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Gronkowski Wins the Child Award.


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4 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I understand your point but Gronk has had a couple of instances in the past where he has acted childish.

I guess you don't remember when he purposely tried to hurt a Colt player by hitting and throwing him out of the end zone and then making a childish comment he threw him out of the club?

That is one of the reasons he is not well liked by some.

Bringing your off field personality onto the field does him nor anyone else any good.

Maybe Gronk throwing Brown of the club may not have been the best thing to do (and the camera truck was kind of close to the field).


But at the same time it was Brown's helmet that "somehow" found its way to Gronk's forearm breaking the same on a run of a mill PAT.  I am mean really Brown?  Maybe it was an accident, or maybe it was overzealous behavior by Brown's part.  Gronk still shows signs of that hit with his elbow and forearm pad four years later, not to mention the fact that that injury linger for a bit in that season.


Sometimes Crazycolt1, when you feel like you have been wronged or actually been wronged, you take a number and return the favor sometime down the road.  We will never know the true story behind the Gronk-Brown relationship, but I will give Gronk the benefit of the doubt, especially given the fact that he is not incline to go after many people in the NFL and when he does, there is common link to those folks being around Patriot injuries or in hits that could very well result in injuries. .  


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1 hour ago, Yehoodi said:


Crazycolt1, there comes a time when enough is enough, a person needs to respond, turning the other cheek only works for so long.  The manner in which someone displays his displeasure with a enough is enough does not matter to me, provided he does not do anything that will cause a suspension.   If it is getting in someone's face and yaking and then bobbing ones heads to the sideline so be it.  


The one good thing was that Gronk did not do anything that could of warranted a suspension.  I got no problem with someone getting in someone's face.


Its like some have said here earlier with Manning.  A Houston DB took, in my opinion, and unnecessary and dangerous shot on Welker earlier in the preseason game and Manning wanted to let the DB know about with a head butt, not forceful one, but one, I had no problem with his actions. 

Gronk turning a cheek? Give me a break.

Gronk has always run his mouth and trash talked his whole career.

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On 10/17/2016 at 4:12 PM, Valpo2004 said:


Even Manning got a taunting penalty once.  



i think it is safe to say Gronk has acted childish in the past, but in this instance Birfect pretty much asked for it and Gronk took him to school.


(late low hit on Bennett and now a report he was stomping on Blount leg a real tool!)

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19 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Gronk turning a cheek? Give me a break.

Gronk has always run his mouth and trash talked his whole career.


I am not talking about the normal everyday talking back and forth between players, which nearly everyone does it.


I am talking about getting in someone grill cause he did, or almost, caused an injury to another player.  Sometimes one holds back for fear of a 15 yard penalty, but comes a time when the heck with the 15 yards I am going to make a point, etc, and this is what i was referring too and Gronk has really only done it twice in his career.   And i do not mind if one does it once and a while. 

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2 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:


I am not talking about the normal everyday talking back and forth between players, which nearly everyone does it.


I am talking about getting in someone grill cause he did, or almost, caused an injury to another player.  Sometimes one holds back for fear of a 15 yard penalty, but comes a time when the heck with the 15 yards I am going to make a point, etc, and this is what i was referring too and Gronk has really only done it twice in his career.   And i do not mind if one does it once and a while. 

So when he attempts to purposely injure a Colt player how do feel about that? And make no mistake, he wanted to hurt him. Then make a wisenheimer comment of he kicked him out of the club. He gets as much respect as he gives.

And to top it off he is the best TE in the league and don't have to act like a jerk like he is at the bar when he is on the field.

He is a #1 a hole.



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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

So when he attempts to purposely injure a Colt player how do feel about that? And make no mistake, he wanted to hurt him. Then make a wisenheimer comment of he kicked him out of the club. He gets as much respect as he gives.

And to top it off he is the best TE in the league and don't have to act like a jerk like he is at the bar when he is on the field.

He is a #1 a hole.




Crazycolt1, I was not happy that Brown ended up near the camera truck (which is too near the end zone imo), but Gronk could of taken a step or two more and then where would you be.  Bottom line Brown was not injured. 


In the end of the day however Gronk WAS injured as Brown's helmet broke Gronk's forearm from which he still needs a protective equipment, and if he did so in an unnecessary act, I have zero problem with guy, for any team, taking a number and returning the favor down the road.   


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4 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:


Crazycolt1, I was not happy that Brown ended up near the camera truck (which is too near the end zone imo), but Gronk could of taken a step or two more and then where would you be.  Bottom line Brown was not injured. 


In the end of the day however Gronk WAS injured as Brown's helmet broke Gronk's forearm from which he still needs a protective equipment, and if he did so in an unnecessary act, I have zero problem with guy, for any team, taking a number and returning the favor down the road.   


If he did it in an unnecessary act?  No, it was intentional and his actions cost him and his team. Karma paid him off that day.

Look, I understand he is on your team and you defend him. I got that but preaching to a Colt fan about what a great guy he is and your OK with his actions it too much in a Colts forum not to expect some negative feed back.

You say the bottom line was Brown was not injured. But that was not the intention of Gronk. That is my point.

My bottom line is I like his play on the field but when you bring your off field personality onto the field there is where I draw the line. There is no need for him to act unprofessional.

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On October 18, 2016 at 2:50 PM, Yehoodi said:

I think folks need a little back history to understand what is going on with Gronk's actions.  The Pats have suffered injuries in the last few years that, in their opinion and their fans - including me, have cost them in Dec., Jan, and Feb.  


In 2011, Pollard rolled up on the back of Gronk's legs in the 2011 AFCCG, he was hampered in SB 46 with an ankle injury.  In 2012, Sergio Brown's helmet "some how" came in contact with Gronk's forearm on a PAT breaking it and hindering the rest of his season.  In 2013, T. Ward took out Gronk's knee and his season.  In 2015 he got injured in the Denver game and we lost HFA forcing us to go to Denver for the AFCCG.   In 2014 he was healthy for the season and we had the good fortune to win the SB.


I got no problem with injuries as they are part of the game.  However, when a player gets injured and further at the result of reckless (and unnecessary actions) by an opponent and the same effects the season, it sits on a different footing for me and many players and fans.   


In the game Burfict made a run after Bennett's knees in the game on a play away from the play.  Also, i just heard on the radio today that he may have stepped on Blount's leg.  Given our above injury history, it is completely understandable why someone would take exception when this year they see a possible key player going down on a play that was not cool.


Given that Gronk has be hindered 4 out of the last 5 years due to injury, it is completely understandable that he would take exception to Burfict hit and let the folks know that enough is enough and he is tired of it all.


On one hand was not happy with how Gronk acted, but on the other hand I am glad that he let the opponents know it and the rest of the NFL that he is tired of this stuff and if it cost him 15 yards then so be it, yards well spent in my book.  


And no i do not think he was being a child.   Imagine if you guys lost Luck, or was hindered, for 4 out of the last 5 years hindering your season and then you see some take a shot at Luck and one of the linemen stood up for Luck, I think most here would agree that what the lineman did was something that was good not childish. 

Thank you Yehoodi for this detailed explanation. I understood why Gronk did what he did. He was just defending his teammate  Marcellus Bennett from Burfict being an caboose hole with no impulse control & in that situation, I'd expect somebody on my squad to have my back. 


You're last paragraph was right on the money too. And how come no one is asking why Marvin Lewis has no control over his defense? Like it's cool to let the thug mentality run rampant in every game Cincy plays? 

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On October 17, 2016 at 9:28 AM, jvan1973 said:

Aren't you the one who started the Beckham thread?   This is the exact same,  If not worse behavior and you condone it.    Well done by you :thmdown:

While I agree that both Beckham & Gronk should have been penalized for their infractions Jvan, there are in no way equal in scope. Not even close. 


OBJ took his helmet off after a TD giving the Ravens better field position just because #13 felt like showing off & making the score all about himself vs his team. Whereas, Gronk was basically saying you don't get to harm my teammate without repercussions just because your squad can't win games & resorts to cheap shots. 


BB was right to call a time out & calm him down sure, but Gronk needed to stand up for his fellow TE. I'm not condemning #87 for that. No way in hades. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/19/2016 at 6:42 PM, southwest1 said:

Thank you Yehoodi for this detailed explanation. I understood why Gronk did what he did. He was just defending his teammate  Marcellus Bennett from Burfict being an caboose hole with no impulse control & in that situation, I'd expect somebody on my squad to have my back. 


You're last paragraph was right on the money too. And how come no one is asking why Marvin Lewis has no control over his defense? Like it's cool to let the thug mentality run rampant in every game Cincy plays? 


Yes, I am not against players policing the opponent and when someone does something that either is intended to injury or a reckless act that could or does involve and injury, i got no problem with the harmed team going after that opponent to return the favor, regardless of the sport or team. 


Although he was never hit back, but Wilfork made two irresponsible hits on a Buffalo QB and it would not have bothered me had he been chop blocked a few times to return the favor.


Not sure what is up with Marvin Lewis, i like the man, but he needs to reel in his players or he will continue to lose games like the playoff one last year with his team taking penalties at the wrong time.  I understand the wish to return the favor ( a Pitt LB took out a Cinn RB and there was no call), but you wait till the next season or later to take your shot, not at the end of the game to put the opponent in FG range,. 

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On 10/18/2016 at 9:03 PM, Jules said:


Who do you think would beat them?

any given sunday


did you see the game they lost to the eagles last year?  the patriots were up 14-0 then the eagles scored on two kick returns and on a 99 yard interception


anything can happen



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On 10/19/2016 at 6:09 PM, crazycolt1 said:

If he did it in an unnecessary act?  No, it was intentional and his actions cost him and his team. Karma paid him off that day.

Look, I understand he is on your team and you defend him. I got that but preaching to a Colt fan about what a great guy he is and your OK with his actions it too much in a Colts forum not to expect some negative feed back.

You say the bottom line was Brown was not injured. But that was not the intention of Gronk. That is my point.

My bottom line is I like his play on the field but when you bring your off field personality onto the field there is where I draw the line. There is no need for him to act unprofessional.


My point regarding returning the favor does not have a jersey color and why i mentioned
"any team" in my prior post.  There have been a few pats players that have done some unnecessary things Wilfork (on a Buffalo QB twice), and Rodney Harrison with the latter being taken out late in the 2006 season preventing him from having him for the playoffs, so it happens. 


As for Gronk's actions, we are just going to have to disagree I do not think that he had an intent to injury although I can see how it can be viewed as reckless.  As for Gronk's off field personality, i do not think that is relevant to the question as the "return the favor" attitude, which transcends all sports, has more to do with principle of if you are the one that believes in an eye for am eye, which is not necessarily a character trait of a party person, many mild manner persons have a eye for an eye mentality on the pitch, field or ice.    

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10 hours ago, aaron11 said:

any given sunday


did you see the game they lost to the eagles last year?  the patriots were up 14-0 then the eagles scored on two kick returns and on a 99 yard interception


anything can happen





Special teams seemed to be NE's problem last year. In that game you mentioned, the kicked returns is pretty much what killed them. They had a similar problem with Denver in the regular season when a muffed punt sparked a comeback. 



I would be shocked this year if NE does not win the Super Bowl. This is a weak year for the NFC, and I don't see any true complete team all around this year beyond them, and no one from the NFC looks like they can be a real overall match for them. It looks very realistic right now for them to get ring #5. 


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12 hours ago, Yehoodi said:


Yes, I am not against players policing the opponent and when someone does something that either is intended to injury or a reckless act that could or does involve and injury, i got no problem with the harmed team going after that opponent to return the favor, regardless of the sport or team. 


Although he was never hit back, but Wilfork made two irresponsible hits on a Buffalo QB and it would not have bothered me had he been chop blocked a few times to return the favor.


Not sure what is up with Marvin Lewis, i like the man, but he needs to reel in his players or he will continue to lose games like the playoff one last year with his team taking penalties at the wrong time.  I understand the wish to return the favor ( a Pitt LB took out a Cinn RB and there was no call), but you wait till the next season or later to take your shot, not at the end of the game to put the opponent in FG range,. 

2 rock solid points as always Yehoodi. If you take a cheap shot at my guy, rest assured I'm gonna respond in kind too. Exactly, Marvin Lewis has to nip mental lapses or stupid penalties before they escalate into playoff losses. You need to be more diplomatic AKA sneaky when you drop your "this won't be tolerated" reminder. 


NE is playing tremendous ball right now. Hogan is a freaking beast man. I may joke about BB being the evil Star Wars Emperor sometimes & a few 'Deflator' jokes, but I do respect what a juggernaut your Patriots are every yr. I just wanted you to know that Yehoodi. 

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12 hours ago, Bogie said:



Special teams seemed to be NE's problem last year. In that game you mentioned, the kicked returns is pretty much what killed them. They had a similar problem with Denver in the regular season when a muffed punt sparked a comeback. 



I would be shocked this year if NE does not win the Super Bowl. This is a weak year for the NFC, and I don't see any true complete team all around this year beyond them, and no one from the NFC looks like they can be a real overall match for them. It looks very realistic right now for them to get ring #5. 


while they are the favorites, that does not mean i would be shocked if somebody else wins.


if gronk gets hurt their offense wont seem so unstoppable.(not rooting for that, just saying its happened to them before)


they are not unbeatable, a team like the cowboys could do it.  denver can still beat them too

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13 hours ago, southwest1 said:

2 rock solid points as always Yehoodi. If you take a cheap shot at my guy, rest assured I'm gonna respond in kind too. Exactly, Marvin Lewis has to nip mental lapses or stupid penalties before they escalate into playoff losses. You need to be more diplomatic AKA sneaky when you drop your "this won't be tolerated" reminder. 


NE is playing tremendous ball right now. Hogan is a freaking beast man. I may joke about BB being the evil Star Wars Emperor sometimes & a few 'Deflator' jokes, but I do respect what a juggernaut your Patriots are every yr. I just wanted you to know that Yehoodi. 


Yes the pats are doing well hope we can keep it up.  Always lover your post SW.


And yes Lewis needs to nip more things in the but than what he does control. 

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3 hours ago, Yehoodi said:


Yes the pats are doing well hope we can keep it up.  Always lover your post SW.


And yes Lewis needs to nip more things in the but than what he does control. 

Thanks Yehoodi. It's a mutual admiration society trust me. I respect your attention to deal, your ability to frame an argument for maximum impact [you'd be surprised how many people don't know how to debate using facts, stats, & situations to reinforce their case. I know you're a good lawyer because of your ability to make your case in a calm, rationale way in a hostile environment meaning a Colts forum website as opposed to say a Pats one where the audience is automatically more receptive & sympathetic to begin with.]  


You're well respected as a poster here obviously & you know how to defend yourself if or when you encounter stern resistance to a post, perspective, or point of view. Not everybody can do that. 


The other thing I respect about Bill is that he goes after guys who were a thorn in NE's side like WR Wes Welker when he played for Miami & unlike Rex Ryan, BB isn't stupid enough to let a division rival snap Chris Hogan up for next to nothing man. That's why he sent Collins to Cleveland man. He's not letting a contender like Denver land him or even the Jets with an already tight defense. Rex, you may be a fine DC, but letting a rival get stronger was just a boneheaded move. It really was. 


Bill's like hey man, if Buffalo foolish enough to offer me Hogan for next to nothing, of course I'm pulling the trigger on that deal. 


Yeah, Marvin Lewis is a good HC minus the antics of some unruly LBs on that squad. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/2/2016 at 0:13 AM, southwest1 said:

2 rock solid points as always Yehoodi. If you take a cheap shot at my guy, rest assured I'm gonna respond in kind too. Exactly, Marvin Lewis has to nip mental lapses or stupid penalties before they escalate into playoff losses. You need to be more diplomatic AKA sneaky when you drop your "this won't be tolerated" reminder. 


NE is playing tremendous ball right now. Hogan is a freaking beast man. I may joke about BB being the evil Star Wars Emperor sometimes & a few 'Deflator' jokes, but I do respect what a juggernaut your Patriots are every yr. I just wanted you to know that Yehoodi. 

Not to interrupt the thing you two have going on, but an eye for an eye leaves the world blind. 


Any chump can cheap shot another player. Nothing honorable or manly there. 


You regroup. Man up. And embarrass them on the field. You let the people who are paid to deal with that handle it.


Remember, our children are also watching.

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If Gronk is the clown many posters claim here why then does the best coach in football keep him.? The NFL has become a stag for ego freaks that spend more time dancing in celebrations of themselves than acknowledging their co-players without whom they would be driving for Uber. Even the punters like the clown on Oakland can't resist the urge to highlight himself after kicking a football. A punter is often said not to be a football player simply because they are not. Gronk proves one thing above all, that he is the best in the business because he works his butt off to be able to be all pro.

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On November 13, 2016 at 10:07 PM, bluebombers87 said:

Not to interrupt the thing you two have going on, but an eye for an eye leaves the world blind. 


Any chump can cheap shot another player. Nothing honorable or manly there. 


You regroup. Man up. And embarrass them on the field. You let the people who are paid to deal with that handle it.


Remember, our children are also watching.

It's about defending a teammate from an unnecessary shot that was totally unwarranted & might have jeopardized another TE's career blue bombers87. Any player is 1 bad collision cheap shot or otherwise from being done sir. 


"Our Children are watching." Huh? What? While I understand the point you were making, the NFL is a game played by adults for the enjoyment of primarily other adult fans. If you were making the point of conducting yourself with grace & dignity during say a recent Presidential Election, I get it. But, over a football game? Please. 


Oh, you mean let the refs handle it? The crew on the field that constantly misses calls you mean. Now, that's funny. 

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