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Do you expect kaep, wilson, - and RG3 to have regression...


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 I respect your own opinion dustin, but i can't allow you to bait me and then having you run for support (when you've lost debates) to mod's. I will add you to my ignore list, so there's no further misunderstandings.


Run for support? What you talkin' bout willis?

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I think Luck's numbers will go up  and I do like the second half our schedule. Our first half seems to have the tougher games as of now but I still think we will "upset" someone too.


I think Wilson right now should be fine and the Seahawks are building something good. But, who knows.


IMO I could possibly see Kaapernick or RGIII or both hitting a slump. RGIII mostly due to injury concerns and the NFC East being so inconsistent every season.


And I just have a tough time trusting Super Bowl losers the following year to maintain the same stride. Granted I do trust Jim Harbaugh as a HC and have a tough time seeing his team truly "slump" but I do think that is an awfully tough division too. And there has always been something about Kaepernick I just don't "trust" and I can't put my finger on it. Talented guy though.


I guess we'll see!

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I think Luck's numbers will go up  and I do like the second half our schedule. Our first half seems to have the tougher games as of now but I still think we will "upset" someone too.


I think Wilson right now should be fine and the Seahawks are building something good. But, who knows.


IMO I could possibly see Kaapernick or RGIII or both hitting a slump. RGIII mostly due to injury concerns and the NFC East being so inconsistent every season.


And I just have a tough time trusting Super Bowl losers the following year to maintain the same stride. Granted I do trust Jim Harbaugh as a HC and have a tough time seeing his team truly "slump" but I do think that is an awfully tough division too. And there has always been something about Kaepernick I just don't "trust" and I can't put my finger on it. Talented guy though.


I guess we'll see!


like all your points


Go LUCK u have it , the rest need it , Luck That is ( LOL )

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 I think wilson is better than the other two i previously mentioned, but i just don't see him improving upon his rookie year. I do believe he'll be solid, but not great, or elite. Just kinda there type of guy.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion Indiana Jones, but Russell Wilson is QB Doug Flutie & Fran Tarkenton molded together. Trust me, I saw all of his games at Camp Randall in Madison, WI There will be zero regression & Russell will be an elite QB in the Pacific Northwest for the next 14 years. Book it! 


Go ahead underestimate Russell Wilson he thrives on that & doubters will just accelerate his soon to be elite status faster. haha  

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I guess my early meaningless prediction is that Luck/Wilson do well and the beat goes on....and up.


Kaapernick/RGII up in the air. SB loser/injury concerns loom large to me.


It's not realistic IMO to think all of them will rock and roll to perfection all season long.


BUT, I don't even think it means you are a complete homer either to say Luck will throw less interceptions this season and become more accurate. The critics always point to his numbers. So why would HE slump? His numbers have much room to improve.


I also feel like Luck/Wilson showed me more intangibles then the other two but that's just my observations.


I am not sure about Tannehill and the Dolphins. I guess this depends on if the Pats are due for a down year themselves. Regardless, week 2 hosting the Dolphins could be a huge game later in the year if the Colts/Dolphins are both fighting for the playoffs.

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Seattle and San Fran can afford a little QB regression... They are both very well balanced teams and I think that there were a lot of college QBs that could have looked great in those cities last season...


RGIII can do it all as long as he's healthy... teams won't be a keyed in on the read option as some are saying because they still have to prepare for all of the other offenses in the league.. they will be better, but the R-O will live on.

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Neither one will regress as a QB, their rushing stats will most likely be down but all 3 of those QBs can flat out shred you from the pocket. Their passing totals aren't going to be godly because they have these beasts at running back in Lynch and Frank Gore (Jury still out on Morris but based off last season him too).

The 2nd year QB I'm curious to see outside of Luck is Ryan Tannehill now that he has more weapons in Mike Wallace, Dustin Keller, Brian Hartline etc. they should be exciting to watch this year.

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I don't think all 4 QBs will be at the elite level for 7-10 years, and my guess is that it will be Kaep who won't be able to follow the other 3.


On the claims of Kirk Cousins being a better QB than any of them, I'm not quite sure if OP is just trying to be a troll, because his logic is flawed at least, and the comments about him being the most well-spoken and therefore being a better QB (as QwizBoy pointed out) is just ridiculous. And I don't think Cousins will be the starter next season as OP has proclaimed in other threads. 

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Like others mentioned, I think Wilson will continue to improve next year. Obviously, being with the Seahawks and adding Percy Harvin won't hurt..but I really think Russell is the real deal. From what I heard, he's a film-rat..someone always striving to improve, so with that being said..if he does have a slump..it won't be due to a lack of effort. RGIII could have a down-year, but I think he'll be okay. The only concern I have with RGIII is the injury; however, I think he'll recover and have a solid year.


As for Kap...I could see him having a slump. I'm still not sold on him. Sure, he does has the potential, physically, to be a great QB; yet, Kap always seemed to be a "lightning in the bottle" type of guy to me....One play he showcases his potential, while at other times he had me scratching my head. Given, I only watched him play 2 full games (NFCG and the Super Bowl)..so I will admit that I probably shouldn't even give an opinion on Kap, but oh well.




Now, onto Kirk. While I enjoyed watching Cousins play at Michigan State..I still have my doubts about him having a great future as a starter in the NFL. While in college, he really seemed to struggle in the decision making department....especially in critical game situations. Plus, he never was the the "man" in Mark Dantonio's system. Michigan State's offense was/is a run-first..pass-second type of offense. Therefore, it'd be interesting to see if he could handle an offense that was centered around him. As for defending Cousins because he won 2 games and "helped" RGIII/skins get to the playoffs, who won the previous 8 games? Without RGIII, Kirk wouldn't have been in the position to help the skins win the East..so it goes both ways. And just because he won 2 games doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a great QB. If you use that logic, Kevin Kolb should be a great QB (didn't Kolb throw 300+ yds & had a high qbr in his first 2 games?). Lastly, I like to think that I'm a pretty charismatic and well-spoken guy....but I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want me as your franchise qb (although if you do want to give me a shot...I'll give it a try for a multi-million dollar contract...with guaranteed money of course :yahoo: )

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I spent considerable time at the beginning of last season here posting breakdowns of Luck and play examples of reading coverages and making the right throws. I was going to continue and also do the other rookies, but the threads never really seemed to get a lot of traction and it takes time to put that stuff together.

However even though it wasn't posted here, I did study all of them at length watching all of their games several times over from both the TV angles and the all-22 - and I still go back and watch games from them and many others from the past few years. I could spend a few more hours putting together examples of how their "gimmicky" and "simplified" offenses are anything but. For example, I could show you how Griffin goes through multiple reads and not just one and run (unless its wide open). I could show you how many of the passing concepts and route combinations used in Washington last year are identical to what Houston runs and what Denver ran in the late 90s...I can show you a lot of tangible evidence for all three of those QBs, but something tells me it won't matter and its not worth my time.

Will their offenses be the same? Most likely not, but it will be because of the natural evolution of an offense in the NFL to stay ahead of defenses. It won't be because those players aren't capable. (injury concerns not withstanding)

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Odds say at least two of the four do not become elite and regress ... unlikely that all four become great and unlikely that all four are a bust. It is somewhere in the middle and much depends on their coaching and GM and health.


If I was betting, I think Luck and Wilson go on to become great QBs ... I think the other guys will have trouble staying healthy.


What about Cam Newton? Have we forgotten him?

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Like others mentioned, I think Wilson will continue to improve next year. Obviously, being with the Seahawks and adding Percy Harvin won't hurt..but I really think Russell is the real deal. From what I heard, he's a film-rat..someone always striving to improve, so with that being said..if he does have a slump..it won't be due to a lack of effort. RGIII could have a down-year, but I think he'll be okay. The only concern I have with RGIII is the injury; however, I think he'll recover and have a solid year.


As for Kap...I could see him having a slump. I'm still not sold on him. Sure, he does has the potential, physically, to be a great QB; yet, Kap always seemed to be a "lightning in the bottle" type of guy to me....One play he showcases his potential, while at other times he had me scratching my head. Given, I only watched him play 2 full games (NFCG and the Super Bowl)..so I will admit that I probably shouldn't even give an opinion on Kap, but oh well.




Now, onto Kirk. While I enjoyed watching Cousins play at Michigan State..I still have my doubts about him having a great future as a starter in the NFL. While in college, he really seemed to struggle in the decision making department....especially in critical game situations. Plus, he never was the the "man" in Mark Dantonio's system. Michigan State's offense was/is a run-first..pass-second type of offense. Therefore, it'd be interesting to see if he could handle an offense that was centered around him. As for defending Cousins because he won 2 games and "helped" RGIII/skins get to the playoffs, who won the previous 8 games? Without RGIII, Kirk wouldn't have been in the position to help the skins win the East..so it goes both ways. And just because he won 2 games doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a great QB. If you use that logic, Kevin Kolb should be a great QB (didn't Kolb throw 300+ yds & had a high qbr in his first 2 games?). Lastly, I like to think that I'm a pretty charismatic and well-spoken guy....but I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want me as your franchise qb (although if you do want to give me a shot...I'll give it a try for a multi-million dollar contract...with guaranteed money of course :yahoo: )




 He crushed every 'MSU' quarterback records. I'm not sure you've seen him play all that much. His stats are very even and consistent from year to year. It was the coaching style at 'MSU' that negated him(cousins) from having huge stats. We can't base sole potential of a quarterback on his college production(which is still quite good). Do names like harrell, ware, klingler, kingsbury ring any bells? All had huge college stats and all were flops. The thing that benefits cousins the most is the fact he came from a pro style offense.

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I don't think all 4 QBs will be at the elite level for 7-10 years, and my guess is that it will be Kaep who won't be able to follow the other 3.


On the claims of Kirk Cousins being a better QB than any of them, I'm not quite sure if OP is just trying to be a troll, because his logic is flawed at least, and the comments about him being the most well-spoken and therefore being a better QB (as QwizBoy pointed out) is just ridiculous. And I don't think Cousins will be the starter next season as OP has proclaimed in other threads. 




Question: How is my own opinion considered trolling? Is it because my own opinions don't fall in with the general media/public perceptions? I also believe other quarterbacks within that draft will go on to be quite productive, such as foles and harnish. I think RG3, kaep (whom isn't from that class) and tannehill bust out. I think wilson is solid, but not elite and luck is a HOF.

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I think Luck's numbers will go up and I do like the second half our schedule. Our first half seems to have the tougher games as of now but I still think we will "upset" someone too.

I think Wilson right now should be fine and the Seahawks are building something good. But, who knows.

IMO I could possibly see Kaapernick or RGIII or both hitting a slump. RGIII mostly due to injury concerns and the NFC East being so inconsistent every season.

And I just have a tough time trusting Super Bowl losers the following year to maintain the same stride. Granted I do trust Jim Harbaugh as a HC and have a tough time seeing his team truly "slump" but I do think that is an awfully tough division too. And there has always been something about Kaepernick I just don't "trust" and I can't put my finger on it. Talented guy though.

I guess we'll see!

I really like Kaepernick as a player.....but then I saw he wore sunglasses when accepting his ESPY. I think that thing you can't put your finger on is his being a huge d bag. Wearing sunglasses inside = tool
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I really like Kaepernick as a player.....but then I saw he wore sunglasses when accepting his ESPY. I think that thing you can't put your finger on is his being a huge d bag. Wearing sunglasses inside = tool




 He's the justin bieber of quarterback's. The guy makes you itchy and uneasy. Its difficult to like him. But yet again maybe its his mommy issues that make him the way he is.

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I really like Kaepernick as a player.....but then I saw he wore sunglasses when accepting his ESPY. I think that thing you can't put your finger on is his being a huge d bag. Wearing sunglasses inside = tool


He does strike me as a total D bag and I won't be afraid to say it either and have the nice and respectful crowd come after me.


I was even in the end rooting for the Ravens to win the SB since the Kaeperbots muscle kissing stuff was starting to really irritate me along with the fact that the guy makes me feel nothing as a player as talented as he can be.

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 He's the justin bieber of quarterback's. The guy makes you itchy and uneasy. Its difficult to like him. But yet again maybe its his mommy issues that make him the way he is.


That's it right there!!! You sure are hitting on this stuff tonight.

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How can you regress when your last name is LUCK?


It's not even logically possible. Luck has luck.



 Plus he comes from a family of luck, so he can always turn to daddy luck and granddaddy luck for even more luck. He was destined to wear our horseshoe.

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He's certainly a humble guy.


Well you never know. We could be judging him completely wrong here.


But, vibes are vibes. And often the way I look at it....what the heck right. These guys are here for our entertainment at times and get paid loads of money. Who cares if we criticize them once in a while on a message forum. :thmup:

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 Plus he comes from a family of luck, so he can always turn to daddy luck and granddaddy luck for even more luck. He was destined to wear our horseshoe.


No doubt about that. Luck+The Shoe was a match made in football heaven.

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Well you never know. We could be judging him completely wrong here.


But, vibes are vibes. And often the way I look at it....what the heck right. These guys are here for our entertainment at times and get paid loads of money. Who cares if we criticize them once in a while on a message forum. :thmup:



 Yeah, but what gets to me is when we don't have the same collective opinions, others are quick to pull the troll card on you. I  really hate that alot. It makes the sheep unhappy.

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Question: How is my own opinion considered trolling? Is it because my own opinions don't fall in with the general media/public perceptions? I also believe other quarterbacks within that draft will go on to be quite productive, such as foles and harnish. I think RG3, kaep (whom isn't from that class) and tannehill bust out. I think wilson is solid, but not elite and luck is a HOF.

No, it is not because it's different. It's because it is so far from anything that I can't believe that you sincerly think that cousins and harnish will have good careers. And I've spent enough time on the internet to know when a person is a troll, and you strike me as one.

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No, it is not because it's different. It's because it is so far from anything that I can't believe that you sincerly think that cousins and harnish will have good careers. And I've spent enough time on the internet to know when a person is a troll, and you strike me as one.




 Well, you're wrong. I just happened to be a big cousins supporter, and my family has ties to his father's church and teaching's. Its not far fetched to believe kirk will one day (sooner rather than later) be an elite quarterback. We all have own opinion's and perspective. You people need to learn to respect that fact on this forum.

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 Well, you're wrong. I just happened to be a big cousins supporter, and my family has ties to his father's church and teaching's. Its not far fetched to believe kirk will one day (sooner rather than later) be an elite quarterback. We all have own opinion's and perspective. You people need to learn to respect that fact on this forum.

Telling me I'm wrong because your family has connections to Cousins'? Eeeeh, okay..


We don't need to respect any 'fact' that isn't one. Your opinion is not a fact, and yes, it is far fetched to believe that Cousins will play so well that he will bench a player worth 3 first round-picks and more (correct me if I'm wrong here). Tell me, why is it that Cousins is sitting on the bench then? I'd think that a few teams would obviously be interested in him.


I am calling you a troll, because when you had critisicm about you statements regarding Kirk Cousins, you took it even further. You drew in Chandler Harnish(Mr. Irrelevant), and Nick Foles. You claimed they were the next elite QBs of the league. If that is not 'trolling' then I need to evaluate my life and values.

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Odds are at least one out of the 3 will (and one out of the 4 if we include Luck in that conversation).


QB progress is often never the linear improvement that people expect, especially when we start talking about groups of them. Just like how betting right on one game is easier than landing a 4 team parlay (all 4 bets need to win to pay off). One or two of that group should have a similar or worse season than last year. All 4 improving isn't impossible, but it'd be noteworthy.

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Huh... this isn't the first time I've seen Cousins hyped over Griffin here but it's no less perplexing.  I REALLY like Cousins and he easily has the potential to become a Schaub-like QB (although I hate referencing the career trajectory of a former Falcon when talking about the Redskins because of that other guy).  However, he's got a longer ways to go to make it than RGIII.  His field vision and sense of timing are certainly no better, both guys could stand to advance in those areas.  The difference is that every single one of Griffin's physical tools are vastly superior and he also proved capable of handling immense pressure better than any rookie in recent memory (both pressure from the spotlight and pressure from opposing defenses).  That level of comfort is something that I suspect Cousins will need considerable time and practice to develop.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, don't read into the Browns game too much.  The Browns staked their entire gameplan on stopping Alfred Morris and it made Cousins' job incredibly easy.  Cousins, to his credit, did a fantastic job of executing plays and taking what was given to him... but he was given a lot as the Browns didn't even attempt to answer for the play action bootleg that almost single-handedly led to their demise.  The Seahawks game was, unfortunately, the game that really displayed the gap in skill between Griffin and Cousins at present.  Until Griffin tweaked his knee (immediately after our second TD, prior to the point where he absolutely shredded it on that awkward bend everyone has seen 100 times by now) he was absolutely demolishing one of the best defenses in the league whereas Cousins struggled mightily and ultimately couldn't make an impact.  The difference in natural talent is a bit too big at present to consider Kirk on even remotely the same plane as RG, he'll only really get his shot in DC if Griffin goes down for good or his development stalls unexpectedly (the former being far more likely, IMO).


The NFC East just shows like.....no consistency on a year to year basis though lol.


Ain't it the truth.

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 He crushed every 'MSU' quarterback records. I'm not sure you've seen him play all that much. His stats are very even and consistent from year to year. It was the coaching style at 'MSU' that negated him(cousins) from having huge stats. We can't base sole potential of a quarterback on his college production(which is still quite good). Do names like harrell, ware, klingler, kingsbury ring any bells? All had huge college stats and all were flops. The thing that benefits cousins the most is the fact he came from a pro style offense.

I actually watched Kirk play quite a bit. Being an avid B1G fan, I usually watch Purdue and 5-7 games a season of the "big dogs" of the B1G. So I've probably watched him play 25 games or so + 1 game, live in person where he and R. Wilson duked it out (awesome game btw). While the records are impressive, they could be a little "misleading." For starters, MSU hasn't necessarily had a rich history at the qb position. Behind Kirk; Drew Stanton, Hoyer,and Morrall are probably the next best qbs..while decent, not the best company. Plus, he was a 3 yr starter + played quite a bit as a RS Fresh (which isn't all that common in the power conferences)...also didn't hurt that he had extended seasons all 3 years. Consequently, then, he had plenty of games to beat those career records (most, if not all, of his records were career records..no season records). And while his stats were consistent, his gameplay wasn't. There were times where he was hot...then at other times, he was cold..and I mean cold. Furthermore, if you watch him...you can tell he stares down receivers at times. Lastly, you can't say Kirk was a great decision maker?  Anyways, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Kirk was a bad college qb. Cousins had a great career, probably the best qb Michigan State ever had besides maybe Morrall...and all the records he did beat were insane despite what I said about it. But, just because he had an above college career, a great guy off the field, and won 2 games in the NFL doesn't mean he'll necessarily be a great qb. Until I see a larger sample of games of him playing in the NFL...I'd rather have Andrew, Robert, or Russell. JMO

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Telling me I'm wrong because your family has connections to Cousins'? Eeeeh, okay..


We don't need to respect any 'fact' that isn't one. Your opinion is not a fact, and yes, it is far fetched to believe that Cousins will play so well that he will bench a player worth 3 first round-picks and more (correct me if I'm wrong here). Tell me, why is it that Cousins is sitting on the bench then? I'd think that a few teams would obviously be interested in him.


I am calling you a troll, because when you had critisicm about you statements regarding Kirk Cousins, you took it even further. You drew in Chandler Harnish(Mr. Irrelevant), and Nick Foles. You claimed they were the next elite QBs of the league. If that is not 'trolling' then I need to evaluate my life and values.



 I happened to mention foles and harnish, because they're from the same draft class. Actually consins isn't "sitting on the bench" at this moment. He's taking all the first team snaps and being prepared as game one starter. That's a fact...troll. So please respect that fact. And foles is the eagles starting quarterback...also another fact troll. I only mentioned harnish, because he's an indiana kid, so i hope he does well. He has the tools.

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I actually watched Kirk play quite a bit. Being an avid B1G fan, I usually watch Purdue and 5-7 games a season of the "big dogs" of the B1G. So I've probably watched him play 25 games or so + 1 game, live in person where he and R. Wilson duked it out (awesome game btw). While the records are impressive, they could be a little "misleading." For starters, MSU hasn't necessarily had a rich history at the qb position. Behind Kirk; Drew Stanton, Hoyer,and Morrall are probably the next best qbs..while decent, not the best company. Plus, he was a 3 yr starter + played quite a bit as a RS Fresh (which isn't all that common in the power conferences)...also didn't hurt that he had extended seasons all 3 years. Consequently, then, he had plenty of games to beat those career records (most, if not all, of his records were career records..no season records). And while his stats were consistent, his gameplay wasn't. There were times where he was hot...then at other times, he was cold..and I mean cold. Furthermore, if you watch him...you can tell he stares down receivers at times. Lastly, you can't say Kirk was a great decision maker?  Anyways, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Kirk was a bad college qb. Cousins had a great career, probably the best qb Michigan State ever had besides maybe Morrall...and all the records he did beat were insane despite what I said about it. But, just because he had an above college career, a great guy off the field, and won 2 games in the NFL doesn't mean he'll necessarily be a great qb. Until I see a larger sample of games of him playing in the NFL...I'd rather have Andrew, Robert, or Russell. JMO



 I don't agree with you, but you stated your case in a civilized way, so thank you.

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Telling me I'm wrong because your family has connections to Cousins'? Eeeeh, okay..


We don't need to respect any 'fact' that isn't one. Your opinion is not a fact, and yes, it is far fetched to believe that Cousins will play so well that he will bench a player worth 3 first round-picks and more (correct me if I'm wrong here). Tell me, why is it that Cousins is sitting on the bench then? I'd think that a few teams would obviously be interested in him.


I am calling you a troll, because when you had critisicm about you statements regarding Kirk Cousins, you took it even further. You drew in Chandler Harnish(Mr. Irrelevant), and Nick Foles. You claimed they were the next elite QBs of the league. If that is not 'trolling' then I need to evaluate my life and values.



 Also, i don't want any further conversations with you, so please don't bother replying.

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