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Message To Jim Caldwell And Larry Coyer


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Recently, both of you have been taking a lot of heat lately for the colts 0-8 season. The offense, defense, and special teams have all played poorly over the last few games. As coaches, it is your job to fix this team and to get it on the winning track.

This part is mainly directed at the defensive coordinator, Larry Coyer. I don't know any other way to put it, but your job seems to be on the line if the team can't improve. I want to see some creativity coming from the colts defense this Sunday! It is not a requirement to play the tampa 2 zone coverage all day long, feel free to mix it up with man coverage and other types of zone coverage. The colts defense has become predicatable and you need to switch it up. Whether that's by blitzing or by disguising the coverages, it's up to you. Also, when you blitz, drop a safety down to cover the hot read WR so the quarterback doesn't have an easy out of the blitz. I want to see Jerry Hughes getting some more playing time too! That doesn't mean take Freeney and Mathis out, it just means rotate Hughes in with Jamaal Anderson and Tyler Brayton. We need Hughes to become our 3rd pass rusher and hands on experience will be very beneficial for him. Don't just restrict the defense to the basic 4-3, you can also experiment with the 4-3 under and the 4-3 over too if that formation best fits the defensive situation. Use the cover 1, 2, and 3 if that play type counters what the opposing offense is using. And most of all, have fun out there!

Too Jim Caldwell, take control of your team! Lead this team through adversity and help us to win some games and finish the year out strong! I never like seeing coaches get fired, especially if they have what it takes to turn around the team.

Now there's a few ideas and some motivation, I want to see some improvement for the rest of the season. God bless!

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Trust me, if Coyer can start coaching like Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan, then he will be safe.

its tough to get right in front of players and have eye to eye contact when you coach every single game from a booth with a headset. how can he relate to them and get them fired up?

and to compare Coyer to Lebeau or Ryan is absolutely ludicrous, which you can relate to after my John Chick Pro Bowl comment. we are now even when it comes to ridiculous claims.

Edited by Phil J
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its tough to get right in front of players and have eye to eye contact when you coach every single game from a booth with a headset.

and to compare Coyer to Lebeau or Ryan is absolutely ludicrous, which you can relate to after my John Chick Pro Bowl comment. we are now even when it comes to ridiculous claims.

I don't feel like arguing with you because your a BBS imitator. Go take someone elses "quotes" out of context... like I even compared anyone in my post...

Edited by Ramblinwreck7
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please tell me how he can start coaching like Ryan and LeBeau? and when did take any of your quotes out of context? I quoted exactly what you posted, and didn't leave anything out. LOL

Trust me, if Coyer can start coaching like Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan, then he will be safe.

Let's see, I said,"IF Coyer CAN START COACHIN LIKE Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan. Did I say that Coyer coaches like Ryan and Lebeau? I didn't think so.

Edited by Ramblinwreck7
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Why does Coyer hang out in the booth anyways? I mean my god, we're an indoor team. What, is it too hot for him indoors? With our record, he needs to get on the field and get his guys fired up! If we're winning, then fine, hang out in your booth, but right now is not the time.

Romeo Crennel - the DC for the Chiefs - was firing his guys up at halftime in the Chiefs vs. Colts game after the Chiefs dismal first half, then started firing on all cylinders. How would Coyer be able to do that if he's all the way upstairs in the booth? Does he run down to the locker room real quick at halftime?

Edited by ReMeDy
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You can only coach the players you have and the players they have are not that good. So far this season I have seen absolutely nothing from anyone on the defense even from leaders like Freeney and Mathis. It is time for someone to step forward and make some plays for a change.

Edited by Blue Horseshoe
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You can only coach the players you have and the players they have are not that good. So far this season I have seen absolutely nothing from anyone on the defense even from leaders like Freeney and Mathis. It is time for someone to step forward and make some plays for a change.

we have the best undrafted players in football, thats why they were not drafted, no talent
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There is one main point in this pathetic disastrous season, proof that not only do the coaches do nothing (when peyton is in he calls the plays) but that irsay has done nothing to help this team in about 13 years. As the patriots and steelers continue to pick up key names and win super bowls.... Irsay sits back and expects Peyton to do it all. We have arguably one of the greatest qbs of all time and one superbowl. Caldwell is junk (no dungy) and our d coaching staff and conditioning coaches are junk. Oh sorry and special teams which has been bad as long as I can remember. The team isn't winning because there is no reason to play for these coaches or owner tight now. Just horrible and sad.

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Let's see, I said,"IF Coyer CAN START COACHIN LIKE Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan. Did I say that Coyer coaches like Ryan and Lebeau? I didn't think so.

Yes, well IF Curtis Painter CAN START PLAYING QB like Peyton Manning or Joe Montana, we won't need to draft one.

I give either scenario an equal chance of occuring.

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Let's see, I said,"IF Coyer CAN START COACHIN LIKE Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan. Did I say that Coyer coaches like Ryan and Lebeau? I didn't think so.

just the mere suggestion that he has the chops and ability to try to be even close to those guys is laughable. we both made ridiculous claims. accept it and move on.

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just the mere suggestion that he has the chops and ability to try to be even close to those guys is laughable. we both made ridiculous claims. accept it and move on.

No I will not except it haha. You made a silly statement about John Chick being a pro bowler and I said if Larry Coyer can start coaching like Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan then he will save his job. What I said was pure common sense, what you said was not true.

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No I will not except it haha. You made a silly statement about John Chick being a pro bowler and I said if Larry Coyer can start coaching like Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan then he will save his job. What I said was pure common sense, what you said was not true.

common sense? why would you think Larry has the ability? what has he demonstrated with his never ending tampa 2 and playing 20 yards off WRs that would lead you to believe he COULD coach like Ryan/LeBeau and adapt his schemes and make adjustments?

let it go. crazy suggestion that no one is entertaining.

Edited by Phil J
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No I will not except it haha. You made a silly statement about John Chick being a pro bowler and I said if Larry Coyer can start coaching like Dick Lebeau or Rex Ryan then he will save his job. What I said was pure common sense, what you said was not true.

I give John Chick better odds of making the probowl than for Larry Coyer to suddenly morph into a hall of fame defensive coordinator (if they put DCs in the HOF of course)
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playing 20 yards off receivers doesnt help either. every single g***** play.

Did Larry Coyer come from the Redskins school of Defense? It seems that for a decade or more they played 10-15 yards off receivers and couldn't figure out why teams were burning them. Almost like Coyer's defense this year...

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common sense? why would you think Larry has the ability? what has he demonstrated with his never ending tampa 2 and playing 20 yards off WRs that would lead you to believe he COULD coach like Ryan/LeBeau and adapt his schemes and make adjustments?

let it go. crazy suggestion that no one is entertaining.

You don't like losing internet arguments, do you? Ha give it up, you know that what I said was common sense and what you said was just false.

Edited by Ramblinwreck7
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I give John Chick better odds of making the probowl than for Larry Coyer to suddenly morph into a hall of fame defensive coordinator (if they put DCs in the HOF of course)

Ummm... okay, you can believe what you want. If some defensive coordinators were that much better than the rest then they would be making a whole lot more money and be in much higher demand.

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Posted · Hidden by Zebra3, November 7, 2011 - Screenname of user is a violation of forum rules.
Hidden by Zebra3, November 7, 2011 - Screenname of user is a violation of forum rules.

They'll be fired at the end of the season. :cool:

Dear God,I hope and pray you are right! This guy is a turd riding a giants shoulders!!!

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Ummm... okay, you can believe what you want. If some defensive coordinators were that much better than the rest then they would be making a whole lot more money and be in much higher demand.

Wait, what?

So are you saying that all defensive coordinators are basically the same? You can't be saying that can you?

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