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So.....in reference to being fired and speaking about Irsay....."With a new quarterback on the horizion it was good for the long term to perhaps to go in a different direction for the long term good of the franchise".....

So does this verify that not only Irsay is taking Luck, but him wanting Luck may have also had something to do with the Polians dismissal?

If you pull up the podcast its around the 14:20ish mark. (the podcast playback bar is reversed)

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So.....in reference to being fired and speaking about Irsay....."With a new quarterback on the horizion it was good for the long term to perhaps to go in a different direction for the long term good of the franchise".....

So does this verify that not only Irsay is taking Luck, but him wanting Luck may have also had something to do with the Polians dismissal?

If you pull up the podcast its around the 14:20ish mark. (the podcast playback bar is reversed)

Thanks for posting the link.

I'm not sure how to take that comment...you could be right, or maybe that is how Polian saw it and Irsay disagreed, or maybe that's how both Irsay and Polian saw it and he was fired for completely different reasons. Could also mean that with the #1 pick, a QB is on the horizon as in he's there for the taking or trading and Irsay wanted someone else to make the decision as to whether or not the Colts should draft him or trade him. It was a pretty passing comment, and I wish JMV would have picked up on it and pushed Polian a little further.

He gave all the credit for this years draft to Chris, then said it was his fault he never drafted a better QB in April, and that it was his fault? Or words to that effect. Confused me a little....

Standard Polian double speak...what drives me crazy is that in all his parading around today, he has barely mentioned the defense and other mistakes that played into the decision. This team was Peyton Manning from being a playoff contender and with an average or rookie QB would have been no better than 4-8 wins. That tells me there were failures in other parts of the team as well. For the record, I'm not a huge Polian hater, but I think this sort of spin/double talk is one major reason why he was canned.

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Thanks for the link can't get that here in California. Lots of good stuff there. He did say a new QB on the horizon hum. I would love to know what his recommendations were. I also makes me wonder Peyton's future. New QB on the horizon, did Pollian want to pass on the QB & keep Peyton? Or Both Or Did he & Irsay disagree on what the future is? I do think that Chris Pollians draft was a good one this year!!

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Thanks for the link can't get that here in California. Lots of good stuff there. He did say a new QB on the horizon hum. I would love to know what his recommendations were. I also makes me wonder Peyton's future. New QB on the horizon, did Pollian want to pass on the QB & keep Peyton? Or Both Or Did he & Irsay disagree on what the future is? I do think that Chris Pollians draft was a good one this year!!

I definitely got the feeling that he worked up a plan for the Colts future and that Irsay mostly rejected it and wanted to go in a different direction. From what I heard, look for most of the veteran FAs to be gone and a totally new direction. Sounds like even Manning, Saturday, and Wayne aren't safe. This is very tough to contemplate. I know that the NFL is a business, but I've gotten really used to rooting for these guys and, if they all go, it'll take awhile to warm up to the new guys.
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I definitely got the feeling that he worked up a plan for the Colts future and that Irsay mostly rejected it and wanted to go in a different direction. From what I heard, look for most of the veteran FAs to be gone and a totally new direction. Sounds like even Manning, Saturday, and Wayne aren't safe. This is very tough to contemplate. I know that the NFL is a business, but I've gotten really used to rooting for these guys and, if they all go, it'll take awhile to warm up to the new guys.

This is kind of the feeling I got from Irsay's words too. Im just reading between the lines and to me it says they maybe moving on from Manning and the other FA vets too.

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This is kind of the feeling I got from Irsay's words too. Im just reading between the lines and to me it says they maybe moving on from Manning and the other FA vets too.

I hate to say it because I love those guys but I really think moving on is the best option if we want a great football team here for the long term. Manning will certainly give us a lot more wins but even with Manning we have too many weaknesses for another SB victory IMO. People talked about the window closing on these guys years ago and now I think it actually has. We will win more regular season games next year with Manning over Luck but I think we get a SB faster by a complete rebuild starting with Luck.

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Standard Polian double speak...what drives me crazy is that in all his parading around today, he has barely mentioned the defense and other mistakes that played into the decision. This team was Peyton Manning from being a playoff contender and with an average or rookie QB would have been no better than 4-8 wins. That tells me there were failures in other parts of the team as well. For the record, I'm not a huge Polian hater, but I think this sort of spin/double talk is one major reason why he was canned.

So a father tries to give credit to his son for positive accomplishments while diverting negative attention to himself, and you think it's "standard double speak"? I call it being a good father and an honorable professional.

The way that people portray Polian on here you would think that he would be making these public appearances just to turn red in the race, point fingers, and pat himself on the back. It sounded to me that he is making the appearances to thank the fans, say goodbye, and to bolster the guy who fired him in the eyes of anyone who might have a problem with the decision. He sounded more relaxed than I've probably ever heard him. What exactly is the point of dissecting his words and claiming it represents another example of some perceived personality flaw - particularly if you are "not a huge Polian hater". Just a small one I'm guessing.

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I hate to say it because I love those guys but I really think moving on is the best option if we want a great football team here for the long term. Manning will certainly give us a lot more wins but even with Manning we have too many weaknesses for another SB victory IMO. People talked about the window closing on these guys years ago and now I think it actually has. We will win more regular season games next year with Manning over Luck but I think we get a SB faster by a complete rebuild starting with Luck.

I love Manning as much as the next fan and the things he has done for Indy and the Colts franchise in general, but Im really thinking from Irsays own words that Manning will be cut. You're right, and I also agree the window has slammed shut for our current makeup even with a couple upgrades here and there, I just don't think this team is very good. People will say "oh, with Manning we would be a playoff team", Im not so sure about that at all. This team was just horrific this yr. and even Manning would not have been able to overcome it all.

Irsay talked about taking sentimentality out of the situation and was still questioning Mannings health. Said time to move into new era's and rebuilding mode. Those aren't things an owner would say if he's planning on trading the #1 overall pick and moving forward with a 36 yr. old QB. In fact, if that was the plan, I believe the Polians would still be here.

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Sounds alot like Bill was told that Chris was getting fired, someone has to lose their job and all that jazz. Bill likely said "If he goes I go". An honorable thing to do. I would do the same for my son......especially if I was already rich.

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So a father tries to give credit to his son for positive accomplishments while diverting negative attention to himself, and you think it's "standard double speak"? I call it being a good father and an honorable professional.

The way that people portray Polian on here you would think that he would be making these public appearances just to turn red in the race, point fingers, and pat himself on the back. It sounded to me that he is making the appearances to thank the fans, say goodbye, and to bolster the guy who fired him in the eyes of anyone who might have a problem with the decision. He sounded more relaxed than I've probably ever heard him. What exactly is the point of dissecting his words and claiming it represents another example of some perceived personality flaw - particularly if you are "not a huge Polian hater". Just a small one I'm guessing.

Mac, I agree with you to some extent but also feel that Polian knows that his time is over and he will most likely retire. However, his son is still a working man and still needs other opportunities. He may be giving his son positive accomplishments that his son might not have truely earned. In a sense, he's just padding his son's resume.
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Mac, I agree with you to some extent but also feel that Polian knows that his time is over and he will most likely retire. However, his son is still a working man and still needs other opportunities. He may be giving his son positive accomplishments that his son might not have truely earned. In a sense, he's just padding his son's resume.

Entirely possible - part of that "good father" thing I would say. Maybe not bolstering his accomplishments so much as minimizing his role in any deficiencies.

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So a father tries to give credit to his son for positive accomplishments while diverting negative attention to himself, and you think it's "standard double speak"? I call it being a good father and an honorable professional.

The way that people portray Polian on here you would think that he would be making these public appearances just to turn red in the race, point fingers, and pat himself on the back. It sounded to me that he is making the appearances to thank the fans, say goodbye, and to bolster the guy who fired him in the eyes of anyone who might have a problem with the decision. He sounded more relaxed than I've probably ever heard him. What exactly is the point of dissecting his words and claiming it represents another example of some perceived personality flaw - particularly if you are "not a huge Polian hater". Just a small one I'm guessing.

Give it a rest. Polian is a big boy and don't need you to try (unsuccessfully) to spin everything into a Polian lovefest.

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Sounds alot like Bill was told that Chris was getting fired, someone has to lose their job and all that jazz. Bill likely said "If he goes I go". An honorable thing to do. I would do the same for my son......especially if I was already rich.

making perfect sense, and considering bill is about to retire, has a resume taking him to the HOF, and being rich enough, it is nothing serious being let go.

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The Polian PR/Resurrection tour continues. The guy wouldn't give the Indy media the time of the day when he was in charge. Now he is on every outlet local and national. What a hypocrite.

In turn the Indy media did nothing but trash Polian. Seems like they are trying to backtrack a little also.

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The Polian PR/Resurrection tour continues. The guy wouldn't give the Indy media the time of the day when he was in charge. Now he is on every outlet local and national. What a hypocrite.

Let go of the old man. What do you gain by knowing the info.? Time to move on.

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In turn the Indy media did nothing but trash Polian. Seems like they are trying to backtrack a little also.

I believe the Indy media has been professional in their post Polian coverage. Don't forget Polian stopped talking to them while always trying to spin his views with any non local outlet or scribe that would buy into his views.

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Let go of the old man. What do you gain by knowing the info.? Time to move on.

We all should move on...but there has to be a balance. The guy did some good things in his tenure which everyone rightly gives him credit but there is a cult of Polian worshipers who refuse to acknowledge his huge failures and refusal to accept responsibilities.

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I see where you are coming from, but honestly if everything you said was posted in a negative manner because two reporters disagreed with you I think I would quit talking to them also.

I ran a search when it was brought up on the forum recently what Bill had done wrong. After six pages of search history all I found were comments by Phill B and Kravitz.

I'm not defending Polian, but I think I understand why he didn't go out of his way to communicate to the Indy news media.

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We all should move on...but there has to be a balance. The guy did some good things in his tenure which everyone rightly gives him credit but there is a cult of Polian worshipers who refuse to acknowledge his huge failures and refusal to accept responsibilities.

I pointed out weeks ago when others were asking for the firing of Caldwell that it was Polians' fault not being able to pick up talents from the draft in the past several years. Bill's failing to surround Manning with good players were the reason we are such a team now and had only 1 SB. Even when we lost the SB 2 years ago I said we were lacking talents and that was why we fell short in miami.

Now the Polians are fired, which is fair considering their failure on what they are in charge of, but I don't think their not being able to get along with some media guys should be a fair reason to get them fired. To be honest some of the media guys are extremely annoying, just trying to make up some pieces of 'news' to get themselves paid.

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I love Manning as much as the next fan and the things he has done for Indy and the Colts franchise in general, but Im really thinking from Irsays own words that Manning will be cut. You're right, and I also agree the window has slammed shut for our current makeup even with a couple upgrades here and there, I just don't think this team is very good. People will say "oh, with Manning we would be a playoff team", Im not so sure about that at all. This team was just horrific this yr. and even Manning would not have been able to overcome it all.

Irsay talked about taking sentimentality out of the situation and was still questioning Mannings health. Said time to move into new era's and rebuilding mode. Those aren't things an owner would say if he's planning on trading the #1 overall pick and moving forward with a 36 yr. old QB. In fact, if that was the plan, I believe the Polians would still be here.

Good post. Irsay's tone certainly made me feel he was leaning towards Luck.

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People can say what they want about Polian but I'll give him credit for doing this today. Rather people think he was doing it for self promotion (I don't) it can't be easy to go on the radio in a town where you were just fired two days before hand. A lot of people would have declined to do that interview so the fact he did I'll give him credit for. I also give him credit for not being bitter towards the Colts.

I thought he did say something sorta telling in the interview that even JMV didn't seem to pick up on. At point Polian said something about "with a new QB on the horizion." That tells me where Polian thinks they are going in the draft. I hate to say this and I really really hope I am wrong but I think things are starting to trend towards Luck being our QB next season and no Manning. With that said I will also freely admit that it's hard to get a true read on what's going to happen till a new GM is in place.

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In turn the Indy media did nothing but trash Polian. Seems like they are trying to backtrack a little also.

Yep he brought it up in the interview and confirmed something I've thought for a long time. Kravitz and Wilision took a person dislike against them as a dislike towards the whole media. Polian admited that he didn't like them today and I think it has to do with them always working in back handed compliments and the constent crying they did about how Polian wouldn't talk to them. Honestly at times you think they thought Polian was doing a bad job because he wouldn't talk to them and it had nothing to do with the product on the field rather it was good or bad. Polian went out of his way to talk to JMV several times and admited he respected Dakich and the local TV media today. Like most people I don't think he liked people who seemed to have a personal grudge with him.

Polian was no saint and I am not going to try to make him out to be one. In fact I think it was his ego that helped lead to his downfall. With that said it's pretty clear that if you read Wilison and Kravitz over the years they let their personal feelings towards Polian impact their writting at times. I don't have a problem with that part because they get paid to offer their opinions. However I can understand because of those opinions that Polian didn't want to talk to them and frankly the constent crying by Wilison and Kravitz about how Polian wouldn't talk to them wore me out.

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