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Were Would You Rank Irsay?


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Of the present NFL owners where would Colts fans rank Jim Irsay as an owner? Would we rather have an owner like Jerry Jones who is more hands on, or maybe more like the owner of the Bengals who runs the entire show and makes all the player choices, or like the owner of the Buffalo Bills who basically stays out of the limelight and allows mag't to run the show. Do the excessive tweets harm the franchise or is it something that isn't that big of a deal. Overall what is peoples take on Jim Irsay?

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I'm actually fine with Irsay. I love the guy, and I love how he Tweets to the fans, dresses in silly costumes, and is active with the community. His Tweets are cryptic, which can be annoying when fans want real answers, but they're also sometimes funny and suggests how positive-minded he is.

The issue is Jim Caldwell. It's all his fault. Yup, it's ALL his fault... But I'm going off topic.

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I think he is great. Owners really shouldn't be terribly hands-on (Jerry Jones, Dan Snyder, the late great Al Davis for examples). But he is supportive and fun and from all I hear is wonderful to his employees (not just the higher staff).

So I bet he ranks fairly high.

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Dan Rooney is the best hands down; I don't even think that it is open for debate with all the Super Bowls and consistency over decades. Jim Irsay has the potential to be a Dan Rooney. I think that he is probably 2, 3, or 4 right now. I would call it a toss up between John Mara (Giants), Bob Kraft (Patriots), and Jim Irsay. You have to like the other guys with their business saavy. Jim stands out because he actually knows football over the other two so I think that he has a better chance of sustaining winning for us over the decades, but he isn't meddlesome like a Jerry Jones; I like Jim's tweeting too.

Edited by GoGoColts
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I think given how his dad ran the franchise we got very lucky. Jim seems to understand his role as owner yet is able to be involved in the overall operations without having a hard hand which can be tough to do. While he is still fairly young it will be interesting to see how down the road the transition goes from him to I believe possibly his daughter. Oh and you can't put a value on how he has helped out the community. Just read today where he gave $130,000 to Tech HS to go to Hawaii for a special parade.

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Dan Rooney is the best hands down; I don't even think that it is open for debate with all the Super Bowls and consistency over decades. Jim Irsay has the potential to be a Dan Rooney. I think that he is probably 2, 3, or 4 right now. I would call it a toss up between John Mara (Giants), Bob Kraft (Patriots), and Jim Irsay. You have to like the other guys with their business saavy. Jim stands out because he actually knows football over the other two so I think that he has a better chance of sustaining winning for us over the decades, but he isn't meddlesome like a Jerry Jones; I like Jim's tweeting too.

+1 My feelings exactly. I bet he is a wonderful guy to work for in all aspects of the franchise. :number1:

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+1 My feelings exactly. I bet he is a wonderful guy to work for in all aspects of the franchise. :number1:

I have often thought that it would be super cool working for the Colts. However, Bill would probably be difficult to deal with at times. When you think about how Jim didn't cut people's salaries during the lockout, it's easy to work hard for someone like that. These owners didn't lose a nickle during the lock out and people lost their salaries. That's just classless.

Edited by GoGoColts
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I like hands off owners but Jim is alittle different and is hands on with the fans. HIDE YOUR KIDS!

Im just kidding, he's cool.

But Polian plays the part of a controlling owner for him. I don't mind that either since Bill has alot of football knowledge BUT I wish his controlling ways didn't tick off coaches.

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He's about the perfect owner. He hires well respected football people and lets them make the football decisions. He spares no expense or effort to help the organization succeed, and he communicates with the fans in a way that is not only entertaining, but that serves to remind us that he is a fan himself. He is right there with us rooting the Colts on, not sitting in an ivory tower thinking about his P&L. I relish and encourage eccentricity in most forms, and his is exceptionally positive. Whether or not his teams have been successful is largely irrelevant to the question.

Contrast that with the owner of my historically favorite basketball team, the NY Knicks. James Dolan is also a second generation owner born to wealth, with plenty of eccentricities of his own (including thinking himself a star musician). Superficially there are a lot of similarities. The difference is that he can't keep his hands off the teams operations - often hiring dysfunctional * that no-one respects, and forcing horrifically damaging personnel changes down their throats in the interests of getting himself a "star" that he can stand next to for a photo-op - looking like the cat that just swallowed a 6'8" mouse. He is an utter fool, and he has made it physically painful to root for the team at all. He is a spoiled brat and thinks that the team is his personal toy.. There is NO sense of obligation to the fans, just to his own fat ego. His eccentricities serve to make him an unpleasant joke - when he blesses us with his presence at all. I was foolish enough to think that things were getting better, but after the Knicks sent half the team to Denver last year (plunging back into salary cap heck with little to show for it), and emasculated Donnie Walsh, I rooted for the Nuggets the rest of the way. I've never done anything like that before in my life.

Rooting for the Knicks isn't all that different than rooting for the Colts under Robert Irsay. I detested the man, and was actually happy when he died. That's something else that I've never done before in my life. I'm sure Jim learned what not to do from his father, and he learned it well. He has been a blessing from day one, and the contrast with his father has been so dramatic that I refuse to nit pick about anything that he does. I've seen the dark side, Jim can tweet music lyrics till the Cow(sills) come home and I'll just keep on smiling.

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I love Jim. What other owner tries to communicate with the fans and makes himself such a "personal" friend that I feel I would like to know?

He's quirky, he's funny, and he is as someone said before me a very upbeat person.

He also trusts in the people he has hired to run the organization to run it.

I think that's great.

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Of the present NFL owners where would Colts fans rank Jim Irsay as an owner? Would we rather have an owner like Jerry Jones who is more hands on, or maybe more like the owner of the Bengals who runs the entire show and makes all the player choices, or like the owner of the Buffalo Bills who basically stays out of the limelight and allows mag't to run the show. Do the excessive tweets harm the franchise or is it something that isn't that big of a deal. Overall what is peoples take on Jim Irsay?

I like him. But I don't put him in the same class as Rooney, Kraft, and Jones. I would put him in the top 10.

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I like him. But I don't put him in the same class as Rooney, Kraft, and Jones. I would put him in the top 10.

I think that Jones is one of the most offensive personalities in the sport - a slightly more stable version of Al Davis. I would hate to have rooted for either of their teams for a variety of reasons.

Rooney and Kraft are both good owners, but their visibility comes mostly from their success. The owners of the Giants have historically been terrific - and instrumental in the current success of the league as a whole - just a bit less successful. Anonymity can be a virtue when comparing these men.

Would most people even know who owned the Patriots if not for Belichick/Brady? It's fair to say that you've listed some of the owners whose teams have been most successful on the field in the past 20 years, but I suspect that there are many great owners who none of us could even come up with off the top of our heads.

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I think that Jones is one of the most offensive personalities in the sport - a slightly more stable version of Al Davis. I would hate to have rooted for either of their teams for a variety of reasons.

Rooney and Kraft are both good owners, but their visibility comes mostly from their success. The owners of the Giants have historically been terrific - and instrumental in the current success of the league as a whole - just a bit less successful. Anonymity can be a virtue when comparing these men.

Would most people even know who owned the Patriots if not for Belichick/Brady? It's fair to say that you've listed some of the owners whose teams have been most successful on the field in the past 20 years, but I suspect that there are many great owners who none of us could even come up with off the top of our heads.

kraft is a good business man. He was instrumental in the CBA negotiations and other business endeavors. However, I wonder if he will be able to rebuild that team after the Brady/BB era as I am not convinced that he is a football mind of any sort.

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I would rank him right behind Jerry Richardson and in front of John Mara. :D

I love Jim. What other owner tries to communicate with the fans and makes himself such a "personal" friend that I feel I would like to know?

He's quirky, he's funny, and he is as someone said before me a very upbeat person.

He also trusts in the people he has hired to run the organization to run it.

I think that's great.

I very much agree. Plus he's a fan of Jim Gaffigan. :D

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I really like Irsay, he's great with the fans and i love the tweets. He also doesn't hold back his feelings on his tweets and you can tell he shares the same pain us fans do when the camera is on him late in these games. It's written all over his face....

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Of the present NFL owners where would Colts fans rank Jim Irsay as an owner? Would we rather have an owner like Jerry Jones who is more hands on, or maybe more like the owner of the Bengals who runs the entire show and makes all the player choices, or like the owner of the Buffalo Bills who basically stays out of the limelight and allows mag't to run the show. Do the excessive tweets harm the franchise or is it something that isn't that big of a deal. Overall what is peoples take on Jim Irsay?

I'd like an owner that does not go by the handle of "tweeti pie"...

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@john dee, we do have an off topic forum. But still, no religion/political posts. It leads to too much flaming/swearing and clean up work for mods.

Jim is a true fan of this game. And he knows that everyone involved......owners.....players.....coaches..... all start and end as 'Fans'

That's why he connects with fans, he is one

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Well considering that Robert Irsay was either mentally ill or had a significant personality disorder and was one of the worst owners ever in the NFL from the time he traded ownership of the Rams for ownership of the Colts with Carroll Rosenbloom, I rate Jim as a 7. However, if you're rating him on a sliding scale against the likes of Jerry Jones, I rate him as a 10+ (based on my reading of the book "Boys Will Be Boys" about the 90's Cowboys under the leadership of Jimmy and Jerry and their win at all cost philosophy).

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Had no problem with him until he said Rush Limbaugh should not be able to own a team based on his political beliefs. From there on out the guy is a jerk. IMO

Did you not read the "no politics" policy, then the post reiterated by a mod in THIS thread?? Take it somewhere else. A jerk? He's entitled to his own opinions, just like Rush is (which has made him insanely rich, BTW)

As for an owner, looking at his body of work....I'd put him right behind the Rooneys, Kraft, and the Maras. The Colts have been (until this year) the model of consistency and winning since Jim took over in 1997...This season is a bummer, for sure, but he put the right people in place to make this team what it was for over a decade. He's pretty hands off, but not afraid to communicate with the fans via twitter. It shows that he cares about the team when he posts after these losses...He also, as others have mentioned, does a TON for the community. Giving away those Super Bowl rings was awesome...even though he looked like the lovechild of Elton John and Willa Wonka with that getup he was wearing. We wouldn't be having this conversation on this board if not for Jim...we'd probably still be going 4-12 every year (this year notwithstanding) had Jim not had the foresight to avoid the mistakes of his father...

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