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Did we set the edge like we were supposed to on D?


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i thought walden was very solid at stopping the run when the run when it was directed at him. people are too negative about walden because of money. look at the plays watch walden ive gone back and done my homework looking at specific players( walden,bradshaw,cherilus,and sheppard) because they were my favorite new colts and i watched how each played and walden played fine.another new face sheppard has gotten a really hard time escpecially from brad wells of stampede blue i specifically looked at 52 all game and he didnt looked confused or slow at all he was productive i was impressed with him and walden. btw cherilus played decent i expect more but so far im not as negative on him as others

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Freeman, Ricky Jean, and Redding all played very well in the front 7.

I saw Francois graded at a D+  What the ______?  Redding was solid with a couple of really nice hits on Pryor.....Freeman was a little off of his normal game (Chasing the play a lot) but he still was a B or B+ IMO....

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i thought walden was very solid at stopping the run when the run when it was directed at him. people are too negative about walden because of money. look at the plays watch walden ive gone back and done my homework looking at specific players( walden,bradshaw,cherilus,and sheppard) because they were my favorite new colts and i watched how each played and walden played fine.another new face sheppard has gotten a really hard time escpecially from brad wells of stampede blue i specifically looked at 52 all game and he didnt looked confused or slow at all he was productive i was impressed with him and walden. btw cherilus played decent i expect more but so far im not as negative on him as others


Sheppard was out of position a fair amount and an arm length short on most every play in space. He hurt us.

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I agree pryor is unbelievably atheltic when we face tannehill it will b different i think we need to get more pressure from our DLine CHapmen franklin redding RJF get the pressure in his face just as well werner and mathis really have to step up  but i believe he was being held all day i could count on more the 1 hand how many times he was held  !

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i thought walden was very solid at stopping the run when the run when it was directed at him. people are too negative about walden because of money. look at the plays watch walden ive gone back and done my homework looking at specific players( walden,bradshaw,cherilus,and sheppard) because they were my favorite new colts and i watched how each played and walden played fine.another new face sheppard has gotten a really hard time escpecially from brad wells of stampede blue i specifically looked at 52 all game and he didnt looked confused or slow at all he was productive i was impressed with him and walden. btw cherilus played decent i expect more but so far im not as negative on him as others

I think Sheppard played very hard, but he was in the wrong position to make tackles a lot.  He set the the OL up to block him well by not having his body square.  This made Freeman chase down the runners more.  Sometimes he looks quick to me, and others he just looks like he is standing still....


All of the linebackers who blitzed declared the blitz way too soon....Manusky needs disguise blitzes...not just walk the backes...and safety (Bethea) to the line of scrimmage....WAYYYYYYY too easy!

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I think Sheppard played very hard, but he was in the wrong position to make tackles a lot.  He set the the OL up to block him well by not having his body square.  This made Freeman chase down the runners more.  Sometimes he looks quick to me, and others he just looks like he is standing still....


All of the linebackers who blitzed declared the blitz way too soon....Manusky needs disguise blitzes...not just walk the backes...and safety (Bethea) to the line of scrimmage....WAYYYYYYY too easy!



Sheppard was out of position a fair amount and an arm length short on most every play in space. He hurt us.

its odd im going back on game rewind watching every drive and i guess im seeing it now hes out of position on certain plas and opens up room for a couple of passes tthat shouldnt of happened but i still think hes an upgrade over angerer and conner just my opinion i hope he grows and gets better as the season goes along thanks for the insight guys

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its odd im going back on game rewind watching every drive and i guess im seeing it now hes out of position on certain plas and opens up room for a couple of passes tthat shouldnt of happened but i still think hes an upgrade over angerer and conner just my opinion i hope he grows and gets better as the season goes along thanks for the insight guys

We need all of our backers to improve...not just Sheppard for sure.  Keep rooting for YOUR guys!  We need all of them to play at a high level for us to succeed....Still hoping Angerer is not an injury a gam kind of a LB, and Conner is strong against the run. Still Waiting for him to see the field and get the call to blitz!!   :colts: :colts: :colts:!!!!!

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I have no idea what some of you were watching but you sure wasn't watching the Colts game. They set the edge great, but could not contain Pryor. Thats it, if not for Pryor's break away ability, the Colts would have destroyed the raiders and that is with bad O-line play and bad play-calling on Pep's part. Pryor kept them in the game, he was absolutely the only thing the Raiders had going for them.

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I have no idea what some of you were watching but you sure wasn't watching the Colts game. They set the edge great, but could not contain Pryor. Thats it, if not for Pryor's break away ability, the Colts would have destroyed the raiders and that is with bad O-line play and bad play-calling on Pep's part. Pryor kept them in the game, he was absolutely the only thing the Raiders had going for them.


I thought they overpursued a little bit, but that's different from setting the edge. I, too, thought we did a good job of setting the edge. It's unfortunate we let Pryor go off, but I think his athleticism caught everyone off guard a little bit. He's definitely got pro speed and size.

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We didn't set the edge because we were fooled on several plays. 




Being fooled and setting the edge are 2 different things. Like I said earlier, we set the edge great, Pryor burned us because when we took away all his other options and he was faster than our LBer's.

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By that logic, the Chiefs running game is a gimmick. They gave us 352 yards, but they didn't win, so it's garbage.

Not to mention our game winning score was a QB run.

Pryor's running ability is very good, what's garbage is they weren't designed plays, so its the offense as a whole that was a joke.

It's kinda like that saying " it's better to be lucky than good "

Luck only ran it a few times opposed to Pryor, so I don't see the similarities at all. Sure Pryor gave us some fits but it didn't last and it wont work against other teams for long. Our offense has some substance behind it and not just running for dear life every play, hence "substance>gimmicks".

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Being fooled and setting the edge are 2 different things. Like I said earlier, we set the edge great, Pryor burned us because when we took away all his other options and he was faster than our LBer's.

Exactly. The Colts did pressure Pryor, a ton, but it just made him run like the wind. I don't think our DC was calling enough plays to defend against it. Maybe Conner could've been a better LB for it but was injured.

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Pryor's running ability is very good, what's garbage is they weren't designed plays, so its the offense as a whole that was a joke.

It's kinda like that saying " it's better to be lucky than good "

Luck only ran it a few times opposed to Pryor, so I don't see the similarities at all. Sure Pryor gave us some fits but it didn't last and it wont work against other teams for long. Our offense has some substance behind it and not just running for dear life every play, hence "substance>gimmicks".

I guess I just disagree. It's a weapon, and a decent one, that can help open opportunities for your offense. I wouldn't call it a gimmick, even though I agree that it won't last in the NFL. Not scrambling, anyways.

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I think he fooled everybody in that everyone, including Pagano, underestimated him.

Boy I'll be the first to admit I did. He looked good out there. My buddy is a raiders fan and loves him. Sure he isn't polished but he has the tools that's for sure. Dude is so big he doesn't look like he's running that fast but he was leaving our lbers (sheppard) in the dust.

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Some of the overplay was definitely showing lack of ability to 'contain' or 'stay home' which take the appearance of not 'setting the edge.'


I do not think Mathis has a clue on setting the edge, and nor does Werner (Yes he is a rookie so not slamming him.)  Our biggest runs against us last year came against Mathis....around the edge....(Charles and Foster ring an immediate bell)


Mathis looked like just another player to me yesterday...and looked to be the most tired.....learning the OLB position; it is not the defensive end position in a 4-3 Big fella.....you HAVE to stay home, contain....set the edge or we will get burned.  You will also be less tired having to run QBs, RBs and WRs down  (As in reverse)  We know you can do it 98!!   :colts: :colts: :colts:!!!!

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Absolutely not, Pryor got outside time and again - amazing that he was bigger and faster than the guys chasing him down for the most part.


Erik Walden is in serious need of another jersey number - the way he rushed the passer today was not 93 like.

He wasn't brought here to rush the passer.  Just because he has Freeney's old number doesn't mean that's what he does.  I would like to see him do a better job than he did yesterday at helping to stop the run because that's the main reason he's here.

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They kept running towards Mathis side ,we switched Walden and Mathis and then they ran mostly to Mathis again.Go back and check it out,and pay attention to detail before you try to correct me please. :thmup:

i dont know if any one else saw...but pryor would option read to werner side every time and go right past him , i saw him flip the running back side to werner like 3 times 

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Some of the overplay was definitely showing lack of ability to 'contain' or 'stay home' which take the appearance of not 'setting the edge.'


I do not think Mathis has a clue on setting the edge, and nor does Werner (Yes he is a rookie so not slamming him.)  Our biggest runs against us last year came against Mathis....around the edge....(Charles and Foster ring an immediate bell)


Mathis looked like just another player to me yesterday...and looked to be the most tired.....learning the OLB position; it is not the defensive end position in a 4-3 Big fella.....you HAVE to stay home, contain....set the edge or we will get burned.  You will also be less tired having to run QBs, RBs and WRs down  (As in reverse)  We know you can do it 98!!   :colts: :colts: :colts:!!!!

mathis should only bin in on 4-3 sets....i say move conner to olb and have walden,angerer, freeman, conner as the starting LBs lol

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He wasn't brought here to rush the passer.  Just because he has Freeney's old number doesn't mean that's what he does.  I would like to see him do a better job than he did yesterday at helping to stop the run because that's the main reason he's here.

i think against a conventional run games we will set the edge well, but with the running qb is hard because when we set the edge pryor would break up the middle , and if we tried to keep him in front of us to stop the scramble he would back yard football it and not even the best coverage can hold up, so i think this game is basically on the colts underestimating pryor speed , but we shoulda blitz him crazy and forced him to make quick reads but o well, gonna be hard ot watch us try to stop kap and russ this yr....

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i think against a conventional run games we will set the edge well, but with the running qb is hard because when we set the edge pryor would break up the middle , and if we tried to keep him in front of us to stop the scramble he would back yard football it and not even the best coverage can hold up, so i think this game is basically on the colts underestimating pryor speed , but we shoulda blitz him crazy and forced him to make quick reads but o well, gonna be hard ot watch us try to stop kap and russ this yr....

Yeah, if you honestly look at the "traditional" run we did really well yesterday and it wasn't just because Pryor was running wild either, most of the time we were stopping the Raiders backs after a yard or two.  Redding and RJF had a lot to do with that but I think Walden helps with that as well. 

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IMO, the problem the Colts had with Pryor running the ball was the scheme set up by the coaching staff.  IMO, the staff was much more concerned with stopping Darren McFadden than concerned about the QB.  McFadden only averaged 2.8 yds per carry.  Pryor proved proved to be much better as an option running the ball than the staff thought he would be.  When we face the 49ers the Colts know they must stop Gore and Kappernick, so their game plan will have to be improved.  Probably the players will be better prepared and will have learned their responsibilities better when the time comes.

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No we did a bad job, I think the game plan was to rush the passer heavy, & they had NO containment, The game plan should have been, rush an contain, which they did a little better as the game went on. We TOTALLY underestimated Priors speed & size!! We where lucky to get a win, must play better.

I haven't read all of the replies in this post. I have not had the time; however, I want to respond.

I believe we set the edge very well, if we were defending a running back. This Pryor kid is extremely elusive and tough to chase down in the back field. I am not sure any team can contain this quarterback, but they will have the advantage of game tape. Also this was Pryor's's first start so I am sure his adrenaline was running rapidly. This turned him into the energizer bunny on speed.

Long before Sunday, I have said that week 1 games are always unpredictable. We should not put too much stock into how we won. Just be glad that we did, because 16 other teams have a loss right now.

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mathis should only bin in on 4-3 sets....i say move conner to olb and have walden,angerer, freeman, conner as the starting LBs lol

I was talking yesterday about more disguising of blitzes, and sliding into a 4-3 with Mathis hand down.  I am all for disguising...we did not disguise much of anything against the Raiders.  We cannot forget, however that this is a 3-4 defense.  4-3 could help 98....in disguise...:)

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its odd im going back on game rewind watching every drive and i guess im seeing it now hes out of position on certain plas and opens up room for a couple of passes tthat shouldnt of happened but i still think hes an upgrade over angerer and conner just my opinion i hope he grows and gets better as the season goes along thanks for the insight guys


A clear upgrade athletically over Angerer, But still lacks a little speed.  Of course I won`t be satisified till we get us a Willis. :yay:Conner showed me something last year. I expect him to be better year 2.


Being out of position some is part of it for now. Gotta let`em play together and get better for sure.

Serious grades for the last 6 games. Build`in it!

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The "setting the edge" answer is two-fold, which I think many have been saying. We did a decent to good job of setting the edge against the regular run game. However, its a different answer altogether when talking of Pryor's ability to gain yards off the run. I really don't see that as a sign that our run defense did poorly. A QB running from the pocket is totally different than the conventional run game (which we stopped well). I'll say we have improved stopping the run game and glad we don't play a running QB a ton of games this year. I will reserve judgement a couple of weeks more to see if our ability in stopping the run is legit. 

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