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This was on the Jags forum..


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First time in my life I've tried using a very common internet gesture.


The v v v v v v  are arrows pointing down to the quote below from Coltswarriors. That's the member that I was referring to, and co-incidentally he was talking about his presence on that forum in the quote.


If you're too old, the common Internet stuff doesn't work. Somehow, the Internet translates it into a hard to distinguish format, and then no one knows what you're talking about. And you feel even older.



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If you're too old, the common Internet stuff doesn't work. Somehow, the Internet translates it into a hard to distinguish format, and then no one knows what you're talking about. And you feel even older.





Good reasons to act my age and continue to pretend that all that common internet stuff doesn't even exist.

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Can't help but notice that one of the regulars here is established there - and another Colts fan with an unknown name has a similar post count.


Hmmm. Anyone who has a problem with some of our resident "foreign" fans should note that it goes both ways.


Why is that a problem?


I've never complained about other teams fans posting here. I could care less. I've been on the Jags board for years now.

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They're also saying the Jags "fleeced" Ozzie Newsome by getting a 4th and 5th for Monroe. They are no doubt *s. It may be a good trade for the Jags as they were going to let Monroe walk after the season , plus they have no QB worth protecting. However , it a great trade for Baltimore as they are contenders and Monroe shores up a bad O line. At the very least , it's a good rent.

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Why is that a problem?


I've never complained about other teams fans posting here. I could care less. I've been on the Jags board for years now.

I can't grasp why posting on a rival's board would be either comfortable or enjoyable, but it's obviously none of my business where you post, nor do I care. Frankly I don't give the general topic much thought.


I was just noting - for some of our members here who resent the presence of foreign fans and do their best to push them away - that it goes both ways. Every fan base thinks that they are unique in some fashion, but people are people. Whatever conversations are going on here are going on elsewhere - just the names change.

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I can't grasp why posting on a rival's board would be either comfortable or enjoyable, but it's obviously none of my business where you post, nor do I care. Frankly I don't give the general topic much thought.


I was just noting - for some of our members here who resent the presence of foreign fans and do their best to push them away - that it goes both ways. Every fan base thinks that they are unique in some fashion, but people are people. Whatever conversations are going on here are going on elsewhere - just the names change.


I like to have a pregame lurk on opposition forums just to get a non-Colts biased view of things but I don't post or talk smack. I welcome other fan bases coming on here as long aren't just trolling or causing trouble for the sake of it, adds some variety to the community. 

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Of course Shania Twain impresses me lots. :)


Oh she's a beauty alright... FACT (;)): 


In 2009, Twain was rated as having the Perfect Face, by scientists. The study, led by the University of Toronto and the University of California, San Diego, appears in the journal Vision Research. The results suggest her face has a perfect set of geometric measurements, based on the Golden Ratio.[62]

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I can't grasp why posting on a rival's board would be either comfortable or enjoyable, but it's obviously none of my business where you post, nor do I care. Frankly I don't give the general topic much thought.


I was just noting - for some of our members here who resent the presence of foreign fans and do their best to push them away - that it goes both ways. Every fan base thinks that they are unique in some fashion, but people are people. Whatever conversations are going on here are going on elsewhere - just the names change.

I used to post in the Patriots chat room.  It was rather enjoyable and I had plenty of good conversations.

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I can't grasp why posting on a rival's board would be either comfortable or enjoyable, but it's obviously none of my business where you post, nor do I care. Frankly I don't give the general topic much thought.



Talking with people with different interests isn't a bad thing. It's not like I go over there & I'm talking smack the entire time, in fact it's something I rarely do. I've also met some great people over there on the Jags forum. I'm one of about 3 respected Colts fans over there.


Football is football. I like to talk about it, no matter where I am. :)

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"Although this Sunday we got absolutely rocked, I have to say I'm very unimpressed with colts and their organization. Andrew Luck looks about as average as anyone can be and Trent Richardson looks like just another guy. They spent a first round pick on him and Bradshaw and brown have looked better. They also spent their first pick on Werner which is just laughable. The colts new gm looks like another polian which is great news for everybody in the division. 

With that being said I feel pretty confident about our chances of starting our reign over the whole afc south in two years. We will have the best qb and reciever in the division with bridgewater and Blackmon and Caldwell really seems to know what he's doing. The arrow is pointing down for the colts and the jags is definitely going up. "


LOL I can't even. Andrew Luck average? Jags reigning over the AFC? Best QB and WR? Arrow going down for us? 


lmao the comedy you hear out there is outstanding 


Who cares, they are still the freaking Jaguars.  


They are the team with the GM who said he wanted to build around Blaine Gabbert.


They are the team that can't get their fans in the stadium.


They are the team that lost faith in and fired Tom Coughlin after he took their expansion team to the freaking AFC Championship game in their 2nd year of existing.  


They are the Detroit Lions of the south minus the recent mediocrity.  If their team had been around longer then Browns fans would feel sorry for them.


And my wife lived in Jacksonville when we where dating and I went down there many times.  The Jags are a joke to most people there. 

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I wasn't on this forum during the 2-14 season or before for that matter but to those who were, how active was it? I checked the Jags and Raiders forums cause we played them and they both seem died down (with the Raiders being slightly better).

Love the activity of this forum though!

There was quite a bit of activity actually, especially when we became in the running for the No.1 pick. Because it was fun to speculate our options because we're never used to having an early first round pick. And of course at that time most people weren't sold we'd draft Qb because we thought we'd have Peyton back. I remember thinking we could win almost any game, even when we kept losing.
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"Although this Sunday we got absolutely rocked, I have to say I'm very unimpressed with colts and their organization. Andrew Luck looks about as average as anyone can be and Trent Richardson looks like just another guy. They spent a first round pick on him and Bradshaw and brown have looked better. They also spent their first pick on Werner which is just laughable. The colts new gm looks like another polian which is great news for everybody in the division. 

With that being said I feel pretty confident about our chances of starting our reign over the whole afc south in two years. We will have the best qb and reciever in the division with bridgewater and Blackmon and Caldwell really seems to know what he's doing. The arrow is pointing down for the colts and the jags is definitely going up. "


LOL I can't even. Andrew Luck average? Jags reigning over the AFC? Best QB and WR? Arrow going down for us? 


lmao the comedy you hear out there is outstanding 

:spit:  The Reign has already started for the joke of the AFC South  also known as the  Jaguars . :thmup:

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