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Sleet, Snow, Wind, Rain, Or Shine Peyton Can Win In Any Weather Period


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If I hear anyone else question Peyton Manning's ability to handle mother nature's wrath & win, I will grow livid with rage...Peyton doesn't need a dome to win okay or perfect sunny conditions. It is a ludicrous argument that bears zero validity & relevance at all.

It is very relevant, even sportscasters talk about the trouble he has had in the past outside a dome and yes I remember the Super Bowl in the rain. Now that he is older, and surgically improved it would be a shame for sloppy field conditions to be the cause of injuries when he could have chosen a dome team.
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It is very relevant, even sportscasters talk about the trouble he has had in the past outside a dome and yes I remember the Super Bowl in the rain. Now that he is older, and surgically improved it would be a shame for sloppy field conditions to be the cause of injuries when he could have chosen a dome team.

Subvet, I will acknowledge that coming off 4 major neck surgies does matter to a QB who is shielded from the elements as the nerves in Manning's arms continue to regenerate, especially as a person grows older. Coach John Fox will protect Peyton with a great offensive line & a fantastic running game. Peyton is not a scrambler. Peyton has never had a cannon for an arm either. His primary asset is his intellect, his line of scrimmage mastery, & doing whatever it takes it win. Peyton is more than happy to run the football 35-40 times if that what it takes to win. Peyton will take whatever the defense gives him & he excels at moving & manipulating safeties, corners, & defensive backs in all kinds of weather rain or shine.

A controlled environment may speed up the healing process, but no Hall of Fame QB like Peyton wants their physical toughness questioned. His brother ELi won in the cold in Green Bay during the NFC Championship Game in 2007.That will motivate Peyton too. He will play in the elements & eventually win another Superbowl in Denver.

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Even Bob Kravitz, from the "Indianapolis Star" confirmed weather is not an issue regarding Peyton Manning or his new Denver NFL home.


Weather? That is the least of Mannings "worries" ....

It is now all about W's and L's....

PERIOD. He carriied the Colts now.... he goes to a "good team"...

Thats why they play the games.

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It's gotta happen now. And in a "HUGE" way... P Manning is now under the "most pressue IN Nfl HISTORY"...

Indy was his little safe haven... bad this, bad that.... now?

Agree and if it does not work out then watch out......I have been saying for weeks that his new fanbase won't be as forgiving as his old fanbase. Unless half his new fanbase is his old fanbase.

Of course I felt with the Niners he had the most pressure.

But, dumping Lord Tebow and paying Peyton this much money with a rabid fanbase in Denver......yeah it's on.

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Agree and if it does not work out then watch out......I have been saying for weeks that his new fanbase won't be as forgiving as his old fanbase. Unless half his new fanbase is his old fanbase.

Of course I felt with the Niners he had the most pressure.

But, dumping Lord Tebow and paying Peyton this much money with a rabid fanbase in Denver......yeah it's on.

The Niner fan base is not half as crazy as Denver.... and i am posting on a Bronco board... Tebozobies are tickEDOFF.

WOW... See everyone... all is not huggz and kissz in the NFL...

But come April ... it will all be LUCKZ and Hugz.........or whatever...

We lucked out...

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The Niner fan base is not half as crazy as Denver.... and i am posting on a Bronco board... Tebozobies are tickEDOFF.

WOW... See everyone... all is not huggz and kissz in the NFL...

But come April ... it will all be LUCKZ and Hugz.........or whatever...

We lucked out...

Yeah some of them are.

They act like Peyton is the devil or something.

Let's hope lightening does not strike Manning and Elway now.

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when sports people on tv like to say that Peyton doesnt have as good of #s in cold weather, they fail to mention that the majority of the "bad" #s come from playoff games IN New England, very early in Peyton's career...and during the time peroid that the Patriots were CHEATING by stealing all of the opposing team's audibles and signals etc...does give the Pats a huge advantage, ya know...but they never bring that up

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when sports people on tv like to say that Peyton doesnt have as good of #s in cold weather, they fail to mention that the majority of the "bad" #s come from playoff games IN New England, very early in Peyton's career...and during the time peroid that the Patriots were CHEATING by stealing all of the opposing team's audibles and signals etc...does give the Pats a huge advantage, ya know...but they never bring that up

Media bias... never heard of it... ?

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Media bias... never heard of it... ?

yeah...and i'm sure that it doesnt hurt that the Pats are next door neighbors with the ESPN Corporate offices, either...just more reasons to dislike them! I swear, most of the fans on this board (and we have some real dandy's dont we? lol) were a lot better at predicting the Manning free agency than the ESPN/NFL Network * were....they ALL kept harping on the Redskins, Jets and Dolphins...and i think almost everyone on this board knew that it wouldnt be any of those 3

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Weather? That is the least of Mannings "worries" ....

It is now all about W's and L's....

PERIOD. He carriied the Colts now.... he goes to a "good team"...

Thats why they play the games.

Thank you Captain Obvious. No Kidding there Mr. Sherlock Holmes. That was my primary point weather is insignificant. Of course, that is why you must line up & play.

These media pundits & sports analysts need to stop bringing up this foolish natural elements argument. Does the media insist that since Tom Brady lost 2 Superbowls to the NY Giants he must be allergic to Eli Manning? Of course not. [ I am being sarcastic here by the way.] Thank you for playing.

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Sigh its kinda sad to see colts fans attacking peyton with the same tired sterotype that they spent so many years trying to disprove to other fans. I understand if people want to move on from Peyton but that doesn't mean that they have to go to the same tired lines about him that up till a month ago you would have been defending him about.

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Sigh its kinda sad to see colts fans attacking peyton with the same tired sterotype that they spent so many years trying to disprove to other fans. I understand if people want to move on from Peyton but that doesn't mean that they have to go to the same tired lines about him that up till a month ago you would have been defending him about.

Now hold on .. P Manning did not walk on water. He is "human"... He is also the best QB I have ever seen.

That said... dude had faults. IFI Indy were NOT bringing in a Stanford grad who has Cam Newton physical traits I would be ..... a tad shaky on this whole deal.

But lets all face facts... The Colts were a "losing" team in the playoffs w P Manning.

Lets see what the new kid can do?

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Thank you Captain Obvious. No Kidding there Mr. Sherlock Holmes. That was my primary point weather is insignificant. Of course, that is why you must line up & play.

These media pundits & sports analysts need to stop bringing up this foolish natural elements argument. Does the media insist that since Tom Brady lost 2 Superbowls to the NY Giants he must be allergic to Eli Manning? Of course not. [ I am being sarcastic here by the way.] Thank you for playing.

It's late at night.. i'ts ok if your weak atempt at "sarcasm" failed .... in a big way...

Communication is not always easy for some..... :)

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If I hear anyone else question Peyton Manning's ability to handle mother nature's wrath & win, I will grow livid with rage...Peyton doesn't need a dome to win okay or perfect sunny conditions. It is a ludicrous argument that bears zero validity & relevance at all.

Well that snow thing has never worked out real well for him here, but maybe it will there.
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The weather in Denver isn't that bad, and it shouldn't effect Manning too much. The altitude at Mile High Stadium will actually help Manning's style of play. He likes to run a fast-paced offense, which will completely wear down the defense by the fourth quarter. It will be interesting to see his fourth quarter performances.

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when sports people on tv like to say that Peyton doesnt have as good of #s in cold weather, they fail to mention that the majority of the "bad" #s come from playoff games IN New England, very early in Peyton's career...and during the time peroid that the Patriots were CHEATING by stealing all of the opposing team's audibles and signals etc...does give the Pats a huge advantage, ya know...but they never bring that up

It would be good if you actually understood "Spygate" before you reach for it as an excuse as to why the Patriots shut down Manning and his offense in the 2004 and 2005 playoffs.

They were filming other teams' defensive signals. That's fact, not opinion.

Offensive plays have been radioed in to the QBs' helmets for almost 20 years now.

So it's pretty inaccurate to say "Spygate" was the reason the Colts only put up 3 points in one playoff game and 14 in another. If you're going to hate on the Patriots, at least get it right. ;)

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It's late at night.. i'ts ok if your weak atempt at "sarcasm" failed .... in a big way...

Communication is not always easy for some..... :)

If that's all you can bring to the table as a clever retort or snappy comeback yourself John Dee, clearly you graduated from the Jim Irsay school of "And UM" Public Speaking "And UM" Communications there yourself sparky.

Did you "UM" graduate from that prestigious institition as the Validictorian with "Um" high honors? Keep your "UM" day job Mr. John Dee. A world famous & "UM" rich comedian you yourself will "UM" fall significantly short of. Have a nice day.

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see playoffs in New England circa 2003, 2004 . . .

Its true..the weather is defense against the passing game

..always has been...

...That Colorado Rocky Mountain high is going to slow him in November and December

Manning will need sunny skies in Denver......but games in Seattle, Oakland and San Diego should see him smiling.

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Its true..the weather is defense against the passing game

..always has been...

...That Colorado Rocky Mountain high is going to slow him in November and December

Manning will need sunny skies in Denver......but games in Seattle, Oakland and San Diego should see him smiling.

That's okay bring on all the doubters & naysayers...I welcome all your mass skepticism with open arms. When #18, or #16 wins another ring, these are all the same "fair weather" [No pun intended] fans who will say that they knew Peyton Manning would succeed in Denver too. Let's not forget, Peyton will finally have a stout defense & a reliable running as well. 2 components that always travel well in any kind of weather as well.

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That's okay bring on all the doubters & naysayers...I welcome all your mass skepticism with open arms. When #18, or #16 wins another ring, these are all the same "fair weather" [No pun intended] fans who will say that they knew Peyton Manning would succeed in Denver too. Let's not forget, Peyton will finally have a stout defense & a reliable running as well. 2 components that always travel well in any kind of weather as well.

The weather effects all QB's and given a choice, most if not all QB's, would rather play in good weather. If you're stating that the weather will not specifically effect Manning, then he has yet to prove that. His earlier performances in bad weather games would indicate that he has struggled. If you use the Super Bowl in '06 as proof that he played well, I would argue that he actually didn't play well in that game. He just needed to outplay Rex Grossman, which wasn't hard to do.
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I must admit Manning's worst games were in terrible conditions in New England. Denver is not New England.

When Tim Tebow went to New England, it was the first time he had played in sub freezing temperatures. I think Denver is still the perfect spot. I was in Denver in January and it was 65 degrees and it felt like 80 with the sun.

Peyton will succeed in Denver in any condition because he will wear down a defense in the thin air. He is in the best shape of his career at 36. Even if he is 90% of throwing motion, the ball will seem to fly faster in Denver. That is what training camp is for.

Other than Indianapolis's cozy 70 degrees indoors.....DEN is a fine landing spot (other than a horrific schedule)

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The weather effects all QB's and given a choice, most if not all QB's, would rather play in good weather. If you're stating that the weather will not specifically effect Manning, then he has yet to prove that. His earlier performances in bad weather games would indicate that he has struggled. If you use the Super Bowl in '06 as proof that he played well, I would argue that he actually didn't play well in that game. He just needed to outplay Rex Grossman, which wasn't hard to do.

Amazing...Peyton Manning wins a Superbowl in the rain & it's simply inferior QB competition in Rex Grossman...Both field generals that evening dealt with the exact same conditions & yet Peyton Manning's MVP & Superbowl victory don't really count or matter. Are you people delusional?!! Okay fine. Bring on the soft & finese accusations too. Peyton will simply use them as fuel to survive, thrive, & flourish. This dome line of reasoning is ridiculous. See you on field next year. I hope poor Peyton doesn't get a chill or suffer from frostbite being so weak & timid at all according to you. Embrace the doubt & hate. It works perfectly fine for me.

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Ok, first, weather affects EVERY player. There is no one who is excluded from that. But to think that Peyton can't suceed in Denver is ridiculous. Need I remind you all why the Colts succeeded to win the SB against the Bears?? Peyton was aware of the possibility that it could rain, so what did he and Jeff Saturday do??? That's right, practiced snapping water soaked, freezing cold footballs over and over and over. What was the outcome? Ummmm...the Lombardi Trophy. Make no mistake guys, Peyton is well aware of what the weather could be, so don't doubt that he will be prepared for it. He is a perfectionist that will meet the challenge head on, and will strive to conquer it...and conquer it he will. Weather will not (IMO) be a factor. No, Peyton will be fine. I predict a SB in his very near future...

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One final thing, Spygate did effect the Colts ability to win. Granted, they might have had our defensive calls not our offensive, but you gotta admit that did affect our ability to win...that's why they got in trouble for it...that's why it's cheating= an unfair advantage over your opponent.

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Amazing...Peyton Manning wins a Superbowl in the rain & it's simply inferior QB competition in Rex Grossman...Both field generals that evening dealt with the exact same conditions & yet Peyton Manning's MVP & Superbowl victory don't really count or matter. Are you people delusional?!! Okay fine. Bring on the soft & finese accusations too. Peyton will simply use them as fuel to survive, thrive, & flourish. This dome line of reasoning is ridiculous. See you on field next year. I hope poor Peyton doesn't get a chill or suffer from frostbite being so weak & timid at all according to you. Embrace the doubt & hate. It works perfectly fine for me.

Is it impossible for a QB to not have a great game yet win? If so, then I propose that's what Manning did in the SuperBowl. I will not take away the win, but to think that everything Peyton does is God-like is ridiculous.
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That's okay bring on all the doubters & naysayers...I welcome all your mass skepticism with open arms. When #18, or #16 wins another ring, these are all the same "fair weather" [No pun intended] fans who will say that they knew Peyton Manning would succeed in Denver too. Let's not forget, Peyton will finally have a stout defense & a reliable running as well. 2 components that always travel well in any kind of weather as well.

Its not skepticism..Its just fact.. Weather is a factor in passing the football

Peyton's played indoors in perfect conditions or in warm weather most of his career....he will be hampered outdoors..everybody is.

We're not talking wain...We're tallking blizzard conditions in Denver..and sub-freezing cold.

It will affect him. It will not stop him but it will affect him.

But Seattle, SD and Oakland have near perfect conditions most Sundays...

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