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Jets (+10) @ New England (10-16-14)


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Seriously, thats what blows my mind so much is Colts fans screaming about the Patriots weak division.. The AFC South is a joke right now, last year it was absolutely pitiful and this year the only team that has even remotely improved were the Texans and they're still suspect.


The AFC East is the worst division in football. You're right that we're not far behind, though.


Honestly that's been the case for the past, like, five seasons. It flip flops year to year. Also barring the occasional flare like HOU or the Jets a few years back one or both divisions are the worst two in the league.


Currently I'd rank em:










I think it's safe to say the South has the lowest of the low between the two divisions, but I think their actual competitive teams (IND, HOU) are better than the East's. (NE, Miami)

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Yeah, too bad for you that some of us have been here for over a decade.


Yea thats another thing I chuckle at when Colts fans tell us we don't belong here and they've been on the boards for a year or two at most..


Ive been on these boards for 13 years, before they moved them over to this new format and layout.  So its quite interesting when someone tells me I don't belong here haha

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The AFC East is the worst division in football. You're right that we're not far behind, though.


Honestly that's been the case for the past, like, five seasons. It flip flops year to year. Also barring the occasional flare like HOU or the Jets a few years back one or both divisions are the worst two in the league.


Currently I'd rank em:










I think it's safe to say the South has the lowest of the low between the two divisions, but I think their actual competitive teams (IND, HOU) are better than the East's. (NE, Miami)

The AFC East is not close to the worst division in football with 11 total wins. The South has 9 wins and the West has 11 wins. In the NFC, the South has 8 wins. And last year the AFC East was the second best division in the AFC behind the West.

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haha here we go!

A) He was making a line call adjustment, he was not 1 yard off the LOS, he was 2-3 yards off the LOS and was only there temporarily to make a line call.

B) This is not intervening or against the rules, the Refs do this in every single game on offense, defense and special teams

C) Way to ignore the play that helped get the Jets into range where the receiver was obviously bobbling the ball with his foot out of bounds and the booth never stopped the game to review the play.. VERY, VERY ODD to not have an official review of that play given the circumstances and context of the game

D) Jets should have just made the field goal.. but instead the Patriots stuffed it in their face and then all the haters start whining and crying that the Jets should have been handed a free do-over for no other reason than their bitter hatred of the Patriots.. just like the Refs did last year for the Jets..

oh wait, i thought the Patriots always got ALL the calls and the refs were in their back pocket!? Hmm.. It seems STATISTICS disagree with you:


I see you're late to the party. But thanks for the long winded comment that wasted your own time.

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nope not the only one, but it seems to have gone over your head since I got home from work and was reading through a thread and you make a comment about how its "late"

It was already talked about in previous posts which makes your post old news. But at least you got in some good keyboard typing in for the night.

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It was already talked about in previous posts which makes your post old news. But at least you got in some good keyboard typing in for the night.


I hadnt talked about it yet, this is a message board forum.. you said something ridiculous, as did Colts_fan12 and I put my 2 cents in and will continue to do so to prevent people like you from spewing false information to try and paint a picture that isn't real

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I wouldn't say great but good for sure. The Colts would be 1-6 or 2-5 at this point playing the Jets schedule.



OK.. we lost to Denver( 4-1) by 7 and had a fluke loss vs Philadelpia ( 5-1) . The Pats lost to a crap Miami (2-3) team and were blasted by another sub .500 team KC (2-3) . Hmmm ... if we would be 1-6 what would the Pats be .. 0-12 ?

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I hadnt talked about it yet, this is a message board forum.. you said something ridiculous, as did Colts_fan12 and I put my 2 cents in and will continue to do so to prevent people like you from spewing false information to try and paint a picture that isn't real

Hey all I did was post a couple sentences from an article and the picture as speculation was happening. Quit getting so butt hurt.

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I see you're late to the party. But thanks for the long winded comment that wasted your own time.


The game was less than 24 hours old when he made his post . .. what is your problem? . . . you guys talking about trolls and then you are saying someone is "late" when they make a post less than 24 hours after the game is played . . . maybe you should think about showing some courtesy when someone takes the time to make a post in response to your post . . . most people do not have the time to go on forums at midnight nor in the morning in the way to work and can not get to things until later in the day . . . I am really?  

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If you are not impressed with the Pats, you must be absolutely depressed over your Saints.


Jets have a better pass rush than KC and Brady was sacked just once and it was a slide by Brady behind the line. The line has solidified which has allowed Brady to put up MVP type numbers in October.


Decker had 4 catches for 65 yards (no TDs) and as you say a big chunk came on one play so basically Decker was a non-factor for the entire game which is what you would expect from Revis. Not to mention the stop of the game in the fourth quarter on a third down pass to Decker but you probably missed that. Not sure why you keep harping on his year in Tampa over and over when he graded out as the best CB last year after coming off ACL surgery.


Even with the one sack, I thought the Jets were getting decent (although nothing great) pressure on Brady that allowed them to hang around in the game.

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The clts D couldn't stop the wildcat that night. They ran it down our throat. But Manning, much like Brady last night, made big plays when they had the ball. The phins were down late and weren't built to run a two minute offense. Sparano looked like his dog had just died on the post game presser. He couldn't believe they ran the ball for 200+ and held the ball for 45 minutes and lost


I still think that that game was the most impressive game by Manning I've seen. He had to be outright perfect in that game in order for the Colts to have a chance to win, since the defense was just that horrendous (if I was an actual Colts fan I would've been screaming louder than I've ever screamed at the TV all night). The fact the Colts won that game with their TOP not even amounting to a full quarter was pretty amazing.

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Read the article on NFL.com - http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000412180/article/blandino-refs-conduct-on-jets-field-goal-not-unusual


It is not at all unusual, it's a safety measure.  The rule was instituted because of potential serious injuries, so with that class of rules, they consistently do exactly what was done last night.  The article shows footage of 2 more instances where it occurred in other games.  


the point i was making is they shouldnt its the players job to know the rules the officials shouldnt help them. will be interesting in next few weeks if they flag someone for this and it cost them the game

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Even with the one sack, I thought the Jets were getting decent (although nothing great) pressure on Brady that allowed them to hang around in the game.


They never pressured Brady enough to make him uncomfortable which was a big key as to why he shredded them only having the ball for 19 minutes.


What kept the Jets around was their run game. I have no idea why the Pats went in with that defensive game plan but given the short week and no Mayo perhaps they were not expecting Geno to be able to deliver the way he did. That being said, not dialing up pressure vs the worst QB in the AFC makes no sense. No sense.

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Can we stop with the weak division thing? The Pats have already lost to Miami and played a nail biter last night. They have only ever swept their division twice in the Brady era. 10 games are played outside the division and the Pats have the same winning percentage against those teams as they do within the division. And for a Colts fan to talk about a weak division is pretty weak given the two worst teams in football currently reside in the AFC South.


Did you even bother to read the comment you responded to or the comments leading up to it?


I clearly stated that there are 3 very weak divisions this season and that they are the AFC South, AFC East, and NFC South.  I did not say the reason the Patriots have won is the past was because of the past strength of the division and I tried over and over again without success to explain that I was not talking about the past in any way because it is completely irrelevant to this season.


I plainly stated that even though I think the Patriots do not look like a very strong team in any way this season (Their poor performance against 4 teams with losing records [Dolphins, Raiders, Chiefs, and Jets] should make that obvious) that they will win the division because the rest of the teams look even worse.

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Did you even bother to read the comment you responded to or the comments leading up to it?


I clearly stated that there are 3 very weak divisions this season and that they are the AFC South, AFC East, and NFC South.  I did not say the reason the Patriots have won is the past was because of the past strength of the division and I tried over and over again without success to explain that I was not talking about the past in any way because it is completely irrelevant to this season.


I plainly stated that even though I think the Patriots do not look like a very strong team in any way this season (Their poor performance against 3 teams with losing records should make that obvious) that they will win the division because the rest of the teams look even worse.

Again, can we stop with the weak division thing? We are 7 games in and the divisions can change a lot by season's end. The Pats have already lost to Miami and almost to the Jets so I am not sure how the division is relevant at all THIS season. They will still need 10+ wins to make the playoffs and many of those wins will have to come outside of the division.


In terms of their beginning, who cares? They have looked completely different the last three games vs the first four. They are a team that always improves as the season goes along. That is their MO and why they have made deep playoff run after deep playoff run the last 13+ years. You won't even remember how they looked in Sept/Oct come Jan because all that will matter is the fact that they won. Real football begins after T-giving. Sept/Oct is all about racking up the wins to be in position to make a run in late Nov.

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Don't even try its no use haha

Do your parents know that you post here? Based on your lack of grammar and lack of football knowledge , that must be the case.

Please, don't think that the fact that we have been posting here for many years compared to you get in your way, though , of posting childish one liners.

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Do your parents know that you post here? Based on your lack of grammar and lack of football knowledge , that must be the case.

Please, don't think that the fact that we have been posting here for many years compared to you get in your way, though , of posting childish one liners.

Yeah not doing this no more you will deffinetly be the 1 to get me banned
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I still think that that game was the most impressive game by Manning I've seen. He had to be outright perfect in that game in order for the Colts to have a chance to win, since the defense was just that horrendous (if I was an actual Colts fan I would've been screaming louder than I've ever screamed at the TV all night). The fact the Colts won that game with their TOP not even amounting to a full quarter was pretty amazing.

As horrendous as our defense was that night (and in general), Manning had an equally bad one in Denver in a game last season against Dallas. Somehow Denver still won 59-51 or some ludicrous number.


I actually felt bad for Romo. The guy really gets bashed more than he deserves. Sure he's made his share of blunders, but until this season he's really had no defense to speak of to help. He's a very good QB.

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the point i was making is they shouldnt its the players job to know the rules the officials shouldnt help them. will be interesting in next few weeks if they flag someone for this and it cost them the game

And then when someone's center's career is ruined when he it could have been prevented that's okay by you?  Safety is is the key point.  Your viewpoint doesn't hold up against the greater concern about people's health.  This is not a small deal.  We have lost 3 centers this year - it's a tough enough position without adding additional risk that can be prevented.

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And then when someone's center's career is ruined when he it could have been prevented that's okay by you?  Safety is is the key point.  Your viewpoint doesn't hold up against the greater concern about people's health.  This is not a small deal.  We have lost 3 centers this year - it's a tough enough position without adding additional risk that can be prevented.


anyones career can be ruined by a simple tackle so what we should stop tackling altogether? theres always a chance of injury they get alot of money and they know the risks of the game the players should know the rules of what can do and cant do.

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anyones career can be ruined by a simple tackle so what we should stop tackling altogether? theres always a chance of injury they get alot of money and they know the risks of the game the players should know the rules of what can do and cant do.

If a player was to line up over the long snapper on a FG he could end his career. The snapper is in the most vulnerable position a player can be in the field hence the rule to not line up within one yard of him on the line scrimmage. A referee moved a Jets player on a Pats FG earlier in the game for the same reason. It happens all the time and it is a good thing. We have enough flags as it and enough injuries.

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anyones career can be ruined by a simple tackle so what we should stop tackling altogether? theres always a chance of injury they get alot of money and they know the risks of the game the players should know the rules of what can do and cant do.

Taking a point to it's extreme to try to prove your point only shows an inability to effectively reason.  It's also called a "straw man argument" (see logic 101).  


Tapping a player to move and prevent a preventable injury is a minor and quite reasonable adjustment.  Absolutely no one is recommending "no tackling" (the straw man of your argument).  


Oh well it's obvious you are going to defend your point and aren't really interested in anything else.  Fortunately the NFL doesn't happen to agree with you and it will continue to be in practice .... 

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If a player was to line up over the long snapper on a FG he could end his career. The snapper is in the most vulnerable position a player can be in the field hence the rule to not line up within one yard of him on the line scrimmage. A referee moved a Jets player on a Pats FG earlier in the game for the same reason. It happens all the time and it is a good thing. We have enough flags as it and enough injuries.


how u say that there inconsistent with the rule just to prove one game the colts v texans bet there are many more i dont mind if they do it aslong as they are consistent with doing it.



Taking a point to it's extreme to try to prove your point only shows an inability to effectively reason.  It's also called a "straw man argument" (see logic 101).  


Tapping a player to move and prevent a preventable injury is a minor and quite reasonable adjustment.  Absolutely no one is recommending "no tackling" (the straw man of your argument).  


Oh well it's obvious you are going to defend your point and aren't really interested in anything else.  Fortunately the NFL doesn't happen to agree with you and it will continue to be in practice .... 


who said am not interested in anything else ur saying it could end his career but most things can end someones career can they not? and the nfl is a joke what happened to broncos tight end for the chop block he did a fine what happened to burfict for twisting somones ankle which could easily end your season a fine the nfl is a joke and inconsistent and as i pointed out above i dont mind them doing it but they dont always do it.  will be last thing i put cause will just be going back and forward

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how u say that there inconsistent with the rule just to prove one game the colts v texans bet there are many more i dont mind if they do it aslong as they are consistent with doing it.




who said am not interested in anything else ur saying it could end his career but most things can end someones career can they not? and the nfl is a joke what happened to broncos tight end for the chop block he did a fine what happened to burfict for twisting somones ankle which could easily end your season a fine the nfl is a joke and inconsistent and as i pointed out above i dont mind them doing it but they dont always do it.  will be last thing i put cause will just be going back and forward

You illustrated my point perfectly (you won't get it but everyone else will)... on to this week's games.  Have a good day!

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the point i was making is they shouldnt its the players job to know the rules the officials shouldnt help them. will be interesting in next few weeks if they flag someone for this and it cost them the game


All due respect to you, but you need to better familiarize yourself with the rulebook. (Same goes for me!) 


Hightower was 2/3 yards off the LOS. It's only a penalty if he's within a yard, lining up over the snapper. After the ref nudged him (which is very common, BTW), the entire line shifted. So they were moving the alignment anyway. 


It's a complicated rule, I know, and I wouldn't have professed to know much about it prior to Sunday. But now that it's come up, it was clearly not an infraction. 

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