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Goodell: NFL would consider allowing medical marijuana


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You most certainly can sue your doctor for malpractice if he prescribes a drug that hurts you or that you become addicted to..


Of course you can.


Weed doesnt cure anything..so you don't have to use it to get better so you can play


The NFL saying it is a viable painkiller makes then potentially liable..because you don't need it to recover


Players had culpability in the ehad trauma issue too..and they won a billion dollar (and counting) settle ment 


Pills and their addictive nature isn't the issue.......  If you say that weed is an accepted painkiller...you are liable for all its effects.. 


The NFL should just say  'no'..

Not at all. There's a reason doctors discuss side effect of medications with you, and offer alternatives if those side effects alarm you. It's because it covers them from what you are describing. Trust me on this. If I get prescribed Vicodin, and am explained the risks, whatever happens after is on me. Not the prescribing doctor. They aren't baby sitters. It's up to the patient to be responsible.

If the doctor is being negligent that's a whole other issue, but that's malpractice in general, not common prescriptions.

It's the same issue with pills. Just because they are allowed, doesn't mean you have to take them. And if you chose to take them it doesn't make the NFL liable if you become an addict on harder drugs like you state. Culpability is on the players on how they chose to treat themselves, and being smart about it.

The players in the concussion lawsuit claimed the NFL withheld information about concussions from them. Completely different issue.

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You can a mental addiction, and have small, and I stress small, physical withdrawals from it. Such as insomnia, and irritability.

But on the scale of harder drugs its withdrawal symptoms are an absolute joke.

never seen that happen. And half my family does/did it. I never inhaled. Lol
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What's the problem? 


 "Gateway Drug" *shudders*...Im willing to bet that is the single most important phrase in the fight against weed even tho it is the biggest double edged, garbage term, and yet against many peoples best efforts, it is still being used, and believed today.....It is a term that can literally be used against anything and everything....Milk is a gateway drug to Pepsi.....Pepsi is a gateway drug to Redbull...Ham is a gateway drug to Bacon.....


"Using this (a), opens you up to using this (b)!" 


100% of people who drink water, DIE!

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Players getting high and playing football.....Its a dream for football players.  Now players can tackle harder and they won't even feel a thing. Expect food on the sideline now since players gonna get the munchies. 


In Denver with legal recreational use no more 6 game suspensions ?  Stick that in your pipe Rog ..


Does Mile High  plan on going green ? 


Will Twinkies or the Jolly Green Giant become the Broncos new mascot ?


Will Peyton change his number 18 to 420 ?

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 "Gateway Drug" *shudders*...Im willing to bet that is the single most important phrase in the fight against weed even tho it is the biggest double edged, garbage term, and yet against many peoples best efforts, it is still being used, and believed today.....It is a term that can literally be used against anything and everything....Milk is a gateway drug to Pepsi.....Pepsi is a gateway drug to Redbull...Ham is a gateway drug to Bacon.....


"Using this (a), opens you up to using this (b)!" 


100% of people who drink water, DIE!


I'm sorry to disagree dude but Milk is the gateway drug to cheese I'v been fighting it for years but its got me hooked I'v been in & out of rehab numerous times  its crazy I know but the stuff is everywhere .



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"Gateway Drug" *shudders*...Im willing to bet that is the single most important phrase in the fight against weed even tho it is the biggest double edged, garbage term, and yet against many peoples best efforts, it is still being used, and believed today.....It is a term that can literally be used against anything and everything....Milk is a gateway drug to Pepsi.....Pepsi is a gateway drug to Redbull...Ham is a gateway drug to Bacon.....

"Using this (a), opens you up to using this (b)!"

100% of people who drink water, DIE!

The only problem is Pepsi is alot less dangerous then the stronger drugs...

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I'll chance Pepsi over some highly addictive drug post pot.


And thats fine. Its your choice. Some of the top 10 most addictive substances in the world include Caffeine, Sugar, Nicotine, and Alcohol.....all deemed acceptable....All allowed by the NFL....All with benefits and downfalls, similar to marijuana use.... 



I just hope, that while your slamming that Pepsi, you consider that heart disease and obesity are considered by some to be the 2 largest problems in America. Not to mention the damage that is done to your stomach, and mouth. 

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And thats fine. Its your choice. Some of the top 10 most addictive substances in the world include Caffeine, Sugar, Nicotine, and Alcohol.....all deemed acceptable....All allowed by the NFL....All with benefits and downfalls, similar to marijuana use....

I just hope, that while your slamming that Pepsi, you consider that heart disease and obesity are considered by some to be the 2 largest problems in America. Not to mention the damage that is done to your stomach, and mouth.

Are you seriously trying to argue that hard drugs are leas dangerous than Pepsi? Being addicted to Caffeine is mucch less dangerous than being addicted to Mary Jane, Meth, Heroine,Cocaine, etc.

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Are you seriously trying to argue that hard drugs are leas dangerous than Pepsi? Being addicted to Caffeine is mucch less dangerous than being addicted to Mary Jane, Meth, Heroine,Cocaine, etc.

Marijuana is much less dangerous then meth, heroine, and cocaine. That's not even a question. They aren't in the same league.

It's closer to Pepsi caffeine, then it is to crack.

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Obviously. But drinking Pepsi doesn't lead to harder drug use. But marijuana does

Nope. There's nothing in marijuana that makes you seek out harder drugs. No chemical. Nothing.

Think about people who are using pot. They're likely those, in many instances, who are always chasing a better high anyways. So for them it's a natural step from pot to harder drugs. If you only want to smoke marijuana, nothing will force you into harder drugs. Just like the caffeine in Pepsi, which is a drug too and classified as one, doesn't lead you to harder forms of caffeine. Is what I'm assuming IndyTrav was, correctly, getting at.

Correlation doesn't equate causation.

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Nope. There's nothing in marijuana that makes you seek out harder drugs. No chemical. Nothing.

Think about people who are using pot. They're likely those, in many instances, who are always chasing a better high anyways. So for them it's a natural step from pot to harder drugs. If you only want to smoke marijuana, nothing will force you into harder drugs. Just like the caffeine in Pepsi, which is a drug too and classified as one, doesn't lead you to harder forms of caffeine. Is what I'm assuming IndyTrav was, correctly, getting at.

Correlation doesn't equate causation.

It has a mental addiction. And Yes like I said Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs as you so graciously pointed out. I Never said it forces you to, just that it opens the door for wanting a better high.

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I think marijuana gets a lot of attention because it's illegal most places, just as alcohol used to be
We could not keep alcohol illegal regardless of the harm that it does to so many people
The bigger issue now is prescription pain killers, people are dieing because of them.  It literally is a deadly American epidemic.  An article worth reading here:  http://www.npr.org/2013/11/02/242594489/with-rise-of-painkiller-abuse-a-closer-look-at-heroin
a few items from that article below

The number of people reporting heroin use in the previous year increased between 2007 and 2012,from 373,000 to 669,000. Meanwhile, federal data from 2011 finds that nearly 80 percent of people who had used heroin in the past year had also previously abused prescription painkillers classified as opioids.

According to the CDC, the amount of prescription painkillers sold to pharmacies, hospitals and doctors' offices across the U.S. quadrupled between 1999 and 2010.

"With the increase in prescribing, what we've seen is that it's led to parallel increases in rates of addiction and increases in rates of drug overdose deaths," Kolodny says. "And it's gotten so bad that the CDC is now telling us there are more people in the United States dying each year from drug overdoses than car crashes."

The United States is completely alone in this trend, Kolodny says.

"The United States has about 4 percent of the world's population, and we're consuming more than 80 percent of the world's oxycodone supply. We're also consuming more than 99 percent of the world's hydrocodone," he says.
The number of people reporting heroin use in the previous year increased between 2007 and 2012,


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It has a mental addiction. And Yes like I said Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs as you so graciously pointed out. I Never said it forces you to, just that it opens the door for wanting a better high.


It is not a gateway drug. Again, correlation and causation are not one and the same. 


Again, its like saying Nictoine, is a gateway to alcohol. Alcohol is a gateway to Pot. Pot is a gateway to etc etc. Just because someone uses one, doesn't mean it leads to another. 


Plenty of people have smoked pot, and not gone on to do anything else, including cigarettes and booze. And vice versa.


Using your example, Coffee is a gateway to Pepsi. People want a better caffeine boost, so they try Pepsi. Pepsi is now not enough, now you want Redbull. Now Redbull is not enough, you want an energy shot.....

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It has a mental addiction. And Yes like I said Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs as you so graciously pointed out. I Never said it forces you to, just that it opens the door for wanting a better high.

Totally missing what I said. It isn't a gateway to anything. It's the people who seek these better and better highs naturally go through the progression to pot, into harder drugs. So the people not the substance influence how you "progress." Either you didn't understand or you don't understand. But correlation does not equate causation.

The mental addiction is minimal. On par to a caffeine addiction. Much less then that of cigarettes because it has no nicotine in it. And much less then the risks you run taking pills, legally prescribed, that have narcotics in them.

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It is not a gateway drug. Again, correlation and causation are not one and the same.

Again, its like saying Nictoine, is a gateway to alcohol. Alcohol is a gateway to Pot. Pot is a gateway to etc etc. Just because someone uses one, doesn't mean it leads to another.

Plenty of people have smoked pot, and not gone on to do anything else, including cigarettes and booze. And vice versa.

Using your example, Coffee is a gateway to Pepsi. People want a better caffeine boost, so they try Pepsi. Pepsi is now not enough, now you want Redbull. Now Redbull is not enough, you want an energy shot.....

I think you're both missing my point. Many people have tried harder drugs because they tried pot, liked the feeling and now either have built up a tolerance and want a better high or see how an illegal drug can make them feel good.

If you try pot you're more lielyto try something worse. Take pot out of the equation and you'll have many less people go on to harder drugs.

Quite frankly I think it's disgusting that you're both arguing in favor of an illegal(in most places) substance that alters your state of mind significantly. Especially when it has 0 PROVEN medical benefits.

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Totally missing what I said. It isn't a gateway to anything. It's the people who seek these better and better highs naturally go through the progression to pot, into harder drugs. So the people not the substance influence how you "progress." Either you didn't understand or you don't understand. But correlation does not equate causation.

The mental addiction is minimal. On par to a caffeine addiction. Much less then that of cigarettes because it has no nicotine in it. And much less then the risks you run taking pills, legally prescribed, that have narcotics in them.

Mind over matter. If you create an addiction in your mind then you're body is going to be affected as well. Psychological dependance is pretty devestating.

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I think you're both missing my point. Many people have tried harder drugs because they tried pot, liked the feeling and now either have built up a tolerance and want a better high or see how an illegal drug can make them feel good.

If you try pot you're more lielyto try something worse. Take pot out of the equation and you'll have many less people go on to harder drugs.

Quite frankly I think it's disgusting that you're both arguing in favor of an illegal(in most places) substance that alters your state of mind significantly. Especially when it has 0 PROVEN medical benefits.

D.A.R.E sure has done a number on you.

If you take away pot. People would just replace it with something else. Pills, booze, or just go straight to the harder stuff. It's not the substance it's the mentality.

"Gateway drugs" is a made up concept based on people not understanding correlation and causation.

Are you okay with players taking Vicodin? Because it's much more harmful, and addictive then pot could ever be. It's also a "gateway drug" if you want to continue incorrectly applying that term.

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Mind over matter. If you create an addiction in your mind then you're body is going to be affected as well. Psychological dependance is pretty devestating.

Right, but it's all psychological. Meaning not consistent and not guaranteed. No one in the history of weed has psychologically convinced themselves that they've had the symptoms that are associated with harder drugs.

You can also be mentally addicted to other things like Pepsi and food. Doesn't mean a thing.

Cigarets are also much more addictive, and harmful.

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I think you're both missing my point. Many people have tried harder drugs because they tried pot, liked the feeling and now either have built up a tolerance and want a better high or see how an illegal drug can make them feel good.

If you try pot you're more lielyto try something worse. Take pot out of the equation and you'll have many less people go on to harder drugs.

Quite frankly I think it's disgusting that you're both arguing in favor of an illegal(in most places) substance that alters your state of mind significantly. Especially when it has 0 PROVEN medical benefits.

You are fortunate to be in the Information Age. I suggest you take some of resources available to you and use them to educate yourself.

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D.A.R.E sure has done a number on you.

If you take away pot. People would just replace it with something else. Pills, booze, or just go straight to the harder stuff. It's not the substance it's the mentality.

"Gateway drugs" is a made up concept based on people not understanding correlation and causation.

Are you okay with players taking Vicodin? Because it's much more harmful, and addictive then pot could ever be. It's also a "gateway drug" if you want to continue incorrectly applying that term.

What is "D.A.R.E."

We can't play that game of what-if about taking away pot. Vicodin is proven in the medicinal world, marijuana is not.

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What is "D.A.R.E."

We can't play that game of what-if about taking away pot. Vicodin is proven in the medicinal world, marijuana is not.


That's not necessarily true. If it literally had "no medical benefit" then medical marijuana wouldn't exist and doctors wouldn't prescribe it. 

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Right, but it's all psychological. Meaning not consistent and not guaranteed. No one in the history of weed has psychologically convinced themselves that they've had the symptoms that are associated with harder drugs.

You can also be mentally addicted to other things like Pepsi and food. Doesn't mean a thing.

Cigarets are also much more addictive, and harmful.

Yes they have actually. I don't think I need to tell you about placebo effects or how much your mind can convince your body of something.

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Right, but it's all psychological. Meaning not consistent and not guaranteed. No one in the history of weed has psychologically convinced themselves that they've had the symptoms that are associated with harder drugs.

You can also be mentally addicted to other things like Pepsi and food. Doesn't mean a thing.

Cigarets are also much more addictive, and harmful.

I'm not going to argue about cigarettes, I hate them worse than Pretty much any drug out there. Should be completely illegal and banned in this country.

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Yes they have actually. I don't think I need to tell you about placebo effects or how much your mind can convince your body of something.

Please stop talking out of your butt, and making things up. I've worked in treatment facilities. I know.

The placebo effect is also working against your point because it's something happening to you that isn't actually caused by the substance you are taking.

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That's not necessarily true. If it literally had "no medical benefit" then medical marijuana wouldn't exist and doctors wouldn't prescribe it.

It's more of the way you take it.

Smoking marijuana causes the 500 or so compounds to create different byproducts. Some very bad, Some are good. Marijuana had 70% more carcinogenic material than tobacco. & impairs you Pretty bad.

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Please stop talking out of your butt, and making things up. I've worked in treatment facilities. I know.

The placebo effect is also working against your point because it's something happening to you that isn't actually caused by the substance you are taking.

I think you're smoking Too much pot there. The placebo effect is to show that your brain can convince your body that something is happening to it when in fact nothing really is. I.e. withdrawal symptoms.

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I think you're smoking Too much pot there. The placebo effect is to show that your brain can convince your body that something is happening to it when in fact nothing really is. I.e. withdrawal symptoms.

You literally have no clue what you are saying anymore do you?

The placebo effect is giving one group the treatment. And then giving the control group nothing, but telling them it's something I.E a sugar pill instead of an allergy pill.

In the case of weed, the weed itself isn't causing any type of withdrawal. It's the brain convincing someone it is. That type of effect can happen with any substance. Such as experiments done on people drinking non alcoholic beer, yet thinking their drunk. It's fake. Not real. Thus not the weed is not at fault. It just the individuals imagination. Meaning it isn't an actual withdrawal.

And even then the "mental" withdrawal, which we are both agreeing isn't real, still isn't like withdrawing from heroine, or hard drugs. Not even close.

Please don't accuse me of smoking something I don't smoke, just because I've worked in a field that requires me to understand drugs and their effects. You might be better served educating yourself, then attacking those who know.

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