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Rodney Harrison: "We'd have easily won three Super Bowls with Peyton Manning"


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I think it's highly overstated. Yes, Manning has more control over the offense than any other QB, but he's not running the offense with no direction. The coaches call plays, and they also give him specific directives at times (like running the ball at the end of the second quarter against the Saints).


As for whether his control is a positive or a negative, I think the results kind of make it clear that he's worthy of having that kind of control. The first part of last season, McCoy was imposing some of the Broncos' stuff on Manning, and Manning was running it. As the season went on, McCoy gave Manning more freedom, they started doing more no-huddle and more so-called Indy concepts, and they won the last 11 games of the season. So it's hard to say that allowing Manning to have as much influence over the offense as he does is a bad thing.




One thing Tom Moore always said was he gave Peyton three plays at the beginning of a drive. A run outside, inside, and a passing play. Peyton did with those what he wanted.


We didn't, seriously. Lol


i see what you mean.


There is only one thing i just never have really understood and i think fans dont really know either but just post it as the true.


Do we really know Peyton called all his plays? I mean, yes we see him on the no huddle barking signals but i also see the OC saying stuff on the no huddle, I've seen PM asking his new oc in denver and then barking the signals on the no huddle. I've seen Tom Moore tell him stuff while he is on the no huddle. I think people, to make him look more hero like, have just accepted the ASSUMPTION that he calls everything. I dont know if that is 100 accurate


Yes the highlight i remermber distinctly


I think then peyton studied the f=defense picked best of the 3 that he could position his players in to make worj the best


McCoy rammed a 2 RB set down peytopn untioll he saw in those early games that on the comebacks it was always a no huddle 1 back set that worked


I see His OC now calling in plays and then Peyton making adjustments at line pending the D again but whaat is called in i dont know


The only play i know Peyton called himself was the bootleg TD Vs Oakland as he said when JT moved Right, all the D moved right and no one was on the left, he had the surprise call on his side and to sell it he couldn't tell anyone

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Some background here on Rodney - it is widely known that Brady used to torch him in practice. The D had what they called the "Dirty Show." Brady used to talk about it where they would try to get to Brady but routinely fail. Rodney likes to think that the SB wins were all about him when he wasn't even there for the first one and did not play the entire second half of the Caroline SB due to a broken arm. And of course it was him covering David Tyree for the infamous helmet catch that kept the Pats from their fourth ring and an undefeated season. He was also busted for roids because he kept getting injured the last 5 years of his career and could never stay on the field and routinely voted as one of the dirtiest players in the NFL for all his late hits after the whistle blew.


In terms of his hypothetical which are always silly to me, no one knows. Belichick all the time says there is no other QB he would want other then Brady. Basically Brady is Belichick on the field when it comes to knowing and understanding football and playing smart. I have my doubts that Manning would have been able to run the different style of offenses that Belichick has incorporated over the years or that Bill would let him run his Indy offense.


This is the same argument about Marino winning with Montana's teams. All conjecture.


In other words, you don't like the message . . . so you want to attack the messenger. 

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I just  wanted you to say that, so I can say this...


I don't think Bill Belichik is a better coach than Tony Dungy.....


Why? Dungy built 2 championship teams which, to me, means that t was him, not the situation.. 


See what I;m saying,?


Like if Manning wins the Super Bowl with Denver this season, its him..not the situation he had in Indy..


No one has even QB's 2 different teams to Super Bowl wins (although Johnny U did QB's the Colts to an NFL and a Super Bowl crown


One time can be a little Luck (not Andrew) twice can be a trend



Well i guess we disagree on the Belichick/Dungy

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In other words, you don't like the message . . . so you want to attack the messenger. 


And what's so crazy is that the message is in no way demeaning to Brady. Harrison has said many times that he thinks Brady is the better QB. All this comment does is debunk the ridiculous argument that Brady's three rings make him better than Manning.

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35-28 with less than two minutes left. The defense gave up a 70 yard touchdown with 30 seconds left. But all that matters is 3 TOs, because that was a "top five defense." Sure thing...


Sleep better at night? No, this has nothing to do with the way I sleep. Nor is it excuse making. Bottom line is Brady has three rings, which he earned and deserves credit for. Manning only has one. Take that for whatever it's worth.


But if even Rodney Harrison is able to admit that the difference in those teams from a decade ago was that the Pats had a better defense, and Brady wasn't subjected to the pressure of carrying the entire team like Manning was, then there's a small level of validation to something I've believed for a long time now. There's no "if only." You can be embarrassed for Manning if you want, but everyone knows what your objective is.

And without his three TOs, it is 35-14 and Broncs win in blow out like they should have. And he was spotted 14 from his special teams to boot.


Rodney can say whatever he wants but it behooves him and his career to say the SBs were about the defense when everyone in NE knows without Brady= no rings. This idea that you can hypothetically take Manning and put him on the Pats and he would win three rings is silly as who is QBing the Colts? If it is Brady then I like my chances.


But this is the bottom line, with Brady and Manning it is just not about rings as if it was then it would be the same argument one could have about Eil being better then him which he clearly isn't. No, the argument here is greater than that because Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, better in the post-season by a lot, multiple league MVPs, etc. He will go down as the better player not just because of the rings but because of the whole career - he is the closest to Marino and Montana in one player. Now, if you want to flip flop and imagine what might have been had the Pats somehow had Manning, be my guest. But like I said, that is degrading to Manning who has had a HoF career in his own right just not to the same level success as Brady.

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And what's so crazy is that the message is in no way demeaning to Brady. Harrison has said many times that he thinks Brady is the better QB. All this comment does is debunk the ridiculous argument that Brady's three rings make him better than Manning.

His whole career makes him better than Manning.

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We did not stop them in the second half. They had three possessions, TD, FG, TD. Then victory formation. All the while, we sat back in Cushion Cover 2 with no pressure on the receivers and our pass rush hobbled, and let Drew Brees slice us apart, 15/16 with two TDs in the second half.


The Jets game, two point lead, we give up a huge return, then the defense gives up two huge completions. And sandwiched in there is an *ic timeout.

More excuses... will they ever stop?

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Honestly even if the Manning/Belichick combo has gotten along and talked in some offseasons or pro bowls I don't personally think it would be a match made in heaven. It makes for good media talk but I don't buy it would have necessarily worked either.


If Manning wanted a more Belichick type of coach and a better defense he would have gone to the 49ers. Granted there was the Eli in the same conference argument but that would not have been in effect last year anyway and possibly this year again since the Giants have missed the playoffs.


I think SF with Manning may have won it all last year. Kaepernick as good as he can be showed some serious newbie jitters in the big game I feel and it took them too long to get going. They also had to have a big comeback in Atlanta too.


Manning likes to have control over his offense and seems to get along better with the more easy going Dungy/John Fox types IMO.

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What makes BB a but hole? spygate (overblown) , and lightly grabbing a referee by the arm? Or just getting the best of the colts on many occasions?

routinely not shaking hands when he loses......being short with media when he loses....I think you are playing devil's advocate.  Cheating on his wife ......Everything about BB says jerk.

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And without his three TOs, it is 35-14 and Broncs win in blow out like they should have. And he was spotted 14 from his special teams to boot.


Rodney can say whatever he wants but it behooves him and his career to say the SBs were about the defense when everyone in NE knows without Brady= no rings. This idea that you can hypothetically take Manning and put him on the Pats and he would win three rings is silly as who is QBing the Colts? If it is Brady then I like my chances.


But this is the bottom line, with Brady and Manning it is just not about rings as if it was then it would be the same argument one could have about Eil being better then him which he clearly isn't. No, the argument here is greater than that because Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, better in the post-season by a lot, multiple league MVPs, etc. He will go down as the better player not just because of the rings but because of the whole career - he is the closest to Marino and Montana in one player. Now, if you want to flip flop and imagine what might have been had the Pats somehow had Manning, be my guest. But like I said, that is degrading to Manning who has had a HoF career in his own right just not to the same level success as Brady.



His whole career makes him better than Manning.



More excuses... will they ever stop?




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And without his three TOs, it is 35-14 and Broncs win in blow out like they should have. And he was spotted 14 from his special teams to boot.


Rodney can say whatever he wants but it behooves him and his career to say the SBs were about the defense when everyone in NE knows without Brady= no rings. This idea that you can hypothetically take Manning and put him on the Pats and he would win three rings is silly as who is QBing the Colts? If it is Brady then I like my chances.


But this is the bottom line, with Brady and Manning it is just not about rings as if it was then it would be the same argument one could have about Eil being better then him which he clearly isn't. No, the argument here is greater than that because Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, better in the post-season by a lot, multiple league MVPs, etc. He will go down as the better player not just because of the rings but because of the whole career - he is the closest to Marino and Montana in one player. Now, if you want to flip flop and imagine what might have been had the Pats somehow had Manning, be my guest. But like I said, that is degrading to Manning who has had a HoF career in his own right just not to the same level success as Brady.

Only Pats fans believe that statement.  Years from now, it is Petyon who will be remembered by the NATION we call The United States of America, as the greatest QB that ever lived.  No doubt in my mind about that.  I bet the nation believes that right now.

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What makes BB a but hole? spygate (overblown) , and lightly grabbing a referee by the arm? Or just getting the best of the colts on many occasions?

I have long been a fan of many of your posts BLOOD but this one may be the best. While I freely admit that with the media Bill is as cuddly as a cactus and after a loss you are as likely to get a one word response as a snort, the guy is actually very funny and does quite a bit of charity. He is by no means Beelzebub but then again he is not nearly as likeable as Dungy. But then again, who is? ;)

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Only Pats fans believe that statement.  Years from now, it is Petyon who will be remembered by the NATION we call The United States of America, as the greatest QB that ever lived.  No doubt in my mind about that.  I bet the nation believes that right now.


My money is on Tony Romo. 

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routinely not shaking hands when he loses (That's a lie.)......being short with media when he loses (He's short with them always.)....I think you are playing devil's advocate.  Cheating on his wife (Please share with us the details of his marriage.) ......Everything about BB says jerk. (Do you know the guy?)

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My money is on Tony Romo. 

Clearly you've never seen the art that is Curtis Painter.



Flowing goldilocks that make Brady green with envy.

A cannon for an arm that rivals Jeff George...and then his passes sail past his receivers in to defender's waiting arms.

Such pocket awareness the likes of which has never been seen....as having twelve defenders piled on top of you makes one rather conscious of them.

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Closet thing to Montana and Marino in one?? lmao AM your love for Tomy Brady has you drunker than a skunk.

He has the stats and the rings and clutch moments in big games. No other QB is closer to both in one than him which is why he is already in the discussion of g.o.a.t. despite still playing ...

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Closet thing to Montana and Marino in one?? lmaoAM your love for Tomy Brady has you drunker than a skunk.


While this is true she is not the only one here obsessed or in love with a QB either. She is just in enemy territory so it is more difficult. :headspin:


Personally I love our opposing fans who have different passions and loves for other teams. It is nice to get out of the Colts only bubble at times.

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He has the stats and the rings and clutch moments in big games. No other QB is closer to both in one than him which is why he is already in the discussion of g.o.a.t. despite still playing ...


You have yet to see Luck win 4 of the next 6 SBs.


Now that will change everyones minds and they may rename the league to "National Football Luck".

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While this is true she is not the only one here obsessed or in love with a QB either. She is just in enemy territory so it is more difficult. :headspin:


Personally I love our opposing fans who have different passions and loves for other teams. It is nice to get out of the Colts only bubble at times.

Thanks Jules. Although Tom is number one in my mind, Peyton will always be that rival that made Brady who he is. I am just happy to watch them play again for the 14th time. Not sure if they have many left. 


And shouldn't Colts fans be trumping Luck anyways not the Broncos Qb? ;)

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Thanks Jules. Although Tom is number one in my mind, Peyton will always be that rival that made Brady who he is. I am just happy to watch them play again for the 14th time. Not sure if they have many left. 


And shouldn't Colts fans be trumping Luck anyways not the Broncos Qb? ;)



Well that's a whole different can of worms we may not want to reopen. ;)

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And what's so crazy is that the message is in no way demeaning to Brady. Harrison has said many times that he thinks Brady is the better QB. All this comment does is debunk the ridiculous argument that Brady's three rings make him better than Manning.


This is true.  But you are speaking as someone who doesn't feel the ever pressing need to laud and magnify one QB above another.

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I'm so over-dosed on this topic. Harrison is making a pretty simple statement here that is hard to disagree with. But as usual, it's being spun and twisted into something else. He's simply suggesting that, with a better defense, Manning would have had more playoff/SB success. Which is hardly an earth-shattering revelation for anyone who's been watching football for the past 15 years. 


I'll see y'all after Sunday... I'm all Manning'ed and Brady'ed out! Good luck to your Colts this weekend too. Cheers all....

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He has the stats and the rings and clutch moments in big games. No other QB is closer to both in one than him which is why he is already in the discussion of g.o.a.t. despite still playing ...

And Mannings not? Manning has better stats, more fourth quarter comebacks and more game winning drives than Brady. Peyton will own every meaningful stat record there is by the time be retires. Brady will not.

And for as much as Brady has been clutch, he's choked as well:

-2010: Had the #1 seed at home and lost to a Jets team they blew out 45-3 barely a month earlier. One and done.

-2006: Blows the largest lead EVER in a conference championship game with a game-sealing INT.

-2005: Throws a near pick six in the end zone in a playoff game against Denver on a drive that could of potentially tied the game.

-2007: Leads one of the leagues most prolific offenses IN HISTORY to only 14 points in a Super Bowl to the NFCs 5th seeded Giants. Did I mention that the Patriots were undefeated by the way going in?

-2009: Manages to blow a 31-14 4th quarter lead in Indianapolis.

2012: Lead an offense that ran more plays than anyone in the league that season but only could score 13 points with 0 after halftime with two INTs. At home in the AFC Championship by the way.

While one could argue that Peyton has choked in big games, Brady has as well. Infact, one could argue that Brady's were bigger chokes given the magnitude and circumstances around each game/scenario.

Peyton is a Marino with a Super Bowl ring, the one piece that many said prevented Marino from being the GOAT.

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And Mannings not? Manning has better stats, more fourth quarter comebacks and more game winning drives than Brady. Peyton will own every meaningful stat record there is by the time be retires. Brady will not.

And for as much as Brady has been clutch, he's choked as well:

-2010: Had the #1 seed at home and lost to a Jets team they blew out 45-3 barely a month earlier. One and done.

-2006: Blows the largest lead EVER in a conference championship game with a game-sealing INT.

-2005: Throws a near pick six in the end zone in a playoff game against Denver on a drive that could of potentially tied the game.

-2007: Leads one of the leagues most prolific offenses IN HISTORY to only 14 points in a Super Bowl to the NFCs 5th seeded Giants. Did I mention that the Patriots were undefeated by the way going in?

-2009: Manages to blow a 31-14 4th quarter lead in Indianapolis.

2012: Lead an offense that ran more plays than anyone in the league that season but only could score 13 points with 0 after halftime with two INTs. At home in the AFC Championship by the way.

While one could argue that Peyton has choked in big games, Brady has as well. Infact, one could argue that Brady's were bigger chokes given the magnitude and circumstances around each game/scenario.

Peyton is a Marino with a Super Bowl ring, the one piece that many said prevented Marino from being the GOAT.

Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, the post season (not even close here) and of course more rings. He is also the only unanimous MVP winner and the only QB to register a perfect 16-0 regular season. Really, Brady has not been going against Manning for the greatest of all time in some time. He has been going against Montana who is second behind Brady in terms of winning percentage in the regular seson and second in the post season. Of course, Joe has the one more ring but Brady has the 5 SB appearances. Both are the only two QBs in the history of the NFL to have mutliple SB championships, SB MVPs and League MVPs.


In terms of stats, Manning has a FULL three seasons on Brady (Manning began in 1998, Brady in 2001). If Brady is ever able to recoup those then their stats will not be that far apart, if at all.

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I have long been a fan of many of your posts BLOOD but this one may be the best. While I freely admit that with the media Bill is as cuddly as a cactus and after a loss you are as likely to get a one word response as a snort, the guy is actually very funny and does quite a bit of charity. He is by no means Beelzebub but then again he is not nearly as likeable as Dungy. But then again, who is? ;)

no one, that dude is a saint or something.




I actually like BB. i think he is kinda trapped in this genius-bad tempered persona...but the few times i have seen him talk outside of press conferences he seems nice

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Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, the post season (not even close here) and of course more rings. He is also the only unanimous MVP winner and the only QB to register a perfect 16-0 regular season. Really, Brady has not been going against Manning for the greatest of all time in some time. He has been going against Montana who is second behind Brady in terms of winning percentage in the regular seson and second in the post season. Of course, Joe has the one more ring but Brady has the 5 SB appearances. Both are the only two QBs in the history of the NFL to have mutliple SB championships, SB MVPs and League MVPs.


In terms of stats, Manning has a FULL three seasons on Brady (Manning began in 1998, Brady in 2001). If Brady is ever able to recoup those then their stats will not be that far apart, if at all.


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routinely not shaking hands when he loses......being short with media when he loses....I think you are playing devil's advocate.  Cheating on his wife ......Everything about BB says jerk.

I don't really get the whole shaking hands after the game thing. The coaches all talk and chitchat before the game....the handshake has become some dumb media photo op.

He is always short with the media. Plus, that market is brutal...they are just looking for an excuse to write a negative story. I find it funny that he has totally perfected the art of being mundane for the media.

Cheating on his wife? Really?

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I'm so over-dosed on this topic. Harrison is making a pretty simple statement here that is hard to disagree with. But as usual, it's being spun and twisted into something else. He's simply suggesting that, with a better defense, Manning would have had more playoff/SB success. Which is hardly an earth-shattering revelation for anyone who's been watching football for the past 15 years. 


I'll see y'all after Sunday... I'm all Manning'ed and Brady'ed out! Good luck to your Colts this weekend too. Cheers all....

Actually, I think Harrison is taking a shot at Jim Irsay and/or Bill Polian. Countdown to media outrage.....

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I'm so over-dosed on this topic. Harrison is making a pretty simple statement here that is hard to disagree with. But as usual, it's being spun and twisted into something else. He's simply suggesting that, with a better defense, Manning would have had more playoff/SB success. Which is hardly an earth-shattering revelation for anyone who's been watching football for the past 15 years. 


I'll see y'all after Sunday... I'm all Manning'ed and Brady'ed out! Good luck to your Colts this weekend too. Cheers all....

Come on now GoPats you know that Harrison knew his comments would be taken as inflammatory and he meant them that way the week leading up to Pats/Denver. It is silly when you think of it. What QB wouldn't benefit from a great defense? Pretty sure Cam is having a good year this year due to his defense and pretty sure Manning had a top 5 defense last year. It still comes down to having timely play come the playoffs in all three phases. More often then not Manning has not played like the 100 million QB in the playoffs. He has had a number of years with good defenses and has not made it. So what? Like I said, the suggesion is degrading to a QB like Manning who is a first ballot HoFamer. Like he somehow needed Brady's teams to win or more to the point Rodney Harrison. Just silly.

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Brady has a better winning percentage in the regular season, the post season (not even close here) and of course more rings. He is also the only unanimous MVP winner and the only QB to register a perfect 16-0 regular season. Really, Brady has not been going against Manning for the greatest of all time in some time. He has been going against Montana who is second behind Brady in terms of winning percentage in the regular seson and second in the post season. Of course, Joe has the one more ring but Brady has the 5 SB appearances. Both are the only two QBs in the history of the NFL to have mutliple SB championships, SB MVPs and League MVPs.

In terms of stats, Manning has a FULL three seasons on Brady (Manning began in 1998, Brady in 2001). If Brady is ever able to recoup those then their stats will not be that far apart, if at all.

-Couple of things wrong here. If you are talking about MVPs, Manning has 4, on his way to 5 over Brady's 2(not even close here).

-Regular season 16-0 is probably the most

forgotten record ever and really only contributes to the Patriots demise because they couldn't complete the season perfect.

-Winning percentage has to do with more of the team rather than the QB. The Patriots went 11-5 WITHOUT Tom Brady in 2008. Brady is a product of the BB system.

-Brady would need to average 40 touchdowns the rest of his career to get to Peyton's mark. He only has 14 this season. Manning has 36.

-Brady is close to Mannings yardage in terms of years played but Brady would need to throw for close 4,200 every season the rest of his career to even get in the same range. And this season Manning has almost a full 1,000 more yards then Brady.

-Making the Super Bowl 5 times is irrelevant if you don't win them. Ask the Buffalo Bills in the early 90's.

Brady has been compared to Montana while Manning has been compared to Marino.

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-Couple of things wrong here. If you are talking about MVPs, Manning has 4, on his way to 5 over Brady's 2(not even close here).

-Regular season 16-0 is probably the most

forgotten record ever and really only contributes to the Patriots demise because they couldn't complete the season perfect.

-Winning percentage has to do with more of the team rather than the QB. The Patriots went 11-5 WITHOUT Tom Brady in 2008. Brady is a product of the BB system.

-Brady would need to average 40 touchdowns the rest of his career to get to Peyton's mark. He only has 14 this season. Manning has 36.

-Brady is close to Mannings yardage in terms of years played but Brady would need to throw for close 4,200 every season the rest of his career to even get in the same range. And this season Manning has almost a full 1,000 more yards then Brady.

-Making the Super Bowl 5 times is irrelevant if you don't win them. Ask the Buffalo Bills in the early 90's.

Brady has been compared to Montana while Manning has been compared to Marino.


Dont feed an uneducated arrogant troll

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