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Guess who signed Ben Ijalana...?/Jets Claim OL Ben Ijalana - So much for PS. (merge)


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That's pretty much all this place is, in reality. None of our opinions on anything regarding the team really makes a difference at the end of the day


I get most of my Colts information here.  Someone will pass along info no matter how obscure the website or twitter account.


Plus, living outside of Indy, there aren't a lot of Colts fans to talk to.

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It would only be moot if I, somehow, felt that me voicing my disapproval of his release would somehow bring him back. That's not the case, however. This is a forum for discussion, remember. 



The constant chirping from the (And this isn't aimed at you in particular, Smonroe) "PR/damage control" group on the forum, who claim anyone with a dissenting opinion than that of the front office are uninformed whiners, are just as trollish and annoying as the people they claim are being annoying.  People are entitled to their own opinions. If you don't like it, respond back with your own logic voicing why (not just a bunch of regurgitated, "You're not a GM, your opinion doesn't matter..") or just ignore it all together. It's really that simple 

Personally, I don't look at is trolling, or calling people uninformed whiners, as much as having faith in the people who are hired to make the right decisions...as if their job depended on it......because crazy enough it does.  A forum is a beautiful place for people to express their thoughts and feelings and people's opinions shouldn't ever be discredited unless it's just complete nonsense.  I'm sorry if you feel that you've been lambasted by those on here that support the FO.  While I might not have agreed with every personnel decision the powers to be made, I will give benefit to the guy that is the reigning EOTY, and the coaches who see the players every day on and off the field.

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the staff knows the players from every possible angle. there jobs are to evaluate talent. they have been doing it and nothing else for many years. I'll take their evaluations over the YouTube gms every time

Yeah, because people paid to evaluate talent have never been dead wrong in their evaluations, ever.

Because someone is considered a specialist or professional in a particular field does not automatically make their decisions under that title above reproach

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Yeah, because people paid to evaluate talent have never been dead wrong in their evaluations, ever.

Because someone is considered a specialist or professional in a particular field does not automatically make their decisions under that title above reproach

but it does give them more credibility than YouTube gms. Those that do it for a living are better at it than those who haven't

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Personally, I don't look at is trolling, or calling people uninformed whiners, as much as having faith in the people who are hired to make the right decisions...as if their job depended on it......because crazy enough it does. A forum is a beautiful place for people to express their thoughts and feelings and people's opinions shouldn't ever be discredited unless it's just complete nonsense. I'm sorry if you feel that you've been lambasted by those on here that support the FO. While I might not have agreed with every personnel decision the powers to be made, I will give benefit to the guy that is the reigning EOTY, and the coaches who see the players every day on and off the field.

Fair enough. I respect that perspective

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but it does give them more credibility than YouTube gms. Those that do it for a living are better at it than those who haven't

I don't think anyone who disagrees with the front office automatically thinks they're somehow more qualified than the professionals. That'd be absolutely ridiculous. I think people tend to forget, however, that these guys are human too, and have biases and sometimes see things that aren't there or ignore other factors because of said bias. As much as you'd like to hope your team's front office is impartial in their assessments, a little bit of bias always creeps in. Maybe there's a reason for that bias that us as fans don't see, but as for example, a guy like Mike McGlynn, who has shown nothing in his year and change being here, continues to get the benefit of the doubt despite being outplayed by a number of players in that time frame. Is it out of line for me or anyone else to wonder why that is? I don't think it is, personally

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in your opinion. the coaching staff clearly disagrees



in your opinion. the coaching staff clearly disagrees


Clearly you have no idea what they believe. More likely his injury history, or something personal.

How about them VIKES! Gotta Love them.

Satelle, McGlynn, & Link SUCK!!


Who decided to keep Olson, Brandon King, made maybe the dumbest move in NFL History and paid Freeney $14M so he could only pay the likes of Sateele and McGlynn to protect the best QB in 25 years. 

Uh huh!

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Clearly you have no idea what they believe. More likely his injury history, or something personal.

How about them VIKES! Gotta Love them.

Satelle, McGlynn, & Link SUCK!!

Who decided to keep Olson, Brandon King, made maybe the dumbest move in NFL History and paid Freeney $14M so he could only pay the likes of Sateele and McGlynn to protect the best QB in 25 years.

Uh huh!

I'm sure you could do a much better job. Why not send them your resume?

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I`m all alone not happy with Satelle, McGlynn, Link? Hahahaha!

And all those who KNEW our 2012 roster STANK, including our GM who has cleaned house this off season.

You are CLEARLY "special". :thmup:

the three you just mentioned are still on the team. So its obvious he sees something you do not

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Clearly you have no idea what they believe. More likely his injury history, or something personal.

How about them VIKES! Gotta Love them.

Satelle, McGlynn, & Link SUCK!!


Who decided to keep Olson, Brandon King, made maybe the dumbest move in NFL History and paid Freeney $14M so he could only pay the likes of Sateele and McGlynn to protect the best QB in 25 years. 

Uh huh!


Chargers camp has been buzzing about Freeney.  I'm not convinced he's done yet.

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