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So here we are all complaining about the underachieving donald brown. Well the chargers also have an underachieving rb in ryan matthews. Chargers fans have taken their bad mouthing a little to far.an article on nfl.com says that matthews has came out and talked about recent tweets hes gotten from chargers fans saying they hope him and his mother die of aids. People on here may talk bad about DB but im sure glad our fans arent that immature to say something like that!

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After that baseball fan got beaten like that at Dodger stadium, I am sure I never want to go to a road game in San Diego, San Francisco, or Oakland. Some of those fans take "out of control" to a new level. In a nutshell, I am not surprised they said those things to Ryan Mathews.

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So here we are all complaining about the underachieving donald brown. Well the chargers also have an underachieving rb in ryan matthews. Chargers fans have taken their bad mouthing a little to far.an article on nfl.com says that matthews has came out and talked about recent tweets hes gotten from chargers fans saying they hope him and his mother die of aids. People on here may talk bad about DB but im sure glad our fans arent that immature to say something like that!

Just shows their ignorance in my opinion. :)

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After that baseball fan got beaten like that at Dodger stadium, I am sure I never want to go to a road game in San Diego, San Francisco, or Oakland. Some of those fans take "out of control" to a new level. In a nutshell, I am not surprised they said those things to Ryan Mathews.

Just don't go to rival games...
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After that baseball fan got beaten like that at Dodger stadium, I am sure I never want to go to a road game in San Diego, San Francisco, or Oakland. Some of those fans take "out of control" to a new level. In a nutshell, I am not surprised they said those things to Ryan Mathews.

I've been to Qualcom once, it was actually cool.. The game was horrendous, 18 threw like 6 picks, think it was his worst game EVER... but fans at Qualcom were cool, actually there was a good showing of Colts fans, I was surprised...

Actually, I think I was the annoying obnoxious drunk guy by the end of that game, it always stung so much losing to S.D. for some reason...

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I've been to Qualcom once, it was actually cool.. The game was horrendous, 18 threw like 6 picks, think it was his worst game EVER... but fans at Qualcom were cool, actually there was a good showing of Colts fans, I was surprised...

Actually, I think I was the annoying obnoxious drunk guy by the end of that game, it always stung so much losing to S.D. for some reason...


thats becasuse chargers were winning and got those picks , a few by his now teammate Cromartie i believe, anyway even with those 6 if Vini made the chip shot FG Colts would of won, time running out, Colts may have mishandled the time situation and rushed the FG attempt, dont remember every detail

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thats becasuse chargers were winning and got those picks , a few by his now teammate Cromartie i believe, anyway even with those 6 if Vini made the chip shot FG Colts would of won, time running out, Colts may have mishandled the time situation and rushed the FG attempt, dont remember every detail

Yeah, pretty sure I've had a strong dislike for Vinny since that game, & definitely sure I do not remember many of the details of that game...

I do remember the weather being pewpy, rainy & windy, was very odd for San Diego...

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 Cromartie was a rookkie or 1 year or so player and athletic and tall , I remember him going up and reaching so high to snatch some of those IT's 


Peyton will now be happy if he and Jammer play d for denver as they did for chargers 

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So here we are all complaining about the underachieving donald brown. Well the chargers also have an underachieving rb in ryan matthews. Chargers fans have taken their bad mouthing a little to far.an article on nfl.com says that matthews has came out and talked about recent tweets hes gotten from chargers fans saying they hope him and his mother die of aids. People on here may talk bad about DB but im sure glad our fans arent that immature to say something like that!

Hopefully that was just one person - can't generalize negatively about their entire fan-base.


Of course you also can't generalize positively about our fan base either. We've had plenty of people on here eager to make in-mature, cruel offensive and absurd comments - we just have good moderators.

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If you do not think the Colts fanbase have *s like that then you are just naive.  Every fanbase has their crappy fans who say and do stupid things that is embarassing as a human.


Hell I remember I went to a Colts/Rams game a few years back with some friends and a bunch of drunken Colts wanted to fight my friend all because he wore a Rams jersey and rooted for a different color of laundry. 


People take sport way to seriously and at times it is down right embarrassing to see grown adults acting the way they do over a game and a piece of laundry.  Heck look at that * who poisoned the Auburn Oaks all because he is Roll Tide for life.  Hell being around people who have a Colts loss ruin their entire day is beyond annoying.

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If you do not think the Colts fanbase have . like that then you are just naive.  Every fanbase has their crappy fans who say and do stupid things that is embarassing as a human.


heck I remember I went to a Colts/Rams game a few years back with some friends and a bunch of drunken Colts wanted to fight my friend all because he wore a Rams jersey and rooted for a different color of laundry. 


People take sport way to seriously and at times it is down right embarrassing to see grown adults acting the way they do over a game and a piece of laundry.  Heck look at that * who poisoned the Auburn Oaks all because he is Roll Tide for life.  heck being around people who have a Colts loss ruin their entire day is beyond annoying.



this is from many many years ago in the 60's and baseball in NY


Mets Vs Dodgers, Dodger  Muary Wills the best base stealer and record setter of the time , every time he is on base , the Met fans take out their hankys, wipe their underarms and flip the hankies in the are yelling u stink

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I've been to Qualcom once, it was actually cool.. The game was horrendous, 18 threw like 6 picks, think it was his worst game EVER... but fans at Qualcom were cool, actually there was a good showing of Colts fans, I was surprised...

Actually, I think I was the annoying obnoxious drunk guy by the end of that game, it always stung so much losing to S.D. for some reason..




I've been to one game there also and it was the same game. My son and I bought 40-50 yard line seats that were about 1 or 2 rows from being covered by an overhang. Reason I mention that is it rained pretty good that day and we were in short sleeves. We had spent a couple days in mexico , so we didn't see any forecasts. That was the game where we had virtually no Wr's and also lost a coupe of offensive linemen. Besides that and PM's ints we had an INT for a TD wrongfully nullified , but still were a AV chip shot away from winning that game. In all fairness , I remember SD being up something like 18-3 when it could have easily been around 28-0.

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I've been to one game there also and it was the same game. My son and I bought 40-50 yard line seats that were about 1 or 2 rows from being covered by an overhang. Reason I mention that is it rained pretty good that day and we were in short sleeves. We had spent a couple days in mexico , so we didn't see any forecasts. That was the game where we had virtually no Wr's and also lost a coupe of offensive linemen. Besides that and PM's ints we had an INT for a TD wrongfully nullified , but still were a AV chip shot away from winning that game. In all fairness , I remember SD being up something like 18-3 when it could have easily been around 28-0.

Forgot about the overturned pick 6

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