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Cant believe people are trashing Romo for the loss.


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I watched the last part of the game. Romo played the game of his life, but because Dallas still lost, the media is criticizing Romo. However, the interception that cost them the game was more of a great play by a defender than a bad throw by Romo. The guy was open at first, but the defense just happened to be there at the last minute. Manning threw an interception, but no one is criticizing him. (Maybe because Denver won.)


I have to back up Romo on this one. The game shouldn't have to depend only on him.If Dallas had won, I wonder if the media would still find something to criticize. Romo just can't get a break. I'm glad I'm not a Cowboy fan right now.

The other thing that bothers me about Tony Romo is his demeanor after a heart wrenching loss. Where's the anger? Where's the fire? Where's the defiant proclamation to fix the problem? Tony Romo doesn't instill you with confidence. He sounds & looks defeated. Is this a guy you want to go into battle with each & every Sunday, Monday, or Thursday with? Nope. I wanna a QB royally ticked off & bound & determined to fix it ASAP. 



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Romo played great till Romo does what Romo always does, throws a key pick in a late game situation that costs his team the game.  Yeah the Cowboys wouldn't have been in it without him but there is no question that INT also cost them the game. 

Exactly.  That's the best I've seen Romo play, and then blam, he throws a pick at the most inopportune time...like always. He's an okay QB, but I don't feel he was worth the money Jerrah gave him.  Not my problem though.


On the flipside, 1:54 to go, ball on our own 20, 2 timeouts and all we need to win is a FG? Get it Andrew!

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Had it not been for that INT, he would have had to drive into FG range to win. He could very well have come right up to the nfl record for passing yards. He was 48 yards short (48 to tie that is). I was texting with an old buddy of mine (life long Dallas fan) before that interception and he pretty much had already resigned himself to the fact that Romo was going to choke. Its this pattern than attracts much of the criticism; an almost predictable outcome.

My own opinion; I think Romo played a great game and the whole team did an admirable job of slugging it out with probably the best team in the NFL. Its jut unfortunate that this is going to be what he's remembered for.

Some people deliver when it counts & some people just inflict death by a thousand paper cuts of their own making. Romo does not deserve a pardon or a pass IMO. I don't feel sorry for him at all. He's a grown man who lost the game all by himself. He's not a child playing pee wee football okay. 

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Some people deliver when it counts & some people just inflict death by a thousand paper cuts of their own making. Romo does not deserve a pardon or a pass IMO. I don't feel sorry for him at all. He's a grown man who lost the game all by himself. He's not a child playing pee wee football okay.

Laying the blame on Romo when he carried that offense to 48 points is shameful. That was an offensive outing that should have won the game. If you want to blame the Cowboys for losing, blame a defense that gave up 51 points. Fifty. One. Including a Peyton Manning rushing TD.

Thats why the Cowboys lost. Not Romo.

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I can't fault Romo too much. His defense let him down. If they could have gotten a couple more stops they win that game. That is a team win/loss. Everyone takes blame but he played very very well. When you have THAT MUCH PRESSURE to score on EVERY drive to just stay with a team or win....thats more pressure than almost ANY qb can endure. Even Peyton was feeling the pressure that game. He forced a deep ball because he knew he had to score every possession. First time he made a bad pass all year because ROMO was putting the pressure...not his defense. That was an INT forced by the OFFENSE...not Dallas defense. The last mistake was exactly the same....Peyton and the offense forced Tony to press...and then that was a great defensive play....Peytons was a forced throw with no one to blame but himself.

Tony had a opportunity to march the offense down the field & win the game in the last few minutes of the 4th QTR. He is the richest player on that roster. Go earn your money Mr. Romo. Did Peyton call out his defense for allowing the Cowboys to come back? Nope. 

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Laying the blame on Romo when he carried that offense to 48 points is shameful. That was an offensive outing that should have won the game. If you want to blame the Cowboys for losing, blame a defense that gave up 51 points. Fifty. One. Including a Peyton Manning rushing TD.

Thats why the Cowboys lost. Not Romo.

See my answer above. Regardless of whether or not the Dallas defense showed up or not, Mr. Romo still had an opportunity to tie the game up with a FG or win the game with a TD. Why are so many people throwing Romo a pity parade? It's hilarious. Is Tony Romo a rookie or 2nd year player? No. He is making elite QB money. Go out prove your elite dollar status Mr. Romo. 


Did the Dallas defense throw that game ending interception? That's all Tony Romo SkyBane. Sorry...


What will people say if Dallas can't win the NFC East with such a weak arena of competition this year? RG3 is still working out knee surgery kinks, NY Giants are 0-5, & Chip Kelly is still getting his feet wet in this league.

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See my answer above. Regardless of whether or not the Dallas defense showed up or not. Mr. Romo still had an opportunity to tie the game up with a FG or win the game with a TD. Why are so many people throwing Romo a pity parade? It's hilarious. Is Tony Romo a rookie or 2nd year player? No. He is making elite QB money. Go out prove your elite dollar status Mr. Romo.

Nobody is pitying him. Its just simple football. Romo threw an amazing game and really put the cowboys on his back. The defense was just awful in even slowing down Denver. So youre asking someone to outduel Manning when he has one of the best recieving corps ever assembled?

It wasnt going to happen without defense, butb he almost pulled it off anyways. Romo earned his stripes last night in a game where both defenses were shamed beyond belief. To say anything else is losing the forest for the trees because you want to paint Romo as a failure, when he almost did what many considered impossible.

How do you blame a guy in those circumstances? You cant. The cowboys lost because the defense was made helpless. The broncos almost lost for the exact same reason.

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Nobody is pitying him. Its just simple football. Romo threw an amazing game and really put the cowboys on his back. The defense was just awful in even slowing down Denver. So youre asking someone to outduel Manning when he has one of the best recieving corps ever assembled?

It wasnt going to happen without defense, butb he almost pulled it off anyways. Romo earned his stripes last night in a game where both defenses were shamed beyond belief. To say anything else is losing the forest for the trees because you want to paint Romo as a failure, when he almost did what many considered impossible.

How do you blame a guy in those circumstances? You cant. The cowboys lost because the defense was made helpless. The broncos almost lost for the exact same reason.

Facts are facts. Tony Romo had an opportunity to prove that both he & the Dallas Cowboys are legitimate & he fell flat on his face. No QB gets points for coming in second best late Sunday afternoon.  


Gee, I'm sorry I didn't realize that Tony Romo needed so many people to dismiss his shortcomings. I don't like the Dallas Cowboys; I hate them. I make no apologies for that & I refuse to kiss his backside. I've said it before & I will say it again, if Tony had won this game, I would have gritted my teeth & acknowledged that they had passed a corner. They didn't. Did Tony win the game? No. Will they be taken seriously as a team until they do? [Defeat a SB contending team] Hades no. I don't give a darn how many yards he threw for. Tony is the leader of the offense & he lost. 


"The broncos almost lost for the exact same reason." Why is this relevant at all? History & sports are written by winners not losers. JMO. Contrary to what Jerry Jones thinks "moral victories in football" are a bleeping joke. Tony Romo is not a rookie QB & he has a track record of playoff blunders. When will he be held accountable? I'm still waiting myself. 

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Look, if people what to marvel at Tony's performance that is their right. My contempt for the Dallas Cowboys spans 5 generations now it's like a family heirloom. My family wears it like a badge of honor. Whenever my beloved Colts lose, the only thing that cheers me up in a crushing beat down your momma Cowboys loss, especially when the Redskins do it because division losses are double the impact. 


Is Tony Romo talented? Sure. Can he win clutch games? No. Are they America's Team? Absolutely not! 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Look, if people what to marvel at Tony's performance that is their right. My contempt for the Dallas Cowboys spans 5 family generations now it's like a family heirloom. My family wears it like a badge of honor. Whenever my beloved Colts lose, the only thing that cheers me up in a crushing beat down your momma Cowboys loss, especially when the Redskins do it because division losses are double the impact. 


Is Tony Romo talented? Sure. Can he win clutch games? No. Are they America's Team? Absolutely not! 

This is why Andrew Luck is so special.  When the game is on the line he's historically good.  There may be other guys you want for the first 3 quarters, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, even Romo...but when it's crunch time in the 4th qtr, I want number 12 in the huddle.

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This is why Andrew Luck is so special.  When the game is on the line he's historically good.  There may be other guys you want for the first 3 quarters, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, even Romo...but when it's crunch time in the 4th qtr, I want number 12 in the huddle.

Precisely TLJ, Chewbacca is cool as a cucumber baby & Luck doesn't crack under the pressure. Yoda AKA Peyton Manning is a Jedi Master at the line of scrimmage too. Can you tell that SW1 is a child of the "Star Wars" generation or what?  :lol:  :funny:  lmao

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This is why Andrew Luck is so special. When the game is on the line he's historically good. There may be other guys you want for the first 3 quarters, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, even Romo...but when it's crunch time in the 4th qtr, I want number 12 in the huddle.

notice the one name he doesn't mention..

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Guest TeamLoloJones

notice the one name he doesn't mention..

I didn't mention Peyton because the same logic applies to Peyton.  I would rather have Brady, Brees, of Rodgers for 3 quarters.  Then give me Luck or Manning in the 4th.  (As long as it's the regular season.)

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Tony had a opportunity to march the offense down the field & win the game in the last few minutes of the 4th QTR. He is the richest player on that roster. Go earn your money Mr. Romo. Did Peyton call out his defense for allowing the Cowboys to come back? Nope. 

Why would he? They won the game and made a diving int to ice it for him. They picked him up after he made a turnover. If you defense can't stop the other team from scoring 50 pts...that isn't on your QB...thats on your defense. They forced that opening turnover but that was it. The only stop they got the rest of the game was when Peyton started feeling pressure to keep scoring and he threw the worst pass he has thrown all year. That INT on Peyton was because of the pressure ROMO had put him under....to keep scoring...to force something. Yes...Romo made a mistake and it came at the worst time....but you can't put all the blame on him. We say its a team game.....Peyton's record in the playoffs is a reflection of the quality team around him (him carrying them in) and we still regard him as one of the greatest....if that is the case then Romo isn't to blame....he carries that team year after year....but yes...he can't get them over the top...he needs help....how about 1 sack!! 1 3rd down stop!! Please...you expect perfection from Romo but don't hold anyone else responsible to do their job?? Laughable. It was a bad pass....a great int...but they didn't lose because of Romo....it would have been over at half time without his effort.

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Romo played great till Romo does what Romo always does, throws a key pick in a late game situation that costs his team the game.  Yeah the Cowboys wouldn't have been in it without him but there is no question that INT also cost them the game. 

Disagree totally. Saying the pick cost them the game is like saying.....I saved 40,000 dollars to buy a nice car, but it was the last thousand that actually bought me the car.

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Disagree totally. Saying the pick cost them the game is like saying.....I saved 40,000 dollars to buy a nice car, but it was the last thousand that actually bought me the car.

That pick set up the winning score.  If that didn't cost them the game I don't know what did.  Yes Romo kept them in the game but he also had a major hand in losing the game.  Did he do it all by himself?  No.  But you can't ignore an interception in the last two minutes of the game inside your own 30 in a tied game and just go well he played great the rest of the game so that INT didn't hurt them...

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The guy put up a record 500+ yds, 5 TD's, had the best performance of his career, the offense scored 48 pts, yet I read stuff like this:



I'll tell you what the "mistakes" were... The Cowboys defense giving up 51 pts! You subtract one of those TD's, FG's, etc. and Romo all of a sudden becomes a hero. It's not like Peyton didn't throw an INT this game either. Peyton's INT just happened to occur earlier in the ball-game.


The life of a QB sucks.


they get the claim & the blame in a truly team game,


both Defenses were , , Question were they even there ??? 


Its an extreme over-reaction


also replyas showed he had to step on an OL foot as man pushed back into him


Like Farve he is a gunslinger, Farve would of thrown it too, 


Neither are the type to throw to the easy check down who was clearly open, 


alsoi that was 1 great IT catch by an outstretched player

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PS FYI- the writer , Clark Judge, is one of the chosen 50 by the AP to vote for the varying awards, MVP, OPOY etc


he isnt a team beat writer but is based out of NY or at least was last few years so has that as they say east coast bias


The guy put up a record 500+ yds, 5 TD's, had the best performance of his career, the offense scored 48 pts, yet I read stuff like this:



I'll tell you what the "mistakes" were... The Cowboys defense giving up 51 pts! You subtract one of those TD's, FG's, etc. and Romo all of a sudden becomes a hero. It's not like Peyton didn't throw an INT this game either. Peyton's INT just happened to occur earlier in the ball-game.


The life of a QB sucks.

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The thing about Eli was, for all the INTs he threw in the regular season, when the lights were shining bright, he cut down on his turnovers considerably. Romo has not gotten there enough, mainly because of his regular season ineptitude in closing out games. Either you have it or you don't.


Romo's Cowboys are in a weak division and they can still get to the playoffs and have a run of their own. It is not over yet.


But that defense, my goodness, Monte Kiffin, you just don't have the horses like the Colts :). No punts for the Broncos. Yikes!!!

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The thing about Eli was, for all the INTs he threw in the regular season, when the lights were shining bright, he cut down on his turnovers considerably. Romo has not gotten there enough, mainly because of his regular season ineptitude in closing out games. Either you have it or you don't.


Romo's Cowboys are in a weak division and they can still get to the playoffs and have a run of their own. It is not over yet.


But that defense, my goodness, Monte Kiffin, you just don't have the horses like the Colts :). No punts for the Broncos. Yikes!!!


BTW Kiffin I believe was Tampas DC  when Peyton did that 28 point 4th qrter rally and won in OT  in 2003  38-35   

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If that didn't cost them the game I don't know what did. 

Any one of the plays where the Bronco's scored and any one of the Cowboy defenders that didn't stop them. That was the same cost as far as getting beat.


But then so was the coach who didn't call the right play for the defense on any one of the many times Manning scored on the Cowboys, or the coach that didn't prepare their D for all of Mannings different options, or.......



No one snowflake is truly responsible for the avalanche.

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Any one of the plays where the Bronco's scored and any one of the Cowboy defenders that didn't stop them. That was the same cost as far as getting beat.


But then so was the coach who didn't call the right play for the defense on any one of the many times Manning scored on the Cowboys, or the coach that didn't prepare their D for all of Mannings different options, or.......



No one snowflake is truly responsible for the avalanche.

Like I said he's not the only to blame and you can also say Romo kept them in the game but he threw a pick that set up the winning score.  Sorry that's the very definition of costing someone a game.  It's the price that comes with being a QB in this league.  When you make plays and drive your team down the field to win who gets the credit?  The o-line that blocks and the WRs that catch the passes or the QB who lead the drive?   When you throw a pick in a situation like Romo did on Sunday he's going to shoulder the blame. 

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Why would he? They won the game and made a diving int to ice it for him. They picked him up after he made a turnover. If you defense can't stop the other team from scoring 50 pts...that isn't on your QB...thats on your defense. They forced that opening turnover but that was it. The only stop they got the rest of the game was when Peyton started feeling pressure to keep scoring and he threw the worst pass he has thrown all year. That INT on Peyton was because of the pressure ROMO had put him under....to keep scoring...to force something. Yes...Romo made a mistake and it came at the worst time....but you can't put all the blame on him. We say its a team game.....Peyton's record in the playoffs is a reflection of the quality team around him (him carrying them in) and we still regard him as one of the greatest....if that is the case then Romo isn't to blame....he carries that team year after year....but yes...he can't get them over the top...he needs help....how about 1 sack!! 1 3rd down stop!! Please...you expect perfection from Romo but don't hold anyone else responsible to do their job?? Laughable. It was a bad pass....a great int...but they didn't lose because of Romo....it would have been over at half time without his effort.

Let me ask you a simple question: If Tony Romo had not thrown that bad pass/interception, would the Cowboys have at least have at least tied the game up & gone into overtime? Quarterbacks love to say "I can only control what I can control." Well, Tony Romo had a perfect opportunity to control the outcome of that game did he not? A FG ties it up or a TD wins the game & begins to erase his playoff blunder NFL history. The defense argument or absence of it for the majority of the game, aside from the Manning face mask penalty means absolutely nothing. Why? Because Tony Romo controlled his own destiny right then & there in the 4 QTR & he, to put it charitably, came up short. It's as simple as that. 


Again, the Broncos Defense gave up a myriad of points & Peyton Manning still managed to win. The lack of defense on both sides was pretty much even. There is no validity to that point at all when you consider the score was tied 48-48 in the last few minutes of the 4th QTR. Tony Romo was the difference plain & simple. 


Also, when you consider how much NFL referees favor the offense now & defenses get penalized at the drop of a hat for harassing the passer, why would you expect the defense to take the blame? What, a protected QB can't win the the game in the last 3 minutes? Please...That is so laughable to me. What a joke...

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Let me ask you a simple question: If Tony Romo had not thrown that bad pass/interception, would the Cowboys have at least have at least tied the game up & gone into overtime? Quarterbacks love to say "I can only control what I can control." Well, Tony Romo had a perfect opportunity to control the outcome of that game did he not? A FG ties it up or a TD wins the game & begins to erase his playoff blunder NFL history. The defense argument or absence of it for the majority of the game, aside from the Manning face mask penalty means absolutely nothing. Why? Because Tony Romo controlled his own destiny right then & there in the 4 QTR & he, to put it charitably, came up short. It's as simple as that. 


Again, the Broncos Defense gave up a myriad of points & Peyton Manning still managed to win. The lack of defense on both sides was pretty much even. There is no validity to that point at all when you consider the score was tied 48-48 in the last few minutes of the 4th QTR. Tony Romo was the difference plain & simple. 


Also, when you consider how much NFL referees favor the offense now & defenses get penalized at the drop of a hat for harassing the passer, why would you expect the defense to take the blame? What, a protected QB can't win the the game in the last 3 minutes? Please...That is so laughable to me. What a joke...

Tony Romo gave them the lead in the 4th quarter did he not??? At what point when he has put up 48pts is he allowed to have a bad play....and to me that was more of a great diving int then a terrible throw like Peyton's. Peyton gave the defense that int....Romo's was because of a great individual effort. If you think QBs win and lose all games then I my words are wasted on you. Tony is not the only "professional" on his team. I don't get it. With your logic all of Peyton's losses in the post-season are on him....because he wasn't PERFECT. Thats a pretty high standard to set for 1 individual on your team and hold no one else accountable for their actions. Everyone takes a part of the responsibility of the loss...yes Romo too....but in film session are you going to put your effort in correcting Romo's play or their defenses?? Your logic is like saying Lebron or Kobe or anyone has scored like 40 pts in the game but because they miss the game winner its their fault. Tony Romo was the reason they were close...not the reason they lost....i'm sorry southwest...I usually can agree with you but on this one....i'm totally not with you. This isn't a game where Tony throws 3 or 4 ints in a close game where the defense kept putting him in chances to win. The only reason he had a shot was because of his superb play. Tony very well could have won that game...sure...but he actually outplayed Peyton from start to finish....just Peytons defense made a couple more stops and the most important last stop. To expect a qb to throw up 48 and its not enough...and you want more from him....that's absurd. It was absurd that Peyton needed that many points...Peytons turnover came with just enough time for them to come back....sadly Romo didn't get another drive chance. Romo has had his share of putrid games...this wasn't one of them....and Romo ain't the problem in Dallas. No one else on that team has any leadership ability at all....NO ONE. As great as Ware and Lee and some of the rest of those guys are they couldn't make a play or get after Peyton at all...if you expect your qb to carry your team with that kinda effort week in and out...they will never be champions....Broncos or Cowboys....because thats asking too much....someone else on the team needs to man up and make a play....and not just one but a couple...and not just one player but a couple players. Its a team game....if you don't expect your defense to do any better than they did...why even send them out on the field. Just spot Denver a score every possession and say lets see if we can do the same....I just don't see how a team expects to win like that. I would hope that whole team feels terrible about the position they put Tony in...the effort and great game he played and they didn't give a 1/10 of the effort or quality that he put out there on that field. If you played on that defense after that game you should feel like crap because you saw your teammate do something extroardinary and special and if you could have just done something ordinary....like your job and help get your team a stop then Tony doesn't have to try to make that last two minute drive....you can run the clock out. Thats my perspective.

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Tony Romo gave them the lead in the 4th quarter did he not??? At what point when he has put up 48pts is he allowed to have a bad play....and to me that was more of a great diving int then a terrible throw like Peyton's. Peyton gave the defense that int....Romo's was because of a great individual effort. If you think QBs win and lose all games then I my words are wasted on you. Tony is not the only "professional" on his team. I don't get it. With your logic all of Peyton's losses in the post-season are on him....because he wasn't PERFECT. Thats a pretty high standard to set for 1 individual on your team and hold no one else accountable for their actions. Everyone takes a part of the responsibility of the loss...yes Romo too....but in film session are you going to put your effort in correcting Romo's play or their defenses?? Your logic is like saying Lebron or Kobe or anyone has scored like 40 pts in the game but because they miss the game winner its their fault. Tony Romo was the reason they were close...not the reason they lost....i'm sorry southwest...I usually can agree with you but on this one....i'm totally not with you. This isn't a game where Tony throws 3 or 4 ints in a close game where the defense kept putting him in chances to win. The only reason he had a shot was because of his superb play. Tony very well could have won that game...sure...but he actually outplayed Peyton from start to finish....just Peytons defense made a couple more stops and the most important last stop. To expect a qb to throw up 48 and its not enough...and you want more from him....that's absurd. It was absurd that Peyton needed that many points...Peytons turnover came with just enough time for them to come back....sadly Romo didn't get another drive chance. Romo has had his share of putrid games...this wasn't one of them....and Romo ain't the problem in Dallas. No one else on that team has any leadership ability at all....NO ONE. As great as Ware and Lee and some of the rest of those guys are they couldn't make a play or get after Peyton at all...if you expect your qb to carry your team with that kinda effort week in and out...they will never be champions....Broncos or Cowboys....because thats asking too much....someone else on the team needs to man up and make a play....and not just one but a couple...and not just one player but a couple players. Its a team game....if you don't expect your defense to do any better than they did...why even send them out on the field. Just spot Denver a score every possession and say lets see if we can do the same....I just don't see how a team expects to win like that. I would hope that whole team feels terrible about the position they put Tony in...the effort and great game he played and they didn't give a 1/10 of the effort or quality that he put out there on that field. If you played on that defense after that game you should feel like crap because you saw your teammate do something extroardinary and special and if you could have just done something ordinary....like your job and help get your team a stop then Tony doesn't have to try to make that last two minute drive....you can run the clock out. Thats my perspective.

1st sentence: Ah no. Who cares about a temporary lead. It means nothing in the last 5 minutes if you can not sustain it & emerge victorious. Tony tied the game in the forth QTR & lost. Why is that so hard to grasp? Forget the defense. Tony Romo had 3 minutes to win the game & he lost. Get over it & stop making excuses for Romo please. Obviously, we will never agree on this matter & that is fine. 


Just a suggestion: Try separating your thoughts into paragraphs. It's much easier to read. Thank you. 

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Okay, perhaps I was a tad too harsh. Let me take another stab at this topic: 


Tony Romo gave them the lead in the 4th quarter did he not??? At what point when he has put up 48pts is he allowed to have a bad play....and to me that was more of a great diving int then a terrible throw like Peyton's. Peyton gave the defense that int....Romo's was because of a great individual effort.


Individual effort? Is this like getting a blue ribbon for trying? I'm sorry this is the Natl. Football League not amateur athletes playing football outside at Thanksgiving. How many pardons does Tony Romo get? Is it endless?   


If you think QBs win and lose all games then I my words are wasted on you. Tony is not the only "professional" on his team. I don't get it. With your logic all of Peyton's losses in the post-season are on him....because he wasn't PERFECT. Thats a pretty high standard to set for 1 individual on your team and hold no one else accountable for their actions. Everyone takes a part of the responsibility of the loss...yes Romo too....but in film session are you going to put your effort in correcting Romo's play or their defenses??


Who demanded perfection from Romo? I didn't. What do you think he would have preferred 3 TDs & a victory or 48 points & 1 costly turnover? Tony Romo cost himself the game any way you slice it. 


Your logic is like saying Lebron or Kobe or anyone has scored like 40 pts in the game but because they miss the game winner its their fault. Tony Romo was the reason they were close...not the reason they lost....i'm sorry southwest...I usually can agree with you but on this one....i'm totally not with you. This isn't a game where Tony throws 3 or 4 ints in a close game where the defense kept putting him in chances to win. The only reason he had a shot was because of his superb play. Tony very well could have won that game...sure...but he actually outplayed Peyton from start to finish....just Peytons defense made a couple more stops and the most important last stop. To expect a qb to throw up 48 and its not enough...and you want more from him....that's absurd. It was absurd that Peyton needed that many points...Peytons turnover came with just enough time for them to come back....sadly Romo didn't get another drive chance.


What does Peyton have to do with a discussion about Romo? Zero, Zilch, Nada. 1 turnover at the wrong time in the wrong half means everything. Tony Romo controlled the outcome of that game all by himself. 


Romo has had his share of putrid games...this wasn't one of them....and Romo ain't the problem in Dallas. No one else on that team has any leadership ability at all....NO ONE. As great as Ware and Lee and some of the rest of those guys are they couldn't make a play or get after Peyton at all...if you expect your qb to carry your team with that kinda effort week in and out...they will never be champions....Broncos or Cowboys....because thats asking too much....someone else on the team needs to man up and make a play....and not just one but a couple...and not just one player but a couple players. Its a team game....if you don't expect your defense to do any better than they did...why even send them out on the field.


Gee, who fired DC Rob Ryan? Jerry Jones. Where is Rob Ryan flourishing right now? New Orleans. But again, D isn't the issue here: Romo with 3 minutes left to tie or win the game is. 


Just spot Denver a score every possession and say lets see if we can do the same....I just don't see how a team expects to win like that. I would hope that whole team feels terrible about the position they put Tony in...the effort and great game he played and they didn't give a 1/10 of the effort or quality that he put out there on that field. If you played on that defense after that game you should feel like crap because you saw your teammate do something extroardinary and special and if you could have just done something ordinary....like your job and help get your team a stop then Tony doesn't have to try to make that last two minute drive....you can run the clock out. Thats my perspective.


The defense failing to show up for Dallas means absolutely nothing when you consider that Tony Romo is not a rookie QB & he had an excellent chance of scoring a TD in 3 minutes & he folded like a lawn chair. JMO. 

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The guy put up a record 500+ yds, 5 TD's, had the best performance of his career, the offense scored 48 pts, yet I read stuff like this:



I'll tell you what the "mistakes" were... The Cowboys defense giving up 51 pts! You subtract one of those TD's, FG's, etc. and Romo all of a sudden becomes a hero. It's not like Peyton didn't throw an INT this game either. Peyton's INT just happened to occur earlier in the ball-game.


The life of a QB sucks.

He has a reputation for losing games with late INTs. It's a huge difference when throwing a INT early vs late in the game. Just goes to show that stats mean very little, all it takes is a few costly mistakes to lose the game. Tony Romo's MO.

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Anyone who blames Romo for this loss is an *. They wouldn't have even been in contention if it wasn't for him.

Tony Romo kept them in the game but then lost it at the end. The moment of truth was at hand and he failed. The guy is a fighter but he makes huge mistakes at the worst possible times.

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Tony Romo kept them in the game but then lost it at the end. The moment of truth was at hand and he failed. The guy is a fighter but he makes huge mistakes at the worst possible times.


He stepped up into the pocket and stepped on his offensive lineman ankle, and made an off balance throw to his open TE and the TE didn't come back to the ball like he was supposed to. This combined with a great diving play by the LB is why the ball was intercepted. 


Not because of lack of some "clutch" which is a made up buzz term.

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He's always been overly criticized and he hasn't been helped by the fact that he's gone through so many coaching and coordinator changes.  Unfortunately for him, a good amount of his chokes came under the national spotlight earlier on in his career.  The media pointed it out, and he hasn't been able to ditch the reputation ever since.  It's a very undeserved criticism given that there are plenty of other QBs who have been hailed as 4th quarter clutch QBs with a worse record (based on average) of comeback victories, including Steve Young, Roger Staubach, and Brett Favre.  While many of his have happened on the nationally televised games, there's nothing that separates a blown lead in a Sunday 1am game or a Monday Night Football game.  They're both regular season games.  So why people blast Romo for being a terrible 4th Qtr. QB is beyond me.  He's a very competent QB that can win his team football games with his arm that blows leads just as often as other notable HOF QBs.


For your reference if you hadn't already seen it - http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9711636/nfl-why-aaron-rodgers-not-truly-great

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He stepped up into the pocket and stepped on his offensive lineman ankle, and made an off balance throw to his open TE and the TE didn't come back to the ball like he was supposed to. This combined with a great diving play by the LB is why the ball was intercepted. 


Not because of lack of some "clutch" which is a made up buzz term.

I see him step on the lineman's foot but he still didn't throw it ahead of his TE, he threw it slightly behind him and yes,the LBer made a great play. football is a game of inches, for everybody, and Tony couldn't finish a great game with a win. It wasn't his worst play ever but he didn't finish the deal either. Clutch is really a thing, it means you play your best when the game is on the line and not much time left. For example, Luck might be a slow starter but he's clutch in the 4th quarter.

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Put it this way. When I watch the Cowboys and they are in a close game and Romo has the ball with a chance to win the game, I would feel 100% comfortable putting big money on it if someone wanted to bet the against that Romo would throw a pick or fumble the ball and lose. And you know what the worst part is? I would win that bet 90% of the time. 


THAT'S why hes criticized.


Romo played one heck of a game the other day, and I wouldn't trash him for 'losing the game' after that performance...but at some point you have to notice that something like this happens with him all the time. He just can't seem to keep his poo inside his body when the game is on the line at the end. Whether it's fair or not, he's reached the point in his career where this stigma is attached to him...the dreaded 'can't win the big one' label is firmly attached and the only way to remove it is to...well....win the big one. 

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