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Colts may have a better chance in SF


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I think we have the talent. I'm concerned about containing Kaepernick. And concerned that some of Andrew's poor decisions might burn us against this squad. But we can beat these guys.


Just reminded me of the Herb Brooks speech. These guys might beat us 9/10 but tonight is our time. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones



I'd be suprised if he starts or is on the field for alot of plays, but still good news.

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*Shrinks himself & hides in your suitcase* haha

Ran outta likes for the day :(

No problem! There is so much to like around here these past 24 hours! Im still speechless. I was happy enough that I actually paused GTA5 to watch NFL Network when it was announced.


And to be perfectly honest, I think this game will be a battle, 49ers are nicked up but they have great depth. The colts should be riding this good news. Thats what happened when we beat Green Bay... it was all emotion

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No problem! There is so much to like around here these past 24 hours! Im still speechless. I was happy enough that I actually paused GTA5 to watch NFL Network when it was announced.

And to be perfectly honest, I think this game will be a batlle, 49ers are nicked up but they have great depth. The colts should be riding this good news. Thats what happened when we beat Green Bay... it was all emotion


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i think the game will be on in your area this week

YES! I saw that. I will definitely be in the chat room & watching the game. This is my first Colts regular season game I get on TV since...... I wanna say since the Thursday night game @JAX last year with Darius Butler's 2 pick game

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I've checked Kevin Bowen, Phil B Wilson, & Craig Kelley's Twitter. None of them mentioned Connor on the injury report so I assume he's healthy


I've checked Kevin Bowen, Phil B Wilson, & Craig Kelley's Twitter. None of them mentioned Connor on the injury report so I assume he's healthy



My opinion has been different in the past, but I somewhat feel now that Kavell Connor is better than Angerer.

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As a Niners fan I'm honestly not feeling all that good about the teams chances until they get their running game back to last years level. Kaps injury explains last weeks accuracy problems and makes the running game that much more important for them.


It will def be a good game. Glad to have ya posting, love other teams fans popping by.

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It will def be a good game. Glad to have ya posting, love other teams fans popping by.

 Appreciate being here Kenny. Nice people here. Some forums you go to and football is very personal to them, very extreme. I like going to different forums to get other fans perspectives, talk football and whatnot, instead of rehashing the same stuff over and over at the Niners site.

  For example, after the SF/Seattle and KC/Phi. games some of the Alex Smith fans are questioning whether the right QB was traded. That's a subject that will go on forever there. Maybe something similar happened with the Manning/Luck transition here.

 Anyway, looking forward to a very competitive game!

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 Appreciate being here Kenny. Nice people here. Some forums you go to and football is very personal to them, very extreme. I like going to different forums to get other fans perspectives, talk football and whatnot, instead of rehashing the same stuff over and over at the Niners site.

  For example, after the SF/Seattle and KC/Phi. games some of the Alex Smith fans are questioning whether the right QB was traded. That's a subject that will go on forever there. Maybe something similar happened with the Manning/Luck transition here.

 Anyway, looking forward to a very competitive game!


Yeah I totally get what you mean. I went over to the Dolphins forum before our game and posted a few times then congratulated them after the W and all were very classy and humble. I've been posting over there fairly regular now, all very positive people. 


We have the few who think we should have kept Manning, but they are very few. I feel Smith got a very bad rap in thaat situation, but with the way Kap was playing there really wasn't a bad decision haha.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Seahawks fan here. HUGE Colts fan this week. best of luck, hope you guys stomp the c**p outta them!

haha Thanks...I'd tell ya good luck against the Jags, but you guys don't need it.  Cheers!

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Colts need to be aggressive to win this game. I almost feel like we have to win. We need to get on a roll here, we've kinda had a slow start.

I feel like for the Colts to win they have to come out with a "we got nothing to lose attitude" and just throw the kitchen sink at the gameplan.  If they play it like their season depends on it, I have faith the Colts can pull the upset.

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