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Hilton Walks Out On Reporters


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6 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Wow, you are way too touchy.  The comment was an observation and you call it a personal attack. 

Talk about over thinking about things? You are pretty good at that yourself.


Have I insulted you in any way? Have I attempted to make this conversation about you? NOPE!


I am having about 5 conversions at once, and sometimes it is happening pretty quick. But I have not disrespected anyone. At least it was never my intentions. 


I just want to keep the conversation on the Indianapolis Colts. 



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14 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:




I absolutely agree with you, and I believe you bring a unique perspective to this situation as well. 


Thank you.     I sincerely appreciate that.


I have absolutely no problem with anyone bashing the media.    The quality of media the last 5-10 years or so has gone down sharply.    News, sports, entertainment is, in my judgement, much worse than it was in my 30 years.


And I think that's a shame because I think a strong, vibrant and fair media is vital for a healthy country.   And I don't think we are there.


(Sorry for the rant...)


My hunch is the question may have not been asked by a reporter who is doing a story on the actual game.    But instead, may have been asked by a feature reporter,  a columnist,  a sidebar story.


If it was asked by a "game" reporter, then you make that your last question.    The exception to that rule would be Bill Buckner and his error, or Russell Wilson and his SB interception, when the mistake is THE story of the game.    Then you ask right upfront.


Again...   sorry for the length of the post..   and appreciate the kind words...




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27 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The rumor came from somewhere...    so a reporter could walk up and say....   "Hey,  there's a report, an unconfirmed rumor of the Colts being in talks to trade you...    can you comment?"


Thats all that needs to be said.


It's polite, respectful,  and straight forward...     it's a professional question.


But it HAS to be asked...    you never know what a player might say or do.





If the reporter doesn't ask the question the fan base will start calling the local Indy media "soft", again.


We've actually lived through those days in the Indy media. Kravitz was probably the first real "hard" objective person towards the Colts in our Indy media. A lot of people used to hate him for the things he wrote about. He was very abrasive, and it was not something us Indy fans were used to.


It didn't help that (at one time) Kravitz wouldn't give Peyton any respect, and dropped John Elway's name every chance he could. Kravitz came from Denver where he covered Elway for years. 


To get back on topic though. Yeah. I agree. The reporter absolutely has to ask that question. 

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24 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The rumor came from somewhere...    so a reporter could walk up and say....   "Hey,  there's a report, an unconfirmed rumor of the Colts being in talks to trade you...    can you comment?"


Thats all that needs to be said.


It's polite, respectful,  and straight forward...     it's a professional question.


But it HAS to be asked...    you never know what a player might say or do.



I don't understand why the question HAS to be asked, but maybe because I can't imagine caring what he says. Actually, my hope would be that he doesn't answer.


Are we assuming that the player would have heard the rumor, or that if he WAS under consideration that he'd know it?

If everyone but Luck is up for trade, would all of them have been told that? If that's the expectation, then I'll sit back and wait for 2 -1 4 to happen.


If he's unaware, I suppose we're looking for the outrage, the raw emotion just following a tough loss?

It just seems like a sensationalistic approach to manufacture a story.


I really have no interest in knowing how ugly TY can react if asked a sensitive question after a tough loss.

When did that become attractive?

Or am I missing a greater good here?

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6 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Have I insulted you in any way? Have I attempted to make this conversation about you? NOPE!


I am having about 5 conversions at once, and sometimes it is happening pretty quick. But I have not disrespected anyone. At least it was never my intentions. 


I just want to keep the conversation on the Indianapolis Colts. 



Did I take it as an insult when you questioned my logic and then put your own twist on what I did say?

Did I take it as an insult when you said I was being fooled?

No, because I wasn't looking for an insult. 

You normally bring some real good opinions and outlooks to this board. Not the rants and over the top stuff you have been doing the last couple of days. Thus the blood pressure comment.

No one was trying to insult you at all. You just took it that way because of the negative vibes you have been giving out.

We all come here to talk Colts. Just because some of us choose not to get too bent out of shape does not mean we are overlooking anything or making excuses. Most of us just accept the way things are because there is nothing we can do about it. This is just a fan forum.



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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

Did I take it as an insult when you questioned my logic and then put your own twist on what I did say?

Did I take it as an insult when you said I was being fooled?

No, because I wasn't looking for an insult. 

You normally bring some real good opinions and outlooks to this board. Not the rants and over the top stuff you have been doing the last couple of days. Thus the blood pressure comment.

No one was trying to insult you at all. You just took it that way because of the negative vibes you have been giving out.

We all come here to talk Colts. Just because some of us choose not to get too bent out of shape does not mean we are overlooking anything or making excuses. Most of us just accept the way things are because there is nothing we can do about it. This is just a fan forum.


I am going to attempt this one more time.


What do you have to say about the Indianapolis Colts? I don't care what your thoughts about me are (although I do appreciate the kind words). I think you have historically brought some great posts to this forum as well. 


This forum is a place to discuss the Colts. 


Can we just talk about the Colts? Fair enough? :) 

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


I am going to attempt this one more time.


What do you have to say about the Indianapolis Colts? I don't care what your thoughts about me are (although I do appreciate the kind words). I think you have historically brought some great posts to this forum as well. 


This forum is a place to discuss the Colts. 


Can we just talk about the Colts? Fair enough? :) 

Fair enough.

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1 hour ago, buccolts said:


I don't understand why the question HAS to be asked, but maybe because I can't imagine caring what he says. Actually, my hope would be that he doesn't answer.


Are we assuming that the player would have heard the rumor, or that if he WAS under consideration that he'd know it?

If everyone but Luck is up for trade, would all of them have been told that? If that's the expectation, then I'll sit back and wait for 2 -1 4 to happen.


If he's unaware, I suppose we're looking for the outrage, the raw emotion just following a tough loss?

It just seems like a sensationalistic approach to manufacture a story.


I really have no interest in knowing how ugly TY can react if asked a sensitive question after a tough loss.

When did that become attractive?

Or am I missing a greater good here?


The story is already out there via the rumor.      You're just looking for a response.


Hilton could say.....     "Hey, ths is the first I've heard of it,  I have no comment."     Or, "I love Indy and have no desire to leave.    But if they trade me,  it's out of my hands."       All sorts of different ways he might answer.


Or,  he might walk away as he did today.


Players may or may not know about the buzz.     Some of the time,  they don't.    They hear about it when someone tells them. "Hey, you've been traded..."      But sometimes a player does know about it because the team that's attempting to trade for the player either wants to (A)  restructure the deal,  or (B) add years to the deal,  and so the players agent is informed of the talks and he tells his client so they can figure out what the player is willing to do about a new deal.     So, sometimes the player actually does know.


You have to ask because the media knows and is talking about it...    between regular media (newspapers and TV and radio)  and now you have the internet and national media.      There's so much media that rumors are out there....   (Hello, Twitter!)       So, not asking the question exposes the media for not doing their job.     So, you have to at least ask....       the answer is out of your control.


But I always try to keep it polite, respectful and professional.     Because it's more than just the player changing a city.   He may be married and have kids.     Someone has to sell the house and take care of the kids until school is out.   There's a lot of moving parts here so it's a serious issue.     You have take all of that into consideration.



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Are some of you people even real Colts fans?

You complain that we need to surround Luck with talent, but you want to trade away our best offensive weapon for a draft pick? Hilton is in the prime of his career and we all already know what he can do on the field. He led the league in receiving yards last season, but some of you want to kick the tires on him and rather we get a second round pick for a guy who is already established as one of the best in the league.


Trading Hilton would hurt the Colts a lot more than it would benefit them.


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4 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

Are some of you people even real Colts fans?

You complain that we need to surround Luck with talent, but you want to trade away our best offensive weapon for a draft pick? Hilton is in the prime of his career and we all already know what he can do on the field. He led the league in receiving yards last season, but some of you want to kick the tires on him and rather we get a second round pick for a guy who is already established as one of the best in the league.


Trading Hilton would hurt the Colts a lot more than it would benefit them.


I think they are Colt fans they just want to complain and whine about anything and everything. Some of this stuff reads like TMZ or the national Enquirer. :peek:

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Yah trading Hilton would not be a good idea. Do you really think we are going to replace him with a 2nd round pick?  Even with a first round pick you might end up getting another Dorsett and the odds are you get another dorsett before you get another Hilton. I say we keep every single above avg player we have ...(we don't have many) and draft talent to fill the many holes that we have like o line and linebackers who can cover. 

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5 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

Are some of you people even real Colts fans?

You complain that we need to surround Luck with talent, but you want to trade away our best offensive weapon for a draft pick? Hilton is in the prime of his career and we all already know what he can do on the field. He led the league in receiving yards last season, but some of you want to kick the tires on him and rather we get a second round pick for a guy who is already established as one of the best in the league.


Trading Hilton would hurt the Colts a lot more than it would benefit them.


I'm a real Colts fan, but I want the Colts to have a new offense.  I don't think TY will be as effective in the new offense.  He's perfect for the Coryell/Arians/Chud offense, but I sense Ballard will be going away from that after this season.

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


The story is already out there via the rumor.      You're just looking for a response.


Hilton could say.....     "Hey, ths is the first I've heard of it,  I have no comment."     Or, "I love Indy and have no desire to leave.    But if they trade me,  it's out of my hands."       All sorts of different ways he might answer.


Or,  he might walk away as he did today.


Players may or may not know about the buzz.     Some of the time,  they don't.    They hear about it when someone tells them. "Hey, you've been traded..."      But sometimes a player does know about it because the team that's attempting to trade for the player either wants to (A)  restructure the deal,  or (B) add years to the deal,  and so the players agent is informed of the talks and he tells his client so they can figure out what the player is willing to do about a new deal.     So, sometimes the player actually does know.


You have to ask because the media knows and is talking about it...    between regular media (newspapers and TV and radio)  and now you have the internet and national media.      There's so much media that rumors are out there....   (Hello, Twitter!)       So, not asking the question exposes the media for not doing their job.     So, you have to at least ask....       the answer is out of your control.


But I always try to keep it polite, respectful and professional.     Because it's more than just the player changing a city.   He may be married and have kids.     Someone has to sell the house and take care of the kids until school is out.   There's a lot of moving parts here so it's a serious issue.     You have take all of that into consideration.



Thanks for the explanation.

It sounds like it's just an acknowledgement that the rumor exists, but I suppose my real issue is that I just don't find any importance in the response.


BTW, what's the present rule on media access to the lockerroom? I know that changed (became a rule at all) about 25 - 30 years ago, but forgot what the fule is now.

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All of this crap is hot comedy.   The Browns have been hanging on to that Josh Gordon waiting on him for years to get his mess straight.  And there are other examples as well.  T.Y. has done nothing but produce for us for years being basically the only reliable target Luck has had.  Yet we want to get rid of him after bad games played with backup quarterbacks who haven't even read the field correctly when they are throwing.    Yeah sure all this is T.Y. fault!   I'd be putting up a damn fit too if I didn't make the playoffs for 3 years and my offensive line is getting all the Quarterbacks put in the hospital.   The stupidity is just amazing around here. 

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2 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

Blue shoe it's cool you are from Evansville. I am too.  Where did you go to highschool?  Also Princeton tiger , I lived in Princeton for a little while as well. My daughter still lives there. It's good to see some more southern Indiana fans on here. 

Been around the schools here in Princeton my entire life

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12 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

Are some of you people even real Colts fans?

You complain that we need to surround Luck with talent, but you want to trade away our best offensive weapon for a draft pick? Hilton is in the prime of his career and we all already know what he can do on the field. He led the league in receiving yards last season, but some of you want to kick the tires on him and rather we get a second round pick for a guy who is already established as one of the best in the league.


Trading Hilton would hurt the Colts a lot more than it would benefit them.


This is correct!!

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