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Do Some Of You Actually Watch The Colts Play?


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What people like you and I fail to see is how great Richardson really is. To the untrained eye it might look like he can't find a hole, is slow, and dances way too much, but not to the experts.

Grigson is a fool for taking Luck and not Richardson in 2012. Let some other team have the rookie QB who lead his team to the playoffs. The real jem of the draft was Richardson, 3.6 ypc, less then 1000 yards and only 2 runs for twenty. Simply amazing.

Then in his second year when handed the job of the starter for the Colts he right away set out to lose it, then he let his ypc drop to 2.9 ...... The guy is the league MVP.

If you dont think Richardson is the greatest of all time then you dont know football. Its a once in a generation type player who will dance around until a guy who has been blocked to the ground recovers and tackles him, very few players have those kinda moves.

Richardson doesnt know the playbook, because he is too awesome to learn it. Sure he could have studied it and contributed, maybe, but a man of his skill and talent would rather sit on the bench.

I bet everytime the Browns see Trent get tackled behind the line they regret trading him. Only the untrained eye would think that he stinks.


So you loved the trade . :thmup:   Why did'nt ya just say so ..

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Theres nothing new here in this thread folks.This entire rant was nothing more than another"my football i.q is higher than yours so Im better at life than you and you shouldn't post your opinions here"thread.Thats pretty much all I got out of it.

It was well written.Well said.And its your opinion.Thats all it is.Thats what message boards are all about.People can say what they want.I myself welcome it!I like to hear whats on others minds.

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This was not about everyone. I am just saying some people come up with the most bizarre theories.  I am a coach and have coached football for 12 years.  I don't pretend I am Bill Walsh, but it is frustrating to see people so obviously miss what they are seeing.  And just repeat what everyone else is seeing.  Castonzo doesn't have right tackle feet, for example.  He is a left tackle.  You HAVE to consider the entire team.  Go back to the 1995 Colts.  We had Marshall Faulk running the ball.  Great RB!!  He got hurt, so Lamont Warren would come in and go for over 100.  If he didn't, well Zack Crockett would come in and rip the Chargers for like 140 yards in the playoffs.  Do you think Warren and Crockett were great RBs?  Even good?   What do you think Richardson and Brown would do behind that offensive line?  You have to consider what they have to work with.   The Colts offensive line does a terrible job of gab control and run blocking.  Way too much penetration.  Any RB would be hard pressed to succeed behind that line.  So you make the point that Donald Brown gained yards behind the line.  Well, for one think, I think Brown has always been a good RB.  Wrong scheme, not that many opportunities, and injuries hurt him.  But they don't run the same plays with Richardson they do with Brown.


Just do me this one.  When the Colts get a better offensive line this season, please don't start saying Richardson is finally starting to mature.  Sure, he will learn, but most of it is gong to come because HE FINALLY HAS A HOLE TO RUN TO!!

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Can this guy get a medal? I agree 100%. Especially with the Trent Richardson and Ryan Grigson statements. Since week 1 Richardson came here people expected 3000000000 yards and 500 TD's out of him, yet no one took into account that our interior line cant block whatsoever, and he is 22 or 23 years old, had to learn 2 playbooks in 2 years, and was thrown into the lineup. and to the people who hate Trent and LOVE Donald brown, and say we keep him, you need to watch the past couple years of his career. he cannot pass block to save his life (Miami Dolphins @ Indianapolis Colts week 2 2013. Just an example, watch the last play of the game.) Trent can pass block like a beast, many many many plays this year would not have been successful if it wasn't for Trent Richardson's pass block abilities. every time he was put in, the defense would stack the box and immediately hit him as soon as he took the handoff. Can you really call him a bust after half a year?! NO!!!! Give him an upgraded interior line that can run block, an ENTIRE off-season with the COLTS to LEARN the playbook, training camp, OTA's, minicamp and all that.

Next year I definitely see him proving EVERYONE wrong and showing why he was 3rd overall. No offense to Donald Brown, but since when has he been the best RB on the colts? since he played well for 7 games this year? I honestly would choose Trent over Donald everyday, any day. Trent is only 22 or 23, has a ton of upside, and has a tremendous skill set. I think judging him the way some *s on this forum and espn did is extremely unfair. Another thing,

with Grigson, some people on here literally make me shake my head. and reading Brad Wells makes me go insane. Werner was a good pick, he was injured many games, and had to switch from a 4-3 to a 3-4. This draft class was a very "developmental project" draft. If you want to talk about bad draft classes, go look at some of Bill Polian's latest drafts before we fired his salty self. Grigson won GM of the year and it is only his 2nd year on the job. He makes things exciting with trades. Some good, some bad. I don't know how any of you can sit here and trash Coach Pagano. That man is truly an inspiration. Last time I checked, a coach doesn't get fired for making a couple bad calls in the season. I think this organization is in great hands. And for some people saying we should switch back to a 4-3, you guys should really learn Colts football. we ran that scheme for years. Did it work? no. not really. I like the 3-4 and so should you. Another thing with the Trent trade, whether you liked it or not, he's here to stay and he is an Indianapolis colt and we should support him instead of trashing and bashing all the time. and that goes for everything, instead of trashing and bashing, try being positive. it makes things 100x better on here. Go Colts and have a great day.


Well said!!

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Listen closely little guy, if you look back I said he is playing well NOW, When he was a Colt he played POORLY. THOSE ARE THE FACTS! Takes longer for some guys to get it?


LOL at the whole Tim Jennings argument. He didn't play well here, he's playing well there. It's not because the fans couldn't see his true potential, it's because he;s playing better now and being used more effectively. 


And he's hardly the only player to switch teams after not playing well, and gone on to play better with his new team. Some perspective is in order on a lot of these fan theories.

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LOL at the whole Tim Jennings argument. He didn't play well here, he's playing well there. It's not because the fans couldn't see his true potential, it's because he;s playing better now and being used more effectively.

And he's hardly the only player to switch teams after not playing well, and gone on to play better with his new team. Some perspective is in order on a lot of these fan theories.

not really
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That is starting to become pretty obvious to me...I just didn't know it was possible to argue over how pathetic it was to measure fandom by continuing to watch a 30 point beatdown.

Some people just like to argue.....A couple (no names) have even admitted to me as much in PM.

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Some people just like to argue.....A couple (no names) have even admitted to me as much in PM.

I could probably take a good stab at who they are.  No point in discussing football with them.  There's a saying I subscribe to in my marriage - "would you rather be right or be happy?"


Some people would rather be right, and there's no point in discussing anything with these people.  Bottom line is, there's a wide spectrum of what might happen, and people that would rather chest thump facts as if they will always be correct aren't worth debating with anything.  Chest thumpers will always chest thump.

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I could probably take a good stab at who they are.  No point in discussing football with them.  There's a saying I subscribe to in my marriage - "would you rather be right or be happy?"


Some people would rather be right, and there's no point in discussing anything with these people.  Bottom line is, there's a wide spectrum of what might happen, and people that would rather chest thump facts as if they will always be correct aren't worth debating with anything.  Chest thumpers will always chest thump.

I cant lie I do like to do a little chest thumping(I dont do it much I dont believe....and maybe what I do really isn't chest thumping depending on how one sees it), Not because I want the Colts to fail but because when it comes to a draft picks or a FA we pick up it feels good when I get validated for what I see in a player, Of course I hope said player proves me wrong (Mcglynn for example I was strongly against the signing after watching his games in Cincy and Philadelphia) But more often then not a spade...especially on the O Line after a few years in the league of not getting better .......is a spade

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I cant lie I do like to do a little chest thumping(I dont do it much I dont believe....and maybe what I do really isn't chest thumping depending on how one sees it), Not because I want the Colts to fail but because when it comes to a draft picks or a FA we pick up it feels good when I get validated for what I see in a player, Of course I hope said player proves me wrong (Mcglynn for example I was strongly against the signing after watching his games in Cincy and Philadelphia) But more often then not a spade...especially on the O Line after a few years in the league of not getting better .......is a spade

Confidence is one thing.  I'm with you.  I want that...out of our players and fans.  But chest thumping vis a vis our own fans....really kind of pointless.  It doesn't do much good for me to rub the fact that I'm "right" about a Colts FO decision.  I.e. Trent Richardson.  It does this team and fan base no good to throw it in the face of other Cotls fans that the Colts made a bad decision giving up a #1 for Trent.   We can question the move, and I'm good with that.  But acting like Trent's shortcomings in 2013 is a reason to show they know everything...that's just silly.  It's profiting off bad moves made by the Colts FO.  It's stupid and "wins" nothing.

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I'm surprised throwing BBS, but the only thing you got correct in your statement below is the spelling of his name.


1.  It's called a kick-slide not a kick and slide (I will admit that your term is descriptive of what they do but in 8 years of playing the line and another 15+ coaching I have never heard it called a kick and slide).


2.  AC's athleticism is not the reason he struggles occasionally against speed rushers, it's a combination of balance and anticipation.  If you really watched AC closely and looked at the type of player he was going up against it was speed rushers he struggled with, it was speed rushers with multiple moves because what would happen is he would start to overcompensate one way, his balance would suffer and the defender would come back with a move to take advantage of that.  That is something that is gained through experience.  His second issue is upper body strength to keep the defender at arm's length.


3.  If you think AC is a bottom 10 pass blocker you have not watched many LTs in the NFL.  Top 5 run, maybe Top 15 pass, easily.


4.  Meadows is one of my all time favorite Colt lineman but his kick slide was not great and also he was not asked to do it a lot when he was teamed up with Manning.  TO set up the stretch play and PAP the Colts would crash the tackles down and the guards would kick slide out and take the outside rusher on the play side and on the back side they were funnel the defenders towards the center so it was more a reach and turn(which is a forward or sideways step) than the traditional kick-slide (which is a backward step)


1. Or maybe it is a kick slide. Feel better. It`s NOT my Term. Those are quotation marks around a cut and paste.

2. lmao. You go to length to describe his over compensating Because of a lack of Athleticism (quickness to recover being part of that IMO). haha! yur funny. A slew (was it 40+?) of college starts and 3 years in the NFL and he just needs More Experience for the physical & Mental side. Good grief! A real Roy Hibbert?

3. Find me a list showing him as a top overall 15 LT. He does not get there because they say he is probably better suited as a RT. A lack of pass blocking upside is the point.

   What i see EVERY game so i Agree. JMO.

 If Andrew does a 5 step drop or takes a step in the shotgun, followed by ANY Hesitation, guess what, he has Close company too Much of the time and it is AC and Any speed of rusher. 

  I haven`t heard or read a Castonzo assessment that didn`t NOTE his pass blocking weakness.

 We were 11-5 so he was good. lol  Sacks, hits and hurries are a Poor measurable perhaps.

4. I too liked Adam Meadows. He worked Hard to improve what for me became a Memorable, yes, more of a double hop step to the side. It became a bit exaggerated but he made it work to good effect. I referred to him to amuse myself and perhaps spark a fond memory to a few of the old Colts fans who thought well of him.


  Because NOTHING but a quick release is gonna help AC. He is what he is. He is such a mauler in the run i figured he had VG upper body strength. Your knowledge says he is Still a wuss.

 Guess he has that to work on too! ;)

 I do have HIGH Expectations that with Thomas and DAllen beside him and an improved athletic Thornton pulling in the run game, things will clearly be much rosier to his side. He certainly has had PPoor help the last 2 seasons.

 5. Have a double shot, on you! :thmsup: Go Colts!

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LOL at the whole Tim Jennings argument. He didn't play well here, he's playing well there. It's not because the fans couldn't see his true potential, it's because he;s playing better now and being used more effectively. 


And he's hardly the only player to switch teams after not playing well, and gone on to play better with his new team. Some perspective is in order on a lot of these fan theories.


He wasn`t That bad his last 2 years here, we had drafted J Powers and he just moved on at the end of his contract. Didn`t he have ankle issues his 1st year or two?

.BTW his numbers his 1st 2 years at Chicago were almost the same as his last 2 years here.

 Finally in his 7th year he had Big #`s.

 This last season they dropped considerably. So far more of a One Season wonder.

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Not so much. I must not know about football or even watch the games.


You liked my sarcasm & are attempting some of your own how special ,  I'v watched every game since the Colts came to the westside  .


Starting in the Hoosier The Indianapolis Colts ..  So I do recommend you watch & learn something .

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He wasn`t That bad his last 2 years here, we had drafted J Powers and he just moved on at the end of his contract. Didn`t he have ankle issues his 1st year or two?

.BTW his numbers his 1st 2 years at Chicago were almost the same as his last 2 years here.

 Finally in his 7th year he had Big #`s.

 This last season they dropped considerably. So far more of a One Season wonder.


As a Colt Jennings was unremarkable & forgetable .

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Taking into consideration your plight I looked up something that might help ya out .


Check it out no need to thank me its my pleasure . :thmup:

That article states that the football is advanced down the field by running and passing, I find this to be misleading. Everyone who knows anything about football knows Trent Richardson is the greatest runningback of all time and he never advances the ball by running. The author of that article clearly doesnt even watch football.
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That article states that the football is advanced down the field by running and passing, I find this to be misleading. Everyone who knows anything about football knows Trent Richardson is the greatest runningback of all time and he never advances the ball by running. The author of that article clearly doesnt even watch football.

:spit:    What happens when T- Rich proves you & many others here wrong .  :rock:

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Eventually, Colts threads take off in only a few directions:


1.) Luck being the best QB, possibly ever, and he cant do it by himself

2.) TRich bust or not


4.) "Im a better fan than you because I notice x y z"



I see we are batting 3 for 4....Who's gonna hit 100%?

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:spit: What happens when T- Rich proves you & many others here wrong . :rock:

They've been working on this spin move all off-season:

"any RB would look good behind this improved offensive line."

So they're good to go in the worst case scenario of Trent actually capitalizing on all of his potential.

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They've been working on this spin move all off-season:

"any RB would look good behind this improved offensive line."

So they're good to go in the worst case scenario of Trent actually capitalizing on all of his potential.


Dude everyone wants to be right . 


My opinion is give T-Rich the surgery on his shoulder give him the off season work outs & pre season then lets see where we are IMO the rush to judge this situation has led to a no stop hatererism .


Instead of worst case scenario - capatalizing on all his potential . 


I say best case scenario Ryan Grigson someone with actual NFL front office experience is proven right about T-Rich & his ability  .


Of course there will always be those that believe a first round pick for a RB is a mistake thats there opinion I just prefer Ryan Grigsons over any  fan / fanatics opinion .

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Eventually, Colts threads take off in only a few directions:


1.) Luck being the best QB, possibly ever, and he cant do it by himself

2.) TRich bust or not


4.) "Im a better fan than you because I notice x y z"



I see we are batting 3 for 4....Who's gonna hit 100%?


Lets Talk Rodgers  I like him like T- Rich he will benefit greatly this off season . Watching the combine yes  O-lineman & tE's running BORING ..

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He wasn`t That bad his last 2 years here, we had drafted J Powers and he just moved on at the end of his contract. Didn`t he have ankle issues his 1st year or two?

.BTW his numbers his 1st 2 years at Chicago were almost the same as his last 2 years here.

 Finally in his 7th year he had Big #`s.

 This last season they dropped considerably. So far more of a One Season wonder.


Don't misunderstand me. I'm not all that excited about Tim Jennings even now, and I wasn't bashing him when he was here either. But there's this sentiment that Tim Jennings is proving everyone wrong, that his story proves that most fans don't know what they're talking about, and that's just silly. He's played better in Chicago because they used him better, and because he got more help from his teammates. Not because he's really more talented than anyone knew when he was here.

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Don't misunderstand me. I'm not all that excited about Tim Jennings even now, and I wasn't bashing him when he was here either. But there's this sentiment that Tim Jennings is proving everyone wrong, that his story proves that most fans don't know what they're talking about, and that's just silly. He's played better in Chicago because they used him better, and because he got more help from his teammates. Not because he's really more talented than anyone knew when he was here.


As i wrote, more of a one year wonder. Agree he was forgettable.

Dumping J Hughes for Walden, on a similar dummkopf level as Ever signing Satele and bringing back McGlynn for year 2.  Paying Freeney $14M for his last season. 

Paying Manning $ 26M to Rehab. UNFORGETTABLE!

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Don't misunderstand me. I'm not all that excited about Tim Jennings even now, and I wasn't bashing him when he was here either. But there's this sentiment that Tim Jennings is proving everyone wrong, that his story proves that most fans don't know what they're talking about, and that's just silly. He's played better in Chicago because they used him better, and because he got more help from his teammates. Not because he's really more talented than anyone knew when he was here.

Not to mention 3 of Jennings 4 ints this year came off of 2 horribly thrown balls be Eli Manning and 1 other one came off a pass Jordy Nelson should have caught but batted it up in there air because it was a bit high, His 4th int he actually had to read Ponders eyes, Not to discredit his int's because he showed great hands to get them  but I wasn't impressed.......But he did make the plays and some Corners would have dropped some of those Im sure

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