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colts at Chargers “very likely” to be blacked out on Monday night


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I remember many Colt games in the old RCA dome getting blacked out. It really sucked. As a kid not being able to see the games and forced to watch the Bears with my father....ughh. lol


I remember that, too.  Play-by-play by Bob Lamey while I did my homework.  Gary Hogeboom and Jack Trudeau are two of the names bandied about at the time.

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Geez MAC, spot on. Driving three hours for a game. No decent fan would embark on such a short journey.

I know, I know, I'm milking it now.....if I used those kiddy symbols I'd wink.

;) Cute. Not all of us have your frequent flier miles.


I wouldn't travel across the street for most events. I'm about an hour from the Jets/Giants/Eagles. Heck, three would probably get me to Ravens/Redskins. YAAAAAAAAAWN. I hate going to away games, and I've found that my TV is much closer to the fridge/stove then is any of those stadiums. As an added benefit, you actually know what's happening in the the game!


Of course my perspective might be a bit different if the Colts still played in Baltimore, I might be wearing a path back and forth to the Metroliner - three hours or not. However that opportunity was STOLEN from me. :cuss:

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It's not that simple. I remember trying to watch a Bills -  Colt game when I lived in Syracuse. Even though Syracuse is 140 miles or so from Buffalo , it was blacked out . I even got in my car and traveled 50-60 miles south hoping that the stations down there would have a different "feed." It just doesn't work like some of you are saying as areas outside the 50 mile radius often have the same station as the one blacking the game out within the 50 mile readies. That's why guys are saying they get blacked out in LA. I Live in Huntington Beach which is probably 100 miles fro SD and I do not get the SD blacked out games either. So the 50 mile radius thing is not always the case.


Then drive a hundred.


You are either a person who makes excuses or you don't. 

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I have a lot of health issues, so I'm basically stuck at home...I used to go to sports bars, before I got Direct TV..but its not the same..My wife gives me DTV as a present, so that I can be more comfortable, and because she knows how much I love the Colts. She's given me the 2 greatest gifts a Colts fan could ever ask for previously, and, even though she's no a sports fan, she knows how much the Colts mean to me. During my 16 day hospitalization from my transplant, she brought in some of my pictures, and memorabilia in my room, even though it wasn't football season..I've been blessed by having her in my life, as well as being a fan of the best Football team, organization, and fellow fans of our beloved Colts...


I'll find some way to watch it..but if not, I can still listen on the radio over the net...



I Just saw this from that article about not worrying about the blackout...this is why it get blacked out up here as well


(games being played in San Diego, which claims Los Angeles as part of its "territory" due to L.A. not having an NFL team of their own)


Sounds like you have one heck of a lady and obviously you make great choices in football teams. I hope for you that the game does not get blacked out. I do not like to see great streaks end. :)

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Then drive a hundred.


You are either a person who makes excuses or you don't. 



I would have no problem driving 100 miles if I had to. I believe what I'm reading is the game will be blacked out for a 35 mile radius. Only SD will be affected , LA and Orange county CA will get the game. I guess the reason is the companies paying ESPN for add time will not allow that whole LA market to be excluded from seeing the adds they paid for. Me... I go the extra step to watch the Colts. I have Time Warner paid for by my condo association and I  buy Direct TV that I only use to watch the Colts. So cost me around $800 a year to watch the Colts.

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It's free to those within the local market.  The billions in tv deals is largely because the networks make billions of their own in advertising. This goes back to the pre-cable days. People became fans of the local team because they could see every one of their games for free, but could only rarely see any of the other teams.


Thus Monday night football used to be even more HUGE than it is now because it was a free prime time game that the whole country could see (ABC for decades - they only shifted it to sister cable station ESPN recently). It was the matchup of the week and every football fan in the country tuned in. And when YOUR team made it that alone was a source of pride. It meant the team was probably doing something right.


ESPN and the NFL network, etc have changed the dynamic, but there are a substantial number of people who still only get over-the-air signals, and even more who only get basic cable without those stations (although ESPN forces it's way into being considered basic in a lot of places I think). Ironically this means that lots of people who could always watch MNF can't now, but it still has the lingering reputation as "the" game of the week. (Personally I think that designation shifted to Sunday Night Football because the MNF broadcast team essentially moved there with the game. It's still free over-the-air to the entire country, and they're still the best broadcast).


We can't get gamepass. Directv? It's expensive and with 4 games each week being available free to everyone, and 2 more for a modest fee, I doubt that there are many who subscribe to Directv just for the love of the game. It's because they are desperate to follow a specific team - like I used to.


In any case, the point was that a linchpin of football's success is that EVERY game is televised, and EVERYONE gets the free broadcast of their local team. UNLESS they don't sell out.


9,000 too few buy tickets, and millions suffer as a result. I could watch the game in NJ with a pretty generic cable tv subscription, but a lifelong diehard Chargers fan in SD - imagine one too old to be comfortable going to games any more - can't watch. Even if they subscribe to Directv it will be blacked out.

Just to add to your response for Josh, in every home market the. ESPN and NFLN games are usually carried on a traditional over the air channel for those who cannot get ESPN or NFLN.

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And this is why Chargers will be the team to move to LA.

Even if they do move, it doesn't change the fact that the ownership of the Chargers has been abismal for years. The same issue they have now will in all likelihood follow them to LA or wherever they move to.

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Ridiculous.  The NFL is shooting itself in the foot with rule.  All the advertisements that sponsors paid millions for won't be seen by millions of people.  The networks have to love that!


Plus, they're punishing the fans who can't afford to go to the game.  Plain stupidity.

My point exactly. I live 3 hours from Dallas and 5 from Houston, I'm going to the game on November 3rd, and am sitting pretty high up. $180 a ticket. I'm a loyal fan, but even if I lived close to Indy, I wouldn't be able to shell out that to go to a game. With all the TV marketing deals, you would think they would be more apt to play the games on TV regardless of the fan turnout at the game. The NFL doesn't care about the fans...this rule further proves that

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I always taught the blackouts were only in the home teams area up to a couple hours drive.

but still aired in all other areas. I live in upstate NY and never have I had a blacked out monday or late sunday night game. heck we never had a game blacked out ever.



You must not be within 150 miles of Buffalo. I lived in Syracuse and remember driving all over heck to find an area with a different CBS feed during a Bills -Colts black out.

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I'm reading that it's all just a scare tactic. They (NFL) gave the Chargers a 24 hour extension to sell the 9,000 tickets. The Chargers hope the threat of a black out will sell a good amount of those. Sometime after the deadline which is Sat. 5:30 , we should expect to hear that the game is sold out and there will be no blackout. What really should (will ?) happen is the team buys what tickets are left unsold as no way they actually sell them all. Part of this "reasoning" is the Chargers do not want the "black eye" or embarrassment of not selling a Monday night game out.

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It took ESPN and other sponsors to not have the game blacked out...not the Chargers themselves..I'm glad I'll be able to watch it now.



I live in Huntington Beach and yes in a "normal black out " we would have been included. This one (black out)  , because of all the money the sponsors and ESPN pay for Monday night games would not have reached us. It would have been a 35 mile radius instead of the normal 50 mile one. It would have had different stipulations also as they weren't going to allow all that population to be excluded from their advertising market . So LA and Orange County would not have been blacked out.

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i don't know who suggested otherwise

See below.





I made a status update on this very issue earlier this week. I live over 3 hours away in LA, and if the Chargers are blacked out in San Diego, they are blacked out all the way up here. I swear myself and a lot of fans in California will be ticked if the game is blacked out.

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It took ESPN and other sponsors to not have the game blacked out...not the Chargers themselves..I'm glad I'll be able to watch it now.


Purchased all remaining tickets for 34 cents on the dollar, it is reported.  The team contributed nothing. I guess it will be hard for the Bolts to get a MNF next year, eh?

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See below.



Not always true.


I lived in Syracuse NY which was about 160 miles (3 hours) from Buffalo and we wouldn't get the Buffalo game when blacked out. Reason being is we had the same CBS feed as the station in Buffalo that broadcasted the game. Colt fan 4 life does get blacked out of SD games as they decided that because LA has no NFL team SD blackouts will extend all the way to that market. I now live in Orange County CA which is about a couple of hours from SD and it included my area also. 


If this game was blacked out , it was to be modified to something called the "35 mile" rule and it would only encompass SD county only. Reason being would be all the money the sponsors pay for MNF and they wouldn't make them lose all that population. So Colt fan 4 life and myself were never in jeopardy for this game.

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Not always true.


I lived in Syracuse NY which was about 160 miles (3 hours) from Buffalo and we wouldn't get the Buffalo game when blacked out. Reason being is we had the same CBS feed as the station in Buffalo that broadcasted the game. Colt fan 4 life does get blacked out of SD games as they decided that because LA has no NFL team SD blackouts will extend all the way to that market. I now live in Orange County CA which is about a couple of hours from SD and it included my area also. 


If this game was blacked out , it was to be modified to something called the "35 mile" rule and it would only encompass SD county only. Reason being would be all the money the sponsors pay for MNF and they wouldn't make them lose all that population. So Colt fan 4 life and myself were never in jeopardy for this game.

I was just responding to shakedown's question about "who said that".


I understand that "it's all about where your feed comes from", however I assumed that someone living in LA got their feed from LA. CF4L's comment was all about the wierd LA treatment which is ridiculous. SD is more than large enough to support it's own team. Orange County? Are you closer to SD than LA?


By the way, I would have thought that Syracuse either had it's own affiliates, or was stuck in no-man's land between Buffalo/Albany, in which it would be possible to travel a bit east to avoid the blackout. Either way, it's one thing to cut you off because they are turning off an over-the-air signal and it happens to be within your range. In this cable era (and with ESPN in particular) they may well have more finite control. Zip code, distance, who knows. 35 miles is fine. 160 miles is nuts - regardless of what part of the country you live in.

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I was just responding to shakedown's question about "who said that".


I understand that "it's all about where your feed comes from", however I assumed that someone living in LA got their feed from LA. CF4L's comment was all about the wierd LA treatment which is ridiculous. SD is more than large enough to support it's own team. Orange County? Are you closer to SD than LA?


By the way, I would have thought that Syracuse either had it's own affiliates, or was stuck in no-man's land between Buffalo/Albany, in which it would be possible to travel a bit east to avoid the blackout. Either way, it's one thing to cut you off because they are turning off an over-the-air signal and it happens to be within your range. In this cable era (and with ESPN in particular) they may well have more finite control. Zip code, distance, who knows. 35 miles is fine. 160 miles is nuts - regardless of what part of the country you live in.



Im closer to LA than SD. For sure was ridiculous in Sryacuse and at one time we were in division with Buffalo. I did once travel an hour south figuring to avoid the black out but to no avail Should have just went to the game I guess.

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Its amazing that the Colts really don't see out stadiums on the road.  I think the Chargers should buy the tickets because they ALWAYS play the Colts tough and generally speaking, they always win as well.  I believe we are 1-9 for last 10 games.


1-9 in the last 10?


Do you enjoy making stuff up? Accountability is an important trait, but you have shown consistently that you are completely reckless with you words.  


The Colts record against the Chargers since 1995, including playoff games is 5-7. 


Just for good measure, I will toss in a Zack Crockett reference. His 147 yards and 2 scores led the way to our first playoff win since 1971.


I understand that you may have been in diapers when the Colts drafted Peyton, but at least try to do some research before you spit at the screen with baseless opinions; or not, and continue to look like a buffoon.

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1-9 huh in the last 10, huh?


Do you enjoy making stuff up? Accountability is an important trait, but you have shown consistently that you are completely reckless with you words.  


The Colts record against the Chargers since 1995, including playoff games is 5-7. 


Just for good measure, I will toss in a Zack Crockett reference. His 147 yards and 2 scores led the way to our first playoff win since 1971.


I understand that you may have been in diapers when the Colts drafted Peyton, but at least try to do some research before you spit at the screen with baseless opinions; or not, and continue to look like a buffoon.



Uhh.. oh.. you in trouble now. The b word is not allowed here.

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since 2005 The Colts are just 1-5 vs. the Chargers.  Honestly outside of the Ryan Leaf era the Colts have struggled with the Chargers with their lone win over the Chargers from 1992 to 1998 coming in the 1995 playoff game.  From 1998 to 2004 the Colts were 3-0 vs. the Chargers but two of those wins came in 98 and 99 during the Leaf era when the Chargers didn't beat anyone. 




There is the history.  Overall the Chargers lead 17-10 with most of the Colts wins coming pre-1990 or during that three game winning streak from 1998 to 2004.  While the Colts might not be 1-9 in their last 10 with the Chargers it's safe to say the Chargers have been a pain in the Colts side for a while.

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since 2005 The Colts are just 1-5 vs. the Chargers.  Honestly outside of the Ryan Leaf era the Colts have struggled with the Chargers with their lone win over the Chargers from 1992 to 1998 coming in the 1995 playoff game.  From 1998 to 2004 the Colts were 3-0 vs. the Chargers but two of those wins came in 98 and 99 during the Leaf era when the Chargers didn't beat anyone. 




There is the history.  Overall the Chargers lead 17-10 with most of the Colts wins coming pre-1990 or during that three game winning streak from 1998 to 2004.  While the Colts might not be 1-9 in their last 10 with the Chargers it's safe to say the Chargers have been a pain in the Colts side for a while.


You are making my point. You point our that we are 1-5 in the last 6 games; well in the last 9 games we are 4-5. Not sure why you completely overlooked the 3 wins.

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Are you talking about northern Indiana? Because I don't think there's been a blackout in Indy since Peyton became a big thing. I think there'd be a riot at the local station if the Bears were aired instead of the Colts.


Yeah up here there are lots of bears fans.  So when there is a conflict the local station plays the bears game.  


I missed the Seahawks game because of that.  I had too much to do to warrant going to a sports bar, so I went grocery shopping came back and watched the NFL network scoreboard.  I would have turned on the radio but my baby was sleeping.  

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