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What would it take for Pagano/Grigson to save their jobs?


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Cleveland didnt think so.....    BTW up until the Denver game....  what was his job?  Assistant to Pags?  Assistant Regional Manager or Assistant to the Regional manager?


Should he have told Pags NOOOOOOOOO!!!!  to the fake punt?



just saying... let see the guy put together a string of good things before we name him the next HC....

Well, if Cleveland......

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I think the only thing that saves Pagano is a super bowl appearance and I don't see that happening this season so I think that Chuck is a goner. I don't think Grigson is in as much hot water as Chuck is but I may be wrong. I think it's more likely that Jim lets Grigson stay a couple more years unless Jim has a big time coaching prospect that wants total control of the team then I think they are both gone.

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Cleveland didnt think so.....    BTW up until the Denver game....  what was his job?  Assistant to Pags?  Assistant Regional Manager or Assistant to the Regional manager?


Should he have told Pags NOOOOOOOOO!!!!  to the fake punt?



just saying... let see the guy put together a string of good things before we name him the next HC....

I don't think it works like that. It wasnt like Chuck was going to be asking Chud about in game decisions like that. Im not sure what happened in Cleveland, I think he may have gotten the shaft with a front office change but I'm not sure on how that all went down.

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You can't say the one play that Talib made determined that game. That is predicting the future and that holds no weight. You can say Denver blew that game without giving credit to the Colts all you care to but that is being narrow minded IMO. You negativity clouds your ability to see.

Talib's stupid plays at the end of the game and our D won that game.  The offense moved the ball well but Denver didnt look like the same D they looked like against the Packers, and havent looked that way since.


I am not at all narrow minded.  I think Pep got a raw deal.  He has had a top 10 offense since hes been here and #3 ranked last yr.


Luck has been forcing the plays down the field.   The Bills game (IIRC) where we threw like 50 times in a row???  That was on Luck changing the plays.....    Luck is having an off yr.....  he is missing throws high, he is missing his underneath reads, he focuses on one route (usually TY) and locks in on them and forces into DBL or triple coverage when he has other open options.  The NE game had about as good a game plan as we have had this yr.  UNTIL the second half when Pags to Pep to change it up...  we still could've won that game had they not tried that stupid fake punt.


Peps offense looked good with MH running it...  no audibles, just run the play.   Luck changes A LOT of plays and has said he want to push the ball down field.



I hope Chud turns out to be Norv Jr, and we run the table....  But some on here are making him HC after one game...  I suppose I should ignore that line of stupid thinking because there are a lot on here that know very little about football and  they are just fans wanting to talk about their team. And that is OK. But some of you actually know football and are saying similar things.  To many people get drawn into the trap of repeating what the talking heads say and they dont know wth they are talking about half the time because they are just repeating what someone else said.


Grigson did a % job building the lines. Pags has never had this team prepared to start a game.  Luck is not playing well and there are tons of injuries on the team and the easy target was Pep.







But a guy lost his job and it wasn't totally his fault.....    

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Talib's stupid plays at the end of the game and our D won that game.  The offense moved the ball well but Denver didnt look like the same D they looked like against the Packers, and havent looked that way since.


I am not at all narrow minded.  I think Pep got a raw deal.  He has had a top 10 offense since hes been here and #3 ranked last yr.


Luck has been forcing the plays down the field.   The Bills game (IIRC) where we threw like 50 times in a row???  That was on Luck changing the plays.....    Luck is having an off yr.....  he is missing throws high, he is missing his underneath reads, he focuses on one route (usually TY) and locks in on them and forces into DBL or triple coverage when he has other open options.  The NE game had about as good a game plan as we have had this yr.  UNTIL the second half when Pags to Pep to change it up...  we still could've won that game had they not tried that stupid fake punt.


Peps offense looked good with MH running it...  no audibles, just run the play.   Luck changes A LOT of plays and has said he want to push the ball down field.



I hope Chud turns out to be Norv Jr, and we run the table....  But some on here are making him HC after one game...  I suppose I should ignore that line of stupid thinking because there are a lot on here that know very little about football and  they are just fans wanting to talk about their team. And that is OK. But some of you actually know football and are saying similar things.  To many people get drawn into the trap of repeating what the talking heads say and they dont know wth they are talking about half the time because they are just repeating what someone else said.


Grigson did a % job building the lines. Pags has never had this team prepared to start a game.  Luck is not playing well and there are tons of injuries on the team and the easy target was Pep.







But a guy lost his job and it wasn't totally his fault.....    

So Pep calling that stupid punt as you call shouldn't be held accountable?  For you to sit behind your PC and say that people calling for Chud to be the HC stupid is stupid on your part. He is being talked about being the HC IF Pagano is fired. You can have your opinion as to what happened to Pep but to insult most all in here saying they don't know football is not only insulting but IS being narrow minded.

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I'd say we have to reach the AFC Championship, which, at this point,  looks like it would be against NE.


I'd say we have to at least give them a very competitive game.      A one score game.     A game that goes down to the wire.


Short of that,  there's no way of knowing what Irsay will do......      this is one of the stranger football seasons I've seen in nearly 50 years of watching the sport.

Man, you hit the nail right on the proverbial head, NCF! I was just telling some of my family members THAT very thing last night. (stranger football seasons in 50 years) Unbelievable you mentioned this.

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It's going to take a monumental effort to proceed from here. i.e., win as many games as possible, take the AFC South, and/or play a Wild Card game, Divisional game, and I don't want to even mention the C-game or SB. Do they keep their job? Your guess along with mine is as good as anyone's right now. I'd be willing to guess that Jim Irsay isn't quite sure as of this moment. But, if he is, we're not gonna be privy to that unless an implosion happens. (continued losses) And even then, it's probably reserved after the season, anyway.

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So Pep calling that stupid punt as you call shouldn't be held accountable?  For you to sit behind your PC and say that people calling for Chud to be the HC stupid is stupid on your part. He is being talked about being the HC IF Pagano is fired. You can have your opinion as to what happened to Pep but to insult most all in here saying they don't know football is not only insulting but IS being narrow minded.

You think Pep called that play????????????

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GMs are judged mainly for what they do in the off-season unless they make in-season trades as well. So Grigson can't do anything to save his job if we assume it's already gone.

Pagano would need to get the team to beat the top teams we have left which would be the Falcons and Steelers. If we miss the playoffs though, it's a wrap regardless of who we beat

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I still go back & forth about what to do with our GM Grigson though. He has brought talent into INDY: Freeman, Hilton, Moncrief, Anderson, & Parry. He deserves credit for signing Langford too. 


Yeah I know, Ryan's had his duds too: Landry, Richardson, Herremans, Shipley, & DHB [Darrius Heyward-Bey] just off the top of my head. 


Grigs has brought talent in here & he dealt with a lot of dead money old player contracts no longer on the roster in 2012 extremely well like LB Gary Brackett extremely well. I can't forget that either. 


I'm torn because I really don't wanna wipe the slate completely clean, but I also know that with a new HC often comes a new GM too. I don't know. I get both sides: Keeping Grigs or dumping him. 

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The special teams coach does not wear a headset. He might have suggested it but it was not him who called it. You are no different than anyone else in this forum. We all have opinions and none of them are facts.


You are making my point pretty easy....  you along with many have tried to blame Pep for everything....   I suppose the punt to end the half against Denver was his fault too?  Even though he wasnt on the team...  your line of thinking here is foolish.   Pep does not call special teams....

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Just a thought...Whomever our new HC is, unless we click like wildfire with Hasselback at the helm & Chud calling the plays, can we see if we can lure Kevin Greene out of retirement as INDY's new LB's Coach?


He worked magic with Clay Matthews in GB & I love Kevin's toughness. Knowing when to unleash the heat & step on our adversary's symbolic throat. He was menacing in both Pittsburgh & Carolina man. 

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You are making my point pretty easy....  you along with many have tried to blame Pep for everything....   I suppose the punt to end the half against Denver was his fault too?  Even though he wasnt on the team...  your line of thinking here is foolish.   Pep does not call special teams....

No, I think you missed the point. If you liked Pep that falls into a small majority. Just because most don't agree with you does not make anyone's thoughts stupid as you suggest. Just because you have an opinion don't automatically make you smarter or have more knowledge of the NFL that anyone else. This is a forum, not a place to come into an disrespect other members by saying they don't what they are talking about because they might not agree with you.

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No, I think you missed the point. If you liked Pep that falls into a small majority. Just because most don't agree with you does not make anyone's thoughts stupid as you suggest. Just because you have an opinion don't automatically make you smarter or have more knowledge of the NFL that anyone else. This is a forum, not a place to come into an disrespect other members by saying they don't what they are talking about because they might not agree with you.

Well if you think Pep was calling special teams plays then yes your thoughts on that are stupid

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Well if you think Pep was calling special teams plays then yes your thoughts on that are stupid

You still missed my point. You are talking about one play in regards to over a half a of season. Besides it make no difference who called for the fake punt it was the players who messed it up. Boomstick has already explained what happened and why the ball was not suppose to be snapped. I will not try to explain to you anymore about your attitude and your comments about other forum members. You have already made it clear.

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Not sure.


However if we somehow finish this season with a decent record (meaning 9 to 11 wins) and a division title and a potential playoff win while suffering all these injuries to Andrew Luck......


Then I may rethink some things and be quite impressed.

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I think we have to make it back to the Championship Game for Irsay to pause on deciding what to do. If for some reason we play the Pats in Round 2 and beat them getting the upset but still lose in the Championship Game to a healthy Denver team for example in MileHigh, I think they both stay. Our only failure in the Playoffs has been against the Pats over the last 2 seasons.

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I remember irsay having nothing but super bowl aspirations. If they don't make it there, I see them being gone

I am not too sure if that is true. Every owner has those same aspirations at the start of the season. With the injuries and the firing of Pep who knows what will go down?

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You still missed my point. You are talking about one play in regards to over a half a of season. Besides it make no difference who called for the fake punt it was the players who messed it up. Boomstick has already explained what happened and why the ball was not suppose to be snapped. I will not try to explain to you anymore about your attitude and your comments about other forum members. You have already made it clear.

Actually it had more to do with the play being called when the players that actually knew how to run it were available.  Whalen had no clue how to run the play but Pags called the play anyway....  that is just dumb coaching no matter how you slice it.   I dont have a bad attitude with other posters... I have an attitude about saying dumb things

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yes.....  he is not the special teams coach


Correct, and neither is Pagano.  Chuck could very easily have told his Special Teams coordinator to go for it trusting that the SC coach would choose the best possible play.  Considering the success that the team has had with these types of plays the past couple of years, it's easy to see why Pagano would have faith in his Special Team's coach to make the right call.

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Luck has been forcing the plays down the field.   The Bills game (IIRC) where we threw like 50 times in a row???  That was on Luck changing the plays.....    Luck is having an off yr.....  he is missing throws high, he is missing his underneath reads, he focuses on one route (usually TY) and locks in on them and forces into DBL or triple coverage when he has other open options.  The NE game had about as good a game plan as we have had this yr.  UNTIL the second half when Pags to Pep to change it up...  we still could've won that game had they not tried that stupid fake punt.


Peps offense looked good with MH running it...  no audibles, just run the play.   Luck changes A LOT of plays and has said he want to push the ball down field.



And isn't it the job of the Offensive coordinator to work with Luck on knowing when to audible and to what types of plays?  If Luck kept changing plays like that, then it's Pep's job to get on Luck and work with him on it.  If Pep doesn't do that, then it's Chuck's job to get on Pep to do his job. If Pep still doesn't do his job, then Pep gets replaced with someone who will perform all of the responsibilities of being an Offensive coordinator...and that's exactly what happened.

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Actually it had more to do with the play being called when the players that actually knew how to run it were available.  Whalen had no clue how to run the play but Pags called the play anyway....  that is just dumb coaching no matter how you slice it.   I dont have a bad attitude with other posters... I have an attitude about saying dumb things

This is a forum. Not a place where your opinion rules. If we all had an attitude about what we consider dumb things I guess most of us would have a bad attitude. Everyone has different opinions and say things that pop into their minds. Maybe it would be better to let things pass rather than throw insults? I have more than once put my foot in my mouth by letting someone get under my skin but I have learned that this is a forum, not the be all to most and none of it is all that serious.

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If Grigson is gone so will the rest of the coaches.  New GM's like to bring in their own guys that they trust and can rely on to make sure the GM keeps his job.  I wont say it never happens I am sure it has...  But dont expect Pags back next season.  


I am not sold on the fact he actually wants to be back working for Grigson anyway

Unless something crazy happens, like a Superbowl appearance, I expect Pagano gone.  I think he wants out in the worst way possible and doesn't want to work with Grigson anymore, but if they make the SB, it would be hard for him to walk away from the team.  


I heard a good point that Grigson being gone has probably already been decided by Irsay, but I think there is a chance for scenarios to change it.  For example, the team has a very good run in the playoffs and shows it only needs some minor tweaks, like offensive line additions.  But if this team doesn't even make the playoffs and has a high first round pick, I certainly wouldn't trust Grigson to make that pick with his record.  Also, it would prove after all of the money he spent on free agents were a complete waste. 

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Talib's stupid plays at the end of the game and our D won that game.  The offense moved the ball well but Denver didnt look like the same D they looked like against the Packers, and havent looked that way since.


I am not at all narrow minded.  I think Pep got a raw deal.  He has had a top 10 offense since hes been here and #3 ranked last yr.


Luck has been forcing the plays down the field.   The Bills game (IIRC) where we threw like 50 times in a row???  That was on Luck changing the plays.....    Luck is having an off yr.....  he is missing throws high, he is missing his underneath reads, he focuses on one route (usually TY) and locks in on them and forces into DBL or triple coverage when he has other open options.  The NE game had about as good a game plan as we have had this yr.  UNTIL the second half when Pags to Pep to change it up...  we still could've won that game had they not tried that stupid fake punt.


Peps offense looked good with MH running it...  no audibles, just run the play.   Luck changes A LOT of plays and has said he want to push the ball down field.



I hope Chud turns out to be Norv Jr, and we run the table....  But some on here are making him HC after one game...  I suppose I should ignore that line of stupid thinking because there are a lot on here that know very little about football and  they are just fans wanting to talk about their team. And that is OK. But some of you actually know football and are saying similar things.  To many people get drawn into the trap of repeating what the talking heads say and they dont know wth they are talking about half the time because they are just repeating what someone else said.


Grigson did a % job building the lines. Pags has never had this team prepared to start a game.  Luck is not playing well and there are tons of injuries on the team and the easy target was Pep.







But a guy lost his job and it wasn't totally his fault.....

Denver's defense hasn't looked the same since? You mean the whole one game they have played since facing the colts? The game in which their QB's threw 5 interceptions.....that game?

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