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Jaguars To Cut Garrard; Good News For Colts; Would You Have Taken Him If He Was Available A Month Ago?


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The Jaguars are set to release starter David Garrard. This is great news because Gabbert starts with no good WRs and he's a rookie. It's a good break. Now here's my question: Would you have taken him if he were available one month ago(instead of Collins)?

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That is terrible, all rosters are set with starting QBs and now the Jags cut him. It is a cut throat business. If it were the Colts, they would have handled it with more class and released a starting QB earlier especially if they know they have drafted his replacement. The Jags hosed Garrard, plain and simple, not classy, IMO. He gave them a lot and played through injury and Crohn's disease all these years.

Yes, I would take Garrard because he is younger, more mobile, will have better weapons around him than at Jacksonville plus he would know the division just as Kerry Collins knows them.

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But do you think they did this because tenn. coaching and QB changes, Houston D changes, and Peyton currently in a questionable state? It would be easy to argue the division is in a cluster mod edit so they might as well attempt to get their future set up best they can while everyone else is going through growing pains aswell. Obviously they we going to do it sooner or later I say it's a good call,because this year the division will the weakest it's been in years . It does make Garrard finding a new home more difficult though. Most importantly it will make life for the Colts that much easier, and this year I'll take whatever break we can get.

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Garrard seems to have more of an ability to strap a team on his back and make something happen than Collins, but he probably isn't as good a fit for our offense.

Of course both take too many sacks and cause too many turnovers. It may not be pretty either way, but I wouldn't consider Garrard a missed opportunity.

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All I know is if I were MJD I'd be demanding to be traded immediately. He's the only real talent they've ever had and why on earth he wants to stay there is beyond me. Just like Barry Sanders. He could go to an elite team easily if he chose to bail out of that sinking ship.

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All I know is if I were MJD I'd be demanding to be traded immediately. He's the only real talent they've ever had and why on earth he wants to stay there is beyond me. Just like Barry Sanders. He could go to an elite team easily if he chose to bail out of that sinking ship.

Could we trade Painter for MJD? lol lol lol

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Well now that Garrard is no longer a Jaguar I can stop bashing him now lol

I always thought he was a solid but not spectacular, but nonetheless starting-caliber NFL QB. I think he was one of the last things wrong with that team and had he ever actually had good receivers he might've looked good - he was a very efficient QB and his rushing ability gives him another dimension (I hated his goal line runs ..dude just wouldn't go down peacefully)

I think the Jaguars pulled a really d***he move on him and made it all but impossible for him to be prepared for the season. I always thought he was like Kyle Orton, a consumate professional despite being constantly disrespected by his own organization, living on borrowed time - in stark contrast to the passive aggressive McNabb.

I would've preferred him to Collins if only because if Manning isn't starting, I don't believe someone can simply be a game manager (at least right now) with our O-line and running game still in their embryonic stages - I think Garrard's mobility would be an asset here. I would've liked him over Collins if it were an option although I don't know if he'd be a good fit

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Collins is good, but Garrard would have been better, because he is mobile. He can escape the pocket if the sucky o-line lets some bulldozers through every play.

That's true but according to Del Rio he was cut because of his accuracy issues. He never threw a great long ball and apparently his mid and short game fell off. I respect JD's word, but I think it's just as much so he can get Gabbert in there ASAP. Bet he's starting by the third game.

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That is terrible, all rosters are set with starting QBs and now the Jags cut him. It is a cut throat business. If it were the Colts, they would have handled it with more class and released a starting QB earlier especially if they know they have drafted his replacement. The Jags hosed Garrard, plain and simple, not classy, IMO. He gave them a lot and played through injury and Crohn's disease all these years.

Yes, I would take Garrard because he is younger, more mobile, will have better weapons around him than at Jacksonville plus he would know the division just as Kerry Collins knows them.

I agree, i never liked del rio he just looks like an absolute colts hater. David would have been much better cause then we would have had a dual threat with a strong arm. Now we are just stuck with an old byron leftwitch

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If he gets fired we should hire him, he's a great LB coach.

Even dating back to his days in Baltimore.

Yeah, guys like him and Cam Cameron and Mike Singletary aren't good head coaches, but they can still be very good assistants. Same thing goes for Wade Phillips. I wouldn't be against signing him as a LB coach.

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