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Wayne & Garcon Follow Manning

King Colt

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It was suggested on the tellievizun yesterday that Reggie would be very smart to maintain and build his career numbers to go where Manning goes. This would be the best for both of their career numbers. Then another guy threw in Garcon as well. Some say Reggie is headed for New England, maybe so but even as good as Brady is you can't take aways years of dancing together. It would be painfull to hear the mouthpieces say things like " it will take time to get that timing down between a receiver and a QB" and it wil be sweet to watch the never ending story of Manning and his wing men even in different uniforms.

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It was suggested on the tellievizun yesterday that Reggie would be very smart to maintain and build his career numbers to go where Manning goes. This would be the best for both of their career numbers. Then another guy threw in Garcon as well. Some say Reggie is headed for New England, maybe so but even as good as Brady is you can't take aways years of dancing together. It would be painfull to hear the mouthpieces say things like " it will take time to get that timing down between a receiver and a QB" and it wil be sweet to watch the never ending story of Manning and his wing men even in different uniforms.

..and I would think that if Manning stays in Indy..Garcon and Wayne (especially) will

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I think it's a possibility Reggie and Manning stay together somewhere. I think however Garcon is more looking for $$$. I wouldn't be surprised if the Colts eventually resigned Garcon even though he "reportedly," turned down that 5 year contract offer.

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Pierre would have to be crazy to leave Indy...

He's what? 26?

.....We play indoors and in warm weather towns.

He's already established and well-liked...

..and his QB will be either Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning...(or both)

...almost anyplace else for him is a step back..

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It would be in Manning's/Wayne's/Garcon's best interest to form a package deal somewhere if the money part of it can be worked out. I could see Manning taking less to make sure that Wayne and Garcon were included. Any team that that is rumored as an option for Manning, MIA,NYJ,ARI,KC,SEA would welcome that to their existing offense. Fitzgerald/Wayne/Garcon...deadly. The same would be said with Marshall/Wayne/Garcon, or Bowe/Wayne/Garcon.

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@FJC, can you explain exactly how a package deal would work? I get the concept, but do they each sign an individual contract or is it a singular contract with three signatures? I'm sorry I don't know a whole lot about contracts and such lol

It's not really a package deal, that's just more of a catchy term.

It would be 3 individual contracts that the team and the three players would have to each agree to individually.

It's more of a thought process of Manning telling a team that I would sign for x if you bring Reggie, and or Garcon here too... Something along those lines.

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Pierre would have to be crazy to leave Indy...

He's what? 26?

.....We play indoors and in warm weather towns.

He's already established and well-liked...

..and his QB will be either Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning...(or both)

...almost anyplace else for him is a step back..

Two things

1) When the Colts played in a snowstorm at Buffalo in the last regular season game of the 2009 season, was that a warm-weather locale?

2) I don't think you have a real good idea of what makes the modern day athlete tick, especially the young ones. If the recently relocated NFL team in Syberia offered him the most cash, that is where Garcon would likely apply his trade.

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Just as a fan of the game in general, I would like to see both guys finish out their careers on the same team, even if that team is not the Colts. Maybe send them out on top with a team that just needs QB and WR help to get them there.....Chiefs!!!

I'd like to see Manning & Wayne pass Manning & Harrison in total #'s. That would mean each of them had a strong finish to their career.

Manning/Harrison 953 catches 12,766 yards 112 TD
Manning/Wayne 779 catches 10,602 yards 67 TD

Touchdowns will be the hardest to pass, and might be all but impossible. 2-3 years together and they should take care of the catches and yards.

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Two things

1) When the Colts played in a snowstorm at Buffalo in the last regular season game of the 2009 season, was that a warm-weather locale?

2) I don't think you have a real good idea of what makes the modern day athlete tick, especially the young ones. If the recently relocated NFL team in Syberia offered him the most cash, that is where Garcon would likely apply his trade.

Better be an indoor stadium in Siberia though rotflmao

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Pierre would have to be crazy to leave Indy...

He's what? 26?

.....We play indoors and in warm weather towns.

He's already established and well-liked...

..and his QB will be either Andrew Luck or Peyton Manning...(or both)

...almost anyplace else for him is a step back..

And I highly doubt anyone will offer him more than the 5 year deal that Indy offered

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And I highly doubt anyone will offer him more than the 5 year deal that Indy offered

I totally agree with that. I like Garcon but I think he wants more money then he is worth. Love your quote you have for your signature by the way, love Bob Sanders! I wish he could have stayed healthy, he was such a beast when he did play.

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I totally agree with that. I like Garcon but I think he wants more money then he is worth. Love your quote you have for your signature by the way, love Bob Sanders! I wish he could have stayed healthy, he was such a beast when he did play.

Thanks. I'm a huge Bob Sanders fan (as I'm sure you can tell). When healthy, he was the best safety in the league in my opinion. Before Polamalu won his DPOY award (which I believe should have gone to Clay Matthews), Sanders was the only safety in the league to win DPOY and a Super Bowl. Not only that, but he had a huge role in getting us a Super Bowl victory

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Thanks. I'm a huge Bob Sanders fan (as I'm sure you can tell). When healthy, he was the best safety in the league in my opinion. Before Polamalu won his DPOY award (which I believe should have gone to Clay Matthews), Sanders was the only safety in the league to win DPOY and a Super Bowl. Not only that, but he had a huge role in getting us a Super Bowl victory

I agree with you there too. I hated that he could not stay healthy! I just love the way he played! He just went for it full force, just this reckless abandon, he had energy! I miss that energy!

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I agree with you there too. I hated that he could not stay healthy! I just love the way he played! He just went for it full force, just this reckless abandon, he had energy! I miss that energy!

He gave the defense a swag. The defense just played differently when Bob was out there. He gave the defense an attitude

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And I highly doubt anyone will offer him more than the 5 year deal that Indy offered

I think he might be waiting to see where Manning lands. If manning went to the redskins, i could see garcon and wayne following him there. garcon could probably get a four year deal since the redskins have been known for paying (sometimes overpaying) for freeagents. The redskins do have the cap to do that. Garcon said it before that he wants to recieve passes from manning.

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Why do people actually think that Pierre Garcon was even offered? Didn't his agent say he wasn't? And I don't think Garcon would turn down a deal that paid him $7 million dollars a year for 5 years if he only cared about money, but for some reason, people on here automatically think he is greedy and only wants the money... I would hope yall are better than this, especially considering that we don't even know if he was offered a deal for sure.

I still thinks he wants to stay with Peyton Manning, same thing with Reggie Wayne and the other guys. He has stated in an interview that it is important to get Manning back with the colts.

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I doubt very much that any player on the roster will follow Peyton to another team as part of some alleged package deal. I don't even know if there's a precedent for that in NFL history. Meanwhile, it's March already. We'll know soon.

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It's not really a package deal, that's just more of a catchy term. It would be 3 individual contracts that the team and the three players would have to each agree to individually. It's more of a thought process of Manning telling a team that I would sign for x if you bring Reggie, and or Garcon here too... Something along those lines.

They could be like these guys.... and have a press conference introduction with fog, strobe lights and glitter....


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I doubt very much that any player on the roster will follow Peyton to another team as part of some alleged package deal. I don't even know if there's a precedent for that in NFL history. Meanwhile, it's March already. We'll know soon.

I agree about following each other is in question, I guess I could see Reggie with Manning in Miami? Could be a really good team.

What I think most people believe that will happen is that Wayne will stay if Manning does, and leave if Luck is the guy.

I'm not a Garcon fan at all, he's had good moments but just as many bad ones. I'd be upset if the Colts didn't get him at a value price. I would let him walk.

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Why do people actually think that Pierre Garcon was even offered? Didn't his agent say he wasn't? And I don't think Garcon would turn down a deal that paid him $7 million dollars a year for 5 years if he only cared about money, but for some reason, people on here automatically think he is greedy and only wants the money... I would hope yall are better than this, especially considering that we don't even know if he was offered a deal for sure.

I still thinks he wants to stay with Peyton Manning, same thing with Reggie Wayne and the other guys. He has stated in an interview that it is important to get Manning back with the colts.

If he turned down that kind of contract, he probably didn't like the guaranteed money offered.

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Garcon could have 8 solid years of catching Luck passes. No way does he leave Indy IMO, I think we work a deal out unless Grigson has something up his sleeve.

OMG, hahahaha We have some Great QB/Reciever combo's in our recent colt history

we have Manning to Harrison

we have Manning to wayne

we have Manning to Clark

we don't have Manning to Garcon - we do have a critical Garcon dropped pass in the superbowl and an average #2 WR since then.

You actually think we will have Luck to Garcon added to our great QB/Receiver HOF??

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Not well. Cricket players are more like baseball players: Bowlers, catchers, infielders and outfielders.

off topic but,

Living near chicago, I hear many in the nation blasting Derrick Rose for not acting like Lebron and Dwight howard. It's actually a big topic on the radio up here. About how he doesn't dance, and etc. like the others

I love players like Rose and marvin, they just get it done and are about winning

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off topic but,

Living near chicago, I hear many in the nation blasting Derrick Rose for not acting like Lebron and Dwight howard. It's actually a big topic on the radio up here. About how he doesn't dance, and etc. like the others

I love players like Rose and marvin, they just get it done and are about winning

Since when was it a requirement for basketball players to dance? I thought the only requirement was to play basketball. Go figure.

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They could be like these guys.... and have a press conference introduction with fog, strobe lights and glitter....


Hahah, nice one. Peyton could also guarantee 8 championships like Lebron did.

I do think Daniel Snyder will be salivating at the mouth like a rabid dog about the idea of having at least Manning and Wayne on the team, maybe Garçon. I do think he's also salivating at the possibility of getting RGiii. He loves spend $$$ and offer heaps for players, even if they are plump and lazy like Albert Lamesworth.

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