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SNF- Giants Vs Cowboys


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Just wow.


Why did they pass? If they run and get stopped, they take 40 seconds off the clock and the Cowboys have a minute to do something.


Who thought of that play, the Seahawks OC?


Game over.


Cowboys win.


Now for Romo to blow down the field for the game winning TD.


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Also, how many times have I been right in predicting this stuff?


if the Giants run, either A) They get in, go up 2 scores


B) They get stopped, take 40+ seconds off  the clock.


If it's 4th down, I go for it again. If you get stopped again, Dallas has to go 98 or 99 yards to score with less than a minute to go.

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I'm not sure its above 50%. You been wrong about Brady last minute before.


I called the Super Bowl for you guys, the Ravens playoff game, that Browns game where the Patriots recovered the onside kick, the Saints game, and I'm sure there's another one or two in there.


Only ones I remember missing are the 2013 Dolphins loss and last year's GB game.


My correct predictions have been more significant for you than my wrong ones.

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I called the Super Bowl for you guys, the Ravens playoff game, that Browns game where the Patriots recovered the onside kick, and I'm sure there's another one or two in between.


Only ones I remember missing are the 2013 Dolphins loss and last year's GB game.


My correct predictions have been more significant for you than my wrong ones.

true but a lotta times during games you'll go great now Brady will just march down the field. He's good but not god :)

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true but a lotta times during games you'll go great now Brady will just march down the field. He's good but not god :)


Just to get it off my chest early next week:


If the Bills are leading by one possession late in the 4th quarter, on their final drive, they will punt after 3 plays, and then Brady will blow down the field for the easy TD.

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If it's 4th down, I go for it again. If you get stopped again, Dallas has to go 98 or 99 yards to score with less than a minute to go.

I agree 100%. So many coaches choose to go for the field goal in that scenario. It is a "not-to-lose" approach.

That is a terrible loss for the Giants. In his press conference, Tom Coughlin took the blame for not running the ball on 3RD and 1 but he did not regret going for the FG. He said that if he has a chance to get points, he takes the points. I don't like that approach. Going up by 6 points is not enough. Ugh.

I always want the Cowboys to lose.

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I agree 100%. So many coaches choose to go for the field goal in that scenario. It is a "not-to-lose" approach.

That is a terrible loss for the Giants. In his press conference, Tom Coughlin took the blame for not running the ball on 3RD and 1 but he did not regret going for the FG. He said that if he has a chance to get points, he takes the points. I don't like that approach. Going up by 6 points is not enough. Ugh.

I always want the Cowboys to lose.


I mean, the only hole in my argument is that Dallas would still trail by 3, so they could drive 65 yards to get in a position to tie the game with 45ish seconds (most likely less than that) left. But if they were to drive that far in that situation the Giants would deserve to lose anyway for not stopping them.


Week 4 I think is Patriots @ Cowboys. Very tough choice there. Already decided on cheering for the Cowboys though. A Patriots loss would at least help the AFC and AFC East teams. Kind of like having to pick between Pats and Jets, but for around 3 hours or so I become a die hard Jets fan because the Patriots loss would be more significant than the Jets win.

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I mean, the only hole in my argument is that Dallas would still trail by 3, so they could drive 65 yards to get in a position to tie the game with 45ish seconds (most likely less than that) left. But if they were to drive that far in that situation the Giants would deserve to lose anyway for not stopping them.

Better to give up the tie than the win. At least with a tie, the Giants have a chance to get the ball back.

In this scenario (by the goal line, up by 3 with less than 2 minutes), I think the best option is to try to score on 4th down (as you wrote in your earlier post). If the Giants score a TD, they win. If they don't score. the Cowboys have to go the length of the field from their 1 or 2 yard line. It puts a lot more pressure on Romo and the Cowboys. They have to guard against the sack/safety in endzone, etc...and we know what happens to Romo in these situations -- he often fumbles or throws the INT.

Ugh. I wanted the Giants to win.

I am pleased that the Vikings don't have to play you guys again this year. Best of luck to the Bills against the Pats. You have a good chance to win. :D

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Just terrible clock management.

And why did the clock not run when they declined defensive offsides on the first down by OBJ? Clock should have all but ran out between the two.



I think you are right....that's a mistake by the refs. I thought that clock should have run.


The jump offsides falls in this rule: pic.twitter.com/OKy33XvxA4

— Pete Prisco (@PriscoCBS)

September 14, 2015


It's an NFL rule that the game clock will start on the snap within the final five minutes of the second half after a down that includes the clock stopping after a foul by either team, regardless of whether the penalty was accepted or declined.

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On the pass- it's go for the jugular but at the least should have taken a sack or run for a couple yards.


The FG is the correct move because a PI or just some good passes can get you down for a FG.


Neither is really incorrect- just a gut feel call by a coach, It's incorrect when it doesn't work

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