derek Jeter get compared for many of the same reasons that Bayless uses in his article. Both won several titles at the start of their careers, both were clutch, great team leaders, etc. And of course both like the pretty women. Ha. But I can appreciate the comparison even though football and baseball are about as different as two sports can be and Brady's position givens him much more control over a game then Jeter who is just a position guy. But yet the comparison works on many levels.


I get it if it is not your cup of tea for the reasons you stated but I find the comparisons fascinating and appreciate when writers take the time to write something that is off the beaten path to make us draw parallels we might not otherwise see.

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I get that. People can dislike it. It is an opinion piece.


Well, obviously.


But if you want to make people hate something, just label it "Skip Bayless." Opinion or not. So don't act so surprised when people are dismissive of his "piece."


In this case, however, there are reasoned critiques of why his piece doesn't hold up. It's fine if you enjoyed it, but plenty of people find it contrived, to say the least.

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Well, obviously.


But if you want to make people hate something, just label it "Skip Bayless." Opinion or not. So don't act so surprised when people are dismissive of his "piece."


In this case, however, there are reasoned critiques of why his piece doesn't hold up. It's fine if you enjoyed it, but plenty of people find it contrived, to say the least.

Maybe that is the difference right there. I am never dismissive of things I read no matter the author. Probably goes back to my PR days. Skip is a pretty renowned journalist and wrote some great books on the Cowboys back in the day. He obviously took his credentials and was able to spin that off to a block buster TV program that prides itself on being controversial. So I get why people dislike him and tend to be dismissive but this piece was very well done from a journalistic perspective and the angle was refreshing. BTW, it is not the first time Brady has been compared to Jordan but I have not read an article that went to this level of depth and relevancy to this season in particular.


Also not sure how it is contrived when he states up from that he loves MJ to a fault and has said for a long time now that he believes Brady is the best QB in the NFL.

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Maybe that is the difference right there. I am never dismissive of things I read no matter the author. Probably goes back to my PR days. Skip is a pretty renowned journalist and wrote some great books on the Cowboys back in the day. He obviously took his credentials and was able to spin that off to a block buster TV program that prides itself on being controversial. So I get why people dislike him and tend to be dismissive but this piece was very well done from a journalistic perspective and the angle was refreshing. BTW, it is not the first time Brady has been compared to Jordan but I have not read an article that went to this level of depth and relevancy to this season in particular.


Also not sure how it is contrived when he states up from that he loves MJ to a fault and has said for a long time now that he believes Brady is the best QB in the NFL.


The comparison is contrived, for all the reasons mentioned in this thread already. Forced, bungled, sloppy, in error, etc. I don't really want to get into all of that, just suffice it to say that I disagree with the premise entirely.


As for Bayless, he's made a joke of himself. Not saying he doesn't have credentials, but he prides himself on being provocative and controversial, often at the expense of factual and reasoned argument. At a certain point, you relinquish your right to be taken seriously.

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The comparison is contrived, for all the reasons mentioned in this thread already. Forced, bungled, sloppy, in error, etc. I don't really want to get into all of that, just suffice it to say that I disagree with the premise entirely.


As for Bayless, he's made a joke of himself. Not saying he doesn't have credentials, but he prides himself on being provocative and controversial, often at the expense of factual and reasoned argument. At a certain point, you relinquish your right to be taken seriously.

Free world. You can disagree. I didn't find it contrived or forced at all. But then again most of the people that had issue with it on this thread do not like Brady or the Pats so I would expect them to make any type of flimsy argument possible to try their best to dismiss it.

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I hear you. And I know you are not taking issue with Brady but the two sport comparison and that is what I am defending here not Brady or Jordan necessarily or even if the comparison is a good one. But Bayless is making a bold, out-of-the box comparison. I mean how many articles have been written on Brady being like Montana? Do we really need another one of those? I know I don't. So he took the one player that he admires more than anyone which is MJ and said Brady  reminds him of him in terms of clutchness, competitiveness, etc. and used this season by Brady as his proof points. I actually thought it was well done and well researched as that is not an easy comparison and he used some great humor as well calling Brady the "Uggs lover" which was awesome. It is an opinion piece in the end and you can dislike his opinion but the comparison is not bunk just because both play two different sports.


I will give you another example and I am sure you will appreciate this as you understand the hatred of the Red Sox and Yankees. Often, here in Boston, we hear Brady and Derek Jeter get compared for many of the same reasons that Bayless uses in his article. Both won several titles at the start of their careers, both were clutch, great team leaders, etc. And of course both like the pretty women. Ha. But I can appreciate the comparison even though football and baseball are about as different as two sports can be and Brady's position givens him much more control over a game then Jeter who is just a position guy. But yet the comparison works on many levels.


I get it if it is not your cup of tea for the reasons you stated but I find the comparisons fascinating and appreciate when writers take the time to write something that is off the beaten path to make us draw parallels we might not otherwise see.

Thank you for detailed reply amfootball. I having nothing but respect for Brady. He is definitely an elite, 1st ballot HOF QB with incredible drive, determination, & a will to win. Unfair sports comparisons just get under my skin I guess. Thanks for letting me vent.  haha  I appreciate it.  :thmup:


The only time I accept the cross pollination of sports is when you talk about the longevity of winning organizations like the NE Patroits, Pittsburgh Steelers,  & the NY Yankees. 

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Free world. You can disagree. I didn't find it contrived or forced at all. But then again most of the people that had issue with it on this thread do not like Brady or the Pats so I would expect them to make any type of flimsy argument possible to try their best to dismiss it.


See, that's the thing. I don't dislike Brady or the Pats. I just find any comparison between one of the best players in an individual-based game like basketball and one of the best players in a team-based game like football to be contrived.

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Thank you for detailed reply amfootball. I having nothing but respect for Brady. He is definitely an elite, 1st ballot HOF QB with incredible drive, determination, & a will to win. Unfair sports comparisons just get under my skin I guess. Thanks for letting me vent.  haha  I appreciate it.  :thmup:


The only time I accept the cross pollination of sports is when you talk about the longevity of winning organizations like the NE Patroits, Pittsburgh Steelers,  & the NY Yankees. 

Right on. :thmup:   And I always appreciate your take on things as well.


I worked with journalists for years and years and got so used to the ho hum of the "expected" in the news cycle. I always enjoyed finding a rare jem that challenged traditional thinking lines. Of course I worked in high tech so those instances were far and few between. :)

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See, that's the thing. I don't dislike Brady or the Pats. I just find any comparison between one of the best players in an individual-based game like basketball and one of the best players in a team-based game like football to be contrived.

I said "most" not everyone. And SW feels the same as you and I know he likes the Pats and Brady a lot. I get it. The comparison of the sports bothers you. That is the part I like because it challenges you to view an athlete or in this case two athletes in a different context. I enjoy the Jeter/Brady ones too even those really get under the skin of some Boston folks because of the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry.

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I said "most" not everyone. And SW feels the same as you and I know he likes the Pats and Brady a lot. I get it. The comparison of the sports bothers you. That is the part I like because it challenges you to view an athlete or in this case two athletes in a different context. I enjoy the Jeter/Brady ones too even those really get under the skin of some Boston folks because of the Red Sox/Yankee rivalry.


But if SW is making a reasoned argument against the comparison (as someone who doesn't dislike Brady and the Pats), then doesn't that validate those who share his opinion, whether they dislike Brady and the Pats or not?


Since we're cross-comparing sports, if I dislike the Lakers and think they made a mistake extending Kobe, does my dislike of the Lakers make my opinion invalid? What about when people who don't dislike the Lakers agree with me? Doesn't that speak to my ability to have an objective opinion? (I'll readily admit that in some cases, it's just about a broken clock being right twice a day. But it's lazy to dismiss a person's opinion just because you know they have strong feelings one way or the other. (And that's got nothing to do with why people dismiss Skip Bayless, by the way.))


Back to Bayless, I think his article is an exercise in taking someone that most people like and regard as the GOAT, and equating him with someone that isn't as widely regarded as the GOAT. 'You don't like Brady, but you like Jordan, so I'll put the two on the same level and force you to admit how great Brady is.' Brady is great without such a forced angle. We can set Brady's status aside. I still don't think it's a good comparison.

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But if SW is making a reasoned argument against the comparison (as someone who doesn't dislike Brady and the Pats), then doesn't that validate those who share his opinion, whether they dislike Brady and the Pats or not?


Since we're cross-comparing sports, if I dislike the Lakers and think they made a mistake extending Kobe, does my dislike of the Lakers make my opinion invalid? What about when people who don't dislike the Lakers agree with me? Doesn't that speak to my ability to have an objective opinion? (I'll readily admit that in some cases, it's just about a broken clock being right twice a day. But it's lazy to dismiss a person's opinion just because you know they have strong feelings one way or the other. (And that's got nothing to do with why people dismiss Skip Bayless, by the way.))


Back to Bayless, I think his article is an exercise in taking someone that most people like and regard as the GOAT, and equating him with someone that isn't as widely regarded as the GOAT. 'You don't like Brady, but you like Jordan, so I'll put the two on the same level and force you to admit how great Brady is.' Brady is great without such a forced angle. We can set Brady's status aside. I still don't think it's a good comparison.

Not everyone was making that argument against the two sport comparison. I think that is a weak argument anyways as athletes are compared all the time to each other but many here just don't like the Brady/Jordan comparison because they don't like Brady and don't want him compared to Jordan. Certainly one can dislike a team/player and still be critical but you will agree more often than not up here many folks will disparage Brady no matter the circumstances. And of course by the same token that also applies to Manning up here. I was speaking strictly of this forum and not sports fans in general.


Your take on the article is interesting. I didn't read it that way at all and perhaps your fandom of Manning is clouding your perception on this or maybe this incessant forum that is always talking about the GOAT. Never did Bayless talk about GOAT or being the best. He did talk about qualities of MJ both in his game and his personality that he sees as comparable to Brady, especially in this current Pats season. He also calls out Brady for being un-clutch at times and compares it to Jordan who had that famous quote where he said that he has missed game winners 26 times. Hard to disagree with many of his points in this regard even if you dislike the two sport comparison. I think the timing of his article was very appropriate and not contrived. It fits well with the season Brady is having.


Like I said, Brady has been compared to Jordan before just not in this context of the present season.

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Read the article.  Don't judge it based on the title.  He's talking about Brady's clutch play this year.  The article is essentially summarized with this:

Brady shares only this with MJ: The longer the odds and higher the pressure, the more Mr. Nice Guy turns into the sports equivalent of a psycho killer.


This season, at age 36, Brady has been positively Jordanesque, pulling off comeback after astonishingly clutch comeback, against Buffalo and New Orleans and Denver and Houston and Cleveland and even this past Sunday at Miami -- which should have ended in yet another great Brady escape.


I think it's hard to disagree with that.  Brady has been clutch all year long.  His supporting cast has constantly been in flux, changing nearly each game.  You could also argue that they should have 2 more wins because of questionable endings in the Carolina and Jets games.

What is 'being clutch'

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Clutchness goes to Montana over any other qb in nfl history.

They didn't call him Joe cool for nothing

He was also lucky that Lewis Billjps dropped an easy pick that would have sealed the SB for the Bengals.....the next play was a TD to John Taylor. Some times it's better to be lucky than good I guess.

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The logical challenge comparing Brady's and Michael's failure is the number of games.


MJ failed 26 times his entire career. NBA has 82 games per year and MJ played close to 20 years. Look at the percentage of failure.


NFL has 16 games per year.


Also, whats funny is all the Brady failures are compared to MJ's failure ( as if they are ok ). Somehow, there is no element of choke in it.


Again, as i mentioned in the start, its Skip Bayless. He sells with controversy.

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The Oxford English Dictionary's three newest entries:


1. Baylessness: something not worth listening too.


2. Bradyism: the act of ignoring obvious failure, whilst acclaiming everything good as majestic. Also the act of vomiting on your own shoes. Mascara.


3. Peytonesque: the act of ignoring obvious greatness, whilst acclaiming everything bad as choking.

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The logical challenge comparing Brady's and Michael's failure is the number of games.


MJ failed 26 times his entire career. NBA has 82 games per year and MJ played close to 20 years. Look at the percentage of failure.


NFL has 16 games per year.


Also, whats funny is all the Brady failures are compared to MJ's failure ( as if they are ok ). Somehow, there is no element of choke in it.


Again, as i mentioned in the start, its Skip Bayless. He sells with controversy.

That is true but MJ hit 25 game winning shots in his career, http://www.nba.com/jordan/game_winners.html. He missed more than he made which is the point he was making in the quote in Bayless' article.


Now take MJs 25 game winners (the biggest one game in game six of the NBA finals in 1997 to win the series in game 6) and compare to Brady's 31 fourth quarter comebacks and 42 game winning drives and of those 73 drives six came in the post-season including two SBs and you can understand the comparison.

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That is true but MJ hit 25 game winning shots in his career, http://www.nba.com/jordan/game_winners.html. He missed more than he made which is the point he was making in the quote in Bayless' article.


Now take MJs 25 game winners (the biggest one game in game six of the NBA finals in 1997 to win the series in game 6) and compare to Brady's 31 fourth quarter comebacks and 42 game winning drives and of those 73 drives six came in the post-season including two SBs and you can understand the comparison.


This is why its comical to compare.


In NFL, you get 4 chances for a 1st down. 4 chances. I repeat 4 chances.


In NBA, one shot. Period.


Lets see what you got for this?.


i would compare MJ with Eminem ( One shot one opportunity) get the point.

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What is 'being clutch'

I've never liked the use of the term clutch.  I think if you can play, you can play.  If you can make plays in quarters 1 through 3, you can make plays in the 4th quarter.  So I've never liked that term.  But I guess Bayless is saying he makes plays when the game is on the line.  Sure, there are some picks in the 4th quarter, but no one is perfect.

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This is why its comical to compare.


In NFL, you get 4 chances for a 1st down. 4 chances. I repeat 4 chances.


In NBA, one shot. Period.


Lets see what you got for this?.


i would compare MJ with Eminem ( One shot one opportunity) get the point.

I wasn't comparing the games. Your original post had indicated that since Jordan had missed 26 shots for the win that it was not a large number given that basketball has 82 games vs 16. The fact is Jordan had 51 chances to hit the game winner and missed more then he made. The point Bayless was making is that guys like Jordan and Brady understand that you don't always make the play for the win but you keep taking the shots regardless. He was talking more of their competitive make up.

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I wasn't comparing the games. Your original post had indicated that since Jordan had missed 26 shots for the win that it was not a large number given that basketball has 82 games vs 16. The fact is Jordan had 51 chances to hit the game winner and missed more then he made. The point Bayless was making is that guys like Jordan and Brady understand that you don't always make the play for the win but you keep taking the shots regardless. He was talking more of their competitive make up.

I think the point I made was completely missed.

4 chances in NFL to throw.

1 chance in NBA.

If you want to compare both, you have to just take the 4th down throw and compare with buzzer beating shot.

Every player takes shot. It was not skip Bayless says. He said Brady was as good as Jordan in clutch. Difference is Jordan has one chance and Brady 4. Just cannot compare.

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I think the point I made was completely missed.

4 chances in NFL to throw.

1 chance in NBA.

If you want to compare both, you have to just take the 4th down throw and compare with buzzer beating shot.

Every player takes shot. It was not skip Bayless says. He said Brady was as good as Jordan in clutch. Difference is Jordan has one chance and Brady 4. Just cannot compare.

But you are missing the point altogether. He was not comparing the sports but the drive to win the game and the fact that even though both have missed plenty in big moments they continue to take the shots at winning. He was talking about their mentality in the big moments.


Now if you want to compare the sports then your comparison is faulty as sometimes in b-ball a GW shot is launched and then a rebound is gotten by the offense and another shot taken. Or the shooter can be fouled allowing him to win the game uncontested from the free throw line. And in the NFL, a Qb does not always have four downs to win the game. Sometimes he has one play depending on the time left on the clock to either throw a hail mary or a quick pass to get out of bounds for a FG attempt.

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But you are missing the point altogether. He was not comparing the sports but the drive to win the game and the fact that even though both have missed plenty in big moments they continue to take the shots at winning. He was talking about their mentality in the big moments.

Now if you want to compare the sports then your comparison is faulty as sometimes in b-ball a GW shot is launched and then a rebound is gotten by the offense and another shot taken. Or the shooter can be fouled allowing him to win the game uncontested from the free throw line. And in the NFL, a Qb does not always have four downs to win the game. Sometimes he has one play depending on the time left on the clock to either throw a hail mary or a quick pass to get out of bounds for a FG attempt.

If we just compare the mentality, it's not even close.

Lot of players are competitive and continue to take shots. Question is who succeeds more. At that point, it's not the same argument.

MJ made me believe 1 player can actually play the game of basketball with other 4 just hanging around.

Brady never did single handedly.

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If we just compare the mentality, it's not even close.

Lot of players are competitive and continue to take shots. Question is who succeeds more. At that point, it's not the same argument.

MJ made me believe 1 player can actually play the game of basketball with other 4 just hanging around.

Brady never did single handedly.

That is a whole different discussion. I was just clarifying what was in the article. Bayless compared Jordan and Brady in their mental make up and the similarities he sees in their approach to the game and competitiveness when the game is on the line.


I disagree that all players have the same drive to succeed or want the ball with the game on the line no matter the sport. 

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That is a whole different discussion. I was just clarifying what was in the article. Bayless compared Jordan and Brady in their mental make up and the similarities he sees in their approach to the game and competitiveness when the game is on the line.

I disagree that all players have the same drive to succeed or want the ball with the game on the line no matter the sport.

Bayless can say whatever he wants but the numbers don't lie.

Jordan is better in any category we want to compare.

It's an insult to Jordan to get compared with Brady.

Jordan once closed his eyes and made a free throw. That's how sick he was. I want Brady to close his eyes and get a first down.

I can go on and on but moving on.

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Bayless can say whatever he wants but the numbers don't lie.

Jordan is better in any category we want to compare.

It's an insult to Jordan to get compared with Brady.

Jordan once closed his eyes and made a free throw. That's how sick he was. I want Brady to close his eyes and get a first down.

I can go on and on but moving on.

He never said Brady was better or even on par. He said Brady reminds him the most of Jordan. He admitted up front that he loves MJ to a fault.

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That is a whole different discussion. I was just clarifying what was in the article. Bayless compared Jordan and Brady in their mental make up and the similarities he sees in their approach to the game and competitiveness when the game is on the line.

I disagree that all players have the same drive to succeed or want the ball with the game on the line no matter the sport.

His argument doesn't make alot of since. Brady isnt the greatest 4th qtr qb of all time.

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Free world. You can disagree. I didn't find it contrived or forced at all. But then again most of the people that had issue with it on this thread do not like Brady or the Pats so I would expect them to make any type of flimsy argument possible to try their best to dismiss it.


This reminds me of someone who took issue with Rodney Harrison comparing Peyton to Brady. 

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This reminds me of someone who took issue with Rodney Harrison comparing Peyton to Brady. 

Rodney said something against Brady. He is a villian from the get go.


In reality, not for that defense, video cameras and Belichick, Brady would be having zero rings. Oh sorry, i forgot to add Tuck rule.

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Basketball <=========================================================>Football


One is the ultimate team sport, the other can be all but dominated by one guy.


No matter how much a guy like Brady might dominate offensively he only helps pull the load for 1/3 of the team that gets fielded. He's not on special teams or D. Not to mention him being able to perform relies greatly on the 5 guys in front of him let alone his receivers and backs. The same applies to every other great QB.


In basketball the greats are out there the majority of the time. It's 5 on 5, and they're less reliant on their teammates. Not to say teamwork isn't important in basketball, but compared to football it's not even close.


Brady is certainly great, but comparing any QB to Michael Jordan is ludicrous. Jerry Rice was the best football player to ever suit up and even he was only out there 1/3 of the time and needed someone to throw it to him. (Although I think he played on special teams too, sometimes.)

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Basketball <=========================================================>Football


One is the ultimate team sport, the other can be all but dominated by one guy.


No matter how much a guy like Brady might dominate offensively he only helps pull the load for 1/3 of the team that gets fielded. He's not on special teams or D. Not to mention him being able to perform relies greatly on the 5 guys in front of him let alone his receivers and backs. The same applies to every other great QB.


In basketball the greats are out there the majority of the time. It's 5 on 5, and they're less reliant on their teammates. Not to say teamwork isn't important in basketball, but compared to football it's not even close.


Brady is certainly great, but comparing any QB to Michael Jordan is ludicrous. Jerry Rice was the best football player to ever suit up and even he was only out there 1/3 of the time and needed someone to throw it to him. (Although I think he played on special teams too, sometimes.)


I've been reading through this thread with this exact thought. 


More than any other team sport, one individual can make an enormous difference in basketball. Look at the '08 Celtics... they basically add Garnett and Ray Allen and go from a dumpster team to champs... basketball is the one sport where, due to varying talent levels, the better team wins the vast majority of the time. 


Adding one top-tier starter in basketball is 20% of your lineup. It's the equivalent of adding five marquee free agents in the NFL.


I think Bayless' main point was just that both guys are resilient and competitive, but I don't usually get the sport-to-sport comparisons. 


I know you're not one of those Indy/Denver fans who for some reason needs to tear Brady down. But it is pretty funny, though, to watch the Brady haters and Manning loyalists squirm when anyone, even the Great Dufus himself, Skip Bayless, says or writes something in praise of #12. It brings out those gnawing insecurities. Every. Time. LOL...

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