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DC Council may push Washington Redskins into 'Washington Redtails'


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The term 'Redskin' in its original context was not meant as anything racist. It was no more racist than calling a black guy black.

That's one theory behind its origins, but another was that it was derogatory slang, depends on where your interpretation of its history comes from I suppose.

General rule of thumb is if I wouldnt be willing to say a possibly cultural sensitive word to that persons face, it's likely offensive lol.

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So after committing genocide against a people, we honor them by calling a football teams the redskins? I think I would respond to that great honor with a double bird salute, but that's just me.

Oh, and it's ok for me to say this because my great great great grandfather was half Blackfoot.

Who is "we"? 


Think about it. 

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Washington Redcoats


Washington George's


Washington Forefathers


Washington Freedom


Washington House


Washington Independence

Oh that's real good. Washington redcoats vs the NE patriots.

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First world problems are serious......


Personally, as a white man, I'm offended by the Patriots team name. It's stereotyping. I don't even like America. 

oh please..roll up your tail :)


Names are thrown out to reflect the area...for the most part.    Boston and Patriots...well there ya go. Nothing to do with America other than there would be no America. Thank you Boston, thank you John Adams et al.  Have some tea.


They were originally the Boston Patriots too.


Dallas- cowboys

Denver- broncos

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For those who think this is over sensitivity....


Just think if a team proposed the names "blackskins", "whiteskins" or "yellowskins"...basically being a clear reference to different people's skin color. Regardless if it was a "cowyboy" type term from back in the day...im pretty sure a lot of people in this country and on this board would be offended. I personally wouldn't be all that offended but I would certainly understand those who are and their gripe.


I understand they've had the name for a while but that doesn't mean it shouldn't change imo. The reason it probably isn't a huge issue is because the voice of opposition is so small. There really aren't many Native Americans left compared to the rest of the population to make enough noise these days.

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The whole idea that the team has to re brand themselves because people get offended it just plain stupid.  If you don't like it don't look at it. That all they have to do is ignore it, but they wot do that. They will continue complaining. They are acting like a bunch of whining kids crying until they get there way. Somebody should tell them life suck get over it.

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Um. Ok

Allow me to make myself more clear. You said "we" committed acts of genocide against the American Indian. 


I asked who "we" is?


Not me. 




Who else here took part in this? 


Myself, my moms side is Black Hills West Virginia hillbilly and Wyandotte Indian. My dads side came here to America in the 1930's from Poland.


I'm not really sure how culpable I am for genocidal acts committed by people unrelated to me, hundreds of years ago? 


Though one could argue the poor taste of the term "redskin", the use of ANY Native American symbols or references has been attacked for many many years now, so we know the issue isn't limited to just the term "redskin". I linked to a page that explained quite clearly that ANY use of Native American imagery/names is considered in bad taste. 


My question is "why"? 


Why is it poor taste to revere the Native American in sport but not the cowboy? I submit that it is the use of Native American imagery in sport that helps keep the reverence alive for this once proud people. Yet they want it buried, forgotten. 


I assure you it wouldn't be enough to simply change the name, they want the Indian imagery  any connection of such, removed. I find that sad. KC Chiefs are watching this closely. They've already seen their beloved Tomahawk Chop come under fire, something that always struck me as an awe inspiring homage to the Native American. Yet many see it as mockery out of a misguided sense of political correctness. 




That's OUR heritage brother. Not just full blooded Indians living on a #@$!# reservation. Mine, yours, many of us have indian blood, indian ties and indian heritage as our own. I say these losers need to step off and embrace the reverence of the Native American in sport. 

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Typically the PC culture goes overboard, but in this case I can definitely see how Redskins is in poor taste.  Red skins was a term used  by Europeans and Americans to talk about the Native Americans.  With names Chiefs, Braves, and Indians you are more along the lines of Cowboys or Giants when it comes to team names.  When your team name is a word used to describe a group of people because their skin was darker I can see how it could rub Native Americans the wrong way. You throw in what the Eurpeons and Americans did during the time that Red skins was a common term used for Native Americans I can definitely see why they are less then ecstatic about it. 

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Typically the PC culture goes overboard, but in this case I can definitely see how Redskins is in poor taste. Red skins was a term used by Europeans and Americans to talk about the Native Americans. With names Chiefs, Braves, and Indians you are more along the lines of Cowboys or Giants when it comes to team names. When your team name is a word used to describe a group of people because their skin was darker I can see how it could rub Native Americans the wrong way. You throw in what the Eurpeons and Americans did during the time that Red skins was a common term used for Native Americans I can definitely see why they are less then ecstatic about it.

That's where I'm sitting on this as well.

I'm not saying we need to just bend over backwards to their demands or anything. But I don't get where people are acting so shocked that someone would find the name offensive lol.

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The whole idea that the team has to re brand themselves because people get offended it just plain stupid.  If you don't like it don't look at it. That all they have to do is ignore it, but they wot do that. They will continue complaining. They are acting like a bunch of whining kids crying until they get there way. Somebody should tell them life suck get over it.

I tell you what, go to a tattoo shop and ask the artist to tattoo a racial slur on your forehead and if someone gets offended tell them "All you have to do is ignore it, don't look at it if you don't like it. It's free speech. Stop acting like a whinning child."


Do  you not get it? Words are hurful, just because you think you have thick skin doesn't mean the rest of the world does. We are all Human Beings. We all breathe oxygen, and have blood in our veins. Skin is skin, hair is hair. We should not have to live in a world where we are defined by things that are out of our control.


I am as white as the day is long, but that describes my appearance. I'm no different than a Native American, an Asian, or an African American.  My cousin, the daughter of my mom's sister has red skin, and long straight black hair, we are no different. She needs water and food, just like me. 


If you want to honor the Native Amerians, build a museum, erect a historical marker, edcuate the youths in the US. But DO NOT draw a sterotypical logo, and name your football team after a skin tone. I'm sorry but if the Name Redskins is changed that franchise won't fold, the sun will still come up, the rivers will still run, a group of Human Beings will no longer be offended, and the world will continue to exist. It's not sacred, it's a team name. Stop being stubborn and make the sensible and responsible choice and change it.

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the name redskins reminds everyone of who the american indians were. if you take it out of sports, then many future generations may never understand who they were

You're right everything they need to know about Native Americans can be summed up by the Washington D.C. Professional Football Team. They have text books, and museums to educate.

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the name redskins reminds everyone of who the american indians were. if you take it out of sports, then many future generations may never understand who they were

If we need a football teams name to remind us of Native Americans, we fail at remembering them period lol.

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The issue isn't whether or not the Redskins name is offensive, because it is and it CLEARLY is.  It's usage is tantamount to *, Wet Back, Gooks, Chinks, and the n-word that will get caught by filters.  If Irsay wanted to change the team name to the Indianapolis Chinks with Mickey Rooney as his character from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' as the mascot, no one would be happy about it.


The question is whether or not owners of a valuable mark have the RIGHT to continue to do so, and I think they should.  


If government agencies want to withhold funding, etc. because of the name, that's their right.  If people want to boycott because of it, that's their right.  


People in America have the right to be selfish, racist a-holes, and just like you and I have the right to go up to someone and call them by a racial slur, Snyder should have the right to use the name.  However, we all would have to live with the consequences of our respective actions.

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the name redskins reminds everyone of who the american indians were. if you take it out of sports, then many future generations may never understand who they were


No.....just no.....

but that is the way of the modern world

Maybe the world you live in, but not the one I live in...

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Typically the PC culture goes overboard, but in this case I can definitely see how Redskins is in poor taste.  Red skins was a term used  by Europeans and Americans to talk about the Native Americans.  With names Chiefs, Braves, and Indians you are more along the lines of Cowboys or Giants when it comes to team names.  When your team name is a word used to describe a group of people because their skin was darker I can see how it could rub Native Americans the wrong way. You throw in what the Eurpeons and Americans did during the time that Red skins was a common term used for Native Americans I can definitely see why they are less then ecstatic about it. 


I posted a link in one of my first posts in this thread that refutes that from someone actually qualified to comment.

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in this survey 91% of American Indians do not find the term redskin offensive. I'm sure there are PETA members that find animal mascots and names offensive. You can't make everyone happy


Yep. It's white folk whom are ashamed of America's past that push for such change. 


Take a gander back in time. Look at what every other civilization was doing then, during the European occupation of North America. The world was an ugly, violent and conquer-centric affair. 

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Yep. It's white folk whom are ashamed of America's past that push for such change. 


Take a gander back in time. Look at what every other civilization was doing then, during the European occupation of North America. The world was an ugly, violent and conquer-centric affair. 


Incidentally, one of the most outspoken advocates for this nonsense in the DC area is the ironically named white sports columnist Mike Wise.  That man epitomizes a level of oversensitivity that would make even the most diehard social liberals cringe.

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IMO I'd just change it completely it doesn't have to have anything to do with Native Americans its not like having a racial slur as your team name is honoring them anyway so change it to something that can't hurt anyone and move on its a real simple solution

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in this survey 91% of American Indians do not find the term redskin offensive. I'm sure there are PETA members that find animal mascots and names offensive. You can't make everyone happy



I don't think you should compare an entire Race to a group of people who joined an animal rights group of their own volition. (I get what you are trying to say though.)  The fact that some Native Americans have issue with it is the problem. I think it all comes down to Dan Snyder not being happy with a name change. (I'm sure a lot of owners wouldn't want to change a brand name.) It's his decision, and I don't think he cares what other people think.

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Yep. It's white folk whom are ashamed of America's past that push for such change.

Take a gander back in time. Look at what every other civilization was doing then, during the European occupation of North America. The world was an ugly, violent and conquer-centric affair.

Lol the "poll" your quoting surveyed 768 people who identify themselves as Native American. So in all actuality it tells you next to nothing on how Native Americans feel about the name.

Surveying 768 people out of an estimated 2.9 million, and drawing any conclusion from that, for the group as a whole, is misleading to say the least.

And I'm not saying they do or don't care as a group, but that survey is next to useless when drawing conclusions for an entire population.

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I don't think you should compare an entire Race to a group of people who joined an animal rights group of their own volition. (I get what you are trying to say though.) The fact that some Native Americans have issue with it is the problem. I think it all comes down to Dan Snyder not being happy with a name change. (I'm sure a lot of owners wouldn't want to change a brand name.) It's his decision, and I don't think he cares what other people think.

That poll accounts for such a small amount of Native Americans, it almost renders it useless for broad comparisons.

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Incidentally, one of the most outspoken advocates for this nonsense in the DC area is the ironically named white sports columnist Mike Wise.  That man epitomizes a level of oversensitivity that would make even the most diehard social liberals cringe.

Yep. It's white folk whom are ashamed of America's past that push for such change. 


Take a gander back in time. Look at what every other civilization was doing then, during the European occupation of North America. The world was an ugly, violent and conquer-centric affair.

No, I think it's because people assumed the term was derogatory. If that poll is indeed correct, then well....

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Incidentally, one of the most outspoken advocates for this nonsense in the DC area is the ironically named white sports columnist Mike Wise.  That man epitomizes a level of oversensitivity that would make even the most diehard social liberals cringe.

...and the black mayor

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...and the black mayor


How surprising that a black mayor would act overly PC.

I don't think the people of India care either way.

Indians call themselves Indians.


Any person born in America is...in fact, a Native American. 


Again, this issue is muddied by the PC leftists whom bleed from the heart over a group they aren't a part of. Interjecting their own opinions as the voice of the minority in which they think they're protecting. 


"Indian" is the term used in federal lawIt is also the official term used by major U.S. Indian agencies and organizations, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, National Congress of the American Indians, National Indian Education Association, and National Museum of the American Indian."

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How surprising that a black mayor would act overly PC.

Indians call themselves Indians.


Any person born in America is...in fact, a Native American. 


Again, this issue is muddied by the PC leftists whom bleed from the heart over a group they aren't a part of. Interjecting their own opinions as the voice of the minority in which they think they're protecting. 


"Indian" is the term used in federal lawIt is also the official term used by major U.S. Indian agencies and organizations, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service, National Congress of the American Indians, National Indian Education Association, and National Museum of the American Indian."

Maybe, but I'm not a liberal and far from a bleeding heart....I honestly just though it was a derogatory term. Although, I still find the "honor" thru sports nicknames ironic and strange.

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