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Which sports franchises you like and dislike the most?

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With regards to who has the worst fans based on obnoxious rude and loud behavior and actions then it's New Yorkers, Philadelphia, Raiders, 49ers.

The NFL no longer has Raider/49er pre season games because of the violence as fans were shot, stabbed and murdered. You're dealing with California gangs and associations with drug cartels. Raiders fans are known to be disliked by most fans due to their thug behavior.

Philadelphia = The Eagles have a jail/prison in the basement of their stadium to hold all the fans they arrest.

New York? lol Don't get me started, theirs enough evidence and videos all over the web of how they act. Yankee fans threw over a thousand bottles and cans onto the field during the 2004 ALCS against the Red Sox and the umps had to take all the players off the field and delay the game. Now the Yankees can't even sellout their home games. Lots of empty seats in their new overated stadium that lacks any atmosphere or passion. Yankee stadium is in the South Bronx. lol Enough said.

I used to feel sorry for the Red Sox , until after they won their first World Series since 1918. Then their fans started coming down Camden Yards like flocks of obnoxious buzzards, and were even more brutal than Yankees fans.

Now, I don't blame the Red Sox or Yankees for the Orioles problems, despite their bloated payrolls. Unlike Red Sox and Yankee management who care about their fans and winning, the Orioles have an old, doddering, cheapskate owner, who is a billionaire trial lawyer , and owns regional TV rights to the Orioles and the Nationals. Every year, Orioles fans are treated to signings of second and third tier free agents. Typically , the tag line will be the player had a great year in 2011. Meanwhile, the Nationals, who Mr skinflint Angelo's has their TV rights, sign all kinds of great free agents. So far, we traded our closer to the A's who saved 50 games the last two seasons, for a bad triple A second baseman from Oakland , who is 26, and considered a failure. We just got a reliever from the Marlins who they didn't tender a contract. Then Duquette tells us we'll have a competitive team. Competitive team, how about signing guys to win it all ? This owner is like Bob Irsay, a greedy bum.

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I used to feel sorry for the Red Sox , until after they won their first World Series since 1918. Then their fans started coming down Camden Yards like flocks of obnoxious buzzards, and were even more brutal than Yankees fans.

Now, I don't blame the Red Sox or Yankees for the Orioles problems, despite their bloated payrolls. Unlike Red Sox and Yankee management who care about their fans and winning, the Orioles have an old, doddering, cheapskate owner, who is a billionaire trial lawyer , and owns regional TV rights to the Orioles and the Nationals. Every year, Orioles fans are treated to signings of second and third tier free agents. Typically , the tag line will be the player had a great year in 2011. Meanwhile, the Nationals, who Mr skinflint Angelo's has their TV rights, sign all kinds of great free agents. So far, we traded our closer to the A's who saved 50 games the last two seasons, for a bad triple A second baseman from Oakland , who is 26, and considered a failure. We just got a reliever from the Marlins who they didn't tender a contract. Then Duquette tells us we'll have a competitive team. Competitive team, how about signing guys to win it all ? This owner is like Bob Irsay, a greedy bum.


I don't really dislike teams much but since I watched the Ravens play there opener in Denver with all the Joe Flacco posters & the big party there I could'nt understand why the baseball team did'nt accomodate the Superbowl Champions & there fans IMO that was pretty dirty .  So the Orioles IMO looked like weasels for the way that played out .


Bob Irsay a greedy bum  ?   As a Indianapolis Colts fan I say the Irsays with the help of a City not threatening a imminent domain lawsuit have given the City a team that is welcome & loved by the City & State . Greedy would be a city with 1 stadium for 2 different sports that won't invest in its future & tries to strongarm a franchise away from its lawful owner .


We have a football team & baseball team & in this Cities infinite wisdom there independent of each other something that is missing in Baltimore - Your teams share a parking lot was the excuse I believe I heard as to why your homegame was moved which if true means the City & fans learned nothing from the past  it seems to me when you mix baseball & football in Baltimore football & its fans come out the loser ..

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Cubs-Yep the loveable losers, Red Sox-Baseball


Football-Colts although I just enjoy the game alot so Im up for watching any teams, I like some of the play designs that have been a staple of the Texans since Rick Dennison has been offensive coordinator




Have not really been into basketball since Reggie Miller retired, I watch some games but it usually does not hold my attention.

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Of course you dislike the Bruins, you're a Habs fan.  Most hockey fans and most the world population outside of Montreal would disagree with you on Habs' fans being the best fans.  lol  First, the Habs are the biggest floppers, divers and fakers in all of hockey as they play hockey like they're the Italian soccer team.  Their fans are the biggest babies who cry when their players get beat and they try to act and think that they're European.  lol


Habs fans called the cops and demanded the Canadian government arrest and prosecute Bruins' player Zdeno Chára after he put Max Pacioretty into the boards during the game.  The Habs fans flooded the 911 emergency line after that.  The Habs organization and their fans should look at more classy NHL teams to be like.  Oh, and after Max Pacioretty got hurt by Zdeno Chara and had a concussion he was out at the movie theater.  Well when you have a concussion most people can't even look at bright lights or watch tv and many need to be in a dark room for days at a time.  Only Habs fans think the Bruins are the only team in the NHL who hit or fight.  They never hold accountable or complain when other teams hit and fight.


The Edmonton Oilers are a far more classy team. 


Dirtiest player in NHL is Matt Cooke who ended Marc Savard's career.


You want to talk about dirty?  lol  You're a Miami Thug U fan.  That college football program started the whole: "recruit from the ghetto" routine lead by Jimmy Johnson as they were the dirtiest football team ever in the history of college football.  lol  Talk about the irony and hypocrisy on your part.  Miami U and Florida State under Bobby Bowden was just trash.  The Miami Hurricanes of the 1980's and 90's were like what the Oakland Raiders were in the 1970's under John Madden.  They were thugs and goons.


You think the Habs are the biggest divers? Lol that's a great joke and it shows your bias. Look all this Bruins stuff:



Give me a break.

I agree that Cooke is the dirtiest, but what Thornton did to Orpik puts him up there now too. That's at least a 15 gamer.

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As much as I love my Bruins, I do not particularly care for the antics of Thronton and Marchaud in particular.


Thornton is a glorified thug. Average/below average player who is basically just the goon squad. Moreso than that, I do not like Marchaud. He's like a little rat/Ribiero type player. Very skilled, but ruins it with his diving and antics and running away when someone bigger confronts him. (Which is, of course, pretty much everyone since he's small.) He almost never engages in actual fights with those guys.


I don't have double standards. I don't like thugs, weasels, whining players or drama queens regardless of what team or sport they play.



Regarding Patrick Roy: IMO the best goaltender to ever play. He had arrogance issues, but when you're that  good I suppose you have a right to be. I didn't like the occasional kick to a downed player with his skates, but overall he wasn't too bad with that stuff as some might claim.


On his final night in MTL, that night he gave up something like 9 goals and wasn't pulled. I would have been * too at the coach. He should have been pulled after 3 or 4 tops when it was clear he was having an off night. Every goaltender has them - even the best ones once in a blue moon. Instead he was left to stew in embarassment in front of his home crowd. They even mocked him when he finally made a save and he himself raised his arms in "cheer." (A situation Casey Price would share down the stretch)


He then went on to help Ray win a championship in Colorado, so I thank him for that. It would have been nothing short of a travesty/Marino situation if Ray Bourque were never on a cup team.

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I don't really dislike teams much but since I watched the Ravens play there opener in Denver with all the Joe Flacco posters & the big party there I could'nt understand why the baseball team did'nt accomodate the Superbowl Champions & there fans IMO that was pretty dirty . So the Orioles IMO looked like weasels for the way that played out .

Bob Irsay a greedy bum ? As a Indianapolis Colts fan I say the Irsays with the help of a City not threatening a imminent domain lawsuit have given the City a team that is welcome & loved by the City & State . Greedy would be a city with 1 stadium for 2 different sports that won't invest in its future & tries to strongarm a franchise away from its lawful owner .

We have a football team & baseball team & in this Cities infinite wisdom there independent of each other something that is missing in Baltimore - Your teams share a parking lot was the excuse I believe I heard as to why your homegame was moved which if true means the City & fans learned nothing from the past it seems to me when you mix baseball & football in Baltimore football & its fans come out the loser ..

The greed is not signing Bert Jones , Rodger Carr, John Dutton, and on and on , while putting out a crappy product and sticking millions in your pocket. Despite reports, he wasn't losing money in a Baltimore, he just wanted more elsewhere. If this guy is your hero? I don't know what to say. He stunk in indy also.

As for the Ravens- Denver game, it was a bit disappointing , but nobody really cares now. We like our stadiums together where we can get down to the Inner Harbor and all the fun bars.

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I have a slight leaning towards the Detroit teams (Pistons and Tigers), left over from the days of Thomas/Dumars and Trammell/Whitaker...them more recently with guys like Ben Wallace and Justin Verlander. However I don't really follow those sports that close.

No hate towards anyone.

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Oh, so you hate Tecmo Bowl then too huh,...you said you hate EVERYTHING but good music... :D  Be careful my friend when you use words like always, never, everything, and everytime...it might come back to bite you in the keester.



Tecmo Bowl teams are more tolerable than real NFL teams. Plus there's no refs to screw up my perfect game, so that's a plus. I never have to worry about all those roughing the passer calls from when my guys sack Steve Young, and I don't have to worry about magical PI calls to walk them down the field either.

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Like the Pats, Colts, Rams.


Don't like Eagles, Ravens and somewhat the Giants.




Like the Red Sox, Dodgers


Don't like Braves, Yankees



Not much on Hockey so I go homer Bruins




Like Celtics and this years Pacers team (That's just good ball. Solid and I'd like to see them win it all).



Don't like Lakers, Miami.



Soccer Bah ha ha ha.

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Franchises I like:

Football - Colts, Broncos, Dolphins, Hurricanes

Basketball - Heat

Baseball - Marlins

Hockey - Panthers

Franchises I dislike:

Football - Patriots, Steelers, Jets, Eagles, Redskins, Saints, Seahawks, Seminoles, Gators

Basketball - Bulls, Knicks, Celtics, Lakers, Thunder

Baseball - Red Sox

Hockey - Eh, don't care really

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Regarding Patrick Roy: IMO the best goaltender to ever play. He had arrogance issues, but when you're that  good I suppose you have a right to be. I didn't like the occasional kick to a downed player with his skates, but overall he wasn't too bad with that stuff as some might claim.


On his final night in MTL, that night he gave up something like 9 goals and wasn't pulled. I would have been * too at the coach. He should have been pulled after 3 or 4 tops when it was clear he was having an off night. Every goaltender has them - even the best ones once in a blue moon. Instead he was left to stew in embarassment in front of his home crowd. They even mocked him when he finally made a save and he himself raised his arms in "cheer." (A situation Casey Price would share down the stretch)


He then went on to help Roy win a championship in Colorado, so I thank him for that. It would have been nothing short of a travesty/Marino situation if Ray Bourque were never on a cup team.


AMEN brother..TESTIFY!!!

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You think the Habs are the biggest divers? Lol that's a great joke and it shows your bias. Look all this Bruins stuff:



Give me a break.

I agree that Cooke is the dirtiest, but what Thornton did to Orpik puts him up there now too. That's at least a 15 gamer.



hahah nice try.  No matter how much you try to say: "Well you do it too."  it doesn't work and you can't lower the Bruins or any other team down to the low level of the Canadiens on the amount of diving and flopping  they do.  Canadiens and Canucks are the biggest divers and floppers.  It's 10 to 1 on how much more the Canadiens flop than the Bruins.


Sean Thornton is one of the best enforcers in the game who through out his career embodies what a enforcer is who fought the right way....but he messed up this time and he knows it and apologized for it multiple times.

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Tecmo Bowl teams are more tolerable than real NFL teams. Plus there's no refs to screw up my perfect game, so that's a plus. I never have to worry about all those roughing the passer calls from when my guys sack Steve Young, and I don't have to worry about magical PI calls to walk them down the field either.

The only thing one need fear is that "magical" Bo Jackson on the ground.


Joe Mo and Marino were unstoppable through the air, too. Not to mention Joe had Rice.

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Broncos (once Peyton's gone, this gets scratched off)

Giants (Them beating the Pats twice in the Super Bowl took a bit of sting off Wide Right)

Ravens (teams that generally beat the Patriots in the playoffs earn more respect from me)


Dislike (as you can see, division rivals and NFC East teams)





Redskins (most of this is because how that team is run)

Titans (mostly the music city forward pass)


I know, there's no Dolphins on here, but the best of this rivalry was Jim Kelly vs. Dan Marino, and the 70s. Now that both teams have been kind of bad the past decade, and this is where I started watching football, I don't have that hatred towards the Dolphins than my fellow fans do).




Red Sox















NHL: (don't watch hockey that much)




Sabres (just because they're from Buffalo, lol)



No idea, lol

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hahah nice try.  No matter how much you try to say: "Well you do it too."  it doesn't work and you can't lower the Bruins or any other team down to the low level of the Canadiens on the amount of diving and flopping  they do.  Canadiens and Canucks are the biggest divers and floppers.  It's 10 to 1 on how much more the Canadiens flop than the Bruins.


Sean Thornton is one of the best enforcers in the game who through out his career embodies what a enforcer is who fought the right way....but he messed up this time and he knows it and apologized for it multiple times.


Ok so I've got all the proof online and by watching games, and you want to sit here and say "no no no, the Habs are still bigger"


Ok, whatever you say...

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Most of mine are nostalgic picks based on who was on TV in my younger days or teams my dad liked with a few faves based on geographic proximity.

NFL likes:

Colts (my dad's favorite from the Unitas years)

Broncos (as long as Peyton is there)

NFL dislikes:









NBA likes:

Grizzlies (hometown team)

NBA dislikes:





MLB likes:

Braves (games were shown everyday on TBS when I was younger).

MLB dislikes:




NHL: don't follow

College football likes;

Memphis Tigers (hometown faves)

Tennessee Vols (represents my state)

Bama Crimson Tide (my dad's fave and most of my family was born and bred as Bama fans before my generation)

College football dislikes:



Florida St

Mississippi St



NCAA basketball likes:

Memphis Tigers

NCAA basketball dislikes:

Kentucky Wildcats

Cincinnati Bearcats

Kansas Jayhawks

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The only thing one need fear is that "magical" Bo Jackson on the ground.


Joe Mo and Marino were unstoppable through the air, too. Not to mention Joe had Rice.



I play the ones on the SNES.....Jeff George got a ring thanks to me, that's right took the Colts to the Super Bowl and won, even though he threw 3 INT's in the big game :lol:


You know who's really unstoppable in those games? Jim Everett. Throwing to Flipper Anderson and Henry Ellard. Easily rack up a 3000-4000 passing year with the Rams.

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