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How You Became A Fan?


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I became a fan exactly ten years ago i am currently 21 now and live in Ontario Canada. It was grade seven gym class that made me fall in love with football for the first time since before that i was all about hockey obviously being from Canada hockey is huge. I decided to pick a team that year and the first reason I chose the colts was because they were blue and white like my favorite hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs. The reason I stuck with them though was I enjoyed the way the played especially the way Manning moved the ball around. I've been a huge fan ever since own probably over 100 articles of colts clothing and have now been to over 10 games. Colts for life.

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I'm gonna start calling you Nostradamus for that "move".

Ya gotta see these things comin. :cool:

Yes, us Colts fans that got on the bandwagon right after the move had to endure many years of hardship....BUT....look at the two teams I used to follow closely;

The Bengals have only 6 winning seasons since 1984 (27 years). The Browns have only had 6 winning seasons since 1984. The Colts have had 16 winning seasons and a SB championship since 1984.

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Mine was a gradual process to become a lover of the Colts. I was a sophomore in high school when the Colts moved to Indy and we got tickets to the first home game against the Jets. We had lived in Chicago in the late 70's and I was a Bears / Walter Payton fan. But with the Colts being the local team, I started following Indy more as painful as that was. By the time we had the good fortune of going to the Bears v. Colts Super Bowl, I had a hatred of the Bears.

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When I was in the high school I didn't know anything about football because I moved here from the UK. Since I played Rugby I wanted to try out for the football team because it seemed only natural(in hindsight they're completely different). I was thinking of playing Safety, so I looked up videos of Reed, Polamalu and Sanders. I started watching the NFL and saw Bob Sanders play during this DPOY year, and pretty much started everything.

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I became a fan in 1975. I was 5 yrs. old growing up in a small Indiana town (Tipton). My older brother (who I idolized) played youth football, and the team he played for was the Colts. The other teams in the league were the Cardinals, Jets, and Vikings. Man life would have sucked if he played for the Cardinals or Jets.

They were fun to watch at that time with Bert Jones (it's a shame injuries ruined his career). I have been a diehard, good times and bad, ever since. In 1979 we took a family vacation to see a friend in Baltimore and we went to see the Colts play the Patriots.

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Coming from NW Indiana, people around here are mostly Bears fans. As a kid, I loved watching football on sundays with my Dad and rooting against his team (Bears), but for some reason the Colts always stood out to me. I guess my true fandom started when I was in the fourth grade (2003), I stayed up to watch the Colts play the Bucs on a monday night. I remember my screams of joy waking up my Mother as I watched the Colts complete their 21 point comeback in the fourth quarter. Easily one of my personal favorite games of all time.

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Well it all started for me when I was a wee lad in Ireland... Oh wait wrong forum. I have been a Colts fan since 1974. I have lived in Virginia all of my life, and when it came to football your were either a Skins fan or a Colts fan. I was lucky enough that my dad was a huge Colts fan. So, I became a Colts fan in 1974, I was 8 years old and that is where it all started. I have been with them through thick and thin since then. The team moving to Indy never bothered me at all.

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Well it all started for me when I was a wee lad in Ireland... Oh wait wrong forum. I have been a Colts fan since 1974. I have lived in Virginia all of my life, and when it came to football your were either a Skins fan or a Colts fan. I was lucky enough that my dad was a huge Colts fan. So, I became a Colts fan in 1974, I was 8 years old and that is where it all started. I have been with them through thick and thin since then. The team moving to Indy never bothered me at all.

I'm in Virginia too(born in Chesapeake now in Suffolk) been here all my life as well(only been as north as WVA and as south as SC haha.

I am also thrilled this thread has gained quick popularity. I forgot I posted it last night(just came home com a poker night with friends so naturally I wasn't the most sober chicken in the coupe lol). Just thought with all the wonder of second thoughts a good ol walk down the memory lane that got us all here in the first place would help out haha.

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I became a fan exactly ten years ago i am currently 21 now and live in Ontario Canada. It was grade seven gym class that made me fall in love with football for the first time since before that i was all about hockey obviously being from Canada hockey is huge. I decided to pick a team that year and the first reason I chose the colts was because they were blue and white like my favorite hockey team the Toronto Maple Leafs. The reason I stuck with them though was I enjoyed the way the played especially the way Manning moved the ball around. I've been a huge fan ever since own probably over 100 articles of colts clothing and have now been to over 10 games. Colts for life.

I am as well a leafs and colts fan. Started liking the colts because of Peyton and the way he ran the offense from the line of scrimmage. And i've been a leaf fan since the gilmour years. Go Blue!

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Anyone ever tell you your pic looks like Big ben?

I started when my brother started taking me to games in the early 70s in baltimore.

I too got hooked on the "shoe". I still think its the best looking uni (road whites) in the NFL.

We went to 3 or 4 games a year until they left for Indy.

That put a MAJOR damper on me going to games Bummer!

However, they could have moved to Siberia and I still would be a Colts fan 1st, even over other sports.. (I've never even gone to a game in baltimore since(Ravens))

Now, i mainly only get to see the Colts when they come to Pittsburgh. Boooo!

I agree the colts road whites are the best in the NFL. It wreaks of they should reak havoc on opponents. But that would also have to include defense LOL. ;)

oh yeah..I became a colts fan for one day. Just can't remember when. (was recent tho)

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I am as well a leafs and colts fan. Started liking the colts because of Peyton and the way he ran the offense from the line of scrimmage. And i've been a leaf fan since the gilmour years. Go Blue!

lol....I was reading this as you were saying your were a Ryan Leaf fan. I thought I had fulfilled my search for the most foolish man on Earth, but I'll have to keep searching.

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Blue was my favorite color. I fell in love with the colts because of the first football game I saw on television. It was in 1958 and the Colts played the Giants in what was billed as the greatest game ever played. I watched the game on a black and white tv. I was impressed with the grit and determination the team played with. Later I fell in love with the blue color and horse shoe helmets. I have not waivered since. The Colts had players on that 1958 team that later would go into the hall of fame. Johnny U and John Mackey were voted the greatest at their positions in the first 50 years of football. Weeb Ubank and Don Shula were great head coaches. Players and coaches come and go. We changed owners and towns but I still love the Colts. I used to travel from South Carolina to Baltimore twice a year to go to Colts home games but I have never been to Indy to see a game. I am not a fair weather fan. Teams can not maintain a championship level forever but a good owner commited to winning will weather storms and bring the team back.

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Pacers fan first. Huge fan of Reggie Miller and still my favorite player. Started following the Colts but was still a big 49ers fan.. Got to watch them practice at the local college, met Jerry Rice in a local Taco Bell! Eventually started following the Colts more and more and the 49ers less :P

I was at the game where reggie drained the 3 three pointers. i was 13 years old that year.

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I've lived my whole life in the Chicagoland area, and always hated the Bears.

I became a Colts fan while watching the '65 playoff game against the Packers.

The Colts had lost both Unitas and Cuozzo to injury, and had to start Tom Matte (HB), and were big underdogs.

They took the mighty Packers to double OT, and lost on a FG.

Loved them ever since.

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I was an Archie Manning fan when he was at Ole Miss and then the Saints. I lived in New Orleans (now Baton Rouge.) Archie never really made it as a pro because the Saints were so bad. When he had sons, I looked forward to the day they might make things right for him. And have they! Anyway, I followed both Peyton and Eli at high school, college, and then the pros. The Colts drafted Peyton and I jumped on board. Don't get me wrong. I admired the Colts way back when Johnny U. and then Bert Jones (another Louisianian) played. But Peyton and his greatness with the Colts really did it for me.

Some people call us bandwagon fans. But you have got to remember that you gain fans when a great college player comes to town. Andrew Luck will no doubt bring many fans with him. You should be proud of that, not shun fans no matter how they come.

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My story is quite simple one.

In 2006 I've started to watch football, and I've found out pretty soon, that I like passing games more than rushing. And there was a sympathic team playing excellent pass games, wearing blue horseshoe on helmets. I'm a fan since then... As colts was pretty good in 2006, was broadcated several times in 2006 and following years in Hungary, so I had the chance to watch the team live...so it was easy to became a fan.

Sometimes I feel, I'm the sole Colts' fan in Hungary...almost everyone is rooting for either Patriots or Packers...Steelers and Giants has a pretty good fan base here too.

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Honestly, being from TN, I was not a Peyton fan at all. Sometimes, you just get tired of hearing a name over and over and over....no matter how good they are. I am not a college ball fan.....say what you will, but I just don't follow a certain team. I was brought up a Raiders fan...I mean a die harder....then I left my family to become a Jaquars fan, loved Brunell. The day that Peyton signed onto the Colts, I was so happy because I just knew he would go out there and choke and prove me right.......well let us just say that the first day of Peyton playing for the Colt's, I tossed my Brunell jersey in the trash and have been white and blue ever since.

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Mine was a gradual process. My first real memory of the Colts was the Super Bowl loss to the Jets. Being from the Louisville, KY area, I followed Johnny Unitas, because he played his college football at Louisville.

My next great moment was the Jim O'Brien field goal that won the Super Bowl over the Cowboys!!

I admit I was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan first and foremost in the 1970's...before Terry Bradshaw and others arrived. I loved those Super Bowl teams, but those players eventually moved on and I began to lose interest. I still liked the Colts during this time...even had a Mike Curtis poster in my room among the Steelers posters.

Then, the Colts moved to Indianapolis and that sealed the deal for me! I had a home team to support!!

I've seen comments from others about being Pacers fans...I've been behind the Pacers since day one! I loved the ABA and went to lots of Kentucky Colonels games...most of the time when they played Indiana. Those days were just awesome! You could hang out near the locker room doors after the game and meet the players to get autographs. Those guys and I had personal connections you rarely get now. I love my Pacers and always will!!!

Colts and Pacers FOREVER!!!

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So, I was an Oiler's fan from birth. I grew up on a working farm and did a lot of work with horses. It might sound silly, but I shod horses as one of my chores and loved Horseshoes. I liked the Colts simply for their symbol as a youth. When the Oilers abandoned Houston for Tennessee and a new name, I was at a loss for a team to follow. I refused to follow them (Oilers) to Tennessee, and hate (hate, hate, hate!) the Cowboys. I decided to take up the ole Blue and White in 1996 and haven't looked back. Thank you Indianapolis for having a good ole Texas boy as a fan! GO BLUE!!!

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I became a fan when mayor Hudnut said we will have football. I remember when the hole was dug for the Hossier dome. We use to ride by and I remember the pillars for the seats going up. I sold hotdogs as a kid for my schools football team, the team got part of the money. I got to meet Pat Beach and Barry kruse before the game. That is when I became a fan. I bleed Blue and White. Go Colts.

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