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Peyton says Brady apologized for private emails


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Peyton said Brady apologized to him for the private email between him and his friend about Peyton only having 2 years left to play.


Direct quotes from Peyton:


Manning addressed the emails for the first time on Wednesday, after Broncos practice.

"Everybody has been speculating on that for a long time, so I guess he's joining the list of trying to predict,'' Manning said. "Hey, Tom sent me an apology text that was unnecessary. The fact his emails got revealed, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.''


"No harm, no foul, I didn't think a lot of it,'' Manning said. "Somebody said I was roasted, I've been roasted before and that is not roasted. I haven't been on a Comedy Central roast, but I've been to a couple private dinners and banquets where I didn't know it was going to turn into a roast of me, but it did. I can promise you that email was amateur night compared to some of the things that were said about me.''




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Not surprising Peyton took a high road here. To me, that is the closest he has come to defending Brady, IMO, albeit indirectly in the form of expressing surprise over divulgence of private emails.


Peyton didn't even need to have brought it up but he wanted to bring it up so that the media could see that Brady and him are still friends, while being competitors. He did take a shot at the unnecessary exposure by whoever of the private email, and that was not going to faze their relationship, IMO. It just goes to show me the Brady vs Peyton thing is a bigger media and fan creation than thought by the players themselves. They both are secure in their own place in history.

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Peyton said Brady apologized to him for the private email between him and his friend about Peyton only having 2 years left to play.


Direct quotes from Peyton:


Manning addressed the emails for the first time on Wednesday, after Broncos practice.

"Everybody has been speculating on that for a long time, so I guess he's joining the list of trying to predict,'' Manning said. "Hey, Tom sent me an apology text that was unnecessary. The fact his emails got revealed, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me.''


"No harm, no foul, I didn't think a lot of it,'' Manning said. "Somebody said I was roasted, I've been roasted before and that is not roasted. I haven't been on a Comedy Central roast, but I've been to a couple private dinners and banquets where I didn't know it was going to turn into a roast of me, but it did. I can promise you that email was amateur night compared to some of the things that were said about me.''

Just curious for your opinion here.  If what Brady did really wasn't anything bad, as you claim, why would he apologize?

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When this story broke, I thought to myself it must be a slow news day. I know the mutual respect these 2 HOF QBs have for each other. I just chalked it up to Tom being competitive & nothing more. 


Peyton took just the right approach here. We are still close friends & this media obsession to create a rift means virtually nothing. 

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Tom was just assaying what we all talk about concerbing peyton's longevity.

I dont see how it can be considered an insult and Peyton didn't think so either.

Now :Peyton could have suggested that Tom will have plenty of time to worry about his retirement plans the first 4 weeks of this season...


..but Peyton probably wouldnt do that

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Just curious for your opinion here.  If what Brady did really wasn't anything bad, as you claim, why would he apologize?



Because everyone else seemed to make a big deal of it.    


You apologize to be gracious on the off-chance that Peyton might have been offended.


You don't assume it's not a big deal even if that's what you think privately.    You extend the offer,  and allow Peyton to be the classy guy he is and accept the apology and comment that the apology wasn't even necessary.


Two classy guys doing the right thing.

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Darn you Peyton, your just so flipping.............................nice... and seem like such a great human being.


I burst out laughing when I read that M-432. It's the 1st thing that popped into my head. Peyton is so polished & polite 24/7 that I'm in awe. Archie & Olivia raised a saint. You're a better man than I to always go above the fray & find the silver lining in any situation Manning. 


Just once I wanna see 18 riled up just so I know he's human. Only teasing! 

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Because everyone else seemed to make a big deal of it.    


You apologize to be gracious on the off-chance that Peyton might have been offended.


You don't assume it's not a big deal even if that's what you think privately.    You extend the offer,  and allow Peyton to be the classy guy he is and accept the apology and comment that the apology wasn't even necessary.


Two classy guys doing the right thing.

Well said NCF. As much as Brady's refusal to own up to his role in Deflate Gate disappoints me, I do admire how 2 elite competitors have a healthy respect for the other one's talents. Plus, they check in with each other once in awhile to assure one another that whatever the media may say about them as rivals is trivial in the longrun & I like that. 

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I burst out laughing when I read that M-432. It's the 1st thing that popped into my head. Peyton is so polished & polite 24/7 that I'm in awe. Archie & Olivia raised a saint. You're a better man than I to always go above the fray & find the silver lining in any situation Manning.

Just once I wanna see 18 riled up just so I know he's human. Only teasing!

Indeed he is, just an incredible pro in both football and the game of life.

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Just curious for your opinion here.  If what Brady did really wasn't anything bad, as you claim, why would he apologize?

Pretty much what NFC said on this.


But I do think what Brady's friend said in those emails was offensive so I would imagine that Brady was apologizing for that as well as for the negative media attention overall given the media blew the story up. But, as many of us have been saying, that is the type of person Brady is despite all the aspersions many here have cast against his character the last few months, he will apologize even over a private email where nothing of ill intent was said by him because Peyton is his friend and it matters to him that their relationship not take a hit over something that was supposed to stay private to being with. And also, what caught my attention here is Peyton is the one saying that Brady apologized. It is not like Brady stood on the roof tops after those emails came out and screamed "I apologized to Peyton." Nope. He did it privately as his nature and Peyton chose to say what he did which reflects so well on both of them and shows that Peyton really values their friendship too. To be honest, reading this story made me really happy. As another poster said, this has been the best rivalry in sports IMO and the cherry on top is the friendship between the two.

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