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Wont See Bracket Or Bullitt As Colts Ever Again

Phil J

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I'm very excited to see more of Lefeged and Angerer this year. This could almost be a blessing in disguise. Get Lefeged some much needed NFL experience in a down season. We will also save a heck of a lot of money for re-signing Mathis and Wayne next year if we decide to part ways with Bracket. I'm very excited to see Angerer and Lefeged for the remainder of the year.

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I really can't believe that no one has chimed in with a theory about Brackett yet. Well, I'll start...I think this could very well be a way to save face for Brackett and let him retire with respect and pride and without ever having to officially bench him in favor of Angry Pat. Yes, I do think there's a very good chance he retires at the end of the season and is brought on in some sort of coaching capacity. I think it has been clear that Angerer is more than ready to take over the role and the defense has responded to him being there.

This way they can still pay tribute to Brackett who has given a lot to the organization and community over the years without having to actually "bench" him.

Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter....I do hope that, whatever the situation, his injuries are not serious and that he makes a full recovery as quickly as possible and same to Bullitt. :)

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I really can't believe that no one has chimed in with a theory about Brackett yet. Well, I'll start...I think this could very well be a way to save face for Brackett and let him retire with respect and pride and without ever having to officially bench him in favor of Angry Pat. Yes, I do think there's a very good chance he retires at the end of the season and is brought on in some sort of coaching capacity. I think it has been clear that Angerer is more than ready to take over the role and the defense has responded to him being there.

This way they can still pay tribute to Brackett who has given a lot to the organization and community over the years without having to actually "bench" him.

Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter....I do hope that, whatever the situation, his injuries are not serious and that he makes a full recovery as quickly as possible and same to Bullitt. :)

Maybe. I dunno how sever Brackett's injury is. It didn't look too severe, and he was on Channel 13 after the game Sunday night and looked fine.

But at the same time, the problem with that theory is if that was true, he would just go ahead and retire now sighting his injury, and then he would be put on IR.

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I really can't believe that no one has chimed in with a theory about Brackett yet. Well, I'll start...I think this could very well be a way to save face for Brackett and let him retire with respect and pride and without ever having to officially bench him in favor of Angry Pat. Yes, I do think there's a very good chance he retires at the end of the season and is brought on in some sort of coaching capacity. I think it has been clear that Angerer is more than ready to take over the role and the defense has responded to him being there.

This way they can still pay tribute to Brackett who has given a lot to the organization and community over the years without having to actually "bench" him.

Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter....I do hope that, whatever the situation, his injuries are not serious and that he makes a full recovery as quickly as possible and same to Bullitt. :)

What makes you think he want's to retire?He may want to continue with another team if the colts don't want him.

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Maybe. I dunno how sever Brackett's injury is. It didn't look too severe, and he was on Channel 13 after the game Sunday night and looked fine.

But at the same time, the problem with that theory is if that was true, he would just go ahead and retire now sighting his injury, and then he would be put on IR.

Very valid point. That would make sense, but I also don't think the retirement announcement would necessarily have to come right away. I could see it coming in the next few weeks. :)

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What makes you think he want's to retire?He may want to continue with another team if the colts don't want him.

Because on any other team he's a nickel LB at best unless he went to a team already running the tampa 2 but even then, considering his age, declining speed and the fact that he's never been effective against the run and I don't think he's any more than a backup or mentor for one of those teams either.

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Gary may not have to be "that" injured to get IRed simply because there is a replacement on hand. There is too much going on to hold another roster spot open for any length of time. He's one of my favorites, so I have to remind myself that the Colts only signed him to the big contract because they had previously failed to develop a suitable replacement as they would have preferred. The Colts may well let him go, but like Lilja I wouldn't be surprised if he got some money on the way out the door.

As far as Bullitt is concerned, I am grateful that he was there to step in for Sanders every time he went down. Not a great player, but everything you could want in a backup. No-where near talented enough to justify playing waiting games like they did with Sanders. After two years in a row on the IR, I would be astonished if he is back next year. I suspect that Lefeged and/or Caldwell (or even Rucker if they move him over) might have passed him on the depth chart by then anyway.

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Because on any other team he's a nickel LB at best unless he went to a team already running the tampa 2 but even then, considering his age, declining speed and the fact that he's never been effective against the run and I don't think he's any more than a backup or mentor for one of those teams either.

True,but if i have learned anything from professional ball player's{all sports}they are the last to know or admit that their skills have eroded.

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True,but if i have learned anything from professional ball player's{all sports}they are the last to know or admit that their skills have eroded.

I agree that you would be right the majority of the time. However, I think Brackett could be an exception to that. Despite the fact I've never been happy with him starting at MLB, I do think he is a man of integrity who puts the team first. I could definitely see him being the type of guy who could watch Angerer for the past 2 games and realize that it's time to pass the torch and I think he would do so with class and respect. That's why the whole IR and retirement scenario came to mind. If he's the kind of guy who realizes simply that his time is up and it's time to pass the torch, then I could easily see the Colts doing whatever they could to allow him to do so with dignity and pride.


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I think the Colts hold on to Melvin like they did with Bob. Gary is a question mark, with the emergence of Pat, but maybe we move him to SAM.

No, Bullitt is done, it is time for us to invest in other quality candidates and give a chance for Lefeged, an UDFA like Bullitt. The cycle of UDFAs repeats again. Can't hit with the shoulder and can't hit with the helmet (due to rules), what good is Bullitt going to be as a safety then? :)

Brackett, I am happy for all that he gave us, and it is time for us to move on and start a youth movement.

Who is this burner WR they have signed? Just curious if people know much about him.

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No, Bullitt is done, it is time for us to invest in other quality candidates and give a chance for Lefeged, an UDFA like Bullitt. The cycle of UDFAs repeats again. Can't hit with the shoulder and can't hit with the helmet (due to rules), what good is Bullitt going to be as a safety then? :)

The staff was never content with Bullitt as the starter. They had him as the #2 guy because they kept hoping to get something out of Sanders, given his contract status. Going into this season, they made a run at several free agent safeties, ultimately failing to land any, and then came back to Bullitt. I don't think they were thrilled with him as the starter, nor should they have been. He was serviceable, and a quality backup, but you could do significantly better at starting safety. And I think we might be doing better with Lefeged. He has more tools.

Would still love to have Whitner or Mikell, or even Otogwe (who we reportedly talked to back in March).

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Angerer made Brackett expendable. If Angerer keeps this level of play up, Brackett will receive the Sanders treatment...Take a paycut or leave. Truthfully, I won't miss Brackett. Only things I liked about him was his ability to wrap-up (which he lost) and his football IQ. Now Bullitt, like most have said, he was a at most a back up.

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Angerer made Brackett expendable. If Angerer keeps this level of play up, Brackett will receive the Sanders treatment...Take a paycut or leave. Truthfully, I won't miss Brackett. Only things I liked about him was his ability to wrap-up (which he lost) and his football IQ. Now Bullitt, like most have said, he was a at most a back up.

I agree with everything you said. However unlike Sanders, he is too old to really have any value anywhere else. I could actually seeing him stay on the team as a back up or maybe join the coaching staff.

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Dont get carried away...Brackett and Angerer is not an either/or....

....why wouldnt Gary Bracket be back...Its a shoulder..not a knee...right?

He probabaly won't be back because he has proven to be an over-priced, injury-prone line backer who struggles against the run and is decent in pass coverage. We will need his cap space next year for Mathis and Wayne and whatever other signings we will need to do (Brayton/Anderson, Sims, Garcon, Diem, etc). It is really hurting Gary's job security that Angerer is supplanting himself as a quality starter in the league.

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Dont get carried away...Brackett and Angerer is not an either/or....

....why wouldnt Gary Bracket be back...Its a shoulder..not a knee...right?

Angerer is making Brackett expendable. Angerer is a MLB and is showing what he can do when he is not playing out of position. Why bring back, at his current price tag, a often injured and aging linebacker and put the younger and more explosive linebacker out of position again. We would be better off finding another young guy to run with Conner and Angerer.

I saw Bullitt last Sunday at BW3s and the guy just looked beat up so I am not surprised he is on IR. I would not be surprised if he is gone as well. The guy is a good back up, but he is not a full time starter. We will have a nice high 2nd round pick to look at his replacement.

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Angerer is a good inside LB that will improve, but many people already think he is Brian Urlacher. I mean comon mate. It's too early to say that he will be our answer in the middle. I wouldn't mind having Brackett back to have depth at that position. Conner and Wheeler are OLB's, they are not depth at MIKE.

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Angerer is making Brackett expendable. Angerer is a MLB and is showing what he can do when he is not playing out of position. Why bring back, at his current price tag, a often injured and aging linebacker and put the younger and more explosive linebacker out of position again. We would be better off finding another young guy to run with Conner and Angerer.

I saw Bullitt last Sunday at BW3s and the guy just looked beat up so I am not surprised he is on IR. I would not be surprised if he is gone as well. The guy is a good back up, but he is not a full time starter. We will have a nice high 2nd round pick to look at his replacement.

Dont see it..

unless its a cash money deal..why would you release a proven vet...and leave yourself thin

I dont see Barckett struggling against the run..(at least I didnt see it last year)

If anything, he struggles in pass coverage..

He was big down the stretch..Its not an either/or situation. Angerer is fast enough to play outside..

Done get carried away...

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Everybody loves the new guy.

Brackett's been very good for us..

Keyword: been. Brackett has been good for us but lately his production does not match his price tag. This is similar to the Hayden incident except Brackett is up in age. As said in a previous post, what is the point of keeping a high priced aging LB if he can't produce? If he comes back for a pay cut then I'm all for it, but over-paying for him and not producing will only result with a bullet in the foot.

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Keyword: been. Brackett has been good for us but lately his production does not match his price tag. This is similar to the Hayden incident except Brackett is up in age. As said in a previous post, what is the point of keeping a high priced aging LB if he can't produce? If he comes back for a pay cut then I'm all for it, but over-paying for him and not producing will only result with a bullet in the foot.

Agreed...if he renegotiates his contract for less money and he takes a reduced role, then keep him for depth. Otherwise, I think it's time to move forward.

Melvin is too injury prone, and Gary would be out of position playing any other spot on the defensive LB corp. I think they are both done. Our young LB corp looks to be getting better with every game.

Agreed. The LB core has looked great this year so far. They're young, energetic, not chronically undersized and they can tackle. I can sort of get where some people are coming from in the "don't get too excited about Angerer just yet" but at the same time, it's hard not to get excited to finally have a guy who looks and plays the way a MIKE should.


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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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