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Colts sign WR Maurice Williams


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Out of all the dudes we have worked out he would have been the last i would have signed


grigson obviously must have been impressed. 


While there is truth to this, the problem is, many of those you would have signed are players that have been around the league.  Players who have been looked over time and again, and still find themselves being cut.


A guy like Brandon Browner comes to mind here.  Had a brief stint in the NFL, but an injury and being cut resulted in him going to Canada for a long while.  Then, the Seahawks figure, what the heck, let's see what he's got, and now he's a pro-bowl caliber CB.


When a GM looks over the unlooked over players, there is at least some potential for finding something that no one else did.  If they intend to use Williams as a returner and DB, who knows.  If he is raw, perhaps he gets the right coaching here, and can become a solid CB for us in a few years.  Or perhaps they view him as a receiver.  Who knows.  It does seem like he has speed, and hands.  Pretty good combo for either the CB position or the WR position.  Lets see if he makes it.  Odds aren't great, but he does seem to be talented.

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In 2004, when Bob Sanders became a Colt, as a native of Bob's hometown, Erie, PA I began following the Colts. Even since his departure, I've followed and rooted for the Colts. I often visit the website and sparingly check the forums. This is the first time I have been inspired to register and write on the forum. Maurice Williams is also from Erie, Pennsylvania.

Maurice is an athlete who comes around a city every 10+ years. Moe was SUPPOSED to be "The Next Big Thing" around here.. He played it all and was the BEST at it all coming out of high school. I believe he was an all stater at QB and DB... He had several opportunities to go where he pleased for a few different positions. Anything you read on him, any video you see on him, does not do the raw ability he has justice!! He does things naturally that are rarely seen, he makes playing this game look easy


Moe played semi-pro (for free) for a team called the Erie Outlaws (NOW EXPRESS) a year or 2 ago, before playing in the ARENA LEAGUE .. he is a great story and there is no doubt he has passion for the game. Things that remain to be seen is if Moe has developed mentally and as a receiver... He doesn't have much experience (played 1 year of college) there but he is a RARE athlete. He is the fastest person I have seen on a field in a long while. If you watch his highlight tape from this season in Orlando, there are a handful of plays in which they cannot even lay a finger on him.

SEE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6kkph3kUo

DO NOT be surprised if MOE shocks "Colt Nation" and all the NFL.. The whole city is buzzing over Maurice's signing. He is from a family of Division 1 and college athletes.

- COLTS 814 - 

I did a little researching on the guy and found that he played one year at Pitt.  Born on 11/7/87.  He was the 13th rated WR by SuperPrep in 2007  I can't confirm how he was used at Pitt (i.e. slot, #2, etc.), but as a true freshman, he caught 5 passes for 100 yards and a TD and had 6 rushes for 47 yards.  He showed well at spring training and the blue/gold game, but was declared academically ineligible before the start of the 2008 season.  On paper, he comes across as a slightly bigger Percy Harvin type player, but talentwise, this comparison may obviously be premature.


He transferred to Div. II Edinboro University of Pittsburgh but never regained eligibility.  He had nearly a 4 year gap before playing in the Ultimate Indoor Football League, making it to the AFL shortly after. 


All in all, the guy could have some talent and a decent skill set to contribute, but I wouldn't have high expectations.  Reports have him running the 40 between 4.45 and 4.53, so not particularly fast.  No character flaws other than the above mentioned eligibility issue.  So to that extent, I think the biggest obstacle will be between the ears and how fast he can pick up the game at the NFL level. 

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He has great speed,quickness,and route running i think there gonna use him more as a WR then a KR. I don't think the coaches were impressed with the WR's after Wayne,TY,and DHB during preseason.

Blame Chandler Harnish for that. At least Matt Hasselbeck actually got the ball in the WR's hand. Can't wait until Griff Whalen comes back

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Blame Chandler Harnish for that. At least Matt Hasselbeck actually got the ball in the WR's hand. Can't wait until Griff Whalen comes back

I agree on Harnish he's played bad all preseason but even when Hasselbeck was in the game, the WR's weren't getting much separation from the CB's.  Whalen has played well in the slot as the 4 WR but we don't have anyone that can play on the outside if one of our top  3 WR's gets injured for a few games. Williams has the size and speed to be an outside WR just has to prove it in the game.

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I agree on Harnish he's played bad all preseason but even when Hasselbeck was in the game, the WR's weren't getting much separation from the CB's.  Whalen has played well in the slot as the 4 WR but we don't have anyone that can play on the outside if one of our top  3 WR's gets injured for a few games. Williams has the size and speed to be an outside WR just has to prove it in the game.

I am personally disappointed in Nathan Palmer.  His routes have been run poorly, and he does not seem to run out every play.  This is not a time to show frustration for these guys.  It is time for them to show that EXTRA energy....what is it going to take for ME to make this team!!!


Some publications had Palmer listed as a so called 'secret weapon.'  All I have seen so far is a 'cap' gun.'  Not seeing an AK-47....at all :)

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Blame Chandler Harnish for that. At least Matt Hasselbeck actually got the ball in the WR's hand. Can't wait until Griff Whalen comes back

I think I am now worried about Whalen.  Injury...injury....that darned groin is a nasty injury.


The last I heard, Whalen was to be out ....URRRGH "indefinitely."  Groin injuries can be quick...or linger the entire season if damaged.  From my experience, groin is much worse than hamstring, but everyone is different as is each injury.  

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I agree on Harnish he's played bad all preseason but even when Hasselbeck was in the game, the WR's weren't getting much separation from the CB's. Whalen has played well in the slot as the 4 WR but we don't have anyone that can play on the outside if one of our top 3 WR's gets injured for a few games. Williams has the size and speed to be an outside WR just has to prove it in the game.

Reggie Wayne


Ty Hilton

Lavon Brazill (Week 5)

Griff Whalen

Hmm, guess we really don't have anyone after those guys.

But I honestly believe we should give guys like Palmer a chance with Andrew Luck throwing to them in the pre-season as well. But Grigson sees all so this move could be the one of many to come in the future. Grigson never sleeps

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Reggie Wayne


Ty Hilton

Lavon Brazill (Week 5)

Griff Whalen

Hmm, guess we really don't have anyone after those guys.

But I honestly believe we should give guys like Palmer a chance with Andrew Luck throwing to them in the pre-season as well. But Grigson sees all so this move could be the one of many to come in the future. Grigson never sleeps

Whalen is injured with groin he'll be out for a while.  Palmer has speed but he's a small WR that can't play on the outside and isn't a good route runner. Out of all the FA WR's we have i think Williams has the best chance of making it because he has great size, speed and he's a good route runner.

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I agree on Harnish he's played bad all preseason but even when Hasselbeck was in the game, the WR's weren't getting much separation from the CB's. Whalen has played well in the slot as the 4 WR but we don't have anyone that can play on the outside if one of our top 3 WR's gets injured for a few games. Williams has the size and speed to be an outside WR just has to prove it in the game.

Whalen got ZERO separation against Buffalo's 1s. He looked decent later, but wasn't open once when Luck was in.
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Not trying to be rude, but why do you refer to yourself in the third person?


I 'm starting that I need to add a special note about this on my Colts Forum profile page. There is a character on a TV show called Becker about a sarcastic Dr. named John Becker & he frequents this place known as Reggie's Diner. 1 of the regulars at Reggie's Diner in NY City is named Bob Whiley. Now, Mr. Whiley always refers to himself in the 3rd person. Bob hates this. Bob loves that sort of thing. Also, another forum member, BOTT, informed me that a character on "Seinfeld" named "Jimmy" used this comedic device first.


Why do I do this? Simple really. I always thought that speaking in the 3rd person is a great comical device to act as though a person is observing life's events from a distance above it all like a near death experience almost as if you are watching someone else live vicariously through you. In a nutshell, I am paying homage to Bob & Jimmy because I have a fondness for brilliant comedians that make you think & are kind of like the protest singers of my generation George Carlin, Bill Maher etc. etc.



SW1 always does that. I find it funny but not in a bad way. After having some very good debates with him and a few comical comments sometimes we think alike on a number of things. (Now SW1 don't let this get you to thinking your off the hook) lol

Thanks for the backup CC1. The check's in the mail.  ;)  No, I won't get an alter ego or big, inflated head CC1. Does a float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade count? Just Kidding!   :thmup:

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Point taken.  But that was more of a FYI

SW1 was merely trying to point out that being good at something several years ago doesn't always translate to being a dominant presence in football right here; right now. Using high school as a benchmark for future success is like saying just because a person's baby walks faster than everybody else's on your block they are predestined to be a gold metal olympic runner.


I'm not saying that you believe that unitaswestand or even stated that directly. Just that high school is a pretty useless experience in a person's life or at least it was in my case. I remember a cartoon I saw once. It showed a picture of a judge smiling at a defendant. Here was the caption below: "So, this is the guidance counselor who told me that I'd never amount to anything."  haha


Like Frank Sinatra says "Success is the best revenge." High school means absolutely nothing as a predictor of future success IMHO & Maurice Williams is no exception to that rule of thumb to me. 

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I 'm starting that I need to add a special note about this on my Colts Forum profile page. There is a character on a TV show called Becker about a sarcastic Dr. named John Becker & he frequents this place known as Reggie's Diner. 1 of the regulars at Reggie's Diner in NY City is named Bob Whiley. Now, Mr. Whiley always refers to himself in the 3rd person. Bob hates this. Bob loves that sort of thing. Also, another forum member, BOTT, informed me that a character on "Seinfeld" named "Jimmy" used this comedic device first.


Why do I do this? Simple really. I always thought that speaking in the 3rd person is a great comical device to act as though a person is observing life's events from a distance above it all like a near death experience almost as if you are watching someone else live vicariously through you. In a nutshell, I am paying homage to Bob & Jimmy because I have a fondness for brilliant comedians that make you think & are kind of like the protest singers of my generation George Carlin, Bill Maher etc. etc.



Thanks for the backup CC1. The check's in the mail.  ;)  No, I won't get an alter ego or big, inflated head CC1. Does a float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade count? Just Kidding!   :thmup:

Don't feel bad guys, my buddy SW1 has done it since I met him on the original Colts.com!  It is something that I have enjoyed.  The only problem is.  Does the 1st person SW1 like videos, and the 3rd person like football?  Which SW1 will let the old linebacker know 'the real answer.' :)

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I 'm starting that I need to add a special note about this on my Colts Forum profile page. There is a character on a TV show called Becker about a sarcastic Dr. named John Becker & he frequents this place known as Reggie's Diner. 1 of the regulars at Reggie's Diner in NY City is named Bob Whiley. Now, Mr. Whiley always refers to himself in the 3rd person. Bob hates this. Bob loves that sort of thing. Also, another forum member, BOTT, informed me that a character on "Seinfeld" named "Jimmy" used this comedic device first.


Why do I do this? Simple really. I always thought that speaking in the 3rd person is a great comical device to act as though a person is observing life's events from a distance above it all like a near death experience almost as if you are watching someone else live vicariously through you. In a nutshell, I am paying homage to Bob & Jimmy because I have a fondness for brilliant comedians that make you think & are kind of like the protest singers of my generation George Carlin, Bill Maher etc. etc.



Thanks for the backup CC1. The check's in the mail.  ;)  No, I won't get an alter ego or big, inflated head CC1. Does a float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade count? Just Kidding!   :thmup:



One problem...both the Bob and Jimmy characters were pretty much losers on the respective shows and, especially in the case of Jimmy, he was mocked quite a bit because of the fact he referred to himself in the 3rd person. ;)

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southwest1, on 20 Aug 2013 - 7:11 PM, said:snapback.png

I 'm starting that I need to add a special note about this on my Colts Forum profile page. There is a character on a TV show called Becker about a sarcastic Dr. named John Becker & he frequents this place known as Reggie's Diner. 1 of the regulars at Reggie's Diner in NY City is named Bob Whiley. Now, Mr. Whiley always refers to himself in the 3rd person. Bob hates this. Bob loves that sort of thing. Also, another forum member, BOTT, informed me that a character on "Seinfeld" named "Jimmy" used this comedic device first.


Why do I do this? Simple really. I always thought that speaking in the 3rd person is a great comical device to act as though a person is observing life's events from a distance above it all like a near death experience almost as if you are watching someone else live vicariously through you. In a nutshell, I am paying homage to Bob & Jimmy because I have a fondness for brilliant comedians that make you think & are kind of like the protest singers of my generation George Carlin, Bill Maher etc. etc.



Thanks for the backup CC1. The check's in the mail.  ;)  No, I won't get an alter ego or big, inflated head CC1. Does a float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade count? Just Kidding!   :thmup:



One problem...both the Bob and Jimmy characters were pretty much losers on the respective shows and, especially in the case of Jimmy, he was mocked quite a bit because of the fact he referred to himself in the 3rd person. ;)


I hope your not calling SW1 a loser , :nono:


That would not be cool . There are some folks whose lack of humor just don't allow them to get it & that is alright .  :scratch:


SW1 has lots of friends who do,& we don't laugh at him we laugh with him . :thmup:

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I did a little researching on the guy and found that he played one year at Pitt.  Born on 11/7/87.  He was the 13th rated WR by SuperPrep in 2007  I can't confirm how he was used at Pitt (i.e. slot, #2, etc.), but as a true freshman, he caught 5 passes for 100 yards and a TD and had 6 rushes for 47 yards.  He showed well at spring training and the blue/gold game, but was declared academically ineligible before the start of the 2008 season.  On paper, he comes across as a slightly bigger Percy Harvin type player, but talentwise, this comparison may obviously be premature.


He transferred to Div. II Edinboro University of Pittsburgh but never regained eligibility.  He had nearly a 4 year gap before playing in the Ultimate Indoor Football League, making it to the AFL shortly a

All in all, the guy could have some talent and a decent skill set to contribute, but I wouldn't have high expectations.  Reports have him running the 40 between 4.45 and 4.53, so not particularly fast.  No character flaws other than the above mentioned eligibility issue.  So to that extent, I think the biggest obstacle will be between the ears and how fast he can pick up the game at the NFL level.

4.45 - 4.53 is fast. A guy like that can run 100 meter from 10.5 to 11.1 depending on top speed.
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I expect he will get in on special teams and also I expect there will be a couple designed plays specifically for him next game for him to show what he can do, sadly though if its with our 3rd string QB he wont get a fair shot

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4.45 - 4.53 is fast. A guy like that can run 100 meter from 10.5 to 11.1 depending on top speed.

Well yeah it's fast, but, for a WR, if he ran a 4.45 in this year's combine, he'd be tied for 10th (out of 40 WRs) in 40 time.  If he ran a 4.53, he'd be right smack on the average WR speed.  So when I say that he's not particularly fast, I just simply mean that he doesn't have elite top end speed.

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In 2004, when Bob Sanders became a Colt, as a native of Bob's hometown, Erie, PA I began following the Colts. Even since his departure, I've followed and rooted for the Colts. I often visit the website and sparingly check the forums. This is the first time I have been inspired to register and write on the forum. Maurice Williams is also from Erie, Pennsylvania.

Maurice is an athlete who comes around a city every 10+ years. Moe was SUPPOSED to be "The Next Big Thing" around here.. He played it all and was the BEST at it all coming out of high school. I believe he was an all stater at QB and DB... He had several opportunities to go where he pleased for a few different positions. Anything you read on him, any video you see on him, does not do the raw ability he has justice!! He does things naturally that are rarely seen, he makes playing this game look easy


Moe played semi-pro (for free) for a team called the Erie Outlaws (NOW EXPRESS) a year or 2 ago, before playing in the ARENA LEAGUE .. he is a great story and there is no doubt he has passion for the game. Things that remain to be seen is if Moe has developed mentally and as a receiver... He doesn't have much experience (played 1 year of college) there but he is a RARE athlete. He is the fastest person I have seen on a field in a long while. If you watch his highlight tape from this season in Orlando, there are a handful of plays in which they cannot even lay a finger on him.

SEE HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP6kkph3kUo

DO NOT be surprised if MOE shocks "Colt Nation" and all the NFL.. The whole city is buzzing over Maurice's signing. He is from a family of Division 1 and college athletes.

- COLTS 814 - 

thanks for the inside info

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No problem! 


In addition, he is faster than a 4.53 and that is well known around here.. There are videos online of him running the 40.. "MAURICE WILLIAMS 40 YARD DASH" should do it

My story is a bit like yours

Although Princeton has no NFL stars(Princeton is Gil Hodges hometown) the Tri-State Region does and that is how I became a die hard Colt Fan back in 1995 when Ken Dilger was drafted(Ken is from a local high school)

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My story is a bit like yours

Although Princeton has no NFL stars(Princeton is Gil Hodges hometown) the Tri-State Region does and that is how I became a die hard Colt Fan back in 1995 when Ken Dilger was drafted(Ken is from a local high school)


Neat! Erie, PA is also home to former Colts Ed Hinkel (From Iowa, was a UDFA for the Colts a few years back) and Clifton Crosby who went to Maryland and spent a few years in the early 2000s as a DB for the Colts. Always great to follow the ones from your hometown!

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SW1 was merely trying to point out that being good at something several years ago doesn't always translate to being a dominant presence in football right here; right now. Using high school as a benchmark for future success is like saying just because a person's baby walks faster than everybody else's on your block they are predestined to be a gold metal olympic runner.


I'm not saying that you believe that unitaswestand or even stated that directly. Just that high school is a pretty useless experience in a person's life or at least it was in my case. I remember a cartoon I saw once. It showed a picture of a judge smiling at a defendant. Here was the caption below: "So, this is the guidance counselor who told me that I'd never amount to anything."  haha


Like Frank Sinatra says "Success is the best revenge." High school means absolutely nothing as a predictor of future success IMHO & Maurice Williams is no exception to that rule of thumb to me. 


Jimmy likes what he sees.  I wasn't trying to be mean, I just wanted to understand where it came from.  I'm not laughing at you or anything, and I hope it wasn't taken that way.  Thanks for the info!

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