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Pats put up most points on Steelers ALL time


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Great game from Pats today on O especially. Put up 55 which is the most points ever put up on the Steelers in their history. Brady looked sharp but more importantly Gronk is back. Amendola had his best game as well along with rookie Dobson. Nice to see everything clicking. Good time for the bye and rest up some of their defensive injuries.

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Steelers look weaker than I've ever seen them. Tons of aging players. Last I checked, they're the oldest team in the NFL. They need to get back to the drawing board and bring in some fresh faces.


Edit: Also, it didn't help that Ben said Tom Brady is the best QB in the NFL. That couldn't have made the Steelers teammates happy. Even if it's true, Big Ben doesn't have to go off saying that before their game. What a way to demoralize their defense.

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Worst game statistically in the long history of a very good franchise. Palamalo is showing his age....finally.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Troy looks a step slower in coverage. Still a beast up at the line vs. the run but Brady was toying with him all day. Rodney Harrison said last night that Troy is an undisciplined player and you have to take advantage of that. That is the first time I have ever heard anyone criticize him but he really does over committ because he is so aggressive and trying to make THE play instead of playing sound football. Just MO.

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They looked good, but would have been a hell lot more impressive if the Steelers were still a pretty good team.

It was impressive. Anytime you can put 55 on a Steelers team in a year where the O has struggled as much as the Pats, it is a very good day. The Steelers do have issues but it was a ball game until the fourth quarter when Brady went on a tear. It was a great to see as the O needs to get in gear to make a push this second half.

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The NFL is so crazy. Two weeks ago the Patriots couldn't move the ball to save their lives. 


This was a fun, back-and-forth game to watch. The Patriots' pass defense was horrid, so I'm hoping they get Talib back soon to solidify things back there. It sounded like he was close but they held him out to give him another two weeks with the bye coming up.


Some real tests coming, but for the Patriots to be 7-2 with all they've been through this season... not bad at all. 

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Pats may also want to wrap up Gronk in bubble wrap and PRAY he does not get hurt again. ;)


With him they seem to be something to fear.....without him sometimes the offense is like watching paint dry.


Still those defensive losses like Wilfork/Mayo could look larger vs. the good teams.

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Pats may also want to wrap up Gronk in bubble wrap and PRAY he does not get hurt again. ;)


With him they seem to be something to fear.....without him sometimes the offense is like watching paint dry.


Still those defensive losses like Wilfork/Mayo could look larger vs. the good teams.

Add two more key D players down including the D signal caller yesterday. We're on our third now with Hightower:)

Offense can win games but defense......well you know come playoff time:)

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The NFL is so crazy. Two weeks ago the Patriots couldn't move the ball to save their lives. 


This was a fun, back-and-forth game to watch. The Patriots' pass defense was horrid, so I'm hoping they get Talib back soon to solidify things back there. It sounded like he was close but they held him out to give him another two weeks with the bye coming up.


Some real tests coming, but for the Patriots to be 7-2 with all they've been through this season... not bad at all. 



Beat the Panthers for me, I'm pretty sure you can bring them back to earth :goodluck:

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In other news, this is probably the worst Steelers team I have ever seen in my whole life.


I have never, ever seen them not able to run the ball and play in such a one dimensional offense that thinks Big Ben is Dan Marino. The Steelers have historically been a ground and pound team that knew how to gash you with their backs.


I remember when the Steelers had average seasons and would go 8-8 or worse, but they still would put up fights and didn't get blown out this bad. Those mid to late 80's Steelers teams were no where near championship caliber but they still put up good fights against their divisional opponents and didn't lay down.



Had the Pats put up 50 on them 3 or 4 years ago I would have been incredibly impressed, but at this point it's just depressing. They look old and tired. What happened to that defense that used to scare the crap out of everyone?



and the offense that don't like to run anymore....Todd Haley was a mistake, a huge huge mistake.



If there is a chance for anything, this is the year Cleveland has the biggest ideal opportunity to sweep them for the first time since '87, and I am praying they do it.

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In other news, this is probably the worst Steelers team I have ever seen in my whole life.


I have never, ever seen them not able to run the ball and play in such a one dimensional offense that thinks Big Ben is Dan Marino. The Steelers have historically been a ground and pound team that knew how to gash you with their backs.


I remember when the Steelers had average seasons and would go 8-8 or worse, but they still would put up fights and didn't get blown out this bad. Those mid to late 80's Steelers teams were no where near championship caliber but they still put up good fights against their divisional opponents and didn't lay down.



Had the Pats put up 50 on them 3 or 4 years ago I would have been incredibly impressed, but at this point it's just depressing. They look old and tired. What happened to that defense that used to scare the crap out of everyone?



and the offense that don't like to run anymore....Todd Haley was a mistake, a huge huge mistake.



If there is a chance for anything, this is the year Cleveland has the biggest ideal opportunity to sweep them for the first time since '87, and I am praying they do it.

I think what you are seeing is the turnover that is inevitable in the cap/FA market. You look at the Steelers, Giants and Ravens and you see it. So hard to keep good teams together when the roster turns over every 3-4 years.


In terms of the Steelers, they have no talent on the offense anywhere and the D is slow and old. I also think Tomlin is more of a motivator then a schemer kind of like Cowher was. He just hands that defense to LeBeau and watches Brady torch him season after season. I don't get it. They just run their thing and accept the results. Makes no sense.


I do hope the Browns sweep them as well.

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Pats may also want to wrap up Gronk in bubble wrap and PRAY he does not get hurt again. ;)


With him they seem to be something to fear.....without him sometimes the offense is like watching paint dry.


Still those defensive losses like Wilfork/Mayo could look larger vs. the good teams.

Gronk's fine. He got hit "in the groin area". lol You're right about the defense. Players are dropping like flies. Safety Steve Gregory (thumb), DE Rob Ninkovich (foot) and CB Alfonzo Dennard (leg) were injured along with Austin Collie (knee) and Brandon Bolden on offense. Of course all teams are beat up. I believe I heard a record number of injuries this season so even the good teams are hurting.


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I think what you are seeing is the turnover that is inevitable in the cap/FA market. You look at the Steelers, Giants and Ravens and you see it. So hard to keep good teams together when the roster turns over every 3-4 years.


In terms of the Steelers, they have no talent on the offense anywhere and the D is slow and old. I also think Tomlin is more of a motivator then a schemer kind of like Cowher was. He just hands that defense to LeBeau and watches Brady torch him season after season. I don't get it. They just run their thing and accept the results. Makes no sense.


I do hope the Browns sweep them as well.



Mike Tomlin gets no credit whatsoever. I see lots of Steelers fans say he just won a Super Bowl with Cowher's team but he has kept them going long overdue. I think he's a great coach and if they were to ever get rid of him, that would be a huge mistake.

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I don't care who a team hangs 55 on...that's a lot of points and a noteworthy accomplishment. Why are we always trying to minimize the Patriots success? They're the Patriots and are once again one of the best teams in the NFL and a chronic SB contender. They're getting better which is what good teams do as the season progresses. It's amazing what they have overcome this season. Here's not another organization in the league that can do what they have so far. I know we thought this would be the year they finally fell on there face but there's always next year right?

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I've always thought the Patriots to be more of a psychological thing. I think most teams lose because they're intimidated...

Just my 2 cents.



That hasn't been true for several years



Actually it's still pretty prevalent. When teams beat New England they always talk about "passing the test" and measuring themselves against a team that is a perennial contender. Pretty much all teams really get hyped up to play the Patriots still, so maybe it's not so much an intimidation thing as a mystique around the team or something... every team plays hard every week for the most part, but when they play the Patriots, it seems like they're even more focused on playing their best ball. Sometimes that works out, sometimes it doesn't. 


Gronk also took a helmet to the cahones so... I think, for him, that means a concussion?  :D


(Since that's where his brain lives...)

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It was impressive. Anytime you can put 55 on a Steelers team in a year where the O has struggled as much as the Pats, it is a very good day. The Steelers do have issues but it was a ball game until the fourth quarter when Brady went on a tear. It was a great to see as the O needs to get in gear to make a push this second half.

It was impressive...but I think many saw this coming..just not from the Patriots offense. It was a break out game and shows what they are capable of and once they started making plays you don't want to shut it down because its come so difficult all year for them. Like I said...I expected someone to hang 50 on the Steelers...just not the Pats. That said...I think all of Denvers scoring was negated because of the crappy teams they were playing so maybe we should negate this one......ok I'm just kidding...I thought it was going to be a good game in the 3rd when the Steelers tied it up...but the Pats just shreaded that defense like it was tissue paper. I expected Ben to continue scoring but you can see he isn't a guy that likes to play from behind...he isn't a shoot out sort of qb...he was much better letting the defense beat up teams and run the ball and make plays with the lead. Pitt/Bal...I knew Cincy would win that division...but I didn't expect Cle to be better than both these guys.


I don't care who a team hangs 55 on...that's a lot of points and a noteworthy accomplishment. Why are we always trying to minimize the Patriots success? They're the Patriots and are once again one of the best teams in the NFL and a chronic SB contender. They're getting better which is what good teams do as the season progresses. It's amazing what they have overcome this season. Here's not another organization in the league that can do what they have so far. I know we thought this would be the year they finally fell on there face but there's always next year right?

I agree 100%. NE is a contender...as long as Brady is at the helm and Bill is coaching that defense they are very dangerous....and getting better...peaking at the right time.

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