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Eli Manning benched


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On 11/28/2017 at 4:31 PM, JaguarsWoman said:


That rumor swirled shortly before the trade deadline. It was obviously attention-grabbing media hype and totally false. I know that because none of the reports quoted comments by Tom Coughlin, Dave Caldwell, or Doug Marrone about a possible interest in acquiring Eli Manning. People who know Caldwell know he would not consider signing an old QB on the downside of his career and, despite losing control of the active roster, he still has a big influence on it.

They couldn't comment about trade interest,   that would violate the rules. 

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Now that we made it through media day, I think the Giants have turned heel similar to the 49ers in 2015. Say what you will about Eli Manning's status as a GOAT in the long run but he was the man to people who wore blue. Meanwhile that coach whose face looks like old milk with doo doo on it hasn't had a fan there in a while. 

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On 11/28/2017 at 7:12 PM, IinD said:

I honestly don't know his contract situation, but Jax would definitely benefit. With Eli, they'd run the south for a few years with that D.

If they release him or trade him, it would be after 6/1.  This way they take a smaller cap hit in 2018 and 2019.  Before 6/1 means they would pay a lot in dead cap and save next to nothing.

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1 hour ago, DaColts85 said:

If they release him or trade him, it would be after 6/1.  This way they take a smaller cap hit in 2018 and 2019.  Before 6/1 means they would pay a lot in dead cap and save next to nothing.


Eli can nix any trade. He has a no trade clause in his contract. If he doesn’t like the team interested in a deal, he can veto it.  If it is the right team for him, then he can waive the no trade clause under specific conditions, and a trade brokered.

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20 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:


You held him to that standard before you even finished the paragraph :facepalm:


Again try reading comprehension. I don't expect Elway or anyone to have SB or bust a totally unrealistic expectation but when you talk about how you don't really need an elite QB etc





Then the team you built falls apart because of it then he should be called out for it.


That is all I'm saying. How you don't comprehend that I don't understand. 

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On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 2:57 PM, dgambill said:

I think Tom will be very interested in bringing Eli into Jacksonville. I think a lot will depend on how this season finishes up. If they take a rookie qb then they likely will get one late day 1 or trade back into top of second round. I would think you wouldn't start someone like that right away...and to learn under EIi would make a lot of sense for a couple years.


That all said my dark horse for Eli next year is none other than the Minnesota Vikings. They are in a win now situation with a pieces in place that would be a good fit for him. Would he want to leave New York where his home and family is all situated etc...who knows...he might just switch jerseys to the Jets if that means a lot to him not to uproot his family. That said I think even as good as the Keenum and Bradford has been for the Vikings Eli would be the perfect fit to possibly put them over the top in Minnesota. What do you think about that @NFLfan ? To me Denver is no better than NY. They have perhaps even a worse OL and for a qb in his late 30's protection should be important factor...and the ability to run the ball. Best fit....Minnesota....best relationship...Jacksonville.....best for family...Jets....likely landing spot...yeah probably Denver.

I think the Vikings are just waiting for Bridgewater to get 100% healthy. I think he is their future.

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On ‎11‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 10:48 PM, ColtsBlueFL said:


Fans want teams to tank. Players do not.  They are paid to play, and their mindset is to want to play.  And they also want to keep their high paying jobs.  So players do not tank.  Everything is on tape, and the players know it.  I really do think this is a test under fire of Smith and Webb to see if NY needs to draft a QB early next year.


One thing I have noticed less of these days...  team out of the playoffs playing "Spoiler" to those teams on the cusp of making the playoffs.


"If were not going in we're going to keep you from going to!"   It was a badge of honor for losing teams to do this kind of thing.  Now, I just don't notice it as much.  Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

Oh I think that mindset is still there. Players knowing they cant make the playoffs like knocking off those who are making the playoffs. Especially in division play.

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8 minutes ago, BloodyChamp said:

There are always 3 or 4 teams who quit. That's 3 or 4 more teams than there used to be who quit, so you're both right. The spoiler mindset is generally there but because 3 or 4 less teams have it it's less than before.

You have to also keep in mind about the coaches mindset. Getting a win against a playoff team can give them something to hang their hats on and be used as motivation telling their players they wasn't as bad as their record indicated. The mental aspect cant be overlooked.



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On 11/30/2017 at 6:36 AM, jvan1973 said:

They couldn't comment about trade interest,   that would violate the rules. 


Based on offseason comments about having faith in Blake Bortles as the starter and actions to back them up, it's very clear we had no interest in trading for Eli Manning before the deadline.

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10 minutes ago, JaguarsWoman said:


Based on offseason comments about having faith in Blake Bortles as the starter and actions to back them up, it's very clear we had no interest in trading for Eli Manning before the deadline.

All coaches and gms say they habe faith to the press.     

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8 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I know funnier things has happened but I don't see Eli going to Denver and putting himself in the shadow of Peyton.


The proverbial shadow does apply here. Eli Manning has already proven what he is and made a name for himself, not just as Peyton's brother but also a future HOF quarterback.

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15 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I think the Vikings are just waiting for Bridgewater to get 100% healthy. I think he is their future.

Maybe. I'm not sold on Bridgewater's ability to stay healthy and take hits long term with his slender build. He is a great kid and teammates and coaches love him but I wouldn't hesitate to take Eli to lead that team. They have the defense...they would have a strong running game with Cook and company...the offense is coming along...just needs a leader on that side of the ball to make some big plays in big moments....but if I was the GM I would be all in to win now....things fall apart quickly in the NFL.

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1 hour ago, BloodyChamp said:

As for the Vikings, I'd take Keenum. This board has had it in for him ever since he almost beat the Colts 1 Thursday night but that doesn't change that he's a good quarterback who doesn't belong on a bench even if he's not Peyton Manning.

You may be right. Keenum has shown he belongs in the mix as a starter.

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10 hours ago, JaguarsWoman said:


Based on offseason comments about having faith in Blake Bortles as the starter and actions to back them up, it's very clear we had no interest in trading for Eli Manning before the deadline.

Off season comments mean zero. We never know what is said behind closed doors.

I am not saying there has been any talk about a trade for Eli but you wouldn't know anything about it till it was done.

Coach and GM have what is called coach speak. All that means is they are saying words to the press because they have to.


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3 hours ago, JaguarsWoman said:


They walked the walk after talking the talk, right? The only snaps Chad Henne took since losing the starting job were the last play before halftime twice and garbage time in Week 4.

Eli isn't chad henne.     I'm certain he will be there next year

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18 hours ago, dgambill said:

Maybe. I'm not sold on Bridgewater's ability to stay healthy and take hits long term with his slender build. He is a great kid and teammates and coaches love him but I wouldn't hesitate to take Eli to lead that team. They have the defense...they would have a strong running game with Cook and company...the offense is coming along...just needs a leader on that side of the ball to make some big plays in big moments....but if I was the GM I would be all in to win now....things fall apart quickly in the NFL.


I don't think Eli is that much better than Keenum is now. For his career Eli is at least a borderline Hall of Famer. But I don't think at this point he is better than what we already have.  If we are going to go with Eli, we might as well stay with Keenum or Bridgewater. I think both are leaders.


If the Vikings did acquire Eli, I would not have a problem with it but I don't believe it is necessary. 

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23 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


I don't think Eli is that much better than Keenum is now. For his career Eli is at least a borderline Hall of Famer. But I don't think at this point he is better than what we already have.  If we are going to go with Eli, we might as well stay with Keenum or Bridgewater. I think both are leaders.


If the Vikings did acquire Eli, I would not have a problem with it but I don't believe it is necessary. 

I understand....lets see if you still feel that way after the playoffs. You have a SB caliber roster there....but its got a lot of young guys in that locker room and I'm not sure when the chips get down or the team needs the qb to make a play that Case will be able to step it up to that next level. He has been good to very good....but there is usually times in the playoffs that every qb has to have a few quarters if not a whole game of great....big throws in big moments...we know Eli can make those and has the confidence to step into those. Look I'm not saying he will be a Viking....and I'm not privy to how much the organization believes in Teddy. (You know I like him as a man...as a teammate..from his time down here in Louisville). I just can't put my full confidence in a qb that has had injury like that along with previous mcl injury in high school and nagging injuries he had in college. He just is so slight of build I just can't trust he can take the pounding that most traditional qbs can take. He has many good intangibles but there are some things that I worry will limit him in his career. Anyways I know maybe I'm in the minority on him...and it doesn't matter how I feel but the team. I have even less faith in Case Keenum. He has done everything asked of him and more...but you have to feel that magic carpet ride is going to end at some point. If they can get a lead and keep a good balance in running the ball etc he should be fine...I think if he gets in a shoot out and needs to throw 40 times...some of those warts will show up. All I know is if I can have a couple years of Eli with a great defense and a solid running game...I'm going to take that risk...he can play in the cold and playing at home in the dome should be no problem for an aging qb...I think its the perfect fit for Eli....and I do think Minnesota has some qb concerns so that is why I picked him to go there. Will it happen...likely not for many reasons because there are some other teams that would probably have a better relationship with him or trade more or pay more...but I think it would work for both sides.

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1 hour ago, NFLfan said:


I don't think Eli is that much better than Keenum is now. For his career Eli is at least a borderline Hall of Famer. But I don't think at this point he is better than what we already have.  If we are going to go with Eli, we might as well stay with Keenum or Bridgewater. I think both are leaders.


If the Vikings did acquire Eli, I would not have a problem with it but I don't believe it is necessary. 

I don't know NFL, if the Vikings had Eli they would have a better chance of winning the SB IMO. Yeah Keenum is playing lights out but do you really feel comfortable with him in big Playoff games? Same for Teddy because he has been out for so long. Teddy may not be right for a while? Eli has won 2 SB's and he beat the Pats. Just something to think about if I am in the Vikings FO. Cook will be back next season too.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't know NFL, if the Vikings had Eli they would have a better chance of winning the SB IMO. Yeah Keenum is playing lights out but do you really feel comfortable with him in big Playoff games? Same for Teddy because he has been out for so long. Teddy may not be right for a while? Eli has won 2 SB's and he beat the Pats. Just something to think about if I am in the Vikings FO. Cook will be back next season too.

I am not sure of the Vikings cap room but Eli still has 2 years left on his contract with over a 22 million dollar cap hit for 2018 and over a 23 million cap hit in 2019. That's a lot of money for a 37 year old QB next season.

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8 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I am not sure of the Vikings cap room but Eli still has 2 years left on his contract with over a 22 million dollar cap hit for 2018 and over a 23 million cap hit in 2019. That's a lot of money for a 37 year old QB next season.


If Eli is traded next offseason but before the draft, the team acquiring him would have him at about 10M cap hit for 2018 and 17M for 2019.

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37 minutes ago, Finball said:


If Eli is traded next offseason but before the draft, the team acquiring him would have him at about 10M cap hit for 2018 and 17M for 2019.

If the Giants traded him they would be on the hook for the full pro rated part of his signing bonus. That is 12.4 million even if Eli signed off on a trade.

IMO Eli will be the starter for the Giants next season if Ben McAdoo and Jerry Reese are fired.

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On 11/30/2017 at 9:23 PM, BloodyChamp said:

You're still doing it, and you sound like a Brady homer all "missed the playoffs" (2008) like they went 4-12 or something. They went 9-7. Criticize him for not replacing Manning? That doesn't necessarily work when you actually even choose the right guy. Ask the Colts.



First: Ew I could never be a "Brady Homer" 

Second: They still missed the postseason  largely because of the offense being inept if you are going to claim you don't need an elite QB as long as you have a great defense and still miss the postseason despite going to the playoffs the year before with an "inferior QB" in Peyton Manning yes you are going to be criticized for it.



I of all people didn't think Luck could replace Manning he was one of a kind but when healthy he's good enough I'm okay with that. 


Elway thought anyone could do the job and he was sorely mistaken. All the other guys Kubiak, Fox etc are all gone he's the one left standing at some point it comes down to him.


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14 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

If the Giants traded him they would be on the hook for the full pro rated part of his signing bonus. That is 12.4 million even if Eli signed off on a trade.

IMO Eli will be the starter for the Giants next season if Ben McAdoo and Jerry Reese are fired.

Eli doesn't have to sign off on a trade 

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4 hours ago, CF4L said:



First: Ew I could never be a "Brady Homer" 

Second: They still missed the postseason  largely because of the offense being inept if you are going to claim you don't need an elite QB as long as you have a great defense and still miss the postseason despite going to the playoffs the year before with an "inferior QB" in Peyton Manning yes you are going to be criticized for it.




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52 minutes ago, JCPatriot said:


Why not?  He has a no-trade clause in his contract, no?  So wouldn't he have to agree to waive that part of his contract for a trade to take place?

I didn't realize he had a no trade clause.     I don't recall ever hearing an nfl player having one.      Yes,    then he would have to sign off on it

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