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We broke Gronks arm


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Stay classy, Colt fans:

From Peter King:

"Coaches have 45 active players each game. They don't have a "second team'' of the point-after-try unit. The PAT is one of the most risk-free plays in football. Rodney Harrison, the former Patriots safety now in the NBC studio with me on Sunday nights, didn't get taken off the kickoff team in routs. And Tony Dungy, who coached the Colts and Bucs, told me: "Jeff Saturday was my right guard on the PAT team, and I'd never think of taking him off. All my years in football, I never heard anyone, never heard Chuck Noll saying, 'Well, we better get Jack Ham off the PAT team.' It's not something I'd question."

Read More: http://sportsillustr...l#ixzz2Cg4WuEdC

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Yes, a couple of years ago Welker was injured against Houston while running up the score and it cost the Pats huge.

Welker got injuried on the first possession of the game and on the patriots 4th play of the game . . . glad to see you are up on all of the facts tho . . .

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As I posted elsewhere, where were the Colt fans complaining about the Colts' running up the score in '03-'04?


Colts 49, Texans 14.

Colts 51, Titans 24.


Colts 55, Saints 21.

Colts 38, Falcons 7.

Colts 41, Broncos 10

First, I think we were running up the score on ourselves yesterday.

Second: I wish Gronk a fast recovery. I'm never happy if a player gets injured, no matter what team he belongs.

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As I posted elsewhere, where were the Colt fans complaining about the Colts' running up the score in '03-'04?


Colts 49, Texans 14.

Colts 51, Titans 24.


Colts 55, Saints 21.

Colts 38, Falcons 7.

Colts 41, Broncos 10

Oh Lord. Seems I struck a nerve. I don't believe in running up the score on ANYONE. Once the game is out of hand, pull starters and play it safe. If you keep people in and just keep dropping score after score, then you get what you deserve if an injury occurs. Oh, and I was at that 2004 Colts game against the Titans. By the 3rd quarter Indy pulled their starters and had 2nd string guys in scoring touchdowns.

BTW, I wasn't talking about the Houston game. Before you attack me, I'd suggest you know what I'm even speaking about.


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Welker got injuried on the first possession of the game and on the patriots 4th play of the game . . . glad to see you are up on all of the facts tho . . .

Excuse me. I made a freaking mistake on this. Glad to know you are never wrong about something. I'm asking this because I may be confused about another player. I thought Welker was injured in the 4th quarter in a meaningless game? If I've confused this with someone else then I apologize.

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Dan....There's only one extra point team, right?

Do you have back ups..I actually dont know....

He may have simply had to be out there...

Yeah you have PAT team, but say if Gronk breaks his arm in the 1st quarter, then obviously someone comes into replace him.

Injuries happen.

One can argue his use on special teams at any point in time since he is a key contributor, but I'm willing to bet that the Patriots have a fake field goal or two in their game plan that has him as the target. I can't bash them for this injury.

Who knows he might have broken his arm in some drunken "Gronk thirsty" action as he slams his forearm on the bar at Cheers waiting for an equally astute Woody to serve him a beer.

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Excuse me. I made a freaking mistake on this. Glad to know you are never wrong about something. I'm asking this because I may be confused about another player. I thought Welker was injured in the 4th quarter in a meaningless game? If I've confused this with someone else then I apologize.

Regardless....it WAS a meaningless game when Welker got hurt....I never root for a player to get hurt, even on the patriots, but Belichick welcomes these type of things when he chooses to not take his players out regardless of the score....okay so maybe Gronk would never come out of an extra point formation due to roster numbers, but its pretty simple - players have to be in the game to get hurt. You don't need your starters in the game when you are up a million points in the 4th qtr

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How is continiuing to play the same way that gave you a lead running up the score in pro sports? Professional sports, paid to play all 60 minutes. So if we do really really well at our job in the first four hours, we can just stop and hang out for the last four? If I had a dollar for every time I've heard 'why did they play prevent', or 'why did they stop throwing it', or whatever the scenerio that leads to a team coming back... I dislike the Patirots, a ton, but one thing they do which almost nobody else does is they place their collective feet squarely on the throat of opponents when given a chance. That's what pro teams, all on equal footing financially, cap, chance to draft and sign talent, should do. We're not talking about a top 5 college team playing a cupcake for cash here. The Patriots have a killer mentality, something I wish I saw more of in pro sports. They finish far more often than not. And that's because they don't stop doing the things which work, which gave them the lead to begin with. The Colts job yesterday was to stop it. Any of it. And they couldn't, and didn't.

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How is continiuing to play the same way that gave you a lead running up the score in pro sports? Professional sports, paid to play all 60 minutes. So if we do really really well at our job in the first four hours, we can just stop and hang out for the last four? If I had a dollar for every time I've heard 'why did they play prevent', or 'why did they stop throwing it', or whatever the scenerio that leads to a team coming back... I dislike the Patirots, a ton, but one thing they do which almost nobody else does is they place their collective feet squarely on the throat of opponents when given a chance. That's what pro teams, all on equal footing financially, cap, chance to draft and sign talent, should do. We're not talking about a top 5 college team playing a cupcake for cash here. The Patriots have a killer mentality, something I wish I saw more of in pro sports. They finish far more often than not. And that's because they don't stop doing the things which work, which gave them the lead to begin with. The Colts job yesterday was to stop it. Any of it. And they couldn't, and didn't.

All of this. I know one thing for certain: if the Colts had done the reverse to the Patriots yesterday, not one single Colt fan here would complain about running up the score.

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All of this. I know one thing for certain: if the Colts had done the reverse to the Patriots yesterday, not one single Colt fan here would complain about running up the score.

Of course not. That is the hypocrisy of sports. Duke & Carolina recruit the same guys. As soon as he puts on Carolina Blue, Tarheels think he's great and Duke fans think he is a bum. The same can be said when the recruit signs with Duke.

If Brady had 2 pick sixes, and 2 other turnovers and the Colts put 59 points on the Patriots, then it goes down as one of the greatest things ever.

Fans hate to lose and losing 59-24 is pretty hard to swallow, and when it comes to a team that most detest it makes it even worse. Just like in 2006, the AFCCG was a lot sweeter when it came against the Patriots. If the Patriots were to win another Super Bowl, i'd say most of your fans would prefer to beat Eli Manning as opposed to Rodgers, Brees or some other NFC QB. It would be a bit sweeter since he's slayed the Patriot dragon twice in the Super Bowl.

It is just how sports work.

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Welker got injuried on the first possession of the game and on the patriots 4th play of the game . . . glad to see you are up on all of the facts tho . . .

Right, but I think his point was you were using him in a meaningless game and every other team in the nfl would have been resting their starters at that point. It does not matter if he was currently running up the score, playing Welker in that game was tantamount to that. See his point is still valid no matter how condescending you are.

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Right, but I think his point was you were using him in a meaningless game and every other team in the nfl would have been resting their starters at that point. It does not matter if he was currently running up the score, playing Welker in that game was tantamount to that. See his point is still valid no matter how condescending you are.

Right? I did make a mistake though on the time/score of the game which is my fault.

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Yeah you have PAT team, but say if Gronk breaks his arm in the 1st quarter, then obviously someone comes into replace him.

Injuries happen.

One can argue his use on special teams at any point in time since he is a key contributor, but I'm willing to bet that the Patriots have a fake field goal or two in their game plan that has him as the target. I can't bash them for this injury.

Who knows he might have broken his arm in some drunken "Gronk thirsty" action as he slams his forearm on the bar at Cheers waiting for an equally astute Woody to serve him a beer.

That's true..FJC.....he needs that arm strength to lift up those 'Tilted Kilt' girls :flirty:

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Right, but I think his point was you were using him in a meaningless game and every other team in the nfl would have been resting their starters at that point. It does not matter if he was currently running up the score, playing Welker in that game was tantamount to that. See his point is still valid no matter how condescending you are.

There are meaningless games in the NFL?

Huh. From what I recall, Colt fans are more or less upset that the Colts didn't go for perfection several years ago, that sitting players and letting rust accrue was a horrible idea.

Or do you disagree with that?

Every single game in the NFL has value to a team, regardless of record. Teams work on new plays, on new schemes, etc. Otherwise, why was Andrew Luck still playing in the blowout yesterday? To get snaps, to work with WRs, etc.

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Excuse me. I made a freaking mistake on this. Glad to know you are never wrong about something. I'm asking this because I may be confused about another player. I thought Welker was injured in the 4th quarter in a meaningless game? If I've confused this with someone else then I apologize.

First sorry for coming off strong as that was my fault, i had not had my morning coffee yet . . . I apologize for my short remark it was uncalled for . . . :shake: . . . . :flowers:

I am not sure who may of gotten injuried later in the game but I am sure they may be been somebody, or even in another game at a meaningless point . . . And I do agree with all reagrding having the starting in late on that last drive . . . there are two schools of thought tho . . . one is to save your players at times when the game is in hand, the other is you have few opportunities to run your offense free of worries that a mistake will cost you a game and at that point some feel its nice to use that time to run some playes in red time conditions as opposed to just practice which is not real time . . . I see both sides and see pluses and minus of both sides . . . on one hand you have a 100% gaurantee that your player will not get hurt in those 8 plays on the otehr hand you have an opportunity to try something that might help you down the road . . .

As for playing in the last game of the season we have an additional debate of resting your starters for rest and avoid injury and keeping them fresh by playing a half of that game . . . and again we have pros and cons on each side. . . .

so there really are two issues with respect to the last drive, one is a scoring issue and one an injury issue . . . and pros and cons for each are kind of the same . . . keeping players in to runs plays/keep them fresh v. rest/100% garuanttee no injury by being on the sidelines (unless your Sean Peyton, so sidelines aren't total save)

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Regardless....it WAS a meaningless game when Welker got hurt....I never root for a player to get hurt, even on the patriots, but Belichick welcomes these type of things when he chooses to not take his players out regardless of the score....okay so maybe Gronk would never come out of an extra point formation due to roster numbers, but its pretty simple - players have to be in the game to get hurt. You don't need your starters in the game when you are up a million points in the 4th qtr

yes it was a meanlingless game . . . and yes I see your points about starters being in after the game has past the point of no return for the opponent . . . and the pats last drive was well after that point . . . i for one did not want them in the game . . . however, I do recognize there are others reasons why they may be in the game, as i mention in the previous post, #33, that is, to run the plays as a live scirmmage . . .

as for the last game of the season, there are two schools of thought, some teams start their starters in the last game of the season (for streaks like consecitive starts streaks ;) , or to achieve a goal, like there are witinin 3 recs from 100 and they go in for a series or two) , and some dont start them, like GB benched Rogers last year . . . but seeing that Welker was injuried on the first series we should be not too hard on BB and that Pats as there have been other teams, namely the colts, that have started there starteds in meaningless games and played series or two . . .

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Right, but I think his point was you were using him in a meaningless game and every other team in the nfl would have been resting their starters at that point. It does not matter if he was currently running up the score, playing Welker in that game was tantamount to that. See his point is still valid no matter how condescending you are.

I agree with you as to your point, and as i mentioned in my earlier post #34, some teams rest key players (like GB and Rogers) and some start them for a series or two like the pats and the colts . . . it is just different strokes for different folks, i see the benefit to both sides . . .

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First sorry for coming off strong as that was my fault, i had not had my morning coffee yet . . . I apologize for my short remark it was uncalled for . . . :shake: . . . . :flowers:

I am not sure who may of gotten injuried later in the game but I am sure they may be been somebody, or even in another game at a meaningless point . . . And I do agree with all reagrding having the starting in late on that last drive . . . there are two schools of thought tho . . . one is to save your players at times when the game is in hand, the other is you have few opportunities to run your offense free of worries that a mistake will cost you a game and at that point some feel its nice to use that time to run some playes in red time conditions as opposed to just practice which is not real time . . . I see both sides and see pluses and minus of both sides . . . on one hand you have a 100% gaurantee that your player will not get hurt in those 8 plays on the otehr hand you have an opportunity to try something that might help you down the road . . .

As for playing in the last game of the season we have an additional debate of resting your starters for rest and avoid injury and keeping them fresh by playing a half of that game . . . and again we have pros and cons on each side. . . .

so there really are two issues with respect to the last drive, one is a scoring issue and one an injury issue . . . and pros and cons for each are kind of the same . . . keeping players in to runs plays/keep them fresh v. rest/100% garuanttee no injury by being on the sidelines (unless your Sean Peyton, so sidelines aren't total save)

Thank you. Makes me happy knowing people will apologize, even on a forum. You sir are my new friend. As for your response, I see good and bad in both ways. Yes, you have the opportunity to work on new plays. You also have chances for an injury, IE Gronk last night. It's a double-edged sword that I for one would only want the dull edge to hit me.

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Yes, a couple of years ago Welker was injured against Houston while running up the score and it cost the Pats huge.

Uhh, Welker was injured five minutes into the game... The score was 7-0. If that constitutes as running up the score in the first quarter, then all teams should be ashamed of themselves.

Just a freak accident. Welker made a reception, went to cut and his knee went out. Torn ACL, and the Patriots looked flat the next week vs. Baltimore. It was just the fact that they had a playoff spot locked up and weren't benching their starters. Houston won the game, for the sole reason that the Patriots' backups eventually came in. Hate playing Welker, but that was an unfortunate injury.

Call it a meaningless game if you want, but I'd rather my team's starters play a portion of the game, instead of sitting the entire time when a playoff spot is locked up. Keep the momentum going through week 17 into the playoffs.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 19, 2012 - quoting post that's being reviewed
Hidden by Nadine, November 19, 2012 - quoting post that's being reviewed

I've never understood the seemingly highbow, invertibrate retorts whenever a player in the NFL gets hurt. Personally I derive a good deal of pleasure out of seeing opponents...especially the one's who deserve it...get hurt.

Way to keep it classy, bro. In any case, offenses are paid, millions by the way, to score. And that is what they will do when they get the chance. No such thing as running up the score. If defenses have a problem with it, then they should stop it.

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