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If you had to pick 1 defensive player to have great game


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For me, its Werner.  If he's coming off Peyton's blindside with a couple of sacks and a few pressures, it will make the defense so much more effective.  It will help Toler and the LBs who have to cover Thomas.

Same here....


And although it'll take all 11 guys on defense doing their jobs, if I can only pick 1 player to have a "great" game, I agree it would be Werner....and by a "great game", yes, that means constant pressure on Manning, 2-3 sacks and a strip fumble.


In other words....a Robert Mathis-type game.


When defenses relentlessly hammer Manning and screw up Denver's rhythm....good things usually happen. When Peyton, of all QBs, is able to safely survey his targets in a clean pocket AND diagnose defensive tactics as the game moves along....then very bad things happen.

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I would say two - either Redding or Toler.


Redding providing an inside push to limit Peyton's pocket is huge.


Toler because I assume that Davis will limit whoever he is covering so if they can get that from Toler as well, Manning's options and windows get smaller.


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