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Richardson Was Cheap


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I swear some people should get flagged for attacking posters on here just because they disagree with an opinion. At least Gavin tries to back up his analysis instead of making witty remarks and undermining others. Jvan what position have you played in the NFL that gives you a right to judge a player (good or bad)?

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I swear some people should get flagged for attacking posters on here just because they disagree with an opinion. At least Gavin tries to back up his analysis instead of making witty remarks and undermining others. Jvan what position have you played in the NFL that gives you a right to judge a player (good or bad)?

i dont hammer on players abilities. Im not qualified to say if a player is doing his job or not. Because i don't have the playbook. I have no idea what that players responsibilities are on any given play. I also don't rip who we draft, how much we pay FA's and the like.

Some people here actually believe they could coach or be the GM. Its laughable at best.

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I gotta disagree wtih you here.  It's not just learning a playbook.  It's learning their new OL's player tendencies, learning how to make new reads within a different offensive system.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but in a game where 1/10 of a second can be the difference between a loss and a gain, you gotta cut the guy a little slack when he's played two games, not to mention the fact that it the trade occurred mid-season.  Yeah, there's a hype around the guy, and maybe he is overhyped, but he'll learn and get better.  We'll see, but its' just too soon to tell.

Not to mention the O-Line hasn't been together long enough to be completely comfortable with each other. Injuries and shuffling hasn't helped much either. Just 4 games deep into the season and the Colts  rated 4th is nothing to hang your head about. Having a running game rated anything over average is something new to the Colts and their fans. Now we have taken a hit with Ballard out and the injury to Bradshaw. I am very concerned about the unknown coming up.

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i dont hammer on players abilities. Im not qualified to say if a player is doing his job or not. Because i don't have the playbook. I have no idea what that players responsibilities are on any given play. I also don't rip who we draft, how much we pay FA's and the like.

Some people here actually believe they could coach or be the GM. Its laughable at best.

So what position do you play in the NFL and for what team?

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What would the price be for Richardson if Cleveland had waited a bit longer ? Word was the deal was actually initiated by the Browns . If they had called after Bradshaw was on the shelf and played their cards right , I'm sure additional picks would have been involved. I loved the deal from the start , so I was already in the camp that thought a No 1 was a steal. Point I'm trying to make is all the leverage would have gone to Cleveland and they probably would have fleeced us. Really unlucky Bradshaw might be seriously hurt but equally lucky Cleveland came calling with a great deal ... just in time.

It goes back to the 1st round choice for a RB....

Richardson must produce more than 3.9 per carry..his career average..

no NFL would pay more than a 1st round pick for any back much less an unproven one

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I just saw on the ticker at the bottom of the screen on the NFL network. Reggie Bush said it took him 4-5 years to learn the defenses and yada,yada to have the vision to be able to run the ball better.


 I think a few here are in a hurry to see BIG results out of all of our new guys. He just got to Indy a cpl of weeks ago. Can we at least let him be able to find the restrooms and his locker before we want him to be AP. Geez such a hard crowd.


If he is still not tripping your trigger in a cpl of years then you could pile on him. I am so glad we have a capable organization that can spot talent and give us winning seasons year after year. Other wise I could see a few here stepping out on the ledge. 

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I just saw on the ticker at the bottom of the screen on the NFL network. Reggie Bush said it took him 4-5 years to learn the defenses and yada,yada to have the vision to be able to run the ball better.


 I think a few here are in a hurry to see BIG results out of all of our new guys. He just got to Indy a cpl of weeks ago. Can we at least let him be able to find the restrooms and his locker before we want him to be AP. Geez such a hard crowd.


If he is still not tripping your trigger in a cpl of years then you could pile on him. I am so glad we have a capable organization that can spot talent and give us winning seasons year after year. Other wise I could see a few here stepping out on the ledge. 

well lets not go quite as far as stepping out on a ledge (in my case anyway) I just gave an opinion of where he is now, not where he will be 5 years from now, I certainly dont expect him to be anything close to AP

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well lets not go quite as far as stepping out on a ledge (in my case anyway) I just gave an opinion of where he is now, not where he will be 5 years from now, I certainly dont expect him to be anything close to AP

That's good to here. Jumpers are pretty messy.  I just feel like everyone(myself) at time expects to much from our players, especially the young guns. Expecting perfection, big stats, perfection on every play. We get caught up in our expectations of certain players and when they don't deliver hes a bust. When it takes a cpl of years for the college boys to get strong enough, physically and mentally to play in the NFL.


 Its a brutal game that requires a lot of mental focus and physical strength, just to endure the long season and practices. Learning playbooks and trying to read defenses and blitz packages. By some of the most brilliant minds in football. It takes a while to play like a pro and a lot just don't ever get it.


Richardson has the physical tools to be one of the best to ever play. With a new coaching staff and another year under his belt he just may be one of the top 5 or ten in the league. We will have to wait and see. Everyone knows he needs to improve in several different ways. But so far he is wearing down defenses and protecting Luck from getting sacked. Taking time off the clock and contributing to the team. I personally feel like he was a good pick with our 2014 first rounder. But what do I know Im just a jumper...

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That's good to here. Jumpers are pretty messy.  I just feel like everyone(myself) at time expects to much from our players, especially the young guns. Expecting perfection, big stats, perfection on every play. We get caught up in our expectations of certain players and when they don't deliver hes a bust. When it takes a cpl of years for the college boys to get strong enough, physically and mentally to play in the NFL.


 Its a brutal game that requires a lot of mental focus and physical strength, just to endure the long season and practices. Learning playbooks and trying to read defenses and blitz packages. By some of the most brilliant minds in football. It takes a while to play like a pro and a lot just don't ever get it.


Richardson has the physical tools to be one of the best to ever play. With a new coaching staff and another year under his belt he just may be one of the top 5 or ten in the league. We will have to wait and see. Everyone knows he needs to improve in several different ways. But so far he is wearing down defenses and protecting Luck from getting sacked. Taking time off the clock and contributing to the team. I personally feel like he was a good pick with our 2014 first rounder. But what do I know Im just a jumper...

Agreed on all accounts EXCEPT....I would not have given up our 2014 1st for him, He is just not that missing piece to put us over the top, I think we should have kept that 1st rounder and used it on a wr

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Interesting point.  But if you just need a power back to wear down a defense while gaining less then average yardage, wouldn't somebody like Delone Carter provide that?


Similar NFL production when you look at their two careers (at least when you look at averages):

Carter 26 games 3.8 ypc, TD% 4% Pass Protection Efficiency 93%

Richardson 20 games 3.5 ypc, TD% 4%, Pass Protection Efficiency 88%


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Trent is with the Colts.  He's young, relatively cheap ($$), seems durable, doesn't have a history of fumbling, shows elusiveness in the open field (pass plays), and I'll still somewhat caught up in the draft hype (all those scouts can't be wrong, right?) .   But at some point NLF productivity has to trump hype and potential.   Having watched all of Trent's games on NFL Rewind, I'm don't necessarily feel we got him cheap, but I'm glad we have him.

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Glad he was cheap, He should be at this stage in his career. He needs to learn to run away from contact instead of trying to run through it and needs to run behind his pads

run behind his pads?  are you saying he doesnt?



do you know what that means?

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It goes back to the 1st round choice for a RB....

Richardson must produce more than 3.9 per carry..his career average..

no NFL would pay more than a 1st round pick for any back much less an unproven one



The kid is in his 2nd year and you're throwing his "career average" around.  How about we just look and see how he does with the running lanes he get's going forward and judge him on that. Emmitt Smith had 11 years where he averaged 4.2 per carry or less. OJ had a terrible per carry average until the Bills gave him a line to play behind. I'm not saying he's a top 3 RB at this point but you have to respect the 14 TD's in 19 games. 

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have you ever played a down of football in your life?? 

I know this wan't directed at me, but similar comments have been before. To which, I would like to reply; If you haven't played NFL football, you should knock off the Polk high school football star, Al Bundy wanna-be football player attitude. 


A clue for you to follow; Just because you made 3rd string DB for some hick high school 27 years ago, this does not champion you to a level of expertise above others. 

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i dont hammer on players abilities. Im not qualified to say if a player is doing his job or not. Because i don't have the playbook. I have no idea what that players responsibilities are on any given play. I also don't rip who we draft, how much we pay FA's and the like.

Some people here actually believe they could coach or be the GM. Its laughable at best.

thats why its a forum, we all are GMs and think we can do better, LOL

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thats why its a forum, we all are GMs and think we can do better, LOL

i agree, and i have my opinions as well. But some seem to question and poo poo everything the coaching staff and front office do. It gets tiresome. This staff is 14-6 after coming off a 2-14 season. I think they deserve benefit of doubt from the fans for the time being.

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i agree, and i have my opinions as well. But some seem to question and poo poo everything the coaching staff and front office do. It gets tiresome. This staff is 14-6 after coming off a 2-14 season. I think they deserve benefit of doubt from the fans for the time being.

He I'm with you.. As far as I'm concerned the Colts' front office has done a great job and I leave all the pickups, signing, cuts up to them. That's what they are getting paid to do.

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I know this wan't directed at me, but similar comments have been before. To which, I would like to reply; If you haven't played NFL football, you should knock off the Polk high school football star, Al Bundy wanna-be football player attitude.

A clue for you to follow; Just because you made 3rd string DB for some hick high school 27 years ago, this does not champion you to a level of expertise above others.

That may be true, but playing at the number 1 JV Freshman spot on the Tennis team, makes me at least as knowledgable as half the GMs and Coaches in the NFL.

That's just facts I'm tellin' here.

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Look, members......people have opinions. As long as people follow the posted rules and guidelines, they have a right to their opinions. Also remember that an opinion about an opinion.....is still an opinion.


If one wants to say, "player x doesn't know what he is doing, needs to do yada to get better, or was a bad value", go ahead and post it. But if you post it in a way they that makes it a statement of fact, then have some fortitude and get ready for others opinion about your factual opinion.


I want the same things that all fans want...for our team to win. I also humble myself and try to refrain from making statements that dont at least include the words "might", "could", "I wonder if", "do you think", "Is it possible", and so on. When I don't use those kind of lead ins or trailers, I expect to get strong opinions about my opinions.


Just remember that if one disagrees with a strong or factual type opinion, please refer to the posts, not the person. Making it personal is against the rules. An example would be:


"I dont think you know what you're talking about"....is personal.

"I think this view is uninformed"...is not


Note that one about a person, the other is about what they said.


Please keep in mind that we all have a right to post our thoughts within the rules and guidelines. Do try to remember though that many members feels a sense of family to the players, coaches, staff and ownership of this team. This is a Colts board. If you post in a manner that demeans their abilities, choices, and skills on a regular basis, dont be surprised to get opinions about your stance. 


I go down to the local pub in Portland and watch the Colt play when I can. I sit with other Colt fans and we discuss the game as it goes on. To me, that "Colt" guy that constantly says negatives about the Colts is no different that the "Texans" guy who puts the Colts down, I don't care if he is dipped in blue and has a horseshoe tattooed in the middle of his forehead.


Think before you post, think before you respond. If all else fails, use the ignore feature.

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What would the price be for Richardson if Cleveland had waited a bit longer ? Word was the deal was actually initiated by the Browns . If they had called after Bradshaw was on the shelf and played their cards right , I'm sure additional picks would have been involved. I loved the deal from the start , so I was already in the camp that thought a No 1 was a steal. Point I'm trying to make is all the leverage would have gone to Cleveland and they probably would have fleeced us. Really unlucky Bradshaw might be seriously hurt but equally lucky Cleveland came calling with a great deal ... just in time.

He's cheap because he's still in his rookie contract.

It's always risky giving up a first round pick.

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He's cheap because he's still in his rookie contract.

It's always risky giving up a first round pick.



Pretty much every move anyone makes is risk - reward. Yes , draft choices are nice , but what are you "risking " giving up a first round pick that might very well be in the 20's. Probably a 50-50 shot at drafting a good player. The Rams are doing a good job of stinking despite of a plethora . New England traded for extra ones for what seemed like forever. Take Tom Brady off that team and the smart free agent signings are they too are junk. My point is that draft picks are no sure things , good management or bad management. If Richardson is a stud , it's a great deal. Last year many on this board were sick we gave Miami a 2nd for V Davis. That was an absolute steal and hopefully this will be also.

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For some reason I'm just not understanding how many yards Richardson is averaging per carry.

Perhaps be more clear and concise.



I'll address you on this as you'll probably understand. The Colts do not want to be one of these teams that rely mostly on the passing game. They want a balanced attack , much like you see in SF. Pep as we know is a disciple of the system being run there.  They also want to provide the utmost protection to A Luck. So a back that is big , fast .. can move the chains , score TD's and pass protect is worth a 1st round pick to them. If we had a top 5 offensive line , maybe these guys would have more of a point. 

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I'll address you on this as you'll probably understand. The Colts do not want to be one of these teams that rely mostly on the passing game. They want a balanced attack , much like you see in SF. Pep as we know is a disciple of the system being run there. They also want to provide the utmost protection to A Luck. So a back that is big , fast .. can move the chains , score TD's and pass protect is worth a 1st round pick to them. If we had a top 5 offensive line , maybe these guys would have more of a point.

I just just having a bit of fun with Uncle mark lol.

Definitely good points about our offensive strategy though.

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I just just having a bit of fun with Uncle mark lol.

Definitely good points about our offensive strategy though.



Yes having fun is a good idea. When i get a chance I'm going to look up Richardson's YPC average as that's usually a good sign of a RB's skill set. I'll guess that's it's well over 4 yards per carry.

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First, I agree with what the OP stated.


Secondly, Though I like TR, at the time when we got him, it was a luxury.  We had and still have greater problems, IMO.


The cost right now is little, but down the road, this is going to be costly, IMO. We do not have a #1 WR on our roster to replace Reggie and now we have to wait 2 years to even aquire one, IMO.


In a few years when TR's, Luck's Hylton;s and other come up together, who do we keep and who do we get rid of.


Thinking in the now is good, but catchs up with you sometime in the future, if you do not plan ahead as well.

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First, I agree with what the OP stated.


Secondly, Though I like TR, at the time when we got him, it was a luxury.  We had and still have greater problems, IMO.


The cost right now is little, but down the road, this is going to be costly, IMO. We do not have a #1 WR on our roster to replace Reggie and now we have to wait 2 years to even aquire one, IMO.


In a few years when TR's, Luck's Hylton;s and other come up together, who do we keep and who do we get rid of.


Thinking in the now is good, but catchs up with you sometime in the future, if you do not plan ahead as well.


For now the colts will worry about stocking up on talent.  Pay them later.


We all like Hilton, but he hasn't earned a big dollar second contract yet.  Same goes for TR.  


Bey could be the guy to become #1.

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First, I agree with what the OP stated.


Secondly, Though I like TR, at the time when we got him, it was a luxury.  We had and still have greater problems, IMO.


The cost right now is little, but down the road, this is going to be costly, IMO. We do not have a #1 WR on our roster to replace Reggie and now we have to wait 2 years to even aquire one, IMO.


In a few years when TR's, Luck's Hylton;s and other come up together, who do we keep and who do we get rid of.


Thinking in the now is good, but catchs up with you sometime in the future, if you do not plan ahead as well.



Good point but there's nothing to say we can't get lucky in round 2 or 3. Also we still have some money for a free agent or two.

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