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what they are now asking themslves in Denver and their instant reactions


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We beat SF, Seattle and Denver. lol what else do people want. We laid eggs vs. Miami/SD so there are some concerns at times with consistency but that's not unusual. And IMO SF is the most underrated team in football for a team who just nearly won the SB and IMO probably should have won. They had a rough start to the season with a tough schedule but are still awesome with a great HC.


Wayne is a tough loss but it's not like we lost Andrew or Robert Mathis. In the old days we used to say we could not live without Peyton/Freeney. Now it's Andrew/Robert IMO. I may throw Vontae in there now too.




I don't mind flying under the radar somewhat, but it's amazing to me that until we beat Denver, the media made them out to be unbeatable. They were the best "team" in football. Now that the Colts beat them, they are making one excuse after another about Denver. saying that Manning don't have a good "team" around him, that he has to do it all on his own. The media is just inexcusably stupid. 

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I don't mind flying under the radar somewhat, but it's amazing to me that until we beat Denver, the media made them out to be unbeatable. They were the best "team" in football. Now that the Colts beat them, they are making one excuse after another about Denver. saying that Manning don't have a good "team" around him, that he has to do it all on his own. The media is just inexcusably stupid. 




Denver was the 2007 Patriots 2.0 but now they have all these holes and Peyton can't do it alone even though he has a loaded offense. Sigh.


And yes they are one of the best teams in football by far. However, after last night there is something off to me I can't put my finger on that I didn't really see until we played them. I don't think Fox is the best coach for Manning's final years and they seem to lack a serious amount of discipline at times.

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I don't mind flying under the radar somewhat, but it's amazing to me that until we beat Denver, the media made them out to be unbeatable. They were the best "team" in football. Now that the Colts beat them, they are making one excuse after another about Denver. saying that Manning don't have a good "team" around him, that he has to do it all on his own. The media is just inexcusably stupid. 

It is really funny to me Colts fans complaining that Manning gets all the excuses. That is what most of you do for him up here every time his Colts past failures are brought up. Heck, even your own owner made excuses for him and his 14 year career in Indy. At some point it needs to stop. He gets waaay too much credit for wins and tooo much blame for losses. Honestly, I would hate to be hs teammate for this reason. He is just a QB afterall and his team is flawed this year but that loss night was partly his fault too. It was his worst game of the season, one in which he was looking unstoppable.

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Denver was the 2007 Patriots 2.0 but now they have all these holes and Peyton can't do it alone even though he has a loaded offense. Sigh.


And yes they are one of the best teams in football by far. However, after last night there is something off to me I can't put my finger on that I didn't really see until we played them. I don't think Fox is the best coach for Manning's final years and they seem to lack a serious amount of discipline at times.




I don't like Fox either. He is exactly the opposite of what Manning needed at this point in his career IMO. He needed a coach that isn't conservative like he had here so many yrs.. I'm not impressed with Denver's defense either. I stated earlier that Denver was really lucky they were even as close as they were. Manning's throws looked horrible IMO and at least 2 more could have and should have been picked off, including one of his TD passes. I just think IMO, that were a better all around team than Denver. We just need to be more consistent.

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It is really funny to me Colts fans complaining that Manning gets all the excuses. That is what most of you do for him up here every time his Colts past failures are brought up. Heck, even your own owner made excuses for him and his 14 year career in Indy. At some point it needs to stop. He gets waaay too much credit for wins and tooo much blame for losses. Honestly, I would hate to be hs teammate for this reason. He is just a QB afterall and his team is flawed this year but that loss night was partly his fault too. It was his worst game of the season, one in which he was looking unstoppable.


Well I don't do that.


And it's okay to blame the offense at times and the QB. They are only human.....


We build these QBs up to be super human so when it happens with a guy like Manning there is no way he can ever live up to people's expectations in the long run.

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Or the Colts O, D and ST contributed to the win. Losing teams lose because the other teams play better, which also contributes to their own downfall. 

he, he. How does it feel? To be a team that beat a Manning team and get very little credit? Your team dominated that game but all the media has said is how flawed Denver is and the fact that they didn't play well and Manning was off because of all the emotion...yada, yada, yada. Get used it, has been going on since 1998. Your just the other team now.

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It is really funny to me Colts fans complaining that Manning gets all the excuses. That is what most of you do for him up here every time his Colts past failures are brought up. Heck, even your own owner made excuses for him and his 14 year career in Indy. At some point it needs to stop. He gets waaay too much credit for wins and tooo much blame for losses. Honestly, I would hate to be hs teammate for this reason. He is just a QB afterall and his team is flawed this year but that loss night was partly his fault too. It was his worst game of the season, one in which he was looking unstoppable.




I agree with you to an extent. I used to make those excuses, but the excuses wore thin on me over his last few yrs. here. Like you said, the excuses needed to stop after so many yrs. of playoff failure's. The plain and simple truth is that Manning was/is the greatest regular season QB of all time but his playoff performance's have never been very good. He seems to choke when the pressure is on which is exactly why I said we could beat Denver because Manning would be nervous coming back to Indy. He didn't look good IMO last night and I believe it was because of the pressure he was feeling. Manning + pressure = beatable!

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I don't like Fox either. He is exactly the opposite of what Manning needed at this point in his career IMO. He needed a coach that isn't conservative like he had here so many yrs.. I'm not impressed with Denver's defense either. I stated earlier that Denver was really lucky they were even as close as they were. Manning's throws looked horrible IMO and at least 2 more could have and should have been picked off, including one of his TD passes. I just think IMO, that were a better all around team than Denver. We just need to be more consistent.


If he wanted a ring on his finger last year then Peyton should have sucked it up and gone to Jim Harbaugh IMO. But, SF is set now with Kaepernick so it worked out for the long run better for them actually.


Fox is a joke! But, he was in a SB so everyone thinks he is awesome at times.

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he, he. How does it feel? To be a team that beat a Manning team and get very little credit? Your team dominated that game but all the media has said is how flawed Denver is and the fact that they didn't play well and Manning was off because of all the emotion...yada, yada, yada. Get used it, has been going on since 1998. Your just the other team now.


So are we in his head now just like NE is/was?


Is Vontae Davis the new Ty Law to Peyton?



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I agree with you to an extent. I used to make those excuses, but the excuses wore thin on me over his last few yrs. here. Like you said, the excuses needed to stop after so many yrs. of playoff failure's. The plain and simple truth is that Manning was/is the greatest regular season QB of all time but his playoff performance's have never been very good. He seems to choke when the pressure is on which is exactly why I said we could beat Denver because Manning would be nervous coming back to Indy. He didn't look good IMO last night and I believe it was because of the pressure he was feeling. Manning + pressure = beatable!

I don't think he was the same after that Matthias hit either. I wonder if he will be listed on the injury report. It was a nasty blindside hit and his balls wobbled all night after that.

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I don't think he was the same after that Matthias hit either. I wonder if he will be listed on the injury report. It was a nasty blindside hit and his balls wobbled all night after that.




That just don't sound right. :D , but yes, his throws looked really bad.

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he, he. How does it feel? To be a team that beat a Manning team and get very little credit? Your team dominated that game but all the media has said is how flawed Denver is and the fact that they didn't play well and Manning was off because of all the emotion...yada, yada, yada. Get used it, has been going on since 1998. Your just the other team now.

But you ain't the media......

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The Seahawks fans made that excuse also.


Yep every time we win the refs are paid off.




Maybe I am understanding at times where NE fans always were coming from. Beating good teams and always hearing about Peyton? It's odd.....and we even have #12. :woah:

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It is really funny to me Colts fans complaining that Manning gets all the excuses. That is what most of you do for him up here every time his Colts past failures are brought up. Heck, even your own owner made excuses for him and his 14 year career in Indy. At some point it needs to stop. He gets waaay too much credit for wins and tooo much blame for losses. Honestly, I would hate to be hs teammate for this reason. He is just a QB afterall and his team is flawed this year but that loss night was partly his fault too. It was his worst game of the season, one in which he was looking unstoppable.

I'm sure patriots fans have never made excuses for Tom Brady.....like throwing Wes Welker under the bus for the SB loss.

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Thats pretty rude bravehearcolt. rude indeed. I broke down plays that were detrimental to the Broncos losing. If you want a full game break down analysis, I can do that as well. 


as far as I'm concerned Denver's offense is by far superior to the colts. Injuries are taking a toll, to argue it is not is homeristic. 


Denvers defense is one I cannot understand. Del Rio should know 7 games into the season playing zone soft is not working. Woodyard out hurt more than some may realize. He is the Defensive team captain. 


I reminisced today to see the same issues from the Colts during the Manning era. Poor O Line, Defense lacking serious contention, and Peyton having to press passes where he should not be. It is Polian Indy all over again. 


I feel for Peyton. Guy just cant catch a break.


I see the bandwagon Peyton loves have jumped ship. I still sit here and wont leave it. I'm loyal if anything. 


My feeling is that Luck has time. Peyton does not, which is why I am pulling for him more. Guy gets alot of credit, but also way too much blame. 

Well how about the strip fumble that was returned for a touchdown that was called just a turnover.


The Peyton fumble at the goal line when the replay showed his back foot was not in the end zone and was ruled a safety.


That was 12 (2 points on the safety) more points that SHOULD have been added to the Colts score 39 plus 12 that's 51 we put up on Denver.


But Denver got the bad calls huh?  lol


Colts O > Denver O


We have 4 starters out on our O too so theres that.


That Broncos team will not win a SB in cold weather.

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This cold weather argument is asinine. tell me.. where is Denver? Colorado. what does it do in Colorado during the fall and winter? It gets butt cold and snows.

it is an irrational and unfounded argument that of all teams.. Denver, Colorado Broncos.. cannot play in cold weather.

thats like saying the Buccaneers cant play in humidity... what??!!

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This cold weather argument is asinine. tell me.. where is Denver? Colorado. what does it do in Colorado during the fall and winter? It gets butt cold and snows.

it is an irrational and unfounded argument that of all teams.. Denver, Colorado Broncos.. cannot play in cold weather.

thats like saying the Buccaneers cant play in humidity... what??!!


The Bucs can't play anywhere well. :rock:

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This cold weather argument is asinine. tell me.. where is Denver? Colorado. what does it do in Colorado during the fall and winter? It gets butt cold and snows.

it is an irrational and unfounded argument that of all teams.. Denver, Colorado Broncos.. cannot play in cold weather.

thats like saying the Buccaneers cant play in humidity... what??!!

If you don't get the cold weather reference than we are done here.....mod edit. :facepalm:

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Its all talk.

Denver was playing without their top LB, top CB and top OT...and the Colts won by 6.

Its not a disaster and there was no 'lesson' learned

If they are 7-1 at the halfway mark, they're fine.

Denver will defeat Kansas City twice.

No mention of our losses ?

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Its all talk.

Denver was playing without their top LB, top CB and top OT...and the Colts won by 6.

Its not a disaster and there was no 'lesson' learned

If they are 7-1 at the halfway mark, they're fine.

Denver will defeat Kansas City twice.


Yep. And Indy was missing it's starting TE, staring guard, 2 starting RBs, it's starting cornerback for the majority of the game, it's nickleback for a good portion of the game, and its starting center and still won. 

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I find it somewhat amusing to hear the Colts' fans complaining of not getting enough credit for the win, the week after saying San Diego had nothing much to do with their loss, that the dropped passes and bad calls were the reason.  It happens to every team that isn't the current media darling :-)


Earlier this year I was watching a talking head show and listening to their run down of the Chargers - their facts were completely wrong, their conclusions even more so.  It made me realize that if they were that wrong about a team I know well, how far off are they on every other team I don't know well?!  I don't even waste my time listening anymore. 

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I find it somewhat amusing to hear the Colts' fans complaining of not getting enough credit for the win, the week after saying San Diego had nothing much to do with their loss, that the dropped passes and bad calls were the reason.  It happens to every team that isn't the current media darling :-)


Earlier this year I was watching a talking head show and listening to their run down of the Chargers - their facts were completely wrong, their conclusions even more so.  It made me realize that if they were that wrong about a team I know well, how far off are they on every other team I don't know well?!  I don't even waste my time listening anymore.

That's embarrassing if Colts fans actually said that. Yes, the dropped passes were pathetic, but the Chargers dominated both lines of scrimmage and dominated the game.

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That's embarrassing if Colts fans actually said that. Yes, the dropped passes were pathetic, but the Chargers dominated both lines of scrimmage and dominated the game.

Not so much the Colts' fans in here, but in the main forum and of course not everyone, but it's pretty natural to focus on our teams "mistakes" instead of seeing the defensive or offensive play that may have driven that mistake :-)

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I find it somewhat amusing to hear the Colts' fans complaining of not getting enough credit for the win, the week after saying San Diego had nothing much to do with their loss, that the dropped passes and bad calls were the reason.  It happens to every team that isn't the current media darling :-)


Earlier this year I was watching a talking head show and listening to their run down of the Chargers - their facts were completely wrong, their conclusions even more so.  It made me realize that if they were that wrong about a team I know well, how far off are they on every other team I don't know well?!  I don't even waste my time listening anymore. 


Sorry about that, I think I did blame the refs for a few calls that did bug me but I think fans of the losing team often feel a few calls are glaring to them when it's over.


To your credit your team held us to 9 points......9 POINTS. Holding Luck to single digits is not easy! Like Cincy holding NE to just 6.


Looking back I totally underestimated San Diego. Still a quality football team and I let off some steam I think after the game.


You know it's interesting, if you asked me again who I would want to play I still would rather play Denver then SD despite the Manning drama and his receivers. It does not matter what happened in roster turnover over the years....we always seen to find ways to get past Denver and playing in SD has been the death of us. In 2008 we won there and it seemed like a miracle!


You got a better team then I gave you guys credit for. I hope Rivers can continue to have a good season. Its a tough division but I won't be stunned if your boys beat Denver or KC once or so either.

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Yep. And Indy was missing it's starting TE, staring guard, 2 starting RBs, it's starting cornerback for the majority of the game, it's nickleback for a good portion of the game, and its starting center and still won. 


Yep, we have had a lot of injuries this year too and keep chugging away and plugging up holes. It's tough....


Injuries are part of the game. A lot of great players have been hurt lately too, sadly.


Manning still has all his weapons on offense though......I wish we could get a few guys back on that side of the ball.

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That Decker play...I actually thought he caught it and performed a football move. He crossed the goal line before losing it after hitting the ground. It wasn't like he jumped and caught it and having to hang on to it while going to the ground. He caught it on the run...turned and put it out...it was a big call because it held Denver to 3 after they shot themselves in the foot again with penalties. That said the Colts made more plays and deserved to win...so I was happy. A team can't make so many mistakes and still win against a good team. Jacksonville..yes....Colts...oh no. We saw this last year Holiday gives and taketh away a lot. Like his dropped punts that set up points last year...I think against you guys. Thats a hard momentum shift when that happens. Fumbles on the 1 when your set up to score....Peyton had his turnovers though they were hard to blame him on...Mathis just blew by Clark and slammed Peyton....that happened so fast no way Peyton could have reacted....and Waldon hitting his arm....the game just fell perfect for us and we took advantage. I thought Peyton looked very exhausted and the pounding he took the last two weeks he is feeling....that bye can't come soon enough for his team. Hopefully having the bye this week will give us time to prepare for life without Wayne...thats a hard one to overcome.


apparewntly so does this sequenced frame by frame picture as they interpret ate it , judge for yourself, hard to tell but seems u & them are correct ,


but would it have been visible & definitive  enough in slow mo to overrule I dont know



This is interesting, but IMO Decker took two steps. Was a catch before he even hit the ground. RT @cieslak87:


11:20 PM - 20 Oct 2013


(((  that would take away the rule that needs to keep ball when hits ground and would be a TD not 3 points ))


Check out the frame shots of making a football move as report says 


Pictures show him catching and moving forward with 1 then other foot hitting ground & not yet pylon and ball stil secure & when hits pylon they say thats a TD, but is that really a football move I dont know ??


check out captioned pictures in link and u can make own decision


they u use this rule



 scoring rule from NFL.com:-----

Section 2, Article 1 Touchdown Plays.  A touchdown is scored when:

© A ball in the player possession touches the pylon, provided that, after contact by an opponent, no part of the player's body, except his hands or feet, touch the ground before the ball touched the pylon...


But did a player contact him as said in this rule, u need an overhead shot or side shot to see if defenders hand is on his back, at least I cant tell from this angle



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One thing for sure, the Colts are getting no credit whatsoever for beating Denver.

Everything is all centered on Manning and Denver and how they lost. None of the media wants to say "Wow, we were wrong, those boys in Indy are a lot better than we thought they were" no it's just a fluke like last year, they got lucky, Manning choked blah blah blah. They act as if the team they pick just can't lose. Reminds me how they shocked they were that the Saints beat the Colts in the Super Bowl, um yes we really were not all that bad as people said we were that season, we had to prove how we weren't "lucky" to be there.


There I said it, the Colts were the better team and the talking heads on ESPN should know this. 



Sports media is like soap opera land and this is one of 100 reasons I quit watching ESPN. They act the same way when the Heat get upset. It's just so OMG these guys can't lose! The other guys got lucky, they are not all that good, it won't happen again! We say so! The Colts won, and they are acting surprised. How about give the little guy some credit that they constantly pick on and say they are better than people give them credit for. All last year they constantly said how bad they were even though they won 11 games, now they take out the holy Denver Broncos that they all think are a Super Bowl team and they still can't get any respect for it. Sickening


I agree with much of this post. However, there is one article I read (I don't have a link) that said about the Colts being "the real deal." That they are one of the top teams in the NFL. The writer gave a lot of credit to the Colts, implying how they are an elite team. He didn't seem surprised about the victory. So there are people on Indy's side.

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Denver was the 2007 Patriots 2.0 but now they have all these holes and Peyton can't do it alone even though he has a loaded offense. Sigh.


And yes they are one of the best teams in football by far. However, after last night there is something off to me I can't put my finger on that I didn't really see until we played them. I don't think Fox is the best coach for Manning's final years and they seem to lack a serious amount of discipline at times.


Denver was never the 2007 Patriots completely, just on offense. Tom Brady and the Pats won 24-20 and 31-27 games, and a 21-12 game in the AFCCG, where the D played enough good parts. I don't see it in this Broncos' D.


Lost in the lop sided results of the 2007 Pats games was how well that veteran D played to not let the opponent get back into several games to make close games comfortable wins. Even the SB was not entirely on that D, it is hard to work with no room for error in 14 points. That is definitely and was definitely not the case with the Broncos' D. A game in which Brady scores 50 points ends up being a 20-30 point blowout while with this Broncos' D, it most likely is just a FG or TD game.

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Denver had a bunch of TOs that lead to 12 points including two by Manning and a fumble that easily could have been a TD instead of a safety. To lay the whole game on the Denver D is not accurate or true. All three phases for Denver - O, D and special teams contributed to the loss against a rock solid Colts team.

cmon, with that first coment right there you are discrediting colts D.


the INT was in no way Mannings fault, just walden making a play. and the first one was Mathis beating his man cleanly and fast.I rewatched the game yesterday...we got kinda lucky on that play. Decker was open and Manning was already on his throwing motion...if Mathis takes 1 second longer to beat his man, we dont get 9 points, which were the momentum changer...after that it was all colts D.

and yes, denver¿'s D sucks and it will cost them ont he post season. they just dont step up.

Colts D manhandled denvers O for about 3 quarters, but in the 4th quarter they started making plays(specially welker) but that D had already surrendered like 36 points.

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