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I disagree.  Fitz can win you games.  He can't carry your team, but if his play is good enough that he'll win a game or two for you

Fitz is very streaky. He has had stretches where he looks really good at times. This game will be tougher than people think. I have us winning 27-20. I don't like the fact our Secondary is banged up either.

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Huge Colts fan here and hate to disagree with you, but until the Colts show me something else this year I would say we are above average, but definitely not elite. Also you might not want to sleep on the Jets I would say they are at least average, and average/ below average teams have given us trouble in the past at times.



Okay lets be real here, over the past three years this core group on the Colts have beat the Broncos, Seahawks, Ravens, 49ers,  Packers.  This team is elite, they had one bad game and the sky starts to fall.. Another thing, the defense played solid in that game one, if our passing game and play calling is the issue, then there isn't an issue.  Luck will work the kinks out with the receivers and pep :) 

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Okay lets be real here, over the past three years this core group on the Colts have beat the Broncos, Seahawks, Ravens, 49ers,  Packers.  This team is elite, they had one bad game and the sky starts to fall.. Another thing, the defense played solid in that game one, if our passing game and play calling is the issue, then there isn't an issue.  Luck will work the kinks out with the receivers and pep :)

We have had some impressive wins over the last few seasons you are correct, but we have had some embarrassing loses as well. For example the Cardinals, Rams, Cowboys, and Patriots (multiple times) were all blow outs. I am not worried about the Bills game as I believe we showed some positives especially on defense compared to previous years. I also believe once our offense gets the kinks worked out we will be much better. I am just not ready to move the Colts to the elite category just yet due to their performance against the Bills and the multiple blow out loses. I believe we are above average (based off of last year), and have the ability to establish ourselves as an elite team I just haven't seen enough to crown us with that title yet. I am just looking to see if we win comfortably in most of our games this year, and we when we do lose if we are competitive. I understand there will be a fluke game during the season, but over the last couples seasons we have seen multiple blow out loses and I don't believe that qualifies us as a elite team IMO.

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We have had some impressive wins over the last few seasons you are correct, but we have had some embarrassing loses as well. For example the Cardinals, Rams, Cowboys, and Patriots (multiple times) were all blow outs. I am not worried about the Bills game as I believe we showed some positives especially on defense compared to previous years. I also believe once our offense gets the kinks worked out we will be much better. I am just not ready to move the Colts to the elite category just yet due to their performance against the Bills and the multiple blow out loses. I believe we are above average (based off of last year), and have the ability to establish ourselves as an elite team I just haven't seen enough to crown us with that title yet. I am just looking to see if we win comfortably in most of our games this year, and we when we do lose if we are competitive. I understand there will be a fluke game during the season, but over the last couples seasons we have seen multiple blow out loses and I don't believe that qualifies us as a elite team IMO.

Yeah it's like sometimes we don't even show up. The Rams and Cards games blew my mind at how bad we got dominated. The Bills on Sunday reminded me of that except we at least made the score respectable. Not improving against the Pats each time we play them is bothersome as well. I didn't think the Colts would win in the AFC Title Game but I thought it would be fairly close like 7-10 points. Regarding being an Elite team, you would still have to say we are because we made it to the Title Game and have won 11 games 3 seasons in a row. Just haven't been able to beat the Pats.

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What's up with Smith? Still concussion related?


3 of the #Colts 6 cornerbacks haven't practiced either yesterday or today (Greg Toler, Darius Butler, D'Joun Smith). That's not ideal.

— Josh Wilson (@JoshWilsonSB)

September 18, 2015

3 of the #Colts 6 cornerbacks haven't practiced either yesterday or today (Greg Toler, Darius Butler, D'Joun Smith). That's not ideal.

Yeah...... one of those LB's gotta go. We need to bring up Patterson from the PS not McNary



Got your wish on Patterson, and your answer with Smith.

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Huge Colts fan here and hate to disagree with you, but until the Colts show me something else this year I would say we are above average, but definitely not elite. Also you might not want to sleep on the Jets I would say they are at least average, and average/ below average teams have given us trouble in the past at times.

Agreed. Sleeping on the jets is silly especially since the Jets are basically an exact replica of the bills (or close enough anyway)

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Quarterbacks do win games, did you not see what happened when Peyton got injured his final year in Indy?

Take Ty Hilton off colts and colts may lose one, two games at a stretch in a season because of his absence. You take Luck off the colts this year, they go 5-11 at best.

Take Joe Flacco off the Ravens the year they won superbowl, no way they get past Indy or Denver. The quarterback is the most important position on the field, they can win, or lose you games. There is a reason why they get paid that much money.

Take Trent Dilfer off the Ravens when they won back in the days. They couldn't have won without him.


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Yeah it's like sometimes we don't even show up. The Rams and Cards games blew my mind at how bad we got dominated. The Bills on Sunday reminded me of that except we at least made the score respectable. Not improving against the Pats each time we play them is bothersome as well. I didn't think the Colts would win in the AFC Title Game but I thought it would be fairly close like 7-10 points. Regarding being an Elite team, you would still have to say we are because we made it to the Title Game and have won 11 games 3 seasons in a row. Just haven't been able to beat the Pats.

Dominating defensive fronts (Rams, Cards, Bills) and the Pats Run Game are the Colts nemesis. Just a case of severe mismatches, the Jets could cause problems, their strength hits us right in a weakness imho.

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Yeah it's like sometimes we don't even show up. The Rams and Cards games blew my mind at how bad we got dominated. The Bills on Sunday reminded me of that except we at least made the score respectable. Not improving against the Pats each time we play them is bothersome as well. I didn't think the Colts would win in the AFC Title Game but I thought it would be fairly close like 7-10 points. Regarding being an Elite team, you would still have to say we are because we made it to the Title Game and have won 11 games 3 seasons in a row. Just haven't been able to beat the Pats.

Very nice post. I guess all in all I agree with you through most of it. I just tend to not put the Colts in the Elite category until we start to see more wins against more playoff teams during the regular season. I am not saying your opinion is wrong as some people would agree with you. I guess the best thing for me to say is I am reserving judgement until I see more this season.

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Very nice post. I guess all in all I agree with you through most of it. I just tend to not put the Colts in the Elite category until we start to see more wins against more playoff teams during the regular season. I am not saying your opinion is wrong as some people would agree with you. I guess the best thing for me to say is I am reserving judgement until I see more this season.

Yeah I don't blame you really. It's games like last week that have people scratching their heads. Me as well.

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We have had some impressive wins over the last few seasons you are correct, but we have had some embarrassing loses as well. For example the Cardinals, Rams, Cowboys, and Patriots (multiple times) were all blow outs. I am not worried about the Bills game as I believe we showed some positives especially on defense compared to previous years. I also believe once our offense gets the kinks worked out we will be much better. I am just not ready to move the Colts to the elite category just yet due to their performance against the Bills and the multiple blow out loses. I believe we are above average (based off of last year), and have the ability to establish ourselves as an elite team I just haven't seen enough to crown us with that title yet. I am just looking to see if we win comfortably in most of our games this year, and we when we do lose if we are competitive. I understand there will be a fluke game during the season, but over the last couples seasons we have seen multiple blow out loses and I don't believe that qualifies us as a elite team IMO.



Okay I can agree with that, this season will tell a lot! 

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I think the Bills are better than the Jets and we are at home but it still probably wont be easy. I have the Colts winning by 7.

i also think the Colts are going to be motivated by the bad taste in their mouths from the Bills game. Still having three of your top four corners out will have an impact against any team.
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It's the closest position in terms of skills and knowing what needs doing.... who else would you put back there.....


I'd do just what Grigson did.


We're going to be very short-handed.


It's Vonte...   and then Brown, Price and Patterson.


We have to hope that the Jets having Fitzpatrick balances that out.  


Against a better QB,  we'd be toast.   But hopefully,  we can blitz Fitz and protect our corners.


Not sure there's another choice.     Can't remember a team losing corners 2, 3 and 4 like this in one week.

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Some of our defensive problems in the Pagano era have been coaching, but honestly when you look at things personnel wise I think things are just now trending towards something promising.  Before this I'm not sure that Pagano and Manusky have had the guys in place that they've needed to make the scheme work at it's highest level of production.  I like Grigson, but I will place a nice portion of that blame on him especially along the defensive line. This year I'm more encouraged by what he's put there, although can't say I'm all the way confident with the group we have in the secondary outside of Vontae and maybe Toler(and he's kind of an up and down player).  Butler is a good player, but I'm starting to feel like he's trending downward.  I just don't see him making the same plays anymore in the slot or on the outside.  I think Djoun Smith is going to be a good player but more of a Nickel type of guy similar to Butler( I could be wrong but right now that's what I see). In my eyes I think we need another good young tall corner who can come in and keep things going when Toler gets hurt.  That will keep us from moving the guy who is playing nickel to the outside. As for right now that guy will have to be Jalil Brown who I like from a size standpoint. Just need to see him play some more.


Now I do like Clayton Geathers as a hitter but I need to watch a couple more games to shape my opinion of him as a cover man.  Mike Adams is an old vet who is dependable although I still think we need to be younger and athletic back there. A little youthful swag and cockiness wouldn't hurt to me as long as they are intelligent players.  Now to Grigsons credit he's kept guys like Winston Guy and Dewey Mcdonald around who have that size and speed you're looking for. The problem is we've just never seen them play so you don't know if there's a solution there or not.   I'm still feeling out Dwight Lowery who was criticized for his pass coverage with other teams.  From what I've seen so far I think he'll be okay in that department but I think he's kind of soft for a big man in run support.  As I've stated previously I'll keep and open mind and hope he proves me wrong. 

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