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Is Indy Loosing Combine due to Pence signing RFRA?


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Exactly right, Scooter

..Events that have choices...will choose the non-controversial ones..or they'll lose sponsors

The Governor didn't think of that...and now he's thinking of a way to un-break this egg

Looks like there are some "clarifications" occurring...


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Oh man, this feels like a personal challenge to not get political with this. Here goes.

The NFL already threatened Arizona with the Superbowl, so I find it difficult to believe they would ignore this. They're probably just weighing their options right now. I don't know if they'll move the Combine, but I expect that we won't get a serious look for another Superbowl any time soon. I believe Gencon has reversed their position after multiple Indy businesses reached out to them, so they might stick around. I wouldn't be surprised to see the NCAA make some changes though.

There are so many other states that have similar laws that I think their options are limited to two choices if they don't want to look foolish. They either have to pick a state that doesn't have an existing RFRA or pick one that has one, but also has an additional anti-discrimination law in place protecting certain groups (e.g. Illinois).

You showed everyone how to present your thoughts without talking politics. Excellent job!

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The thing is 19 other states have laws just like this and NOONE is complaining about them. 31 states have religious freedom laws all together. People should be banning Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Virginia and others.

Edited to avoid Political discussions

Well I think there is a 0% chance of a Superbowl being played in VA or Kentucky. Virginia is an annoying place to live, believe me I've been here almost 30 years.

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He's moonwalking like Michael Jackson...and he has to...

The governor in Indiana is so insulated because we're virtually a 1-party state.

He didn't have any idea about the impact of the reason behind this law. No clue

there will be some anxious phone calls this weekend.

I'm sure the NFL, NBA and NCAA have all called and said....'You need to fix this'

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I would guess the combine would stay but the NFL cant have the Super Bowl in Indy until that law is repealed or ruled unconstitutional

if that were the case they couldn't have the Super Bowl anywhere in America since it's already federal law, plus 30 states already have a similiar law or case law supporting it. I'm not a fan of the law but the media is leaving out a lot of facts.
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if that were the case they couldn't have the Super Bowl anywhere in America since it's already federal law, plus 30 states already have a similiar law or case law supporting it. I'm not a fan of the law but the media is leaving out a lot of facts.

One of the biggest sticking points in the IN law is that IN currently doesn't have anti-discrimination legislation for homosexuals. I don't know how many of the other states do. Illinois does...Kentucky does not (I don't think).


Looking at a map of the states with protections similar to RFRA gives me the impression that it's probably a mixed bag between those that do have anti-discrimination and those that don't. Based on that same map, there are only about five or six states with NFL teams that don't have something similar to RFRA. The sports leagues will certainly have to come up with some good reasons to move their operations if they choose to go from one RFRA state to another.

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The law will have an effect on all the events you just mentioned...This is a very big deal..

It's just a giant misunderstanding. I will guarantee that ncaa and future Super Bowl events will not pull out. My reasonings for this is where I draw the line because it is political.
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It's just a giant misunderstanding. I will guarantee that ncaa and future Super Bowl events will not pull out. My reasonings for this is where I draw the line because it is political.

Angie's List canceling $40M Eastside expansion over RFRA

Angie's List CEO Bill Oesterle announced Saturday, March 28, 2015, the company will pull out of a pending expansion deal, which could've meant 1,000 local jobs, due to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Charlie Nye/The Star.



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Just to be clear...this is about the impact of pulling the combine out of Indy and not the merits of the bill or Gov Pence.


I don't follow Indy politics but I see the NFL, NBA, NCAA and several of the amateur organizations are pretty po'd that Gov. Pence signed the RFRA and are threatening to pull their events out of the state. Haven't lived in Indy since 1980 so I don't really have a dog in the fight but wouldn't that be pretty devastating if they followed through with their threats?





I live in Indy.  I believe there may be large consequences for this law being passed.  As for anything with the NFL, I don't know.  But, it wouldn't surprise me.  Good or bad, I've received statements via email from several businesses on their stance on the whole thing; including the Indiana Pacers.  

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Oh man, this feels like a personal challenge to not get political with this. Here goes.


The NFL already threatened Arizona with the Superbowl, so I find it difficult to believe they would ignore this. They're probably just weighing their options right now. I don't know if they'll move the Combine, but I expect that we won't get a serious look for another Superbowl any time soon. I believe Gencon has reversed their position after multiple Indy businesses reached out to them, so they might stick around. I wouldn't be surprised to see the NCAA make some changes though.


There are so many other states that have similar laws that I think their options are limited to two choices if they don't want to look foolish. They either have to pick a state that doesn't have an existing RFRA or pick one that has one, but also has an additional anti-discrimination law in place protecting certain groups (e.g. Illinois).    

I was thinking about Arizona as well.

Also Salesforce is not happy http://fox59.com/2015/03/26/ncaa-salesforce-raise-concerns-about-traveling-to-indiana-after-gov-pence-signs-rfra/


I would say yes, odds are this will impact the combine and events in Indy in general.  Right now it looks like everybody hates Indiana

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The bottom line is its all of our faults those of us who live in Indiana have created a majority that can and does as it pleases been like that for several years .


I'v sat in these meetings watching & listening there opinions are set in stone I personally have been effected in a negative way & still am but no one cares when you trample the rights of a Union bricklayer .


Now people care a lil because they now see what many in Indianapolis have seen a majority that can pass laws at will , We have just seen this in recent years nationally .


And it has devastating results & we will pay for years unfortunately . Phone calls & e-mails flooding switchboards with your opinions is the only way they hear us ,


I see your thoughts & opinions those who created this problem need to in mass honestly if they had we would not be talking about this .


And our state would not have just stepped backwards into a time warp that would put 1 persons rights over another .

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The bottom line is its all of our faults those of us who live in Indiana have created a majority that can and does as it pleases been like that for several years .


I'v sat in these meetings watching & listening there opinions are set in stone I personally have been effected in a negative way & still am but no one cares when you trample the rights of a Union bricklayer .


Now people care a lil because they now see what many in Indianapolis have seen a majority that can pass laws at will , We have just seen this in recent years nationally .


And it has devastating results & we will pay for years unfortunately . Phone calls & e-mails flooding switchboards with your opinions is the only way they hear us ,


I see your thoughts & opinions those who created this problem need to in mass honestly if they had we would not be talking about this .


And our state would not have just stepped backwards into a time warp that would put 1 persons rights over another .

I understand that people feel strongly about this on both sides.  But for the sake of keeping things civil, we really need to keep this topic focused on the NFL repercussions



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I understand that people feel strongly about this on both sides.  But for the sake of keeping things civil, we really need to keep this topic focused on the NFL repercussions



 My bad Nadine I'm trying to walk this tight rope .


We are a small market will this effect my Colts financially with sponsors & if so could our Colts move to L.A  a more liberal city .

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Angie's List canceling $40M Eastside expansion over RFRA

Angie's List CEO Bill Oesterle announced Saturday, March 28, 2015, the company will pull out of a pending expansion deal, which could've meant 1,000 local jobs, due to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Charlie Nye/The Star.


Eh... There's a few businesses that are saying that. But it's looking more like unprofitable businesses looking for a scapegoat to move or downsize. Angie's List apparently had a hard time getting that loan if it tells you anything. It's all mumbo jumbo talk. I still don't expect to see much.

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The bottom line is its all of our faults those of us who live in Indiana have created a majority that can and does as it pleases been like that for several years .


I'v sat in these meetings watching & listening there opinions are set in stone I personally have been effected in a negative way & still am but no one cares when you trample the rights of a Union bricklayer .


Now people care a lil because they now see what many in Indianapolis have seen a majority that can pass laws at will , We have just seen this in recent years nationally .


And it has devastating results & we will pay for years unfortunately . Phone calls & e-mails flooding switchboards with your opinions is the only way they hear us ,


I see your thoughts & opinions those who created this problem need to in mass honestly if they had we would not be talking about this .


And our state would not have just stepped backwards into a time warp that would put 1 persons rights over another .

People do care, Adonis.  It just seems not the ones in the right position.  For anyone in Indy, our morning show on WZPL 99.5 is having Pence on the air to discuss it.  He's been on the show before.  I'm afraid I might be walking into a hornets nest in the morning just simply going into work.  But, whatever side you're on, it's a good time to call in and voice your concerns.

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People do care, Adonis.  It just seems not the ones in the right position.  For anyone in Indy, our morning show on WZPL 99.5 is having Pence on the air to discuss it.  He's been on the show before.  I'm afraid I might be walking into a hornets nest in the morning just simply going into work.  But, whatever side you're on, it's a good time to call in and voice your concerns.


Thank You for your post .


As a Californian I take great pride in being different hence the Adonis & the Clown pic being different & having views that reflect our differences makes life less boring IMO .


In a perfect world people would understand that its our differences & abilities & how we treat each other that  matters & its just not enough to speak into a computer the words we should all say out loud .


Never be afraid to speak up Q Bee there is right & there is wrong - My fear is silence .

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People do care, Adonis.  It just seems not the ones in the right position.  For anyone in Indy, our morning show on WZPL 99.5 is having Pence on the air to discuss it.  He's been on the show before.  I'm afraid I might be walking into a hornets nest in the morning just simply going into work.  But, whatever side you're on, it's a good time to call in and voice your concerns.

On the off chance he needs a new press secretary..here's a chance to slip him a resume, RG

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On the off chance he needs a new press secretary..here's a chance to slip him a resume, RG

HAHAHA!!!  I have way too many skeletons in my closet and a way too colorful past to EVER go into politics.  Plus, I have a problem keeping my mouth shut.  I probably ought to just stick with radio!  

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But Narco..that was the motivation behind the law and everyone knows it..

Its a backlash against the same sex marriage movement...

The NFL, NBA and NCAA have little or nothing to do with that but the mistake is:

The Governor forced them to take a side and there's only one side those organiozatins can take, see?

..Its an unintended consequence..that someone on his staff should have forseen.

The NBA, NFL and NCAA will face protests at their events..if they side with the Governor

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Thank You for your post .


As a Californian I take great pride in being different hence the Adonis & the Clown pic being different & having views that reflect our differences makes life less boring IMO .


In a perfect world people would understand that its our differences & abilities & how we treat each other that  matters & its just not enough to speak into a computer the words we should all say out loud .


Never be afraid to speak up Q Bee there is right & there is wrong - My fear is silence .

One thing you can count on, my friend.  The Q Bee is NEVER silent!  HA!  And, yes, with 3 chinese girls and 3 caucasian children; we love color and differences of all kind.  Everyone matters and everyone is special!

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HAHAHA!!!  I have way too many skeletons in my closet and a way too colorful past to EVER go into politics.  Plus, I have a problem keeping my mouth shut.  I probably ought to just stick with radio!  

Plus you have me as a husband with no 'checkers' left and no filter either.  Stay with radio my baby!!!  :)

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On the record, Governor Pence is moving forward with legislation to 'clarify' this law.  Indianapolis, and Indiana folks welcome everyone.  Once the law is clarified as to not discriminate, there will not be a problem with NFL or the collegiate side.  Time for all to take a chill pill.  

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People do care, Adonis.  It just seems not the ones in the right position.  For anyone in Indy, our morning show on WZPL 99.5 is having Pence on the air to discuss it.  He's been on the show before.  I'm afraid I might be walking into a hornets nest in the morning just simply going into work.  But, whatever side you're on, it's a good time to call in and voice your concerns.

Phone # and can you get this on the net ?

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On the record, Governor Pence is moving forward with legislation to 'clarify' this law.  Indianapolis, and Indiana folks welcome everyone.  Once the law is clarified as to not discriminate, there will not be a problem with NFL or the collegiate side.  Time for all to take a chill pill.

Its tough to clarify this without repealing it....Folks are unlikely to let this go..Brent....

Lets be real...the goal is selective exclusion and the NCAA, NBA and NFL will consistently be confronted with since they are

eternally about inclusion...The Gov gave them no choics but to come out against him

Governor Pence said repeatedly there was no one incident or act which spurred on this law.

Which means to me he had time to look into the unintended consequences...before he signed it

Indianapolis is one of the biggest sports 'convention' towns in the nation.

lets see if Mr. Pence can be more adept getting his state out of this controversy than he was getting them into it.

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Its tough to clarify this without repealing it....Folks are unlikely to let this go..Brent....

Lets be real...the goal is selective exclusion and the NCAA, NBA and NFL will consistently be confronted with since they are

eternally about inclusion...The Gov gave them no choics but to come out against him

Governor Pence said repeatedly there was no one incident or act which spurred on this law.

Which means to me he had time to look into the unintended consequences...before he signed it

Indianapolis is one of the biggest sports 'convention' towns in the nation.

lets see if Mr. Pence can be more adept getting his state out of this controversy than he was getting them into it.

Once 1 business is shut down due to this, there are going to be heads rolling.  The people of Indiana will not let someone treat people poorly.  Most travelers come back because of the people, not a law.  As Adonis said, 19 other states have such a law.  20 now.

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Its tough to clarify this without repealing it....Folks are unlikely to let this go..Brent....

Lets be real...the goal is selective exclusion and the NCAA, NBA and NFL will consistently be confronted with since they are

eternally about inclusion...The Gov gave them no choics but to come out against him

Governor Pence said repeatedly there was no one incident or act which spurred on this law.

Which means to me he had time to look into the unintended consequences...before he signed it

Indianapolis is one of the biggest sports 'convention' towns in the nation.

lets see if Mr. Pence can be more adept getting his state out of this controversy than he was getting them into it.


We in Indiana love our sports all venues this was preventable Pence just fumbled the buck stops with him, he & Brian Bosma need to fix this & prove they can put all Hoosiers & visitors first & not on the back of some bus .

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We in Indiana love our sports all venues this was preventable Pence just fumbled the buck stops with him, he & Brian Bosma need to fix this & prove they can put all Hoosiers & visitors first & not on the back of some bus .

Some things are more important than Sports , IMO the NFL and other Sports entities need to keep they"re political views out of it.

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