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I found a positive!


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In thinking (grasping) for something positive in yesterday's game, I finally thought of one and had to share it.


This positive, mind you, does not really benefit us, but it does benefit the Cowboys next opponent and possibly into the playoffs.  Stick with me on this one......


Most of us knew what was coming, the writing was on the wall.  Sunday came and confirmed that we are at best, a mediocre team.  However, the Cowboys, being the Cowboys (they are a rather self centered group), don't follow the Colts like we do.  They saw a team that had clinched the AFC South, and had the same record as them.  Thus, they most likely assumed the Colts were as good as, or better than they.  


They expended the minimum effort to dispatch us, making Romo and Weeden look like All-Stars in the process.  Now, their heads are probably super inflated.  


So, I contend, that they will be over-confident in their first playoff game and flop miserably.  We, by that I mean the Colts, can take full credit for it when they flop.  I can't believe I didn't see that strategy from the git go, it's so brilliant!


Well done Colts, well done indeed.

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Very possible.  Kind of like what happened against the Jags in our 2006 season.  I feel like it's clutching at straws, but it gives us fans some hope haha

I'm not going to even try to find a parallel here. That game was a run defense collapse. What happened yesterday was a demonstrative display of dysfunction, from undisciplined penalties to inappropriately timed trick plays, dropped balls, bad play calling .......I saw about every mistake a team could make being put on display like a viewing of "What not to do". ... 

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I'm not going to even try to find a parallel here. That game was a run defense collapse. What happened yesterday was a demonstrative display of dysfunction, from undisciplined penalties to inappropriately timed trick plays, dropped balls, bad play calling .......I saw about every mistake a team could make being put on display like a viewing of "What not to do". ... 

Yeah haha I'm with ya on that

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In thinking (grasping) for something positive in yesterday's game, I finally thought of one and had to share it.


This positive, mind you, does not really benefit us, but it does benefit the Cowboys next opponent and possibly into the playoffs.  Stick with me on this one......


Most of us knew what was coming, the writing was on the wall.  Sunday came and confirmed that we are at best, a mediocre team.  However, the Cowboys, being the Cowboys (they are a rather self centered group), don't follow the Colts like we do.  They saw a team that had clinched the AFC South, and had the same record as them.  Thus, they most likely assumed the Colts were as good as, or better than they.  


They expended the minimum effort to dispatch us, making Romo and Weeden look like All-Stars in the process.  Now, their heads are probably super inflated.  


So, I contend, that they will be over-confident in their first playoff game and flop miserably.  We, by that I mean the Colts, can take full credit for it when they flop.  I can't believe I didn't see that strategy from the git go, it's so brilliant!


Well done Colts, well done indeed.



By definition sir, you are truly grasping at straws but I commend your eternal positivity (or trying to find some) :thmup: :thmup:



The positive if any, is that this entire organization needs to look in the mirror and re-evaluate everything they think they know about themselves and the team.  From GM to Waterboy; they need to get a gut check. Come back after Christmas, and right as many wrongs as they possibly can.  Then truck on.


Grigson and Co. have alot of work to do this off season and I believe you first start at offense (coaching, line, rb's)  I believe the TE's and WR's are not in dire straits like the line.

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The Jaguars beat us down in 2006 before our last SB run..

Yes, they did. However, we did not blow ourselves out in that game. 


You get my meaning, right? There was a clearly differing dynamic at play between these two games. 


I'm not giving up on my Colts, and I'll remain hopeful that some sudden switch gets flipped into the "on" position, but the sort of collapse we saw in Dallas is quite troubling. 

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Was this thread suppose to be all for sarcasm.  Very clever OP, but in case you weren't being sarcastic, you did a whole lot of overthinking.  The ONLY positive that came from this game is that we didn't get shutout.  Another thing that was good to see was Nicks playing like I know he can.  Not really a positive because stats don't matter in a loss, but it deserved honorable mention. 


Im almost positive that people don't care if Cowboys lose first game in the playoffs, unless for some reason they like another team in the NFC, which shouldn't be if you are a "true" Colts fan.  The NFC might as well be a whole other league.  If the Colts don't win the SB (I'm sure they wont) then there shouldn't be any satisfaction watching another team lose. 


PS  I don't think the Cowboys went into the game thinking the Colts were better, nor do they have huge heads from the result of the game.  Dallas has many veterans on the team, that have been around the block, and know how good their team is, compared to the rest of the NFL.

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Was this thread suppose to be all for sarcasm.  Very clever OP, but in case you weren't being sarcastic, you did a whole lot of overthinking.  The ONLY positive that came from this game is that we didn't get shutout.  Another thing that was good to see was Nicks playing like I know he can.  Not really a positive because stats don't matter in a loss, but it deserved honorable mention. 


Im almost positive that people don't care if Cowboys lose first game in the playoffs, unless for some reason they like another team in the NFC, which shouldn't be if you are a "true" Colts fan.  The NFC might as well be a whole other league.  If the Colts don't win the SB (I'm sure they wont) then there shouldn't be any satisfaction watching another team lose. 


PS  I don't think the Cowboys went into the game thinking the Colts were better, nor do they have huge heads from the result of the game.  Dallas has many veterans on the team, that have been around the block, and know how good their team is, compared to the rest of the NFL.


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The only potential positive about this game and the games like it(Patriots, Steelers), is unless this team makes a surprise run in the playoffs, it puts pressure on Grigson and Irsay to consider a coaching change.  It has to be obvious to them that this team is moving further from the top rather than closer to it and the only reason this team made the playoffs was a weak division. 

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