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What Would Luck Do (WWLD)


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I think that Andrew understands that it's not just what the team does at #3 that defines this off season. I'm sure that he would be happy if we added to the overall talent level of the team. 


The offensive scheme will go a long way in addressing a lot of the O-line weaknesses we've seen. No O-lineman can defend for as long as we were asking them to defend -- with long, slow developing route concepts. Most importantly, Luck will not be asked to hold onto the ball as long, which is a good way to protect him.


A good run game will help Luck a lot. If we can grind out first downs, this will help take the pressure off of his shoulders.


A solid defense that can create turnovers and get good field position would do Andrew a lot of favors



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Andrew Luck is the ultimate team player & he realizes if Saquon Barkley is available at # 3 you take him not since Marshal Faulk or Edgerin James have the Colts been in such a good position to draft an impact player of this caliber,

 I would love to see him run & catch passes out of the Colts backfield for say the next 6 or 7 years . 




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1 hour ago, Aluckiswolverine said:

According to Ballard, Luck wants what is best for the team not himself.


That's the PC answer. Of course he said that.. But every QB knows what the team needs and who benefits him... So hypothetically if Andrew was to answer the question with a specific player or players what do you think he would say ?

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Just now, SolidGold said:

Funny how everyone thinks for CB but when asked about what Luck would want everyone answers with CB original answer to the question. If CB has continued to say he's taking the BPA then why is it a question of who we are taking lmao


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Mods take this off please lol. Wrong topic to discuss. Everyone's way to serious. And us regular people obviously have no business trying to think for Luck. I honestly didn't know it was a sensitive subject after seeing a thread about a hypothetical trade with the Browns for Luck. Lighten up people, just making new conversation. I've seen worse conversations on here that was highly entertained by us fans.

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18 minutes ago, SolidGold said:

That's the PC answer. Of course he said that.. But every QB knows what the team needs and who benefits him... So hypothetically if Andrew was to answer the question with a specific player or players what do you think he would say ?

I think he would say fix the o-line via draft or free agency I tired of getting killed.


Then build me a defense that puts the ball back in my hands.


I will elevate everyone else play on O like I have been doing since I’ve been here.


hypothetically speaking of course :thmup: 

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1 hour ago, SolidGold said:

Funny how everyone thinks for CB but when asked about what look would want everyone answers with CB original answer to the question. If CB has continued to say he's taking the BPA then why is it a question of who we are taking lmao

The thing is we don't know who is on Ballard's list of BPA. What some media hack says means zero.

I highly doubt too many big boards look the same.

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Luck says to trade down a few picks. Take Nelson. Then take the BPA out of RB WR and more OL. With at least three OL a RB and 1 or 2 WRs. 


All offense! Don’t let me come back to a crap Oline. I want a top 5 Oline with a dynamic RB partner to pair with Mack. And someone that can get open so that I don’t have to throw to TY and Jack every time. 

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4 hours ago, SolidGold said:

We all have shared how we feel about FA, Draft, and what we need and want. Has anyone thought about what we THINK Andrew would want or which player at # 3 suits him best making his comeback ? What's best for Andrew's longevity ?

That dude doesn’t care , he just wants someone who helps him win. 



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1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

I'd be interested how he would know who's available in FA and who the top Draft prospects are.... You can't veiw YouTube with a Flip Phone, right? haha


Besides, the last time we let Andrew make a pick it was Coby Fleener. :nono:

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2 hours ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:

Andrew Luck is the ultimate team player & he realizes if Saquon Barkley is available at # 3 you take him not since Marshal Faulk or Edgerin James have the Colts been in such a good position to draft an impact player of this caliber,

 I would love to see him run & catch passes out of the Colts backfield for say the next 6 or 7 years . 




From Brisset because Luck will b injured again. 


Hey lets do what we always do draft Offense. Chubb will better the team all around. 

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2 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

From Brisset because Luck will b injured again. 


Hey lets do what we always do draft Offense. Chubb will better the team all around. 

Speaking of Brisset. Is he better than the QB's in the draft ? If so I wonder why we aren't shopping him. I feel he could start for at least the Browns. 

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3 minutes ago, SolidGold said:

Speaking of Brisset. Is he better than the QB's in the draft ? If so I wonder why we aren't shopping him. I feel he could start for at least the Browns. 

Cause we need a better back up so if Luck gets hurt again. 


And of we deaft barkely and dont adreess the line I don’t doubt he will be. 

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8 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:

I'd be interested how he would know who's available in FA and who the top Draft prospects are.... You can't veiw YouTube with a Flip Phone, right? haha


I had one that could. It was very tiny though

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11 hours ago, SolidGold said:

Funny how everyone thinks for CB but when asked about what look would want everyone answers with CB original answer to the question. If CB has continued to say he's taking the BPA then why is it a question of who we are taking lmao

You would be guessing because BPA is based on who is available.  There are two picks before us and Ballard can't predict the future.  Seems pretty logical but I guess you are missing it.  BPA means Best Player Available!  

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To answer the OP I would think Luck wants an offensive line.  No QB wants to be hit 60 times every year.  Give that man some time and he would be that much better.  This can be done in the FA and mid rounds of the draft though.  I would not say Nelson is the only guy at all.  Barkley would be a tremendous help to him.  Pass blocking, can catch, and will get attention off of Luck.  That is huge for his comeback imo.

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3 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Can’t waist our #3 pick on josh .... we need a linemen or Chubb. 

Would never take Josh Allen at 3. What are you talking about? What your referring to is a discussion about trading Brisset and grabbing a QB Later in the draft. The real question was are the QB's in the draft better than Brisset because I was wondering if Cleveland would want him over any of the draftees coming in. But I think they go with Kizer.

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4 hours ago, SolidGold said:

Would never take Josh Allen at 3. What are you talking about? What your referring to is a discussion about trading Brisset and grabbing a QB Later in the draft. The real question was are the QB's in the draft better than Brisset because I was wondering if Cleveland would want him over any of the draftees coming in. But I think they go with Kizer.

I’m saying we keep brisset cause he’s better then what’s out there for the price that a QB is getting at the moment ...  I wasn’t referring to draft josh at all ... we don’t need to draft a QB.  And I’m pretty sure teams are comfortable drafting whose out there since this draft has 3-4 QB’s that are better then some out there now IMO. 

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