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The Raiders are targeting Dan Williams- good news for Pot Roast to Indy?

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They can afford to overpay both.

Possibly, but the Raiders have a ton of money. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought in Dan Williams and Knighton

Nose tackles aren't exactly the kind of position you pour huge money into and get two guys.
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OT a little, but I don't know what is going to happen in Oakland, but has anyone noticed with all the cap space, they are the one team who has had no big signings. The reasons, the stadium they play in, and that will change soon. Second is the state income tax. If you make over 1M in CA. you pay 13.4% in state taxes. Compare that to Texas and FL. and it is a no brainer. You would think Jacksonville and Miami would do better because of the tax situation, but truth is plenty of teams state tax rate is not bad. Indy is 4%, so we are also a good destination. Shows though players are looking at other things instead of just the money. Oakland basically needs to tack on 10% more for offers.


Oh, back to Pot Roast and Williams. I would be happy with either. Plus Ngata looks like he is going to be released tomorrow. Cleveland is going to go at him hard. I would love to get Ngata, Pot Roast, Fairley and AJ, and Boling. Is that too much, probably, but a guy can dream. If I can have two out of the three DL,  I want Ngata to be one, and AJ and Boling I would be a happy camper in FA. They would be real quality acquisitions.


Question: Do Ngata, Pot Roast, and Dan Williams play the same position, and if so, who would you rather have considering Ngata is going to be offered 8-10M by Cleveland. He is leaving 8.5M on the board at Balt. He will not restructure his 16M cap hit. So do they play same position, and if so, who would you want since one would be cheaper?

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If we get Knighton and Fairley, I think we just might be able to slow down NE's run game next year.


That would be amazing. That, plus drafting a guy like Jordan Phillips, Henry Anderson, Arik Armstead, or Michael Bennett instantly turns a weakness into a strength. 

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