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Colts select montori Hughes -- traded 2014 4th rounder


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As a Vol fan, I can assure you this guy has all the talent to be successful at this level.  I think he suffered more from the coaching instability and coaching mediocrity at Tennessee than because of actual attitude issues: he seems like an overall decent kid.  Also, I think he could be a great fit in a 3-4 defense, even though he only payed games at Tennessee in a 4-3 defense.



That being said, the former vol I really want for the colts is Da'rick Rogers.  I think whoever ends up getting him this late is getting legitimate 2nd/3rd round value.

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You are right we did cut him, but no way do we get a pick for him after all the free agents we signed.

Oops I ment to say we DIDN'T cut him.  Sorry.


As far as the pic is concerned the charechter issues make me nervous, but if he can get past those, he may be a steal. Guys that are as bis as he is who have athleticism do not grow on trees.

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im going to be honest 


on paper the draft looks pretty brutal 

It's not that bad. I don't think it's going to be a home run class by any means, but certainly not brutal.


But I'll play devil's advocate and say it is. Every pick is a total bust.


I still don't think that's going to hurt us much. We've been put in a nice position where this draft is merely an insurance draft. If we don't get quality play out of one of these player we draft, we're well off enough that it won't set us back much, if any at all. We're in a really good position for a few years moving forward.

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So far, if these players are as good now or have the potential to be good later that Grigson an co. seem to think then so far in the draft we've succeed in getting a potentially great OLB pass rusher, long needed interior o-line depth, and now some more depth on the d-line. None of this sounds too bad to me (and with the limited picks we). A lot of people don't want to talk about rebuilding especially after the success we had last year, but I applaud Grigson for realizing we still needed to build depth and competition in the trenches. I'm going to be surprised if we get good grades in our draft from the pundits, but I'm for feel that if these picks do enough to created competition and improve the overall lines then I'm satisfied.

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You left out the important part....


You know....   the part where we gave up a 4th round pick next year!   


That is exactly what I did NOT want to do -- for any player,  Hughes or anyone else....


His write-ups for performance are OK....   his write-ups for character and off field stuff are very, very poor.


I'm surprised this was the pick, and even more surprised that we spent next year's 4 on him.   We must LOVE this kid.


We must know something others do not.


Weird, strange draft......




I don't mind giving up a future 4th for who could be an impact player this yr.. I really like Hughes and think he will be a great fit as a rotational 5 tech DE and plus he can play DT in our 4 man front. This kid has crazy talent, but does have issue's with lazyness. I'm sure that will be fixed right quick with Pagano. If not, he'll be gone.

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Assume we pick at #24 next year again, this is essentially 13 spots up for us, just a year earlier. And into a draft that's deep in defensive linemen. I know people are down on this draft, but these are the value spots, and if Hughes can contribute right now, he's more valuable than a late 4th next year.


I like the move, and I like the player.


I didn't want to move next year's 4 for this year's 5.    I think this kid is badly over-drafted.   First time I've been this stunned at what the Colts have done.    This is a head scratcher....     I expect we'll be picking around the same spot next year....   but I wanted that 4.... 


I had proposed trading our 6 and 7 this year,  and our 5 and 6 next year.   That would've brought us into the middle of the 5th round.    I think there would've been a quality player there to take.    Plus, we'd still have next year's 4.


The kid has great raw talent.   But a 10-cent head.   I don't like trading a future 4 for kids like that...


As I said in another post,  the Colts must really, Really, REALLY love this kid.    Hope he delivers.....

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I don't mind giving up a future 4th for who could be an impact player this yr.. I really like Hughes and think he will be a great fit as a rotational 5 tech DE and plus he can play DT in our 4 man front. This kid has crazy talent, but does have issue's with lazyness. I'm sure that will be fixed right quick with Pagano. If not, he'll be gone.


First,  I don't see him being an 'impact' player this year.   Maybe in a year or so,  but not this year.   And I really hope I'm wrong.


I don't think he's got crazy talent.   I think he's got good talent.   And your last sentence is the killer for me.   Yes,  he'll be gone, and our 4th round pick will have gone with him.


My most unfavorite trade in the Grigson era.   Really hope I'm wrong.   I'll be very happy if I'm wrong....     but this one for me is a head scratcher....

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I didn't want to move next year's 4 for this year's 5.    I think this kid is badly over-drafted.   First time I've been this stunned at what the Colts have done.    This is a head scratcher....     I expect we'll be picking around the same spot next year....   but I wanted that 4.... 


I had proposed trading our 6 and 7 this year,  and our 5 and 6 next year.   That would've brought us into the middle of the 5th round.    I think there would've been a quality player there to take.    Plus, we'd still have next year's 4.


The kid has great raw talent.   But a 10-cent head.   I don't like trading a future 4 for kids like that...


As I said in another post,  the Colts must really, Really, REALLY love this kid.    Hope he delivers.....


Why do you value next year's 4th rounder so much?  You'd rather give up two picks in this year's draft, or two in next year's draft, than one pick in next year's draft. I think it's a value-added trade, for sure. And that's setting aside the attributes of the player taken.


Which brings me to the "badly over-drafted" comment. I've always thought that it's impossible to know what happens when you get this late in the draft. There are always dozens of UDFAs that teams jump on just as soon as they can. So how can anyone be over-drafted in the fifth round? I mean, I get that it's technically possible, but how can you really know? There are tons of good players still on the board right now, and there will be tons left over once the draft is done. So if you want someone and think he can contribute right now -- which the Colts obviously believe is true in Hughes case -- then why worry about whether he's "over-drafted"? Just take him. It's the fifth round, this is far from an exact science. Especially in this year's draft.


And when it comes to Hughes, I think his ability is a no-brainer. The only questions that exist are related to character. And that might even add value in his case.

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I don't understand giving up next year's 4th for this guy. Got some good upside but plenty of downside too. Plus, how many DT's do we need? I think we've had a pretty good draft ( minus Holmes ), I didn't see the need to give up next years pick at all, much less at a position we have plenty of depth at. At least we should have looked at a DB for depth as we're a little sketchy there except for our safeties.

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There just seems to be so many angry, bitter ex NFL scouts and General Managers commenting on our draft picks. I am really sorry you lost your jobs in the NFL to people who are more qualified, like Ryan Grigson. But go somewhere else to complain about an NFL team's draft. LIKE CANADA 

To ALL of our new Colts :welcome:



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As a Vol fan, I can assure you this guy has all the talent to be successful at this level.  I think he suffered more from the coaching instability and coaching mediocrity at Tennessee than because of actual attitude issues: he seems like an overall decent kid.  Also, I think he could be a great fit in a 3-4 defense, even though he only payed games at Tennessee in a 4-3 defense.



That being said, the former vol I really want for the colts is Da'rick Rogers.  I think whoever ends up getting him this late is getting legitimate 2nd/3rd round value.


Good to know.  And you have my sympathies (for being a Vols fan).  


This was interesting, from NFL Draft Scouts:  "Hughes impressed scouts at the Raycom Football All-Star Classic and earned a late invitation to the Senior Bowl because of it. He stood out in Mobile as well with his quickness and fiery playing style, and helped himself in the minds of scouts."

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Why do you value next year's 4th rounder so much?  You'd rather give up two picks in this year's draft, or two in next year's draft, than one pick in next year's draft. I think it's a value-added trade, for sure. And that's setting aside the attributes of the player taken.


Which brings me to the "badly over-drafted" comment. I've always thought that it's impossible to know what happens when you get this late in the draft. There are always dozens of UDFAs that teams jump on just as soon as they can. So how can anyone be over-drafted in the fifth round? I mean, I get that it's technically possible, but how can you really know? There are tons of good players still on the board right now, and there will be tons left over once the draft is done. So if you want someone and think he can contribute right now -- which the Colts obviously believe is true in Hughes case -- then why worry about whether he's "over-drafted"? Just take him. It's the fifth round, this is far from an exact science. Especially in this year's draft.


And when it comes to Hughes, I think his ability is a no-brainer. The only questions that exist are related to character. And that might even add value in his case.



You might be the 10th poster to say something along the lines of...  4 picks for 1?   No!!


Now, we got him for one pick.    By that logic,  we could've offered our 1st round pick.  After all,  it's only one pick.


Goodness, the picks I was offering were a 6 and 7 this year...  a 5 and 6 next year.   Traditionally,  most of those picks have a very low chance of being a decent player...


But a 4th round pick has a much higher chance.    That's why I didn't want to trade a future 4 for a current 5.   And certainly not for a Boom or Bust player.

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They are placing him at NT as primary spot

@KBowenColts: In 2012, it was skill position players dominaintg the draft for the #Colts. In 2013, it's 4 players (2 OL, 1 NT, 1 OLB/DE) in the trenches.

DT is sub packages i hope but I want Nevis there first in sub packages

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So far, if these players are as good now or have the potential to be good later that Grigson an co. seem to think then so far in the draft we've succeed in getting a potentially great OLB pass rusher, long needed interior o-line depth, and now some more depth on the d-line.

Exactly, just what many of us fans thought the colts needed, more OL depth to protect our franchise QB, and pave the way for Ballard and/or our FB. Also, depth on the DL which consist of a DT and pass rusher as you stated. However now the draft looks like crap for some reason. I love it!

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You might be the 10th poster to say something along the lines of...  4 picks for 1?   No!!


Now, we got him for one pick.    By that logic,  we could've offered our 1st round pick.  After all,  it's only one pick.


Goodness, the picks I was offering were a 6 and 7 this year...  a 5 and 6 next year.   Traditionally,  most of those picks have a very low chance of being a decent player...


But a 4th round pick has a much higher chance.    That's why I didn't want to trade a future 4 for a current 5.   And certainly not for a Boom or Bust player.


I'm not saying four picks for one, I understand that's not what you're saying. You're saying either two this year, or two next year. Not a total of four picks. I get it.


I understand your criticism, and I know you've thought it out. I'm not talking to jshipp or someone else who is a rabid over-reacter. I'm just offering a counter opinion, because while I know losing a 4th next year hurts, hopefully it's not that big of a deal. Even if we pick at #24 again (and all of us are hoping we can move down a bit and pick lower next year, right?), it's not a high value draft spot in the 4th round. Sure, it's higher value than a 5th or 6th or 7th, but we get a player NOW. 


Of all the moves to be critical of, this one seems rather innocuous to me.

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Keep in mind depth is good cuz injuries can happen at any moment. Now we need to get Bacarri rambo or if they wanna whoop someones off field crap into shape, jordan poyer for special teams or xtra db.


A good point. Defensive tackle has been our most injury-ravaged position for several years now.

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You might be the 10th poster to say something along the lines of...  4 picks for 1?   No!!


Now, we got him for one pick.    By that logic,  we could've offered our 1st round pick.  After all,  it's only one pick.


Goodness, the picks I was offering were a 6 and 7 this year...  a 5 and 6 next year.   Traditionally,  most of those picks have a very low chance of being a decent player...


But a 4th round pick has a much higher chance.    That's why I didn't want to trade a future 4 for a current 5.   And certainly not for a Boom or Bust player.



Assuming we pick at 24 again , do you really think the odds are that much greater for a player taken at 124 than 138  ? That's not even factoring in the fact that Grigson thinks this draft is tremendous in rounds 3-5.

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They want to destroy the opposing team for trying to run the ball. I'm fine with that.

Everyone keeps complaining because of the picks, I guess Madden is training for real life. 

Just because Vaughn sucked doesn't mean the FO doesn't believe in him. The only reason he was bad is because he doesn't look for the ball. And don't you forget, wherever Pagano goes the secondary becomes beastly. Vaughn just needs to be coached up.

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I'm not saying four picks for one, I understand that's not what you're saying. You're saying either two this year, or two next year. Not a total of four picks. I get it.


I understand your criticism, and I know you've thought it out. I'm not talking to jshipp or someone else who is a rabid over-reacter. I'm just offering a counter opinion, because while I know losing a 4th next year hurts, hopefully it's not that big of a deal. Even if we pick at #24 again (and all of us are hoping we can move down a bit and pick lower next year, right?), it's not a high value draft spot in the 4th round. Sure, it's higher value than a 5th or 6th or 7th, but we get a player NOW. 


Of all the moves to be critical of, this one seems rather innocuous to me.







If we draft at 24 again , it's a crazy good deal. Almost the same exact deal and spot we did in 2003. We gave up a 2004 4th for a spot in the 5th 1 pick later than this one. That deal was Ok....right ? 

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I'm not saying four picks for one, I understand that's not what you're saying. You're saying either two this year, or two next year. Not a total of four picks. I get it.


I understand your criticism, and I know you've thought it out. I'm not talking to jshipp or someone else who is a rabid over-reacter. I'm just offering a counter opinion, because while I know losing a 4th next year hurts, hopefully it's not that big of a deal. Even if we pick at #24 again (and all of us are hoping we can move down a bit and pick lower next year, right?), it's not a high value draft spot in the 4th round. Sure, it's higher value than a 5th or 6th or 7th, but we get a player NOW. 


Of all the moves to be critical of, this one seems rather innocuous to me.



No.   You're still misunderstanding me.     I ***AM*** saying 4-for-1.   That's what I wanted to do.


I'd sooner give up a 5/6/6/7 than I would a 4.     I value the 4 much more than the other picks.


I think there was a trade to be made the way I proposed it.   Clearly I could be wrong.   But by the points system,  what I proposed gets you up into the middle of the 5th round.   I would've been happier taking Hughes giving up a 5/6/6/7 than I am giving up the 4.

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I'm not saying four picks for one, I understand that's not what you're saying. You're saying either two this year, or two next year. Not a total of four picks. I get it.


I understand your criticism, and I know you've thought it out. I'm not talking to jshipp or someone else who is a rabid over-reacter. I'm just offering a counter opinion, because while I know losing a 4th next year hurts, hopefully it's not that big of a deal. Even if we pick at #24 again (and all of us are hoping we can move down a bit and pick lower next year, right?), it's not a high value draft spot in the 4th round. Sure, it's higher value than a 5th or 6th or 7th, but we get a player NOW. 


Of all the moves to be critical of, this one seems rather innocuous to me.

That's just it. Usually when you trade up to get a guy you really like you give up your next pick and another later one.  In this case, using the hypothetical that we have the 24th pick again next year, ( although we all know it will be the 32nd!) then all we did is give up about 16 draft slots ( mid/late 4th for a early 5th.)  If the Colts really like this guy, then it made a lot of sense. 

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Assuming we pick at 24 again , do you really think the odds are that much greater for a player taken at 124 than 138  ? That's not even factoring in the fact that Grigson thinks this draft is tremendous in rounds 3-5.


I'm the poster who noted Grigson's love for this draft in the middle rounds.


I'm the poster who said we'd trade back into the 5th round.


I'm the poster who proposed a deal to get us into the middle of the 5th round.


I'd always prefer giving up the lower picks than a future higher pick.    So, I would've given up a 6 & 7 this year plus our 5 and 6 next year,  before I'd give up the 4 next year.


The odds are, the 4 has a much higher chance of being an impact player than the lower picks I'm willing to trade....

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Do keep in mind that D-line depth in this system isn't just good in case of injury, it also allows for situational versatility.  The prospect of having 3 or 4 very different line packages we can put on the field depending on opponent and situation is encouraging.

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No.   You're still misunderstanding me.     I ***AM*** saying 4-for-1.   That's what I wanted to do.


I'd sooner give up a 5/6/6/7 than I would a 4.     I value the 4 much more than the other picks.


I think there was a trade to be made the way I proposed it.   Clearly I could be wrong.   But by the points system,  what I proposed gets you up into the middle of the 5th round.   I would've been happier taking Hughes giving up a 5/6/6/7 than I am giving up the 4.


Oh mercy, then I really think you're crazy. ;)


No way would I think there's more value in giving up all those rather than next year's 4th. Nope. I don't care what the point chart says.

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