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The Issues of Trent Richardson are Not his Fault...


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Hmmm.  What say we all cool our jets until TR has been with the team just a bit longer.  Let's give him a bit more time to adjust and the coaching staff a bit more time to figure out how best to use his skill set in the Colts system, behind the line the Colts have.


IMO, a year from now we'll all be pleased he is in the stable.



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Hmmm.  What say we all cool our jets until TR has been with the team just a bit longer.  Let's give him a bit more time to adjust and the coaching staff a bit more time to figure out how best to use his skill set in the Colts system, behind the line the Colts have.


IMO, a year from now we'll all be pleased he is in the stable.



I would say that i agree but, we need him now! With Vick Ballard and Ahmad Bradshaw out for a long, long time, we don't have time for him to get more stable. We can't rely on Donald Brown, he's had his chance and didn't make it work (maybe he should get a 2nd chance, if TR doesn't work out).

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I would say that i agree but, we need him now! With Vick Ballard and Ahmad Bradshaw out for a long, long time, we don't have time for him to get more stable. We can't rely on Donald Brown, he's had his chance and didn't make it work (maybe he should get a 2nd chance, if TR doesn't work out).

Did you see what happened to DB in the power formations???? TRich will be fine if Pep figures out the power formation r for short yardage and goal line situations and should not be part of the base offense...

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Did you see what happened to DB in the power formations???? TRich will be fine if Pep figures out the power formation r for short yardage and goal line situations and should not be part of the base offense...

You would fix this how? With our Oline. Trent is supposed to be good enough to make the cutbacks. He needs vision.

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Forgive us if we have more faith in Grigson than you. You should change you're screen name to doom and gloom. Have you gone back too every thread where you proclaimed we were gonna get creamed last night?

Is life in Canada that miserable? Do you ever have anything positive to say?

Life in Canada is awesome. I lived there for half a year, fished all summer/fall, ate some delicious poutine, clean air, amazing hunting, friendly people, and a no worry lifestyle. Once I graduate from Vet school i pretty much plan on moving there depending on what happens. IRRELEVENT STORY OVER 

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Oh man, Morris is a product of the read option offense, Richardson is waaay better than him!! The difference is everyone keys on TRich, but with Morris the defense can't just go after him cause they don't "know" if he is gonna run or Bob Griffin or they are gonna throw, similar situation with Marshawn Lynch in Seattle this cannot be underestimated....Not to mention Shanahan has made many "average" backs look great with his blocking schemes he is the best coach period when it comes to designing a running game and blocking scheme...I don't know if you noticed but many great backs have struggled this year, Peterson , Martin, MJD, McFadden....etc, etc...No matter how great you are if you don't have a passing game or dominant run blocking line you are gonna struggle...The only backs having success are all apart of the read option or have dominant lines...Lynch, Morris, Gore, McCoy...Also...You saw what happened to McCoy without Vick there to run the read option he was shutdown....It's simple really...

Just nooo to the part about trent being waaay better than him... Morris has been getting smashed in the backfield and has been able to break most of those tackles and turn them into positive plays. Hell if you watched the Burrs game this weekend you'd notice how much second effort he has. Trent might have the same "effort" but he doesn't get nearly as many yards. At this point Morris has proven himself in a system where it is obvious they will run it. He is a stud and you cannot say Trent is better at this point. He might BECOME better but he sure as hell ain't yet. 

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Heres an instant fix. Run Brown in the power formation and run it all the time for the next few games and play rich in the brown role. THat way the defenses will flip flop on who to run commit on etc. 


Brilliant! :pie:

I dont know who started the whole bit of Richardson only running out of power formations or mostly of them but whoever it is needs a lesson in basic formations on offense in football because its not close to being true

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I dont know who started the whole bit of Richardson only running out of power formations or mostly of them but whoever it is needs a lesson in basic formations on offense in football because its not close to being true

I know exactlty how you feel Gavin. Some people need a lesson in play-calls and basic football. 

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A broken clock is right twice a day. A Blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.  You'd think Trent could bust through for a long run at least once as well.  But I am a patient fellow.  I'll wait for it, or a better play call/setup for him.  I cheer for him grinding out the tough yards in the interim.

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We traded our first round draft pick so that he could be our power back in a power running scheme, right? I don't think Pep or Grigson have it in mind to change the offense to suit his running style. I'm assuming they want someone effective in this offense. Bradshaw was doing a great job before he got injured. So was Ballard.



It's called a "No Coast Offense" for a reason.  Pep already stated that he is not afraid to adapt or tweak some things.

It would be crazy to believe they are not analyzing the film and talking with Trent to get good fits on the running plays.

Sometimes you have to make some changes in certain areas. I don't think it's a wholesale changes type of deal. He's

a power runner yes, but some power plays may better suit him than others. We need to find that out over the bye week.

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I'm not concerned at all Marshawn Lynch went through the same thing his first 5 or 6 games. The talent is there you can see it with his power and lateral quickness, once he starts finding the right holes he's gonna be a problem. Trent will figure it out you guys just have to be patient.

he is not playing nearly as bad as people are making it out
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What I see is an absolute horse pounding the ball, softening up the opposing defenses.  TR's runs are the "body shots" we've been hearing about.  Those are followed by the haymakers from Luck and the rest of the cast.  I think we are seeing some 'real' football in an era of NFL-trying to be-Arena League.

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I am pulling for TRIch everytime he carries it, of course. And I think draft picks are much overrated, so I don't mind that we gave up a first rounder if he is productive. But at some point, he's got to produce; and produce more than 3.0- 4.0 yards per carry. He didn't do it with the Browns and hasn't done it with us, but that's not to say he won't. But at some point this year, not next--he's an RB so he should do it after a month or so in our system. Do it TRich, just do it.

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What I see is an absolute horse pounding the ball, softening up the opposing defenses.  TR's runs are the "body shots" we've been hearing about.  Those are followed by the haymakers from Luck and the rest of the cast.  I think we are seeing some 'real' football in an era of NFL-trying to be-Arena League.


There is a lot of truth to this, I really like what you said here. Whether his ypc is low or not, Defensive coordinators clearly respect Trent's ability which is why they are loading the box when he is in there. Any way you look at it 3 yards on every play is better than no yards, ha. I think Trent is going to do solid things for us. Every time we have needed a yard or two on third down (and goal line), he has gotten it. But for some reason they aren't giving him the ball a lot in those situations. Seriously though people, 4 games is not enough time to make a complete judgement of someone. I mean look at AP, he has had two horrible games in a row...

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I am pulling for TRIch everytime he carries it, of course. And I think draft picks are much overrated, so I don't mind that we gave up a first rounder if he is productive. But at some point, he's got to produce; and produce more than 3.0- 4.0 yards per carry. He didn't do it with the Browns and hasn't done it with us, but that's not to say he won't. But at some point this year, not next--he's an RB so he should do it after a month or so in our system. Do it TRich, just do it.

Vikings had 3 1st round picks and the only production they have got out of it is a kick returner, 1st round picks aren't guaranteed to hit at all, the jury is still out on Werner, but remember Larry Hughes, Marlin Jackson, Donald Brown, Ben Iljiana, were all 1st or 2nd's so Colts fans should know this..

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Vikings had 3 1st round picks and the only production they have got out of it is a kick returner, 1st round picks aren't guaranteed to hit at all, the jury is still out on Werner, but remember Larry Hughes, Marlin Jackson, Donald Brown, Ben Iljiana, were all 1st or 2nd's so Colts fans should know this..

*cough cough....Tony Ugoh......


You're exactly right. 1st round picks are always treacherous. 


TRich needs coaching and stability, then his talents will let slip. 


I've watched football for 35 years, and only so rarely will you ever see a man of his physical gifts not reach potential. Only if the player doesn't care, and TRich seems to really want it. 


We live in an age of instant gratification. People want to see him explode NOW, not next year. Gonna have to wait. 3 systems in 23 games, bad coaching in Cleveland....kid needs stability and familiarity. 

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*cough cough....Tony Ugoh......


You're exactly right. 1st round picks are always treacherous. 


TRich needs coaching and stability, then his talents will let slip. 


I've watched football for 35 years, and only so rarely will you ever see a man of his physical gifts not reach potential. Only if the player doesn't care, and TRich seems to really want it. 


We live in an age of instant gratification. People want to see him explode NOW, not next year. Gonna have to wait. 3 systems in 23 games, bad coaching in Cleveland....kid needs stability and familiarity. 

The fact he was picked so high everyone expects him to come out of the gates like Peterson, but he isn't that type of player and no one has been except maybe Bo Jackson...I can easily see TRich as a Marshawn Lynch type or a faster version of Jerome Bettis which ain't bad if you ask me...We get a good guard and center and watch out...Another thing that will make all the difference would be a true #1 receiver that commands doubles so people can't play man and won't be able to load the safety in the box all game...

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And though it's true of many (most even?) RB's out of college, Trent benefited greatly then from playing behind one of, if not the best offensive lines in the country.


That, and 50% of Bama's schedule is made up of "tune up" games. But, I'd have to say our NFL O-Line as a whole is better than the college O-line he ran behind at Bama, NFL defenses are just better.


I don't buy the perception that he's a dud. My thought is that he's not totally in tune with our offense yet, so he's still thinking more than playing. The bye week and our next opponent being the Texans could be just what he needs. You gotta remember that he went through training camp and OTA's with the Browns 2 years in a row, and didn't even get a week off between getting traded and game day against the Niners.


I'd say have some patience. He's barely been on the team for a month.

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I would say that i agree but, we need him now! With Vick Ballard and Ahmad Bradshaw out for a long, long time, we don't have time for him to get more stable. We can't rely on Donald Brown, he's had his chance and didn't make it work (maybe he should get a 2nd chance, if TR doesn't work out).


He's a 2nd year player who's been on our team for a little over a month. Meanwhile we're 5-2, with wins over arguably the 3 best teams in the league, and it's a bye week. Take a deep breath.


As for Brown, he's averaging 6 per carry, plus plays on special teams, so I'd say he's more than pulling his weight. That's a better YPC than he had in college.

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The fact he was picked so high everyone expects him to come out of the gates like Peterson, but he isn't that type of player and no one has been except maybe Bo Jackson...I can easily see TRich as a Marshawn Lynch type or a faster version of Jerome Bettis which ain't bad if you ask me...We get a good guard and center and watch out...Another thing that will make all the difference would be a true #1 receiver that commands doubles so people can't play man and won't be able to load the safety in the box all game...


The fact he was picked so high everyone expects him to come out of the gates like Peterson, but he isn't that type of player and no one has been except maybe Bo Jackson...I can easily see TRich as a Marshawn Lynch type or a faster version of Jerome Bettis which ain't bad if you ask me...We get a good guard and center and watch out...Another thing that will make all the difference would be a true #1 receiver that commands doubles so people can't play man and won't be able to load the safety in the box all game...

Yes I agree -And we need to get other pieces to help our running game be better as u said a receiver who commands double teams and an Oline that is a mauling run blockng as well as pass blocking OLINE----TR s a man w/ good speed power and cutting ablility,He'll work fine as long as we put him in the right situations to run at,,,,,,,,,,He can't be a one man army,Bettis had an excellent OLINE and dangerous pass catchers to take a lot of heat off him

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The talent is undeniable...A change in approach as far as pass to run instead of run to pass, and the power formations never work...The defense seems to know every time when we are gonna run..The few times he gets single back looks out of the spead formation he looks really good...I wish we would use the stretch play with him like we did with James and Addai...

the power formation will work, passing out of it, as much as we run out of it, then defenses wont know if we are going to run or pass , it will look the same, hard to defend that.

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the power formation will work, passing out of it, as much as we run out of it, then defenses wont know if we are going to run or pass , it will look the same, hard to defend that.

I think actually we need to get better at the passing game to improve the running game,,,,,,,,,,And stop being so predictable w/ the run n pass,,,,,,,,,,,We can't seem to throw a screen an make it be a big gain Why b/c teams are waiting on it,,,,,,,and pass to change up from running,,,,,,,Seems the pass plays that work are Luck's ability b/che is good not b/c we are tricking the other teams,,,,,,,I think our problems are Predictable play calling -Not good enough blocking for our run game,,,,,,,,,,And not utilizing the screen pass well enough,,,,,,,,,

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I didn't literally spell it out in my original post,  so I'll spell it out here....


I think the issues are Pep and the staff,  not Trent's....


I think we are way, way too predictable when Trent is in the game.    We fool no one, and our OL,  while very much improved,  is not good enough to over-power teams when we're this predictable.


I hope we completely re-think our approach to Trent during this bye week.....

SW1 got what you meant & I agree with you 100% NCF.


Look, we all saw what Trent can do in space. He's very difficult for opposing D's to take down. 


Run him out of the backfield and THROW to him!! We've barely done it with him and I can't understand why. 


I still think Pagano's description of him fits him to the T: A bowling ball of butcher knives. We just need to get him out in space. 





Preach Brother Preach!  :worthy:


There will be plenty of room on the bandwagon when Richardson gets his confidence and is used correctly...I firmly believe given better blocking and even without better blocking if the defense is back on there heels and don't know everytime he is gonna run he will be very successful here, and within 2 years he WILL be a top 5 back in this league...Dustin talked about him being a big strong "scat back" which is a very rare skill set that can be utilized successfully..There was another guy with this skill set, but he had much better blocking and was slower than TRich and his name was Jerome Bettis...This trade,while being criticized now will go down as all-time genius in a few years, just wait and see...

Nice comparison there with "The Bus" jshipp23! Acquiring Richardson was not a mistake. Just use that stud properly man!  :thmup:

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Funny thing is when Trent Richardson HAS been thrown the ball on screens, he develops a case of the DHB and stone hands 'em. He's more fit to be at a backyard 2-hand touch leauge. You know it's bad when Donald Brown gives him a run for his money.

Edited by shecolt
insulting nickname
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The problem with Trent Richardson is that everyone seems to do well except him. His average yard per carry must improve.

You would be correct. Yards per carry for all of our RBs is over a yard per carry more vs. TRich's. Pretty much the same way in Cleveland. And honestly, not many teams have a reason to load the box when he's in the game now--really.  Many reasons why, legit or not, but sooner or later--bottomline,  TRich has to do better.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 2, 2013 - baiting
Hidden by Nadine, November 2, 2013 - baiting

Funny thing is when Turkey Richardson HAS been thrown the ball on screens, he develops a case of the DHB and stone hands 'em. He's a turkey more fit to be at a backyard 2-hand touch leauge. You know it's bad when Donald Brown gives him a run for his money.


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Funny thing is when Turkey Richardson HAS been thrown the ball on screens, he develops a case of the DHB and stone hands 'em. He's a turkey more fit to be at a backyard 2-hand touch leauge. You know it's bad when Donald Brown gives him a run for his money.

But we don't have anyone on the team name Turkey? In fact I checked the nfl rolls and can't find anyone by that name in the history of the nfl. Is he some obscure usfl reference? Perhaps he played with our neighbors to the north (canada)?

Please to esplain.

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Did you see what happened to DB in the power formations???? TRich will be fine if Pep figures out the power formation r for short yardage and goal line situations and should not be part of the base offense...

Yes true Pep is running TR from Fupped formations and They are PREDICTABLE and the Defense knows wth is coming 99% of the time That's why when we throw a screen TR goes for good gains -GEt TR in the passing game more and Do not use TR in PREDICATABLE formations where u know he is going to get the ball the Defense just stacks the line at those times!!!! GET w/ it PEP do better play calling

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