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Eli Was Asked About Peyton Joining The Jets

Peyton and Eli fan

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Jets are the biggest disgrace in history of professional sports. The diss Sanchez, just a year ago they were praising him for taking them to back to back AFC championships. Now they despise him.

Jets organization, players and fans are the biggest mistake in NFL history. They are rejects and circus freaks.

Then to top it all off they are running around NYC with photos of Peyton in their Green uniform.

Same 'ol Jets

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It would simply not be fair to the rest of the league if Peyton Manning went to a team with a coach that has cojones, a smash mouth defense, a good run game, and some pretty solid options to throw to. Keep him in Indy where he has none of those things to help keep the balance.

Lol!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget about special teams also.

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It would simply not be fair to the rest of the league if Peyton Manning went to a team with a coach that has cojones, a smash mouth defense, a good run game, and some pretty solid options to throw to. Keep him in Indy where he has none of those things to help keep the balance.

Yea he would prob have another chip by now but lets hope that doesnt happen

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I really would like to see Peyton win another Super Bowl but I just don't see that happening with the Colts. I am a diehard Colts fan have been for 63 years and would dearly love to see him retire with the Colts but I almost wish he would go somewhere else in order to win another SB. He deserves more than just the one and I feel this will in someway diminish his accomplishments when compared to Brady who in my opinion can't hold a candle to Peyton. Just my opinion.

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I really would like to see Peyton win another Super Bowl but I just don't see that happening with the Colts. I am a diehard Colts fan have been for 63 years and would dearly love to see him retire with the Colts but I almost wish he would go somewhere else in order to win another SB. He deserves more than just the one and I feel this will in someway diminish his accomplishments when compared to Brady who in my opinion can't hold a candle to Peyton. Just my opinion.

lets see who we draft...Could change things

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What are the odds that two boys in the same family would end up playing in the NFL..

...play in different towns and opposite conferences

..get to 4 Super Bowls (2 each) in eight years and never face each other?

A friend of mine was kidding me this morning about Eli being touted as better than Peyton now. I smiled and said, "Two elite quarterbacks from the same family? That is pretty good."

Pretty good? It is a miracle. I am very proud of that whole family!!!!

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I really would like to see Peyton win another Super Bowl but I just don't see that happening with the Colts. I am a diehard Colts fan have been for 63 years and would dearly love to see him retire with the Colts but I almost wish he would go somewhere else in order to win another SB. He deserves more than just the one and I feel this will in someway diminish his accomplishments when compared to Brady who in my opinion can't hold a candle to Peyton. Just my opinion.


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You forgot to mention all that great team chemistry and Kumbaya locker room.

I blame Mark Sanchez for sucking. With even a halfway decent QB leading that team, none of that stuff comes out. I have had a problem with 'The Sanchize' ever since a couple years ago, before the season started he was all 'hey!!!! This is MY team!!!' I know you want your quarterback to be confident, but he just seems like an arrogant punk. Then last year it came out he wanted to fight Rex Ryan for benching him or something like that. Mark Sanchez is not a franchise quarterback. I never would have drafted him that high. You know what they say about USC QBs.......they suck.

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