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Falcons fined and lose draft pick


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Waiting to see the patriots penalized

Most think it will be a small fine as the Wells report will have a tough time proving the tampering. I am hopeful in light of the news on these two teams that the Wells report is not far behind. It is time already to be done with it.

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Most think it will be a small fine as the Wells report will have a tough time proving the tampering. I am hopeful in light of the news on these two teams that the Wells report is not far behind. It is time already to be done with it.

I agree it will be hard to prove who did what or anything. If the balls are a over a lb under the science won't add up as it was just the temp but it still would be hard to prove. I'm ready to move on. I'm sure they would do it before the draft if it involved pick as a penalty. I hope we don't start another thread on this though.

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Its the 2016 draft where they lose a pick. I'm guessing that's what that poster meant


Oh, my bad. I didn't realize it was a 2016 pick.


I was going to say earlier, I don't think pumping in crowd noise is the most terrible thing of all time ever. Obviously it's wrong, but I think a mid round pick makes sense. I'm surprised it's next year's pick. That's weird. That would be like suspending the Browns GM for the first four games in 2016.

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Don't matter. They have the easiest schedule in the league next year, with only 2 playoff teams (Indy and Dallas) and only 3 teams with a winning record counting Philadelphia on their schedule. 


I will not be surprised if the Saints screw around next year and then Atlanta has a winning season, their band wagon gets huge (as always) and then they lose in the first round like they always do. 

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The reports said that the Atlanta Falcons were piping in crowd noise for the last 2 years. I'm kinda with our moderator on this. Not that much of big deal to me. However, a big deal where it is concerned from the NFL. Rules are rules. The NFL is a HUGE stickler about these being adhered to by every single team. But, when it comes to doling out punishments ... That's another story. :)

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The reports said that the Atlanta Falcons were piping in crowd noise for the last 2 years. I'm kinda with our moderator on this. Not that much of big deal to me. However, a big deal where it is concerned from the NFL. Rules are rules. The NFL is a HUGE stickler about these being adhered to by every single team. But, when it comes to doling out punishments ... That's another story. :)

How is deliberately breaking the rules in order to gain a competitive advantage not a big deal at all?

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How is deliberately breaking the rules in order to gain a competitive advantage not a big deal at all?

wig, I did not say it wasn't a big deal "at all". I said it was, "not that much of big deal to me". "at all" v. "Not that much" does by definition create the difference. As I said, rules are rules, and Atlanta received punishment for breaking NFL protocol with regard to that violation.

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I'm kind of surprised the penalty on the Falcons was that light. It should have been $500K & a 1st round draft pick this year at a minimum. 


Pumping in fake noise can really alter how a team implements plays & it can affect the QB's cadence, snap count, & linemen movement. Atlanta got off easy. 

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"...Roddy White, the Falcons' former director of marketing -- not the four-time Pro Bowl receiver, was "directly responsible for the violation."

What rationale did Mr. White use for doing this exactly? Who thinks #1 that it's a good idea & #2 that he wasn't going to get busted for doing it? 
I wanna hear Mr. White speak next. If he admits he messed up & he seems genuinely remorseful, this story will die & he will move beyond this scandal. I just don't like his arrogance here in doing this. 
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not like it helped them win haha

Good point CR91. If you do something illegal & still lose & then get penalized, your team looks both incompetent & pathetic because you gained no advantage whatsoever & still paid a price. Ouch...


Suddenly the slogan "Dirty Birds" takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it? Sorry Mr. Blank. You seem like a nice owner who deserves much better representation from your employees than this.

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I'm kind of surprised the penalty on the Falcons was that light. It should have been $500K & a 1st round draft pick this year at a minimum. 


Pumping in fake noise can really alter how a team implements plays & it can affect the QB's cadence, snap count, & linemen movement. Atlanta got off easy. 


If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.

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If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.

Not allowing someone to break the rules in a premeditated nature is ruining the game.

And saying it shouldn't affect a offense is just crazy. Louder stadiums have better hometowns advantages. It's a reward for having great fans. Why not just let them pump insanely loud music and tell fans to sit back and not worry about cheering.

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If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.


Oh stop.


Sports is about a set of arbitrary rules that everyone agrees to conform to. When one team chooses not to, they gain an advantage over the others. When a violation occurs, it should be dealt with. 


I haven't heard any of the teams that might have lost to the Falcons over the last two years (can't have been many of them) complaining about this issue. It was reported, investigated, and now it's being punished. That's how it should go, and that's what the Falcons -- and everyone else -- signed up for. Holding teams accountable when they break the rules isn't ruining anything. It's what's always been done.

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If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.


i wouldnt say pumping crowd noise into the stadium is a minor rule violation..  its well known that crowd noise can really hinder offenses, cause false starts, cause miscommunications between the QB and offensive coordinator, etc..


This is one of the most blatant forms of cheating and definitely impacts the game in a competitive way.  The Falcons definitely got off easy on this one, probably because Goodell has pity for them

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If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.

I have nothing against legitimate crowd noise. When that occurs, you just have the QB go into silent snap count & adjust accordingly. However, pumping in sound illegally is an entirely different matter. Show me in either the Collective Bargaining Agreement or the referee rule book where artificial crowd noise is permitted exactly? 

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i wouldnt say pumping crowd noise into the stadium is a minor rule violation..  its well known that crowd noise can really hinder offenses, cause false starts, cause miscommunications between the QB and offensive coordinator, etc..


This is one of the most blatant forms of cheating and definitely impacts the game in a competitive way.  The Falcons definitely got off easy on this one, probably because Goodell has pity for them

Bingo! I'm really disappointed in Goodell here. I can't understand why the Commissioner was so lenient in this case because artifical sound that can be contained & funneled into a specific area inside a stadium against one's adversary places them at a huge advantage & let's say for instance that a coach lost their job because he always got migraines twice a year in the division because the white noise became so overwhelming he was unable to concentrate yet against every other team he was perfectly fine. Wouldn't you fine that circumstance odd? That only against the Falcons did you experience splitting headaches from white noise. 


I have no problem compensating for the loud roar of opposing fans, but violating fair play like Atlanta did is totally unacceptable & the sledge hammer should have been dropped to scare other teams straight & prevent any other team from duplicating this deliberate infraction. I hope Roger didn't allow Michael Vick's dog fighting scandal to soften his stance on the Falcon's punishment here for the owner himself. I have no proof of this naturally. I am only speculating outloud. 

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I wonder just how "loud" the noise really was. Was it recognizable right away? Was it game changing? Was it creating a difference on the field of play? Was it compensatory equality from lack of fan base? And finally, how long did it take the powers that be to be informed about this after 2 years of running it? Like I said earlier, not much of a big deal to me. However, the NFL and the rest of the teams adhering to the rules? Most certainly. And they did receive punishment. Severe? Probably not enough in the eyes of most. But then, that's usually the case. I guarantee it will not happen again without mountainous after effects. Just my 2 cents. Literally to some. But I'm not known as a "crusher" when it comes to punishment except for the fact of "criminal" behavior against society's innocents.

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Not allowing someone to break the rules in a premeditated nature is ruining the game.

And saying it shouldn't affect a offense is just crazy. Louder stadiums have better hometowns advantages. It's a reward for having great fans. Why not just let them pump insanely loud music and tell fans to sit back and not worry about cheering.

Not only that the location & configuration of the stadium matters too. Let's look at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. The Chiefs play in a bottle neck stadium where sound & wind linger & can be a disruptive factor for the opposition. If hypothetically speaking HC Andy Reid strategically placed small, but loud speaks on the visitor's sideline & had noise pumped in on a bad night with wind, rain, & noise; the Chiefs would have an enormous advantage if they tried this shady Falcons tactic IMO. 



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I wonder just how "loud" the noise really was. Was it recognizable right away? Was it game changing? Was it creating a difference on the field of play? Was it compensatory equality from lack of fan base? And finally, how long did it take the powers that be to be informed about this after 2 years of running it? Like I said earlier, not much of a big deal to me. However, the NFL and the rest of the teams adhering to the rules? Most certainly. And they did receive punishment. Severe? Probably not enough in the eyes of most. But then, that's usually the case. I guarantee it will not happen again without mountainous after effects. Just my 2 cents. Literally to some. But I'm not known as a "crusher" when it comes to punishment except for the fact of "criminal" behavior against society's innocents.

Your questions do bring up an interesting inquiry gf57young...When was the artificial distortion flipped on? All game long or just in the 2nd half? What adjective best describes the noise itself? Piercing, overpowering, a constant repetitious thud, echo boomeranging, mind numbing feedback? 


Or was it like a creaking door sound in a haunted house that keep coordinators & coaches distracted from the task at hand like their mind was playing tricks on them like being unable to pinpoint where a sound is coming from. 

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its well known that crowd noise can really hinder offenses, cause false starts, cause miscommunications between the QB and offensive coordinator, etc..


And that's my point...when you are a road team, you have to plan for the likelihood that the crowd is going to be loud and hostile and you should be prepared for it when it happens. Just because that crowd noise happened to be enhanced isn't an excuse for your team to perform poorly because you should have come to the game expecting 70,000 people screaming their heads off for the entire game. When my team's offense is confused and committing false start penalties on the road, I'm not going to excuse it by saying "oh - well the REAL crowd was quiet..it was artificial noise so it's ok that we weren't prepared for it to be loud"

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If you are a road team, and you are negatively impacted by loud crowd noise (whether it's genuine or artificial), that's on you. I really hate how this league has turned into a non-stop excuse making exercise for those who lost. Part of the charm of sports is the gamesmanship. All this whining about these minor rules infractions just reeks of the takeover of sports by the entitled generation of kids who never participated in a single sporting even unless there were adult coaches, uniforms, and referees. If you grew up playing pick up baseball or basketball, backyard touch football, or street hockey where there were no coaches and you called your own fouls, then you are shaking your head at all this nonsense. It's really ruining the game.

It is not on you. There are rules about crowd noise especially when it is manufactured by a team to create a competitive advantage. This isn't gamesmanship either. They broke a rule that is very clear and this isn't school yard football either. This is the pros where the stadiums have 60,000 + fans to make noise.

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