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Officiating in the NFL


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Okay guys, this year has been awful, I am sick and tired of watching football, in my opinion the game is no longer fun.


The hit on Ben tonight was perfectly legal and we still get refs throwing the flag because the guy hit him hard...


This needs to stop, its painful to watch!

I also hate the fact if defenders make BARELY any contact past the 5 yard line they get automatically penalized! This is getting ridiculous. 


These are grown men, well trained players, and they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per game!


I miss the 90s and early 2000's football, that's when I truly had fun watching football.


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Its disgusting how QB's are treated, if you hit low you get a flag, if you hit high you get a flag, if you hit him hard enough legally you get a flag....what are we supposed to be doing? Bear hug them and stand there while they are moving their arms forward? Of course when you tackle a QB you need to take him down because if you don't he can still move his hands and complete a pass....I feel bad for DE's too.

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This stuff we are watching today is awful!  The league has gone so overboard with there attempts to change the game it has made the product hard to even look at.  They have just killed the concept of playing good stiff defense, people are out there hesitating and thinking too much in order to avoid a flag.  I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the hit on Ben, nor the hit Polamalu made, nor the hit #23 made for Pittsburgh.  


The sad thing is it's hard to get the league to come out of this stuff because there is not another sport in America that people love more than football, so they are not going to just jump ship and leave.  The NFL is treating the game just like one of these corporate companies that you and I have worked for in our lives where they just decide to come in and start micro managing everything and making all kind of dumb changes just to show you they are in control.  I want my game back!  The game where defensive players can make hard hits without getting penalized every 5 minutes for ticky tack nonsense.  


I can deal with penalizing for hits on defenseless receivers when there is absolutely no chance of the person catching the ball, but when the receiver catches the dag gone football and you immediately hit the guy there should be no way a defenseless call should be made. He's doing his duty and the defender is doing his. I mean they can't seriously believe that this stuff is good for the game.  The NFL ought to be ashamed in my opinion.  The NFL is making all kind of easy money with all of these fines and sullying the name of good defensive players by giving them the reputation of being a dirty player with these bans for illegal hits.  Hits that are nothing more than solid tackles are now taking money away from the player and his family.  That's bad when a player is losing close to 1 million dollars a season to the league he worked his whole life to make a living in.   I absolutely detest what  is going on, and they've gotten so greedy I don't know if it will stop even if Goodell were fired.

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I agree it is pretty bad at times with the refs and even the favoritism for a few chosen teams. I sometimes think even the Colts get some breaks themselves now and over the years and when it happens I sometimes don't mind (the homer in me, but I hate it when it goes against us, obviously) but as a football fan it takes away the pure enjoyment of watching games every week in general.


They don't want great defense anymore either......they just want to make sure the offenses score enough points and the starting star QBs can stay healthy to an extent so the fans can be entertained.


We are lucky though a defensive team did win the last Super Bowl. As fans I think this was better for the game then just celebrating another big time QB win. 


If you browse around many NFL team forums after every game we often blame the refs after a loss. And that is sad too, how conditioned we are to look for mistakes by the refs now and how many notice how bad it can be. 

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IceWolf, it is not just with the refs. I feel like the NFL has been taken over at times with GOSSIP. Like a male soap opera. How many drugs Irsay did, what Jerry Jones did to some young woman, Ray Rice. Now these are all important issues obviously but they also take over the pure football aspect of the game. And the game itself gets watered down even more off and on the field.


And fantasy football is what a lot of people only care about now IMO and a lot of fans are obsessed with offense and scoring a lot of points and stats, period. 

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While I'm at it, I also hate this thing where they've basically done away with the Kick Returner and at the same time devalued the kicker. Every game I watch any more I never see any kick get returned because they all go out of the back of the end zone.  No longer can a player increase his value by returning kicks, and the kicker can not increase his value by being able to kick the ball into or out of the end zone from a far distance because the distance it's currently being kicked from every kicker I've seen is able to make that type of kick. It's nothing special anymore.


All the great kick returners have now been neutered in the name of an over reaction to personal safety.  If a guy like Devin Hester got drafted recently he would have a good chunk of how he made his money cut off due to the way the game is being played.  We may or may not have even known his name.   It really is annoying to me!



I know this is off the topic of Officiating, but it's just another thing that was great about the game that has been taken away all in the name of "Personal Safety".

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While I'm at it, I also hate this thing where they've basically done away with the Kick Returner and at the same time devalued the kicker. Every game I watch any more I never see any kick get returned because they all go out of the back of the end zone.  No longer can a player increase his value by returning kicks, and the kicker can not increase his value by being able to kick the ball into or out of the end zone from a far distance because the distance it's currently being kicked from every kicker I've seen is able to make that type of kick. It's nothing special anymore.


All the great kick returners have now been neutered in the name of an over reaction to personal safety.  If a guy like Devin Hester got drafted recently he would have a good chunk of how he made his money cut off due to the way the game is being played.  We may or may not have even known his name.   It really is annoying to me!



Good stuff. Let it all out my friend.


:thmup:  :rock:

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Have them sign an agreement that these players after they retire that they cannot sue the NFL! I understand there are risks that come with this game, but we are not talking about players getting paid chump change, they are getting paid millions, and they will be able to afford treatment!


Too bad NFLPA is standing in between and they will never go for this.


The NFL and NFL PA is killing the game as we know...



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I miss the old game too... even last year was better than this crap. The worst game I have seen so far is the 49ers vs. Dallas when the refs just flat out made bad calls all game long. Calling defensive holding on one player who didn't even touch the receiver, but because the guy moved he called it.

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And the sad thing is none of this stuff can be overturned.  Stuff where the ref has clearly made a mistake can't even be challenged.


I wonder if the players can strike again and demand the league to make some changes.  It really sucks, and I can't believe the players have no power against any of this......

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Okay guys, this year has been awful,

This year? It's been one game!

I watched the Seahawks vs Green Bay game last Thursday night. On the third carry of the game, the announcer said " Lynch has been running through that gap all day". All day being the 6th minute of the first quarter.

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Should have named this thread the official whiners thread. If you all hate watching football so much then do something else. I do understand what is being complained about but is not going to change. Owners and medical staff kept players in the dark about medical issues. Why? Money. A player could not make money for the owner if not playing. Now with the union it has turned everything totally around where the players are running the zoo. One big money grab and it started with the huge TV contracts. How much longer will it be till we have games on 7 days a week? Owners want more games. Why? Money. Sooner or later the big money grab will come to an end when the players and the owners stalemate each other. There will never be football as it once was. Baseball used to be the #1 sport in this country. Look what they did to themselves. Sooner or later the NFL will end up just like the MLB has over time. Over saturate and grab every dollar out of all of us who just keep watching and spending our money. They have all of us trained very well. We whine, we cry, we yell but yet, we keep watching and spending. Fan is just a slang word for fanatic and we all wear those shoes and one size fits all.

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Okay guys, this year has been awful, I am sick and tired of watching football, in my opinion the game is no longer fun.


The hit on Ben tonight was perfectly legal and we still get refs throwing the flag because the guy hit him hard...


This needs to stop, its painful to watch!

I also hate the fact if defenders make BARELY any contact past the 5 yard line they get automatically penalized! This is getting ridiculous. 


These are grown men, well trained players, and they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per game!


I miss the 90s and early 2000's football, that's when I truly had fun watching football.


Head up... OK... so far...




Head down... spearing. Not OK. Penalty



He lowered his head and speared a QB.  That is ultimate no no.    Spearing anyone is bad, but QB will get called any and every time. Unless your down head is off to the side of the chest of the QB.  It was not, it was square into the chest..15 yards...

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Okay guys, this year has been awful, I am sick and tired of watching football, in my opinion the game is no longer fun.


The hit on Ben tonight was perfectly legal and we still get refs throwing the flag because the guy hit him hard...


This needs to stop, its painful to watch!

I also hate the fact if defenders make BARELY any contact past the 5 yard line they get automatically penalized! This is getting ridiculous. 


These are grown men, well trained players, and they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per game!


I miss the 90s and early 2000's football, that's when I truly had fun watching football.

I am typically in agreement, but that was classic spearing and the right call was made. Heads-up football, they even teach this to 6 year olds. 


What I am upset about were the back-to-back penalties on Pittsburgh for hitting a defenseless receiver. On both plays, the defender separated the receiver from the ball successfully. And on both plays, the offense was given a second chance. Neither hit was grievous. 

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While I'm at it, I also hate this thing where they've basically done away with the Kick Returner and at the same time devalued the kicker. Every game I watch any more I never see any kick get returned because they all go out of the back of the end zone.  No longer can a player increase his value by returning kicks, and the kicker can not increase his value by being able to kick the ball into or out of the end zone from a far distance because the distance it's currently being kicked from every kicker I've seen is able to make that type of kick. It's nothing special anymore.


All the great kick returners have now been neutered in the name of an over reaction to personal safety.  If a guy like Devin Hester got drafted recently he would have a good chunk of how he made his money cut off due to the way the game is being played.  We may or may not have even known his name.   It really is annoying to me!



I know this is off the topic of Officiating, but it's just another thing that was great about the game that has been taken away all in the name of "Personal Safety".


The call was the right one on the spearing penalty.


That said what you laid out here I think is the most annoying aspect of the changes that have been made and it's been done in college too.  There is no kickoff anymore.  You either see the ball go all the way past the endzone and out of bounds or if you do see in come down in bounds it comes down to a returner who's 8 yards deep in the endzone and he takes the logical choice and takes the knee.


I mean I can't remember the last time that I saw a kickoff come down to a player who was not in the endzone.  It's been years.


The only way the kickoff is even interesting anymore is if there is an onside kick.  Otherwise it's just a touch back 80% of the time anyways, might as well use it as an extended part of the commercial break.

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Tonight. At least to me was blatant favoring of the Ravens on officiating. Baltimore could literally do the exact same hit as pit and not get flagged. The amount of holding on the Ravens oline was embarrassing. Yet the refs never called. The steelers were literally forced to play flag football on defense and the oline watch as defenders whipped past and receivers got mugged.

I dunno if this is favoring due to the whole rice situation or what, but that was far from a fair game. Of course it also helps that every Steeler receiver save A. Brown didn't show up last night. And Ben didn't throw that great either....

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Head up... OK... so far...




Head down... spearing. Not OK. Penalty



He lowered his head and speared a QB.  That is ultimate no no.    Spearing anyone is bad, but QB will get called any and every time. Unless your down head is off to the side of the chest of the QB.  It was not, it was square into the chest..15 yards...

Beautiful job with the pictures and description. Perhaps some people liked it when qbs were getting tossed about and their legs broken etc. Young and Aikmen's career cut short (and probably dozens others) from concussions. Just because Ben is bigger doesn't mean the rules change on how you are allowed to tackle him. I have no problem hitting the qb (head up) and taking him to the ground....no problem with DBs hitting wrs (heads up) and knocking a pass away...or bringing the guy down. Lowering your head and using it as a weapon needs to stop....first off its not only dangerous to the offensive player but the defensive lineman could break his neck Vontez Berfict got a concussion from ramming his head into the qbs sternum last week. It teaches poor techniques to kids...and most importantly you take your eyes off the player...often times resulting in missing your tackle because the target moves at the last second....how  many qbs sidestep the rush or turn their body and the guy just slides right off them. Its poor football really.


While I'm just as concerned with the direction of the league as any I really must say I disagree with the premise that the league is getting soft. I watched a PHYSICAL Seattle team destroy Denver in the SB and GB in week 1....nothing pansy about it...great hitting and physical defense. I don't see them getting flagged over and over for their brand of football. I watched Detroit swallow up NY and overpower them. I watched the beloved Tom Brady get squashed all afternoon in Miami....I really don't buy that defenses can't get after the qb or be physical...they just need to learn the rules and play within them.

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Head up... OK... so far...




Head down... spearing. Not OK. Penalty



He lowered his head and speared a QB.  That is ultimate no no.    Spearing anyone is bad, but QB will get called any and every time. Unless your down head is off to the side of the chest of the QB.  It was not, it was square into the chest..15 yards...


I didn't think the call was good at the time, but seeing those pictures really highlights why it was made. Good job. No question that's a penalty.


And what's ironic to me is how people complain about how "the league is getting soft," but then accuse the NFL of not caring about player safety. It's another can't win situation, because people want to have their cake and eat it, too.

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In a minute they are just going to eliminate the kickoff all together.  No longer a use for it.  It's sad!


I believe that was actually on the table at one point, but moving the kickoff spot to the 35 was indeed intended to eliminate most returns.  Once it was put in place, concussions were reduced (significantly) from the prior year.  Up until that point concussions were increasing every year since 2004.




All rules, points of emphasis, and the strict enforcement o them is driven by the league to reduce concussions and be able to defend itself in court down the road when lawsuits appear for concussion suffering ex players.  It seems funny players get upset because they can't hit with their helmets as weapons anymore, but would sign petition to join class action suits vs the NFL because they suffered concussions from playing that way.  The League is protecting itself and will continue to morph into the National Flag League.  There are certain tecjhniques they want players to use and not the brutality of the ols.  Player safety is in the league and players interest, short and long term.  And they know people will complain and threaten to stop watching.  But ratings continue to rise anyway.  Go figure.

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Head up... OK... so far...




Head down... spearing. Not OK. Penalty



He lowered his head and speared a QB.  That is ultimate no no.    Spearing anyone is bad, but QB will get called any and every time. Unless your down head is off to the side of the chest of the QB.  It was not, it was square into the chest..15 yards...

So we would rather see head up and a broken neck on a defender ?

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I can see some of the rules to an extant but what really gets me is how inconstant the rules are enforced . When officiating is winning and loosing ball games something is very wrong . I don't have all the answers and I know some of it is to protect the NFL from more lawsuits but the line needs to be drawn somewhere .

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What do you see different? Sorry B~Town a player tackling with his head down is much more likely to receive a neck injury. It has happened before.

Indeed...Vontez Burfict got a concussion last week leading with his head into the sternum of Flacco last week. If your heads up you see what your hitting...I don't know ANYWAY how that is more dangerous than running your head down into something. Take for example.....run with your head up straight into a wall...what happens? Now run with your head down straight into a wall....you have have nothing to protect yourself and the blow goes straight down your neck and spine. No question which is more dangerous.

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So we would rather see head up and a broken neck on a defender ?


Players using their head as the tackling device are subject to self injury not matter what method they use.  I just know for fact that if the defender would have kept his chin up a little and hit Ben with his face mask and forehead part of his helmet at the same time, the Ref would never have pulled that yellow handkerchief out.  That is what the NFL is teaching at all levels of football, and they also want their league to lead by example.


The rule of thumb the officials are looking for, orientation of face mask and eyes upon impact.  If the face mask/eyes are looking at the grass when contact is made, there will be a flag thrown.  And in real time on TV, it can be hard to see that.  But officials up close focusing on it can usually get it right. And, the officials have been instructed on close calls to error on the side of safety. So you know what that means.

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Beautiful job with the pictures and description. Perhaps some people liked it when qbs were getting tossed about and their legs broken etc. Young and Aikmen's career cut short (and probably dozens others) from concussions. Just because Ben is bigger doesn't mean the rules change on how you are allowed to tackle him. I have no problem hitting the qb (head up) and taking him to the ground....no problem with DBs hitting wrs (heads up) and knocking a pass away...or bringing the guy down. Lowering your head and using it as a weapon needs to stop....first off its not only dangerous to the offensive player but the defensive lineman could break his neck Vontez Berfict got a concussion from ramming his head into the qbs sternum last week. It teaches poor techniques to kids...and most importantly you take your eyes off the player...often times resulting in missing your tackle because the target moves at the last second....how  many qbs sidestep the rush or turn their body and the guy just slides right off them. Its poor football really.


While I'm just as concerned with the direction of the league as any I really must say I disagree with the premise that the league is getting soft. I watched a PHYSICAL Seattle team destroy Denver in the SB and GB in week 1....nothing pansy about it...great hitting and physical defense. I don't see them getting flagged over and over for their brand of football. I watched Detroit swallow up NY and overpower them. I watched the beloved Tom Brady get squashed all afternoon in Miami....I really don't buy that defenses can't get after the qb or be physical...they just need to learn the rules and play within them.



I can agree with the forehead in the chest type of plays being penalized and the Upshaw hit I have to say falls in that category after further review,  but I do not care for the flags that are thrown for stuff like the tackle #23 made on the goaline.  The man made a perfect form tackle with his head to the side and upon impact his elbow went up and hit the air(not the players helmet) and they threw a flag on him.  Polamalus hit wasn't very different either.  Why is there nothing in place to review when an official has thrown a flag improperly on these plays?  That's one of my major gripes on the issue.   I personally feel like those flags shouldn't have been thrown at all, but if you're going to throw them it should be reviewable in case of a mistake.  Maybe not all of them, but at least you should be able to review one of them, or whatever a potential policy change would allow. 

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I can agree with the forehead in the chest type of plays being penalized and the Upshaw hit I have to say falls in that category after further review,  but I do not care for the flags that are thrown for stuff like the tackle #23 made on the goaline.  The man made a perfect form tackle with his head to the side and upon impact his elbow went up and hit the air(not the players helmet) and they threw a flag on him.  Polamalus hit wasn't very different either.  Why is there nothing in place to review when an official has thrown a flag improperly on these plays?  That's one of my major gripes on the issue.   I personally feel like those flags shouldn't have been thrown at all, but if you're going to throw them it should be reviewable in case of a mistake.  Maybe not all of them, but at least you should be able to review one of them, or whatever a potential policy change would allow. 

Officials get reviewed and graded after the game. IMO just because you make a tackle and stop the guy from a TD doesn't mean its a great tackle. I will be honest I was at a chamber meeting last night and didn't see the whole game or that particular play but if he isn't following the rules its a bad play. The rules are there to protect..if you don't want to protect the players that is fine...the league isn't in position to back down from this...they have too much money at stake with litigation etc not to put that in place. If your not in position to make the tackle the CORRECT way then the player deserves the TD. If your not in position to make the right play on the ball is no excuse to make an ILLEGAL hit. I don't know if the plays your referencing was or wasn't...but overall this thread was about the new rules...and I think they are made with good intentions.

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What do you see different? Sorry B~Town a player tackling with his head down is much more likely to receive a neck injury. It has happened before

Neck strait is what I was taught but that was 14 years ago a lot may have changed . At game speed and just looking at 2 pictures are different did Ben move to his right to cover up the ball ? It looks like it in those pictures him being over just a few inches and it's shoulder pad to chest hit .

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I believe that was actually on the table at one point, but moving the kickoff spot to the 35 was indeed intended to eliminate most returns.  Once it was put in place, concussions were reduced (significantly) from the prior year.  Up until that point concussions were increasing every year since 2004.




All rules, points of emphasis, and the strict enforcement o them is driven by the league to reduce concussions and be able to defend itself in court down the road when lawsuits appear for concussion suffering ex players.  It seems funny players get upset because they can't hit with their helmets as weapons anymore, but would sign petition to join class action suits vs the NFL because they suffered concussions from playing that way.  The League is protecting itself and will continue to morph into the National Flag League.  There are certain tecjhniques they want players to use and not the brutality of the ols.  Player safety is in the league and players interest, short and long term.  And they know people will complain and threaten to stop watching.  But ratings continue to rise anyway.  Go figure.



I guess the NFL has to show in court that they've done something to combat the issue, but I don't think anyone plays a sport like football not expecting at some point to get a concussion.  You can eliminate the kickoff and show on paper that there were less concussions, but to me it's not addressing the issue of the cause of the lawsuits.  If the league had been forthright and extremely honest with all the data they had on concussions do you think they would have the huge problem that they are having now?  To me it's why everyone and their momma is lined up to sue the league for concussion symptoms.  What is the league doing in terms of disclosure of health risk?


It's not that they didn't know they would get a concussion, it's not real hard to conclude that you will get a concussion when you have to hit or get hit by a guy twice your size and strength running at full speed, to me it's because the league didn't expose the players to the proper data on the long term effects of these concussions.  Had they done this in the proper way I think there wouldn't even be a major issue with the lawsuits in the first place.  How can you sue on things the league disclosed to you in a very upfront manner?  I am no expert on the matter and I could stand to learn a bit more, but am I missing something here?


I also want to know what the league is doing to help the players deal with the eventual concussion symptoms, treatment and things of that nature into the future because it's bound to happen.   I'm looking at John Abraham right now who just left the Cardinals with concussion and memory loss issues.  He has this issue and he is an OLB who doesn't even play special teams.  I honestly think playing the game for so many years is the main issue.  What can you expect in regards to concussions when you've been playing the game since you were 8 years old?


Getting back to the issue of how the league is addressing player safety. Some forms of tackles I'm okay with removing like being able to just drill a player who has no way of catching the ball at all.  With that being said I think they need to loosen up on the defenseless player thing when a defender is in close vicinity to the catcher. I'm also okay with the focus on crown of the helmet flags.  Although some of those I think great consideration should be paid when you see an obvious attempt from the player to keep his head up and move it to the side but contact still occurs.  I think we have to get a greater balance.

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Neck strait is what I was taught but that was 14 years ago a lot may have changed . At game speed and just looking at 2 pictures are different did Ben move to his right to cover up the ball ? It looks like it in those pictures him being over just a few inches and it's shoulder pad to chest hit .

It likely won't matter if the shoulder pad hits first or not if you duck your head and lead with it your going to get the call...and its a good call because hopefully it changes your behavior...and it doesn't happen again. These flags are just as much about changing behaviors than the whether the actual helmet hit first or not. Watch rugby...that is how you tackle a player....this league has put so much padding etc on these guys they think they are invincible...and use their bodies as weapons...that is not how the game was intended to be played...nor is it safe. Sorry..this is how it should be...and actually a more pure form of how the game was intended to be played. It was never intended for guys use their bodies to dislodge the ball, hurt the opponent or use the crown of their head to deliver a blow. Tackling was done by wrapping up the opponent and draggin them to the ground....that was how it was intended and getting back to that ISN'T necessarily a bad thing. Just like when people see a guy fly over the middle and launch his body to knock the ball out of a guys hands....THAT ISN'T FOOTBALL...nor how it was ment to be played...we have ALL kind of been desensensitized over the years with poor form tackling and the big hits. Its going to be tough...I know I fight it myself wanting to complain but I have to realize that for the good of the players...and the long term health of the game...these calls need to be made now (even if they miss a few on the safe side) to change all the bad habits over the years...that way football is in a better place for the next generation...not just my gratification of seeing a big collision.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 17, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, September 17, 2014 - personal shot

Yeah, I miss the days when defenders cowardly launched themselves at the opponents head. If you can stop them, give them a concussion....that's real football!!

So let me get this correct. You want to see players injured? You call that real football. No thought for the player or their health? How about their loved ones watching them? How about their kids who want their father around for a long time with a memory to go along? Exactly what does it take for you to fill your need for violence? Yes as football fans we all want to see good hits but I doubt there are too many who wants the players concussed or hurt. Sorry to inform you but you need some mental help.

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