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Peyton Manning Cleared


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Without knowing the exercise specifics of Peyton's rehabilitation routine compared to his regular training, I wonder if during these last few weeks there was any chance to really push himself physically until he got the doctors final okay. More intense workouts could bulk up his triceps and help increase his arm strength. I'm merely speculating. I thought I read on the ESPN scroll that Manning could proceed with intense workouts. That's why I ask.

I think back a few seasons when Peyton started the regular season after missing the preseason because of knee surgery. He was fit, but he still was rusty and needed a few weeks to bulk up before he was back to his regular self.

I look at this situation sort of like one of the many games I've seen Manning play. He wants to score on the first drive. He goes for the big yardage, but he can't get the ball in the end zone. He's frustrated. It's the second quarter and all he has to show for it is a field goal. Finally, Dungy gets him to settle for the short yard gains. Slowly, the O finds a rhythm, he's making completions, completing 3rd downs. Finally, he scores.

That's how I think it's going to be. Short yardage. Day by day. Then it happens. Touchdown. Manning scores.

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Clayton is right.

peyton is cleared to play, yes.

However, he wouldn't be able to be productive unless he's handing the ball off or throwing screens.

Even manning today said he didn't know long long it would be until he could play at "an acceptable level".

The nerve hasn't fully or nearly fully regenerated. the feeling from the neck to the tricep still isn't there. Atrophy has set in.

There is STILL a long way to go.

Just because he's cleared to play doesn't mean its realistic to lead the offense.

i'd like to know where your getting you info cause you seem to know it all....
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I am taking everything with a grain of salt guys. Just posting as I see reports but now you have two NFL reporters saying Colts are still very unsure about Manning's condition.

yes i understand your point, you've stated pretty much the same thing the other day, when everyone was saying Peyton was done, altho i will say you were swinging towards him being done...

however all these other haters were saying us pro-Peyton fans are in denial and we just need to move on...

My point is, and i'm sure you understand, i'm going to take a doctors advise over a wanna be reporter any day of the week, lets face it these guys dont report the news they create it...they're just trying to sell ratings is all

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Great news! Let's see what he can do. Get the arm strength back, then get the timing back with the offensive guys. Pagano and the coaches fix the defense while Peyton keeps the offense rolling and Super Bowl, here we come!

Yes, I'm thinking very positively

Well it's good to see someone thinking positive. Keep the positive thinking Superman. :thmsup: I'll think positive with you. :shake:

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Your concern is valid and warranted. From everything I have read thus far, the ability to throw is linked to two things: nerve regeneration and how much prior muscle atrophy there was. Neither of which we know.

The only thing we can hope for is that the trainers and the coaches that have the responsibility to report to Mr. Irsay about PM's rehab progress can see a pattern of improvement and not a plateau as time passes, such that they can confidently project forward. If the situation is that they cannot confidently project forward, based on the uncertainties associated with nerve/muscle atrophy, then we are likely looking at a risk/reward decision based on Mr. Irsay's risk tolerance.

That's my opinion of what the process should look like. I don't know what the real case may be.

i agree.....i would only add that instead of having trainers and coaches report back to Irsay, he needs to watch with his own eyes as well...like he said its his decision....IMO

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...whos John Clayton???

cause i have a real life doctor saying Peyton could play on Sunday if he wanted to

Well, I see your real life doctor and I raise 2 neurosurgeons and a chiropractor who says that Manning could play on Sunday but also I will raise you an alternate universe psychic that says Manning played and won SB XLVI in universe #X39843TZ.
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This news doesnt mean much, until peyton is actually throwing 50yd passes and passing on the run then taking any chance would be too much... I doubt peyton will be getting an aswer from irsay next week since irsay wants to take as long as he can to make one.

Yeah, Peyton throws on the run so often. That's clearly a necessary part of his rehab.

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Well, I see your real life doctor and I raise 2 neurosurgeons and a chiropractor who says that Manning could play on Sunday but also I will raise you an alternate universe psychic that says Manning played and won SB XLVI in universe #X39843TZ.

Oh now I gotta go back and forth with you.....as if all the non belivers weren't enough....

Lol ;)

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@JimIrsay: Peyton has not passed our physical nor has he been cleared to play for The Indianapolis Colts. Team statement coming on Friday

Peyton hasnt passed the team physical because the dont WANT him to pass the team physical...dont you remember Polian pointing out that due to a loophole in the NFL rules, if he doesnt pass the team physical, he is allowed to train/rehab do whatever he likes at the Colts complex, where as if he passes the physical, he has to wait to do that and train on his own for now?

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Taking hits if anything out of this entire process should be the easiest for Manning. His neck should actually come out stronger from this surgery. He should be able to take a hit normally (Though I still see him falling down/sliding for precaution). Getting strength back in his arm though that's going to be the test for him.

exactly, I mean Dallas was cleared to play again but he mostly did not look like his old self

So, quite a bit remains to be seen as to whether Manning is back to franchise qb status.

We need to take the emotion out of it, and deal with reality.

the reality is, we have to wait

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Irsay hasn't cleared him to play, because Manning wouldn't be able to train and rehab in the Colts facilities if that were to happen. I would say Irsay is being rather generous to Mr. Manning, and likely won't make a decision until well after the Super Bowl.

What we do know is, all the NFLN, and ESPN commentators have been wrong. All the folks saying that Manning fans needed to "accept reality" have been wrong. He's getting better, and he's coming back. He will be pain free and a year rested. Maybe it won't be in Indianapolis, but I guarantee Irsay wants it to happen somehow.

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Thats a rude way of putting it.

I never said I knew it all, but I do seem to know a little more than you. (about this I mean)

Based on what I've read from you on this matter, I would say that's debatable. Not to sound rude, but you haven't offered any proof for your claims, you just seem to really want Manning gone and will accept no evidence to the contrary.

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My personal opinion/guess is that the Colts don't want Manning to get better. They want him to retire and get out of the way. They don't want him to be QB next year and don't want him to be QB elsewhere either. Again, that's my guess, but it would be the easiest thing to deal with.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to believe this more and more.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2012 - spam posted this 5 times
Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2012 - spam posted this 5 times

The Fleecing of the Colts Fans by Payton Manning:

As A fan of the Colts; I pay for the team to be able to operate. I buy the tickets, I buy the jerseys and other things liked signed footballs. I plan my families vacations so we as a family can cheer on our hero’s and it takes my life’s saving every year to make this happen.

This is why I feel Payton Manning is doing nothing but stealing from us when he signed his last contract, Knowing full well he wasn’t going to play, and still don’t know if he will be playing next year, and if so, at best will be a rookie season all over again.

Payton should be ashamed of himself for demanding payment of 28 million dollars for a bench-warmer full of what-if’s. That’s my families money don’t you think?

If the Colts can afford to pay Washed-up Garry Collins 4 million to get his butt kicked for 3 games, I am sure they would be willing to pay our bench warmer the same for a chance for both side to be proved worthy next season.

Hey Payton we want our money back, You get paid to play, so you don’t collect multi-millions until you are able to EARN THEM!!!

What happens if we pay the 28million and Payton is still worthless? We the fans LOSE while we regroup with our first round draft pick we so earned this season.

I just hope it is for Payton’s replacement after a refund from him, and the Colts learned a valuable lesson. “Never Give Your QB Every Snap in Practice”. A team must have a back-up QB that has some Gel Time with the team to be able to help the team. In all honesty Painter would have been a great Colts QB if he knew what to do with a team; or more to the point if the team knew how to play with him… Football is still a TEAM sport isn’t it?

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You all forget one thing....this is a new Colts organzation. So don't get your undies in a crench about him coming back to Indy. Medical clearance DOES NOT MEAN HE IS HEALTHY ENOUGH TO WITHSTAND A MONSTER HIT!!!! I would not pay him another bucket of millions after paying him $28,000,000 bucks to watch on the sidelines this past year. Manning should be willing to take a major cut in bonus bucks in otder to stay and give Luck a year or two to grow. If not, dump him.

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Manning and Irsay are clearly engaged in a PR war which is just business as usual in the social era.

That said, I still see some positives and some negatives (sorry for not putting the links again others have posted above)


Irsay mentioned the Signing bonus can be pushed back to next season.

Andrew Luck said he is wants to play but is willing to learn from the best.


Nerve regeneration not 100% and inconsistant arm strength, trouble holding the ball at times (heard on ESPN, but I'd like to see their source).

Irsay saying hes afraid Fans will be upset if we get into cap trouble with an unhealthy PM.

When I wrote the "Irsay and Manning..the only way this ends well" post, I was eluding to the fact that if Manning can't play at all and retires a Colt, all will be fine. If not and he's good enough to be a Jet or a Raven, but not a Colt then things will not be fine.

If Irsay is to make a mistake, he should err on the side of keeping an unhealthy PM and getting us in cap trouble. Using this board as a test group, I'd say there is about 10-20% folks on here that are worried about cap with an unhealthy PM. The rest of us would be fine with the cap hit knowing that Irsay did everything he did to keep PM. As opposed to him cutting him lose to save 28 Million and future cap issues, only to see him go somewhere else and do well. PM won't play if he can't be his best, that's just who he is.

Furthermore, we should speculate what would happen with EITHER QB starting next year.

Without a running game and the way our OL is atm, Both QBs could be forced into obvious passing scenerios and not do well. Then we're right back to where we were next year.

I'm really hoping that we can sure up this D and develop a running game. I just don't see it with the backs we have.

Its fun to talk about PM and AL, but we really need to start thinking about this team as a whole. We seem to have addressed every issue except for one. We can't run the ball.

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From Peyton's own Agent, Tom Condon:

Condon said that Manning’s medical clearance means it would be safe for him to play, and that he wouldn’t be risking greater injury to his neck. Condon added, however, that Manning’s nerve regeneration hasn’t reached the point where he would be able to step on the field and play in an NFL game today.


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