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Boston's sports media are off their rockers!


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Well I think you  or someone said how do the colts guarantee an INT so that kinda throws that out imo. And really it'd be kind of silly of them to even think of such a thing. What do you gain? The colts might not like losing to us recently but they have no evil revenge aka Mangini.


Btw how that work out Mangini. Coaching circle is tight- people remember stuff- for a long time:)



If Grigson is as stupid as some of these talking heads , I guess it's possible the Colts deflated a football trying to frame the Pats. I can't think of a possible scenario where that would be a "REASONABLE" explanation as to what went down that Sunday night. Just makes no sense. If the Pats were in fact cheating , the Colts didn't need to doctor a football to prove it. If they weren't cheating , there is zero chance doing that the colts doctoring a ball they had possession of would scuccessfully screw the Pats. T

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If Grigson is as stupid as some of these talking heads , I guess it's possible the Colts deflated a football trying to frame the Pats. I can't think of a possible scenario where that would be a "REASONABLE" explanation as to what went down that Sunday night. Just makes no sense. If the Pats were in fact cheating , the Colts didn't need to doctor a football to prove it. If they weren't cheating , there is zero chance doing that the colts doctoring a ball they had possession of would scuccessfully screw the Pats. T

This is one where I don't necessarily think it would be an organized plot from Griggson or Pagano. I kind of saw it as some over-zealous equipment guy on the Colts' sideline who hated the Pats, got his hands on a ball, and did something really dumb.

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the colts and kravitz did nothing wrong.  they asked the league to look into a possible issue of ball deflation.  it is their job to bring these things to the leagues attention.


11 footballs were found to be under the limit.  how they got there is a mystery(cheating!) that may never be proven.  no one owes them an apology.

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This is one where I don't necessarily think it would be an organized plot from Griggson or Pagano. I kind of saw it as some over-zealous equipment guy on the Colts' sideline who hated the Pats, got his hands on a ball, and did something really dumb.

what about the other 10 balls?

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Well I think you  or someone said how do the colts guarantee an INT so that kinda throws that out imo. And really it'd be kind of silly of them to even think of such a thing. What do you gain? The colts might not like losing to us recently but they have no evil revenge aka Mangini.


Btw how that work out Mangini. Coaching circle is tight- people remember stuff- for a long time:)

In terms of Mangini, he just now got a DC job again with the niners. And remember before he blew the whistle on spygate he was trying to pluck Bill's staff to come over to NY. Things like that don't go over well.

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I love these arguments.  I find it interesting.  I guess for me it's like a pitcher in baseball.  We know some of them doctor the balls and when they get caught they get ejected from the game.  Break the rules and get caught - face the consequences.  That's the way it is.  


If the Colts had deflated footballs I would be very disappointed and would expect them as a team to be punished.


So some say why would the Pats risk it?  Well, it has been a while since they won a Superbowl.  Been really close and had lots of good years.  Maybe they just needed a little edge to get them over the hump?  Just speculation, not accusation.  And guess what, it they did do it so what?  They won the Superbowl.  That won't be taken away.


To think the Colts deflated one ball in hopes of the Pats getting caught is really grasping.  But if that is the case and all the other balls were under pressure then the Pats still got caught.


The NFL set this scenario up with stupid rules.  There should only be one set of balls.  Pitchers in baseball don't get to choose the balls they are going to use.  One set of balls managed by the refs.  If these QBs and receivers are so good they can use a ball at 12.5 lbs of pressure of whatever.  If they can't I guess they aren't that good.

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if you believe the Rappoport story from NFL.com, they were all fine...just barely below legal.



For about the 100th time you and Virdulant were corrected on this ... for the 101th time that is not what Rapoport reported. If it's a translation problem , I'll state the issue again. "Many" does not mean the rest nor would it mean "all" as in the statement you have above.

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For about the 100th time you and Virdulant were corrected on this ... for the 101th time that is not what Rapoport reported. If it's a translation problem , I'll state the issue again. "Many" does not mean the rest nor would it mean "all" as in the statement you have above.

I think it's pretty obvious that the intent of the Rappaport article was to say that none of the other 10 balls were far enough below the legal limit to where natural causes wouldn't explain the drop.

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I think it's pretty obvious that the intent of the Rappaport article was to say that none of the other 10 balls were far enough below the legal limit to where natural causes wouldn't explain the drop.


Then why is the investigation taking weeks ? That's a pretty big reach by you as the article does not by any means make that leap. It is saying , IMO , that the initial report was wrong. There were not 11 balls 2 Lb's under but instead just 1. It goes on to say that many of the remaining balls were just a bit under the pressure that is legal. 


Problem with many Pat fans..  You and Rich Hill (Pat beat writer)  ...."2) While 11 of the 12 measured footballs were underinflated, only one was two PSI below the limit. Rapoport describes the other 10 as "about a pound below," "just a few ticks under the minimum," or "right at the line." Maybe he had info that there were none more than a alb below.. could be. But we don't know if a pound is something that would happen naturally. 



What Rapoport reported...."> Eleven of the 12 footballs used in the first half were judged by the officials to be under the minimum of 12.5 PSI, but just one was two pounds under. Many of them were just a few ticks under the minimum."

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Then why is the investigation taking weeks ? That's a pretty big reach by you as the article does not by any means make that leap. It is saying , IMO , that the initial report was wrong. There were not 11 balls 2 Lb's under but instead just 1. It goes on to say that many of the remaining balls were just a bit under the pressure that is legal. 


Problem with many Pat fans..  You and Rich Hill (Pat beat writer)  ...."2) While 11 of the 12 measured footballs were underinflated, only one was two PSI below the limit. Rapoport describes the other 10 as "about a pound below," "just a few ticks under the minimum," or "right at the line." Maybe he had info that there were none more than a alb below.. could be.



What Rapoport reported...."> Eleven of the 12 footballs used in the first half were judged by the officials to be under the minimum of 12.5 PSI, but just one was two pounds under. Many of them were just a few ticks under the minimum."

Great question why the investigation is taking so long. My guess is that the league wants desperately to punish the Patriots for something and they are trying to concoct a scenario that will allow them to do so despite there being no conclusive evidence that they did anything wrong. As for the Rap report, I think you are really getting into semantics over this. We're talking about 10 balls, right? "Many" were "just a few ticks below", others were "right at the line" and the rest were closer to a pound. That's another way of saying that all but one of the Pats gameballs were not really under-inflated to any eyebrow raising degree, unless you believe the Pats have an illegal operation in place to deflate balls to just a tick below minimum.

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Great question why the investigation is taking so long. My guess is that the league wants desperately to punish the Patriots for something and they are trying to concoct a scenario that will allow them to do so despite there being no conclusive evidence that they did anything wrong. As for the Rap report, I think you are really getting into semantics over this. We're talking about 10 balls, right? "Many" were "just a few ticks below", others were "right at the line" and the rest were closer to a pound. That's another way of saying that all but one of the Pats gameballs were not really under-inflated to any eyebrow raising degree, unless you believe the Pats have an illegal operation in place to deflate balls to just a tick below minimum.



You would think the league would want the report to show nothing happened. Makes little sense that the contrary is true. 

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You would think the league would want the report to show nothing happened. Makes little sense that the contrary is true. 

Goodell has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon. He will look like the world's biggest buffoon if he comes up with no punishment here, so I fully expect that something will be fabricated and handed down to prevent that ego-blow from happening. This, remember, is a guy who paid for an investigation to "prove" to us all that he never saw a videotape that we all know he saw.

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I find it funny at reports being dismissed outright, or claims as "unconfirmed" (Rapaport), yet many if not everyone on here took the 11 of 12, two psi under report by Mort at absolute face value.


I thought the witch hunt would be over by now and the mea culpas starting, but it seems like a few just won't let this go.

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You would think the league would want the report to show nothing happened. Makes little sense that the contrary is true. 

Yes, I think Rodger was forced to have this take longer to placate the other owners that he is going to make sure a deflating ball scam has not been going on for years in NE. I still say we are back to square one with this which is tampering is nearly impossible to prove without an admission or actual footage of the needle boy doing it. But Rodger absolutely has to cover all his bases here and IF he cannot prove tampering then he has to come up with plausible explanation of why the balls were under 12.5. I think the weather can be used for the ones under a tick but those that are a lb or more under will be harder to explain. He will also have a tough time punishing the Pats if the ref did not write down the psi pregame which by all accounts he did not as the Colts did not alert them to the deflated balls until the second quarter.

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Yes, I think Rodger was forced to have this take longer to placate the other owners that he is going to make sure a deflating ball scam has not been going on for years in NE. I still say we are back to square one with this which is tampering is nearly impossible to prove without an admission or actual footage of the needle boy doing it. But Rodger absolutely has to cover all his bases here and IF he cannot prove tampering then he has to come up with plausible explanation of why the balls were under 12.5. I think the weather can be used for the ones under a tick but those that are a lb or more under will be harder to explain. He will also have a tough time punishing the Pats if the ref did not write down the psi pregame which by all accounts he did not as the Colts did not alert them to the deflated balls until the second quarter.



From the later reports to surface , I tend to agree.

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I find it funny at reports being dismissed outright, or claims as "unconfirmed" (Rapaport), yet many if not everyone on here took the 11 of 12, two psi under report by Mort at absolute face value.


I thought the witch hunt would be over by now and the mea culpas starting, but it seems like a few just won't let this go.



Geez , how do you let it go when you haven't even see what the investigation found ? I also don't see "everyone saying Morts report was valid and Rapoports dismissed or unconfirmed." 

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I'm really sick of two things:


1. Talking about deflated footballs.

2. Shoveling snow.


Probably not in that order yet. 


This story jumped the shark for me. The Wells investigation will probably be pretty anticlimactic. I think if there were any stunning revelations they would have "leaked" already. Just like the footballs. And that elderly ball-boy who stopped in the men's room.  ;)

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I'm really sick of two things:


1. Talking about deflated footballs.

2. Shoveling snow.


Probably not in that order yet. 


This story jumped the shark for me. The Wells investigation will probably be pretty anticlimactic. I think if there were any stunning revelations they would have "leaked" already. Just like the footballs. And that elderly ball-boy who stopped in the men's room.  ;)

This snow is killing. It is like ground hog day each day. I wake up there is a foot of snow or more to shovel and the kids are home from school. I am staring to lose my mind. Thanks goodness I can keep watching the Super Bowl over and over to fill the time. ;)

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This snow is killing. It is like ground hog day each day. I wake up there is a foot of snow or more to shovel and the kids are home from school. I am staring to lose my mind. Thanks goodness I can keep watching the Super Bowl over and over to fill the time. ;)



This is why I got in my car , left Syracuse ,NY (for good) and stopped driving when I hit the Pacific Ocean. I used to buy product from farmers in Oswego NY , which is about 60 mies North of Syracuse. I looked up the average and it says 146". Seems like they got much more than Syracuse which ranked 1st among major cities in the US at 126". Top 20 below...




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This is why I got in my car , left Syracuse ,NY (for good) and stopped driving when I hit the Pacific Ocean. I used to buy product from farmers in Oswego NY , which is about 60 mies North of Syracuse. I looked up the average and it says 146". Seems like they got much more than Syracuse which ranked 1st among major cities in the US at 126". Top 20 below...




I would like to do that one day when the kids are grown. Both of our families are from Boston so we are stuck here. I do love the city but the winters are starting to wear on me.


I have a good friend from Syracuse. He moved up here to Boston when he met his wife in 2001. We always kid him that when he came is when our all teams starting winning titles. He is our good luck charm. He is a big Mets and Giants fan. Pretty tough these days for him. And his three sons are all big Brady fans. I told him everyone loves a winner. :thmsup:

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I would like to do that one day when the kids are grown. Both of our families are from Boston so we are stuck here. I do love the city but the winters are starting to wear on me.


I have a good friend from Syracuse. He moved up here to Boston when he met his wife in 2001. We always kid him that when he came is when our all teams starting winning titles. He is our good luck charm. He is a big Mets and Giants fan. Pretty tough these days for him. And his three sons are all big Brady fans. I told him everyone loves a winner. :thmsup:



Boston is no doubt a really nice city and Cambridge is great too. My daughter lived there for I think 8 years. Seems to me that this climate change (or maybe just coincidence) brought more Nor' easters on starting maybe 10-12 years ago ? 

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Boston is no doubt a really nice city and Cambridge is great too. My daughter lived there for I think 8 years. Seems to me that this climate change (or maybe just coincidence) brought more Nor' easters on starting maybe 10-12 years ago ? 

Yeah not sure what is going on. We had a few mild winters the last few years. But last year was brutally cold this year we are getting dumped on. Sometime the water is your friend and sometimes it's not.

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This snow is killing. It is like ground hog day each day. I wake up there is a foot of snow or more to shovel and the kids are home from school. I am staring to lose my mind. Thanks goodness I can keep watching the Super Bowl over and over to fill the time. ;)


42 years in New England, including about 15 of those in the White Mountains... this is crazy. Either that or I'm just getting too old for it, lol...

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Yeah not sure what is going on. We had a few mild winters the last few years. But last year was brutally cold this year we are getting dumped on. Sometime the water is your friend and sometimes it's not.

That darn global warming lol. I really enjoy living where I do. I like having all 4 seasons....but mostly I love the lakes down here and pleasant neighbors and people. I feel for you but if we got snow like that the neighbor breaks out their tractor and clears the roads and the kids in the neighborhood shovel the elderlies driveways/steps. That midwest/southern hospitality lol.

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That darn global warming lol. I really enjoy living where I do. I like having all 4 seasons....but mostly I love the lakes down here and pleasant neighbors and people. I feel for you but if we got snow like that the neighbor breaks out their tractor and clears the roads and the kids in the neighborhood shovel the elderlies driveways/steps. That midwest/southern hospitality lol.


I live in a fairly rural area about 50 miles from Boston. Been there eight years and have met one neighbor! All the houses are spread out. I miss the old neighborhood-y feel of the place I grew up, about 10 miles north of the city. Me and the rest of the neighborhood kids used to earn a few bucks every time it snowed! Then we'd team up to shovel out these two elderly former nuns who lived at the end of my street. We did theirs for free. Well, they did bring out candy usually... but it was gross candy, like Canada mints or ribbon candy, lol...

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I live in a fairly rural area about 50 miles from Boston. Been there eight years and have met one neighbor! All the houses are spread out. I miss the old neighborhood-y feel of the place I grew up, about 10 miles north of the city. Me and the rest of the neighborhood kids used to earn a few bucks every time it snowed! Then we'd team up to shovel out these two elderly former nuns who lived at the end of my street. We did theirs for free. Well, they did bring out candy usually... but it was gross candy, like Canada mints or ribbon candy, lol...

Yeah...I live just a couple miles out of town but in a nice quiet culdasac. I usually throw down salt for my elderly neighbor but we don't get snow like you guys. Back in the day my mom made me shovel and that stuff for the assisted living apartment complex across the street from us. Times are different....kids now wouldn't get off their xbox or whatever to do that I'm sure....but we have a couple boy scouts on our street that do help from time to time.

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Yeah...I live just a couple miles out of town but in a nice quiet culdasac. I usually throw down salt for my elderly neighbor but we don't get snow like you guys. Back in the day my mom made me shovel and that stuff for the assisted living apartment complex across the street from us. Times are different....kids now wouldn't get off their xbox or whatever to do that I'm sure....but we have a couple boy scouts on our street that do help from time to time.


I know, it's really crazy... I feel old for saying it, but "kids these days," lol...  ;)

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I know, it's really crazy... I feel old for saying it, but "kids these days," lol...  ;)

I know I know....sad thing is its like my generation that is raising these little rug rats lol. I see how some of my friends deal with their kids and I can't believe it. I only hope there are enough people out there instilling values that I don't see because I actually could get depressed if I thought about it long enough lol.

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that's because we still need to meet up. Gibbet soon?

The local trails network is a great way to meet local outdoors people.


We're way overdue yeah! Lol... my fault. Life with a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old is pretty hectic. We were gonna round up JJ too, right? I think he's fairly close-by, IIRC. 


There really are TONS of trails in the area. Had no idea until we moved here. There's an old RR-turned-bike path that runs from the end of our road through the woods behind our house. I've been out there with the skis a lot lately, mostly late after the kids are down. I'm getting my daughter (the older of the two) into hiking a little. She seems to enjoy it and likes to hear stories about when Dad was young and climbed lots of mountains, haha... 

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It's called satire. He's making the point that him calling for suspensions and firings is based on exactly the same non-evidence that Kravitz and Doyel had when they embarrassed themselves.


satire yes I agree because only a fool could be so long winded .


The bottom line is the investigation is ongoing so obviously the New England Homer trying to pass as a writer can't wait he wants to inject his spin into the Patriots habitual bending of the rules .


With a former player charged with murder & spygate & deflate-gate I can't blame the homers they wish to move on & enjoy there superbowl win .


It just sucks for you that the perception of your team is yes it is a well coached very good team who just feels a lil insecure & feels the need to whine about crowd noise while filming & altering practices & footballs which equates to liars & cheats whatever it takes to win is okay .

Here’s what the NFL can do, and absolutely has to do: Remove the Colts from competing in the NFL next season. Suspend them from the league. Right now.

There homers call them a dynasty , I say that just applies to there long run of cheating & lying .



Here’s what the NFL can do, and absolutely has to do: Remove the Colts from competing in the NFL next season. Suspend them from the league. Right now.




This quote is hilarious .

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There's a very good reason that "history is written by the victors " .

1960's = Packers

1970's = Steelers

1980's = 49ers

1990's = Cowboys

2000's - Present = Patriots

If New England can piece together another SB win before this decade closes out , it would be very hard to argue against them being considered their run as the GOAT .

( Landry's Cowboys Dynasty deserves consideration-especially longivity-wise but Noll's Steelers squashed any GOAT aspirations )

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