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Ballard is right

bleed blue4life

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The more I think about it he is right the games are won upfront. Look at this year we cannot run the ball because teams know we cannot pass over  15 to 20yards because of the oline not giving the Qb enough time . What I do fault him for is not fixing the rg and Lt positons. All the so called experts give him heck for not signing a one receiver.Would that really help with this line. I say no . thoughts ?

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11 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Yes Ballard has made some mistakes but at the same time he has made some really good moves. 

When you concentrate on the negative you overlook the positive.  

He should have did what John Lynch did. Trade for a LT. In all honesty the 49ers are what the Colts should have been

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Well we have been one of the worst pass rushing teams in the league up until this year and were better now, but still middle of the pack. Now we have a bottom 5 Oline. He can say it all he wants but its on him to build the trenches, pick the players. So far 5 years in he hasnt exactly nailed it.

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26 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Yes Ballard has made some mistakes but at the same time he has made some really good moves. 

When you concentrate on the negative you overlook the positive.  

Thats a fair point


However..... and respectfully...


The lack of viable long term LT and QB, possibly the most important spots on offense, were not addressed


He also has the HC reporting to him


Every year we started slow

Almost every game we started slow (It seems like we were unprepared)


These are coaching issues that a GM ULTIMATELY OWNS


As a highly imperfect believer in the BIG GUY upstairs, myself ......I love what Frank R, stands for......  However ...

I think it was clear (A LONG TIME AGO) that Frank was better suited to do a OC, or QG coach levels..... not HC


Did you notice that the Colts team started to play in Q1 against the Raiders?   They were ready, and it came from a coach that wasnt really ready


I think its criminal that we haven't take a swing at a young QB









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23 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Yes Ballard has made some mistakes but at the same time he has made some really good moves. 

When you concentrate on the negative you overlook the positive.  

1 playoff victory in 6 years. It’s easy after 6 years to overlook the positives because football is a business and there is a shelf life for every job. 

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Chris Reed: 29 of 61 games started, played for 5 teams in 7 years. No games this year played. Just a journeyman.

Mark Glowinski: 83 of 104 games started (most with the Colts), played for 3 teams in 7 years. PFF 63,5 this year.

So it's not "two starting quality guards", it's "one mediocre guard".

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There are different levels of winning. If you want to be a contender you need to be good everywhere(or almost everywhere). If you are good at the lines you will win some games... but you won't be among the best teams because the best teams have it both the lines and the skill positions/skill defenders. 


I completely disagree with Ballard's roster building philosophy. QB/WR/CBs impact winning MUCH more than most OL and DL positions. In a league with limited resources you have to prioritize where to spend most resources and what to emphasize. And in 2022 the positions that impact winning most are the passing positions on offense and the positions that disrupt passing on defense. 


We have bad offense mainly because we have sub-par QB and WR play right now. And we are actually legit good on defense because our outside CBs have been great. Rodgers and Gilmore have been one of the best outside CB pairs in the league.  


Now, this is not to say that the lines don't matter. They do. And we would be better if our pass-protection was holding up better... but we wouldn't be among the best teams simply because QB and skill positions are sub-par. 

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50 minutes ago, K-148 said:

Chris Reed: 29 of 61 games started, played for 5 teams in 7 years. No games this year played. Just a journeyman.

Mark Glowinski: 83 of 104 games started (most with the Colts), played for 3 teams in 7 years. PFF 63,5 this year.

So it's not "two starting quality guards", it's "one mediocre guard".

Kinda throws a monkey wrench in the narrative that Ballard whiffed on letting 2 offensive linemen go.??

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When you look at the current list of playoff teams, they're winning with a variety of styles, as teams have always won with a variety of styles.  


You can win the way Ballard wants to win, but you still need a fairly high level QB to pull it off.  That's the key.  If Luck were still your QB, these weapons would be more than adequate.

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    I'm lukewarm on Ballard. Seemingly a great guy who has done a decent job as a



    Two questions for his ardent supporters:


    What is the ultimate goal of the Colts franchise ? 


    Is there a limit to how much longer CB should be given to construct a 

    roster that gets them to that goal ? 


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14 minutes ago, indykmj said:

    I'm lukewarm on Ballard. Seemingly a great guy who has done a decent job as a



    Two questions for his ardent supporters:


    What is the ultimate goal of the Colts franchise ? 


    Is there a limit to how much longer CB should be given to construct a 

    roster that gets them to that goal ? 


GMs don’t get a better part of a decade to put a playoff caliber team together. It would be unusual for CB to be the GM next season IMO. 

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I understand the moves Ballard made on the OL.  Both Pinter and Pryor played reasonably when they were asked to last year. I was concerned about Pryor at LT but he drafted a decent prospect and signed Dennis Kelly.  Unfortunately both have not progressed. I thought they should have kept Glow but moving Pinter into the starting lineup made sense at the time. 

My main gripe with Ballard is the amount of capitol he has sunk into the DL. He has spent a 1st, 4-2nds, traded a 1st and starting CB and we are average.  None of the 2nd round lineman have panned out for different reasons.  That is a lot of mediocrity for a lot of assets.  

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51 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Kinda throws a monkey wrench in the narrative that Ballard whiffed on letting 2 offensive linemen go.??

It may not. 


Chris Reed in 2021 played 522 snaps, 0 Sacks allowed, and had 3 penalties. 67.2 PFF grade. 


Mark Glowinski in 2021 played 843 snaps, had 2 penalties and 2 Sacks allowed. 70.1 PFF grade. 


Regardless of whether we consider that grade as average or good, that's better than average play from the guards. 


More importantly, It doesn't tell how much it impacted running game, as run game has been poor for many games and Taylor hesitated a lot this year before getting bottled up often. 


Let's say, these two players weren't starting quality, and we don't have starting quality players in many positions of the OL currently, what does it tell about the GM's work in building the OL strong? It has had holes all over the OL last year and this year, and how confident can we be that it will be better next year? 


How many positions in the OL are going to get starting quality players and how? 


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2 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

Thats a fair point


However..... and respectfully...


The lack of viable long term LT and QB, possibly the most important spots on offense, were not addressed


He also has the HC reporting to him


Every year we started slow

Almost every game we started slow (It seems like we were unprepared)


These are coaching issues that a GM ULTIMATELY OWNS


As a highly imperfect believer in the BIG GUY upstairs, myself ......I love what Frank R, stands for......  However ...

I think it was clear (A LONG TIME AGO) that Frank was better suited to do a OC, or QG coach levels..... not HC


Did you notice that the Colts team started to play in Q1 against the Raiders?   They were ready, and it came from a coach that wasnt really ready


I think its criminal that we haven't take a swing at a young QB









Not disageeing with of that, but what young QB are you suggesting?

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He definitely rolled the dice on Pryor and Pinter, each with almost no experience at their given positions before this year.  And I mean given, because I don’t think there was real competition before the season started.  And it’s safe to say he came up craps on both.


But we have to acknowledge that no one thought the other three spots would play as bad as they did either.  


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14 minutes ago, VikingsFanInChennai said:


How many positions in the OL are going to get starting quality players and how? 


That is a question that most all GMs are asking themselves.  Ballard has a double whammy with needing O-line and QB. Ryan has the knowledge but lacks the arm strength. 

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Just now, Indyfan4life said:

I think Ballard has to have a perfect draft and FA period to stay with Indy. Any busts, projects/diamond-in-the-rough/whiffs, and he's probably gone.

So, that would translate to what? A deep run into the playoffs next season?


There are no perfects and he’s had some good drafts, that did what? 


And we’re to believe he’s going to now be a player in Free agency? 

Shocked, if he’s GM in 2023. 


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42 minutes ago, AwesomeAustin said:

  Both Pinter and Pryor played reasonably when they were asked to last year. 


I thought they should have kept Glow but moving Pinter into the starting lineup made sense at the time. 

My main gripe with Ballard is the amount of capitol he has sunk into the DL. He has spent a 1st, 4-2nds, traded a 1st and starting CB and we are average.  None of the 2nd round lineman have panned out for different reasons.  That is a lot of mediocrity for a lot of assets.  

Agreed about the gripe. 




"  Both Pinter and Pryor played reasonably when they were asked to last year." 


That's a problem with equating a rotational role as a starting quality. 


The main question is how did Reich's coaching staff and GM NOT evaluate all of last year and all of the off-season if these guys could be starters? 


What happened with the lack of evaluation? Proper evaluation would've separated the starters from rotational players. 


If they can't evaluate OL talent honestly among the 10 guys in the roster, how are they going to evaluate good talent around the league (for FA) or in the draft prospects? 


It all tells me one thing - GM and HC were just willing to get random veteran QBs in the market hoping at least one will work out, even with sub-standard OL. It has not worked, has got HC fired. 


To me, it looks like GM's method of drafting and free agency acquisition in roster building along with QB acquisitions has lot of flaws, and it would be wise to start with a new GM at the earliest, if Ballard is not willing to change his philosophy. 

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2 minutes ago, John C. said:

So, that would translate to what? A deep run into the playoffs next season?


There are no perfects and he’s had some good drafts, that did what? 


And we’re to believe he’s going to now be a player in Free agency? 

Shocked, if he’s GM in 2023. 


Do I think Ballard might be a player in FA if he's still here next season? Absolutely.

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7 minutes ago, Indyfan4life said:

Do I think Ballard might be a player in FA if he's still here next season? Absolutely.

I don’t think he will. Every single year he says the same thing in every FA interview. He says that he won’t change who he is or his mentality during FA. He doesn’t believe in paying highly sought after FA.


No way he does anything different than what he has already been doing.


Hoping he isn’t here but he probably will be. Dude doesn’t believe in having a #1 game changing receiver and can’t get his QB figured out.

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3 hours ago, runthepost said:

He should have did what John Lynch did. Trade for a LT. In all honesty the 49ers are what the Colts should have been

LT would not of mattered much when the middle is where it’s killing us. I would rather have edge pressure then interior pressure. QB can’t step up in pocket with interior pressure.  You can help a tackle. Hard to help interior guys.

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4 hours ago, bleed blue4life said:

The more I think about it he is right the games are won upfront. Look at this year we cannot run the ball because teams know we cannot pass over  15 to 20yards because of the oline not giving the Qb enough time . What I do fault him for is not fixing the rg and Lt positons. All the so called experts give him heck for not signing a one receiver.Would that really help with this line. I say no . 

To say he is right tends to give him credit for a belief that has been around for years. His problem is that he believes in it yet his Oline is a mess.

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48 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

That is a question that most all GMs are asking themselves.  Ballard has a double whammy with needing O-line and QB. Ryan has the knowledge but lacks the arm strength. 

I don’t think Ryan is as football smart as we think. I saw a screenshot the other day from before the ball was snapped and there was more defenders then blockers. That’s in the QB to get players in the right places. 

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3 hours ago, runthepost said:

He should have did what John Lynch did. Trade for a LT. In all honesty the 49ers are what the Colts should have been

People forget this. Sure we could have tradedcfor a LT. However u r paying your RT and C premium money. Then Nelson was due. So how would u mange that? I said dump Nelson and took heat for it.

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1 minute ago, Moosejawcolt said:

People forget this. Sure we could have tradedcfor a LT. However u r paying your RT and C premium money. Then Nelson was due. So how would u mange that? I said dump Nelson and took heat for it.

Dump the best lineman we have?? Yes you deserve the heat. 

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2 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

I don’t think Ballard is good at evaluating young QB either. Rumor is Reich loved Hurts. Ballard did not. We could of had him and one of Taylor and Pittman.

Using hindsight serves no purpose. You can point a finger at every GM in the league if you use that as a judge.  

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Kinda throws a monkey wrench in the narrative that Ballard whiffed on letting 2 offensive linemen go.??

Sorry, my English is not that good... I just want to say that Pryor and Pinter weren't that bad prior 2022 and Reed and Glowinski weren't that good prior 2022.

Pryor: 76,5 (2021), 55,3 (2020), 62,0 (2019).

Glowinski: 70,1 (2021), 67,3 (2020), 60,5 (2019).

Reed: 67,2 (2021), 63,0 (2020), 70,3 (2019).

Pinter: 74,7 (2021), 58,0 (2020).

R. Kelly: 61,3 (2022).

Nelson: 69,5 (2022).

Smith: 70,6 (2022).

Raimann: 61,5 (2022).

In my opinion, it's not about Ballard letting go one mediocre G, it's about our top paid 1-2 rounders not playing to their potential.

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26 minutes ago, K-148 said:

Sorry, my English is not that good... I just want to say that Pryor and Pinter weren't that bad prior 2022 and Reed and Glowinski weren't that good prior 2022.

Pryor: 76,5 (2021), 55,3 (2020), 62,0 (2019).

Glowinski: 70,1 (2021), 67,3 (2020), 60,5 (2019).

Reed: 67,2 (2021), 63,0 (2020), 70,3 (2019).

Pinter: 74,7 (2021), 58,0 (2020).

R. Kelly: 61,3 (2022).

Nelson: 69,5 (2022).

Smith: 70,6 (2022).

Raimann: 61,5 (2022).

In my opinion, it's not about Ballard letting go one mediocre G, it's about our top paid 1-2 rounders not playing to their potential.

The thing with Pinter is he played center not RG. He doesn’t have strength to play RG.

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54 minutes ago, Bravo said:

I don’t think he will. Every single year he says the same thing in every FA interview. He says that he won’t change who he is or his mentality during FA. He doesn’t believe in paying highly sought after FA.


No way he does anything different than what he has already been doing.


Hoping he isn’t here but he probably will be. Dude doesn’t believe in having a #1 game changing receiver and can’t get his QB figured out.

This is the first year his seat is hot. If he wants to keep his job, which I think he does, then he’ll be forced to change his drafting and FA habits.

I’m sure Jim will have a talk with him when the season ends about the plan for draft and FA. 

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
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